CWSLO_Rubric_Oral Communication

Rubric for Effective Oral Communication
February 27, 2012
Organization and Development
Organize and deliver content
that is adapted to the audience,
purpose, context, and allotted
time. Includes point of view and
Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication delivery
techniques (e.g., volume,
gestures, posture, eye contact,
language). Maintains a confident
No organization. Content,
delivery and vocabulary are
inappropriate for audience,
context, purpose and allotted
Some basic organization exists.
Delivery is not clearly geared
toward audience. Sometimes
uses confusing words and terms.
Content is organized with a
point of view and is usually
delivered according to the
audience, purpose, vocabulary
and allotted time.
Content is well organized with a
clear point of view and
consistently delivered according
to the audience, context,
purpose, and allotted time, using
appropriate vocabulary.
No connection is made to the
audience. Vocal pauses, slang
and gestures constantly distract
the audience and overpower the
Inarticulate. Lacks confident
Occasionally connects with the
audience. Speaks in a voice that
is generally understandable;
sometimes volume, tone,
enunciation or pace interferes
with message. Maintains some
eye contact with an emerging
A connection is made with the
audience. Speaks in an
understandable voice, using
clear tone, enunciation and
reasonable pace most of the
time. Posture, eye contact and
presence display an adequate
level of confidence.
Listen actively and respond
thoroughly and thoughtfully to
questions. Maintain audience
attention and be aware of the
reaction of the audience.
Is inattentive to others when
they speak. Exhibits little or no
interest in information being
shared; no information seeking
questions are asked. Does not
consider the perspectives of
others. Is unaware or
disinterested in the reaction of
Supporting materials are not
incorporated or incorporated
inappropriately or unclearly.
No participation
Is occasionally inattentive to
others when they speak. Asks
questions to seek information;
questions are not always
pertinent. Sometimes finds it
difficult to consider the
perspectives of others. Shows
some awareness of the reaction
of the audience.
Some supporting materials are
used and an attempt is made to
incorporate them logically.
Opinions are stated as facts and
support for ideas is limited or
Is attentive to others when they
speak; is occasionally distracted
by others. Asks questions to
understand. Usually considers
the perspectives of others. Is
aware of the reaction of the
A strong connection is made
with the audience. Always
speaks in an understandable
voice, using clear tone,
enunciation and reasonable
pace. Message is clearly received
and facial expressions, eye
contact and confident presence
contribute to a successful
Is always attentive to others
when they speak. Asks pertinent
questions to understand.
Consistently considers the
perspectives of others. Is fully
aware of the reaction of the
Documentation and Supporting
Create and/or use appropriate
supporting materials or dialogue
to reinforce point of view.
Supporting materials are
incorporated and adequately
reinforce the point of view.
Contributions to the group are
generally supported by facts,
documentation, examples,
analogies, statistics, or personal
Supporting materials are
incorporated logically and
insightfully and reinforce the
point of view.
New ideas and contributions are
shared and consistently
supported by facts, examples,
analogies, statistics or personal