How Cells Harvest Energy Chapter 7 Respiration • Organisms can be classified based on how they obtain energy: • autotrophs: are able to produce their own organic molecules through photosynthesis • heterotrophs: live on organic compounds produced by other organisms • All organisms use cellular respiration to extract energy from organic molecules. 2 Respiration • Respiration is a metabolic pathway of Redox Reactions • Respiration typically oxidizes carbohydrates • The type of molecule that is reduced determines the type of respiration • The energy produced is in the form of ATP 3 Respiration • Cellular respiration a metabolic pathway of redox reactions: -oxidation – loss of electrons – dehydrogenations: loss of hydrogen e-’s -reduction - gain of electrons – gain on hydrogen e-’s • Oxidized molecules actually loose a hydrogen atom (1 electron, 1 proton) • Both the protons and electrons are used by 4 Respiration • During respiration, high energy electrons are passed along chains of molecules Electron Transport Chains • Energy is released as molecules in the electron transport chains are oxidized • The energy released is used to power the production of ATP 5 6 Three Types of Respiration • Respiration type is determined by the final electron acceptors: 1. Aerobic Respiration: final electron receptor is oxygen (O2) 2. Anaerobic Respiration: final electron acceptor is an inorganic molecule other than O2 3. Fermentation: final electron acceptor is an organic molecule 7 Aerobic Respiration • Glucose contains chemical energy that can be transferred and stored as ATP • Aerobic Respiration is a metabolic pathway that oxidizes glucose and transfers the energy to produce ATP • Oxygen is the final electron acceptor: • Recall: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Glucose Oxygen 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + Energy Water Carbon Dioxide • The Energy is in the form of ATP Aerobic Respiration C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + Energy -Now- C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 38 ADP + 38 P 6 H2O + 6CO2 + 38 ATP Aerobic Respiration • Aerobic Respiration is a three stage process: Stage 1: Glycolysis Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle Stage 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation • Each of these stages produce ATP • At the end of all three stages, there is a net gain of 38 ATP molecules (profit) – recall: cells are very efficient because of Stage 1: Glycolysis • Glycolysis is a 10 step metabolic pathway that cleaves glucose • Glyo-lysis = “splitting glucose” • Glycolysis occurs in the cell’s cytoplasm – that’s where the enzymes for glycolysis are located Stage 1: Glycolysis Glycolysis converts glucose to pyruvate (pyruvic acid). - a 10-step biochemical pathway - occurs in the cytoplasm - 2 molecules of pyruvate are formed from each glucose - net production of 2 ATP molecules -2 NADH produced by reduction of 2 NAD+ –recall NADH just is an electron carrier –(see ch. 6) 13 Stage 1: Glycolysis • During Glycolysis, glucose (a 6 carbon molecule) is chopped up into 2 Pyruvates (each pyruvate is a 3 carbon molecule) • As glucose is cleaved, it is also being oxidized - loosing electrons (hydrogens) Figure 6_07 • Glucose is cut up into 2 Pyruvates in 10 steps Figure 6_07 • In step 1 ATP is used to phosphorylate glucose to make G-6-P • Phosphorylation • 2 ATP must be invested during first two steps of glycolysis destabilizes the glucose molecule so it can be cleaved • Phosphorylation reactions are carried out by enzymes known as Kinases - see chapter 6 and slide 38 Figure 6_07 • In step 2, G-6-P is converted to F-6-P • This step is carried out by • 2 ATP must be invested during first two steps of glycolysis an isomerase enzyme • recall isomers from ch. 3 and slide 32 Figure 6_07 •In step 3, 1 ATP is • 2 ATP must be invested during first two steps of glycolysis used to phosphorylate F-6-P to become F1,6-bP • this step is carried out by another kinase Figure 6_07 • In steps 4 and 5, the six-carbon molecule, F-1,3-bP is cleaved into 2 three-carbon molecules • G-3-P and Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) • Dihydroxyacetone phosphate is immediately converted into another G-3-P Figure 6_07 Very Important! • Steps 6-10 occur twice for every glucose that enters glycolysis • because there are now two G-3P’s Figure 6_07 • In step 6, G-3-P’s are oxidized • one NAD+ is reduced to produce one NADH • Also in step 6, G-3-P’s are phosphorylated to produce 1,3-BPG Figure 6_07 • One ATP is produced in step 7 • 1,3-BPG is dephosphorylated to become 3-BPG • ADP is phosphorylated to ATP Figure 6_07 • Steps 8 and 9 involve structural changes of 3BPG to become Phosphoenolpyruvate Figure 6_07 • In step 10, one more ATP is produced as Phosphoenolpyruvate is dephosphorylated to become Pyruvic Acid • another kinase Fig. 7.6-1 Fig. 7.6-2 Fig. 7.6-3 Fig. 7.7-1 Fig. 7.7-2 Fig. 7.7-3 Glycolysis Totals Per Glucose Costs – 