Junior English Welcome, attendance, seats Name in handbook

Junior English
Welcome, attendance, seats
Name in handbook
Syllabus and materials
Binder with tabs
HW: Binder, tabs, signature, rules quiz Fri, summer reading books/notes due Monday
Check Binder and Signature
Procedures and rules
Hand out summer reading assignment info. and point totals
Discuss Themes and intro activity
Fitz. Biography and Art of Annotation
HW: Binder, tabs, signature, rules quiz Fri, Fitz quiz and annotations
Check Binder and Sig – issue detentions
Check annotations of Fitz bio.
Rules quiz and Fitz quiz
Review themes
Fitz. Life p862
Start Winter Dreams and answer quest.
HW: Binder, tabs, sig, summer reading books/notes due Monday
Collect/check notes and books
In class essay on summer reading novel
HW: Winter Dreams and questions pages 843-849 (Q1-3)
Check binders and sig last time – issue detentions
Fitz movie on life
Winter Dreams quest. and notes
HW: none
Finish Winter Dreams and review questions in class (last two chapters)
Review for quiz
HW: Study for quiz
Collect questions
Winter Dreams Quiz
Pass out Gatsby Book and record #
Intro to Gatsby and review themes
HW: none
Junior English
Review Winter Dreams quiz
Read Ch 1 together, quest 1-19
HW: 1-19, Ch 1
Gatsby Ch 1 review, check quest
Meet narrator activity
Start Ch 2
HW: Ch 2 and half questions, quiz chapter one tomorrow
Finish narrator activity, pg 1 and 2 WS
Quiz Ch 1
Review Ch 2 questions, discuss “Great”
Finish Ch2 out loud with questions
HW: Ch 2, Quest 30-38
Review quiz
Check Ch 2 quest
Schematic on Plot/Conflict/Character
Review idea on details and elaboration
HW: Ch 3 (p 39-50) Q 1-10
Check questions Ch 3
Elaboration Activity (Todd and V)
Create outline
HW: Outline
Check Outlines and add detail
Read to team and give feedback, typed draft due in two days
Read Gatsby Ch3
HW: Ch 3 finish, Q 11-24 pg 50-60, type draft
Check Ch 3 questions: groups, correct answers on everyone’s paper and I will select one from
group to give team score
Watch Roaring 20’s video, answer questions
HW: Ch 2 and 3 quiz tomorrow, type draft
Quiz Ch 2-3
Self edit papers silently
Collect typed draft of detail essay and edit for them
HW: Read Ch 4 pages 60-70 and questions
Hand back essays
Character description WS
Read some of Ch 4 out loud
Junior English
HW: Final essay due in two days, Read Ch 4 (p 70-80) and questions
Check Ch 4 questions
20’s video
Read Ch 5 in class with questions
HW: Final essay, Ch 4 quiz tomorrow
Ch 4 quiz
Finish Ch 5 (p 81-96) with questions
Review Ch 4 quiz
Check Ch 5 questions
Read Ch 6 together
HW: Ch 5 quiz tomorrow
Ch 5 quiz
Finish Ch 6, read together
HW: Ch 6 quiz tomorrow
Ch6 quiz
Watch Movie
HW: Ch 7
Review Ch 5 and 6 quizzes
Read Ch 7 and questions
HW: Ch 7
Review Ch 7 and discuss
Ch 7 quotes activity, groups of 2
HW: Finish Ch 7, quote quiz in two days (Ch 1-7)
Check Ch 7 quotes WS
Go over review questions
Quote HW assignment
HW: Quote assignment and study
Ch 1-7 quote quiz
Gunman and Racketeer Article, annotate
HW: Annotation of article
Junior English
Gunman and Racketeer quiz in groups
HW: Read Ch 8 and questions
Go over character descriptions
Review Ch 8
Watch Video
HW: Finish Ch 8
Check Ch 8 questions
Extended journal on Nick or Gatsby
HW: Finish Ch 9
Review Ch 9
Review essay requirements
Pass out binder check sheets
Find quotes to use in essay
HW: Study for test and find quotes
Gatsby test review
Practice test questions, group work
HW: study and find quotes
