Hero and the Quest Assessment Choose one of the following

Hero and the Quest Assessment
Choose one of the following projects in order to demonstrate your understanding of the literature
covered in the unit. You will also be working on 21st century communication skills as a bonus!
Monomyth – The Cycle Continues…
Create a vivid, colorful, interesting illustration of the monomythic proccess as applied to TWO of the
selections we read. Your illustration should show the similarities and differences of your two choices.
You should digitize it as a wiki page, PowerPoint, Word Document, or Prezi. [solo or pair]
Heroes in Pop Culture
Research allusions to Sinbad/1001 Arabian Nights, Perceval/Arthurian Romances, and Don Quixote in
popular culture – movies, music, television, advertising, etc… Create an interactive wiki that illustrates
those allusions and explains the influence of literature on society. [solo or pair]
We Can Be Heroes
Write an essay explaining your definition of heroes in society today. Compare and contrast that
definition with the heroes we met in the literature. Post your essay as a wiki page and include
pertinent links or images that illustrate your ideas. [solo]
Show and Tell
Assemble important objects that appear in Achilles, Perceval, and Don Quixote. Write up a table of
contents that explains your choices on a sign, symbol, and archetype level. Post the table of contents
and images of your objects on a wiki page. [solo or pair]
A Hero Study Guide
Create a wiki page that can function as a study guide for this unit. Consider posting definitions of
literary terms, links for further reading or background, and image that illustrate the ideas. [solo or pair]
Your Own Idea
You have four days in the computer lab. Projects are due at the end of class on Friday the 4th – no
exceptions!!! You may need to work a bit outside of class to meet the deadline. Feel free to use your
wiki space to access information between school and home OR to collaborate with your partners.
Criteria for Excellence
Creative and shows an independent and unique perspective
Ideas are expressed clearly and uses proper conventions of grammar
Shows a strong grasp and command of the literature
Shows evidence of teamwork or outstanding individual effort
Fully completes the project in a timely manner