2 ATP Yield – 2 NADH – 4 ATP Net Gain from Glycolysis – 2 ATP – 2 NADH Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP, 2 NADH Pyruvate1 Pyruvate 2 NAD+, NADH • During redox reactions, electrons carry energy from one molecule to another • NAD+ is an electron carrier • NAD+ functions to carry electrons by carrying Hydrogen atoms - NAD+ accepts 2 electrons and 1 proton to become NADH - The reaction is reversible - NAD+ + 2e-’s + 1p+ NADH 33 NAD+ NAD+ Reduced to NADH 36 37 FAD • FAD is very similar to NAD+ • It has the same function of collecting and carrying Hydrogen atoms from one molecule to another • FAD can carry 2 Hydrogen atoms • FAD is Reduced to FADH2 Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle • Also known as The Citric Acid Cycle – citrate is the first molecule produced in this cycle • The Krebs cycle is a metabolic pathway that further cleaves and oxidizes pyruvate • The Krebs Cycle occurs in the cell membrane of Prokaryotic Cells and in the mitochondria of Eukaryotic Cells • In mitochondria, a multienzyme complex called pyruvate dehydrogenase catalyzes the reaction Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle • The Krebs cycle is fueled with pyruvates from glycolysis – recall, there are 2 Pyruvates made from each Glucose, so there are 2 Krebs Cycles for every glucose molecule • Prep Step - before pyruvate enters the mitochondria for the Krebs cycle it is cleaved, oxidized and converted to become Acetyl-Coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA) Pyruvate Acetyl-CoA Krebs Cycle CO2 Prep Step: Pyruvate Oxidation • Pyruvates are oxidized to form AcetylCoA – a CO2 moiety of pyruvate is exchanged for a Coenzyme A(CoA) moiety • The products of pyruvate oxidation include: - 1 CO2 1 NADH 1 acetyl-CoA which consists of 2 carbons from pyruvate attached to coenzyme A • Acetyl-CoA proceeds to the Krebs cycle 42 Prep Step: Pyruvate Oxidation • Prep Step: Pyruvates are converted to Acetyl-CoA with the release of CO2 in a preparation step 44 Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle • The Krebs cycle further oxidizes the acetyl group from pyruvate. - Occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria - Biochemical pathway of 5 steps - First Step: Each Acetyl-CoA (2 carbon per molecule) is bonded to an Oxaloacetate (a 4 carbon molecule) to produce Citrate acetyl group + oxaloacetate (2 carbons) (4 carbons) citrate (6 carbons) 45 Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle First Step of Krebs Cycle: • Each Acetyl CoA (2 carbon per molecule) is bonded to an Oxaloacetate (a 4 carbon molecule) • The new molecule made is Citrate (a 6 carbon molecule) acetyl-CoA + oxaloacetate (2 carbons) (4 carbons) citrate (6 carbons) Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle • Citrate undergoes a five step cycle that builds additional ATPS • During the Krebs Cycle additional NADH’s and FADH2’s are produced • Citrate is eventually converted back into oxaloacetate and the cycle continues 48 Fig. 7.12-2 In step 1, acetyl-CoA enters the mitochondria and combines with oxaloacetate to form citrate Fig. 7.12-2 Citrate is further oxidized to produce 3 NADH and and FADH2 Fig. 7.12-2 2 CO2’s are produced as Citrate is converted back into oxaloacetate Fig. 7.12-2 The regenerated oxaloacetate is ready for another Acetyl-CoA and the Krebs cycle continues Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle • The remaining steps of the Krebs cycle: - release 2 molecules of CO2 - reduce 3 NAD+ to 3 NADH - reduce 1 FAD (electron carrier) to FADH2 - produce 1 ATP - regenerate oxaloacetate 53 The Krebs Cycle Totals (per pyruvate) Totals Costs • 2 ATP Yields • 2 CO2 • 3 NADH • 1 FADH2 • 1 GTP (immediately converted to 1 ATP) Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP, 2 NADH Pyruvate1 Pyruvate 2 Pyruate converted to Acetyl Co-A 2 ATP 1 ATP, 2 CO2 3 NADH, 1 FADH2 Aerobic Respiration Review • After glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the Krebs cycle, one glucose has been completely cleaved and oxidized to produce: - 6 CO2 - 4 ATP - 10 NADH - 2 FADH2 These electron carriers proceed to the electron transport chain for stage 3 of aerobic respiration 56 Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP, 2 NADH Pyruvate1 Pyruvate 2 Pyruate converted to Acetyl Co-A 2 ATP 2 ATP, CO2 8 NADH, 2 FADH2 34 ATP Electron Transport Chain NADH, FADH2 Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain • The electron transport chain (ETC) is a series of membrane-bound electron carrier molecules called cytochromes - embedded in the mitochondrial inner membrane - electrons from NADH and FADH2 are transferred to cytochromes of the ETC - each cytochrome transfers the electrons to the next cytochrome in the chain 58 Fig. 7.13a Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain Energy from the Electrons • As the electrons are transferred, some electron energy is released with each transfer • This energy is used by the