Review Gatsby Essay Project, find quotes
HW: Thesis and Outline
Check Thesis and outline and quotes
***Computer lab, type outline and thesis
HW: Paper and quotes
***Computer lab
HW: Paper 1st draft due and ACT Vocab
First Draft Due
Vocab words and review
Edit paper for thesis and flow
Edit papers in commons with a partner
HW: Final essay due in two days
Edit paper for sentence structure
Introduction to BLBC, drug information, social critique, author information
Cocaine activity
Junior English
Pass out books and get #
Character descriptions, object description WS
HW: Final paper
Edit paper for verb tense
Collect Gatsby books
BLBC Ch 1 and questions
HW: Ch 1
Check Ch 1 Quest
Discussion Quest
HW: Ch 2 and half Quest, Quiz tomorrow on Ch 1
Collect Gatsby Essay
Quiz Ch 1
Practice Vocab
Finish Ch 2
HW: Ch 2 finish
Review Ch 2 quest
Discussion Quest
HW: Study quiz Ch 2 tomorrow
Quiz Ch 2
Read Ch 3
HW: Ch 3 with half Quest
Hand back essays
Cover Appositives
Ch 3 Review
HW: Finish Ch3
Check Ch 3 quest
Interview Newsweek Article
Work on annotations
HW: study Ch 3 for quiz
Quiz Ch 3
ACT Vocab
Reread article
HW: Ch4 Quest
Inferential question quiz on BLBC article
Junior English
Check quiz in class
Writing in 2nd person activity
HW: Finish Ch 4
Vocab quiz
Review Ch 4
Discussion questions
HW: Ch 5
Ch 4 Discussion quest
Ch 5
HW: Ch 5
Finish Ch 4 discussion questions
Ch 4 quiz
HW: finish Ch 5
Discuss Ch 5
Go over review questions
HW: Ch 6, study for quiz
Ch 5 quiz
HW: Finish Ch 6
Ch 6 discussion
Writing assignment: 2-3 paragraphs on character comparison
HW: Ch 7 and questions
Ch 6 and 7 quiz, open book
Finish character comparisons
HW: Ch 8, take notes
Review quiz
Collect writing assignment
Read Ch 8 in class
HW: Ch 9 read and take notes, 1 question and 1 vocab word
Vocab review
Speed dating with Ch 8 and 9 questions
HW: Ch 9 notes or questions
Vocab practice
Ch 10 and questions
Junior English
HW: Ch 10 and quest
Vocab quiz
Check Ch10 quest
Discuss Ch 10
HW: Ch 11 take notes
Check Ch 11 notes
Ch 11 discussion, and questions in groups
HW: Ch 12 Finish
Check Ch 12 and questions
Ch 12 discussion
HW: review for test
Review with class for test
Puritan Plym Plantation reading
HW: Review for test
BLBC written test
HW: Finish Plym Plantation reading
BLBC objective test
HW: Finish Plym Plantation reading
Miller background
Plym Plantation questions
HW: finish questions
Sinners Article
Annotated Bibliography Project
HW: Essential question
Annotated Bib project in comp lab
HW: Essential question
Crucible books hand out and give overview
HW: An Bib
Junior English
Annotated Bib project in comp lab
HW: annotate articles
Crucible Act I (pg 13-25)
HW: Annotation of articles
Annotated Bib project in comp lab
Hand in project at the end of class
HW: none
Final Essay Prompt presented
Act I of Crucible (commons p25-35)
HW: Final essay
Act I finish in class (p 35-48)
HW: Study for Act I test, write final essay
Essay draft due (peer edited and then handed in)
Act I Test
HW: none
Essay drafts returned
Act II (p 49-60)
HW: Rewrite 2nd draft of essay
2nd draft of essay checked and stamped
Act II (commons p61-71)
HW: Type final draft of essay
Th 15
Act II (p71-81)
Movie (if time)
HW: Final essay typed
Junior English
Turn in 2 drafts and final typed essay with rubric sheet
Final review for objective test
Finish Act II
HW: review questions
Final review for objective test
HW: review questions
Winter Break
Interim week
Junior English
(M) Review finals
