Ancient Egypt Study Guide

Ancient Egypt Study Guide
1. What does ancient mean?
Ancient means very, very old.
2. What continent is Egypt located in?
Egypt is located in Africa.
3. What major river is in Egypt
The Nile River is a major river in Egypt.
4. Describe the Nile River Valley.
The Nile River Valley flooded every year.
This flooding caused rich soil to spread along the river bank.
This rich soil was great for growing crops.
5. Describe the written language of ancient Egypt.
The written language of ancient Egypt was hieroglyphics.
6. Describe the pyramids of ancient Egypt.
The pyramids were large stone buildings built as tombs for kings (pharaohs).
It took about 20 years to build just one pyramid!
They are the oldest stone buildings in the world.
7. List some inventions from ancient Egypt.
Some inventions from ancient Egypt are paper made from papyrus,
a 365 day calendar, and a clock.
8. Describe the climate of ancient Egypt.
Egypt’s climate was hot and dry.
9. Describe the land of ancient Egypt.
Egypt’s land was mostly sandy desert.
There was also the Nile River Valley with flooded land.
10. Describe the plant life of ancient Egypt.
Plant life in ancient Egypt included grasses along the Nile River.
11. How did the people of ancient Egypt adapt to their environment?
The people of ancient Egypt farmed and irrigated the land near the Nile River.