cytochromes to pump protons (H+) across the membrane from the matrix to the inner membrane space 61 62 Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain Energy from the Protons • Electron energy is used by the cytochromes to pump protons (H+) across the membrane from the matrix to the inner membrane space • A proton gradient is established – There are more protons on the 63 Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain • The cytochromes are channel proteins and use the electron energy to pump protons (H+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane – Now there are more protons on the inside of the membrane than the outside • A proton gradient is established • This proton gradient is potential energy that can be utilized to make more ATP’s – Recall diffusion: The protons want to equalize their number on both sides of the membrane Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain • There are other channel proteins in the membrane known as ATP synthases • ATP synthases provide a channel for the protons to diffuse through • The rushing protons provides the energy for ATP synthase to phosphorylate ADP to ATP 68 69 Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain • In Aerobic Respiration, oxygen is the final molecule to receive the hydrogens as they are passed down the Electron Transport Chain • The result is water: O2 + 4e- + 4H+ 2H2O • Oxygen is reduced to water Oxygen is the Final Electron Acceptor in Aerobic Respiration The Electron Transport Chain Energy Yield of Respiration • The ETC is very efficient and produces most of the ATP for cellular respiration (34 of the 38) • Theoretical energy yields – 38 ATP per glucose for bacteria – 36 ATP per glucose for eukaryotes • Actual energy yield – 30 ATP per glucose for eukaryotes – reduced yield is due to “leaky” inner membrane – reduced yield also due to chemiosis - the use of the proton gradient for purposes other than ATP synthesis 72 73 Glucose 2 ATP 4 ATP, 2 NADH Pyruvate1 Pyruvate 2 Pyruate converted to Acetyl Co-A 2 ATP 2 ATP, CO2 8 NADH, 2 FADH2 30+ ATP And H2O Electron Transport Chain NADH, FADH2 Respiration Without O2 • Respiration occurs without O2 via either: 1. Anaerobic Respiration • use of inorganic molecules (other than O2) as the final electron acceptor 2. Fermentation • use of organic molecules as the final electron acceptor 75 Oxidation Without O2 • Anaerobic respiration produces fewer ATPs per glucose molecule compared to Aerobic Respiration • Anaerobic respiration is much less efficient than aerobic respiration • The exact amount of ATP production depends on the organism and the final electron acceptors that are used Oxidation Without O2 • Anaerobic respiration is much less efficient than aerobic respiration – the ETC is bypassed – not all molecules are as readily reduced as O2 – other final electron acceptors may be reduced to produce harmful products • fermentation of organic molecules produces acids and alcohols Oxidation Without O2 • Anaerobic respiration by methanogens – methanogens reduce CO2 to regenerate NAD+ – CO2 is reduced to CH4 (methane) • Anaerobic respiration by sulfur bacteria – inorganic sulphate (SO4) is reduced to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 78 Oxidation Without O2 Fermentation reduces organic molecules in order to regenerate NAD+ 1. Ethanol fermentation occurs in yeast 2. Lactic acid fermentation occurs in animal cells (especially muscles) 79 Oxidation Without O2 Fermentation reduces organic molecules in order to regenerate NAD+ 1. Ethanol fermentation • NADH reduces acetaldehydes to produce ethanol (an alcohol) • CO2, ethanol, and NAD+ are produced 2. Lactic acid fermentation • NADH reduces pyruvate to produce lactic acid 80 Fig. 7.19-1 Fig. 7.19-2 Other Nutrients Serve as Energy Sources • In addition to Glucose, many other molecules can be used by cells to produce energy through cellular respiration • A variety of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins can be catabolized for energy • All of these must go through preparatory steps before they can enter into glycolysis • For example: – Amino acids must go through a deamination process – Fatty Acids must go through beta oxidation Catabolism of Protein & Fat Catabolism of proteins: • Amino acids undergo deamination to remove the amino group (H2N-) - amino group removed as urea in the urine • Remainder of the amino acid is converted to a molecule that enters glycolysis or the Krebs cycle - for example: • amino acid alanine is converted to pyruvate to enter Krebs cycle • animo acid aspartate is converted to oxaloacetate84 to enter Fig. 7.21 Catabolism of Protein & Fat • Catabolism of fats: – triglycerides are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol – fatty acids are converted to acetyl groups by -oxidation – acetyl groups can enter the Krebs cycle • The respiration of a 6-carbon fatty acid yields 20% more energy than glucose 86 87 Amino Acids Lipids Preparatory Steps 89