chapter 25 - Cengage Learning

The New Deal, 1933 - 1939
Rock Bottom
 Roosevelt takes charge
 “bank holiday”
 “fireside chats”
 FDR seen as a strong, unafraid communicator
 “First hundred days” legislation of the New Deal
 Civilian Conservation Corps
 Federal Emergency Relief Administration
 Civil Works Administration
 Concentrates on immediate relief, conservation,
and regional planning
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennessee Valley
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Economic Recovery
 New Deal and agriculture
 Agricultural Adjustment Act
 United States v. Butler
 Dust Bowl aggravates economic problems
 “Okies”
 National Industrial Recovery Act
 Public Works Administration
 National Recovery Administration
 746 codes for big business
 Schechter Poultry Company v. United States
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Dust Bowl
New Deal Diplomacy
 FDR pledges to put “first things first”
 New president recognizes communist
government of Soviet Union
Joseph Stalin
 FDR also advocates Good Neighbor Policy
 Pan-American Conference
 Batista and Cuba
 Cardenas and Mexico
Critics: Right and Left
 Some believe FDR has gone too far, while
others feel he has not gone far enough
 Huey Long
Demagogue from Louisiana
Share Our Wealth Society
 Father Charles Coughlin
 Concentrates on free silver
 Francis Townsend
 Advocates $200 per month pension for all Americans
over sixty
 Funded by 2 percent sales tax
The Second New Deal
 In “Second New Deal,” FDR expanded reforms
 Eleanor Roosevelt
 Social Security Act of 1935
 Frances Perkins
 “Old age insurance” for Americans
 Funded by payroll tax
 Wagner Act of 1935 addressed labor problems
 AFL and CIO
The Fascist Challenge
 Hitler becomes German chancellor in 1933
 Austrian born leader of the national Socialists
 Mein Kampf
 Germany took Rhineland in 1936
 Mussolini (Duce) rose to power in Italy in 1922
 Invaded Ethiopia in 1935
 Haile Selassie at the League of Nations
 Rome-Berlin Axis (1936)
 Americans desired neutrality and isolationism
 Neutrality Acts
Mandate from the People
 The 1936 election is landslide victory for
Alfred Landon
 Voting patterns undergo dramatic shift as African
Americans move into Democratic camp
Mary McCleod Bethune
Marian Anderson
Presidential Election, 1936
Popular Culture in the Depression
 Popular culture
 Life and Look magazines
 Superman
 Motion pictures
 Americans flock to nation’s movie theaters
 Snow White
 Some films illustrate problems facing Americans
 The Grapes of Wrath
 Politicians and public figures gravitate to radio
The Second Term
 FDR and the Supreme Court
 Court packing
 miscalculation for the president
 Supreme Court upheld Wagner Act and Social Security
 Labor strikes escalate
 “Sit down” strike
 Owners made concessions to workers, and tensions
 Republic’s South Chicago Mill Strike
Losing Ground
 Spanish Civil War divides Americans
 Abraham Lincoln Brigade
 Ernest Hemingway
 Germany becomes greater threat
 Sudetenland
 Neville Chamberlain
 Kristallnacht
 U.S. and world continues to look the other way
 Roosevelt moves toward tighter money policy,
but recession reappears
Discussion Questions
 What were the programs of the New Deal? Which
were successes and which were failures?
 How did FDR modify American foreign policy in
the face of the changing world of the 1930s?
 Explain why the Second New Deal focused more
on social reform and justice.
 Why were some Americans willing to become in
involved in the Spanish Civil War, but allowed
Hitler to annex the Sudetenland?