Clean out binder, save only Crucible papers
Start Act III (in class)
P83-93 in class
HW: None
Read in commons P93-106
HW: none
Junior ACT testing (Wed.) Per 1-4
HW: none
Read together in class pg 106-120
HW: Literary Analysis WS
HW: None
Second Semester Tuesday, Jan. 17
Welcome, attendance, seats
Syllabus and binder check
Rules and Procedures
Review Jr. English Themes
HW: 3 ring binder by Friday, rules quiz Thursday, read page 121-128 and questions
Intro to essay writing prompt
Hand out vocabulary sheets, incorporate 3 words into essay and underline
Write first draft in commons
HW: finish first draft due Thursday, rules quiz Thursday
Rules quiz
Peers edit drafts with check list, underline vocabulary words
Hand into teacher
Finish Act IV and questions pg. 129-145
HW: Finish Act IV, binder due Friday
Binder Check
Pass back drafts
Students create quotes quiz for a partner (10 quotes)
Teacher feedback on papers in commons
HW: Complete second draft, due Monday
Junior English
(M) Collect both drafts
Introduce second writing prompt and write in commons
HW: first draft due Tuesday
Peers edit drafts with check list, underline 3 vocabulary words
Hand into teacher
Take quotes quiz with a partner, practice quiz from Act III and IV
HW: study for test
Crucible test Act III and IV
Teacher hands back drafts
HW: Rewrite second draft of paper
Check 2nd draft and stamp
Students pick which paper they want to publish
Review Crucible test
HW: Type final published essay, Due Monday
Introduce Devil and Tom Walker
Read and answer questions together
HW: type essay
(M) Collect typed essay
Finish Devil and Tom Walker
HW: questions, last 3 in paragraph form
Collect Devil and Tom Walker questions
Transcendentalist information and power point
Anticipation WS “Deep Stuff”, team-pair-share
Start reading “Self Reliance”
HW: none
Journal on Non-conformity (10 minute free write)
Read and annotate Self Reliance
HW: finish annotation
Journal free writing (15 minutes)
Self Reliance questions
HW: finish questions
Junior English
Collect Self Reliance questions
ACT preparation questions
Start Civil Disobedience, Thoreau
HW: none
(M) Reading Civil Disobedience, Thoreau
HW: questions
Watch video, Alone in the Wilderness
Read Of Walden Pond
HW: questions (half)
Finish Alone in the Wilderness
Finish Walden and questions
Walden review
Thoreau’s Reflection on Seasons
HW: none
ACT preparation questions
Walden/Season’s Reflection writing prompt
HW: essay draft due Monday
(M) Peers edit first draft using check sheet
Hand into teacher
Read Whitman p396
HW: read poem and summarize
Teacher feedback in commons, drafts returned
Read Whitman poems and answer questions
HW: poem questions, typed final essay due Thursday
Sand County Almanac by Leopold
Reading xvii-xix and questions
January reading p 3-5 and questions
HW: Type essay
Essay Due
Transcendentalist Test Review
Finish Whitman
HW: study
Transcendentalist test
HW: none
Junior English
(Tues) Review Test
ACT Preparation
Twain Introduction questions 1-14
Twain p678, Epigrams
HW: none
Review Epigrams
Epigram assignment
Twaine A & E video
HW: Epigram paragraph
Check Epigram
Life on Mississippi Info
Steamboat phrases
HW: none
ACT preparation
Life on Mississippi Questions
Read in groups
HW: Visualizing concept map
(M) Importance of Description and Detail
PP on Description and Activity
HW: study and find essay picture for descriptive essay
Picture is needed for TOMORROW
Draft of descriptive essay in class (need picture)
Life on Mississippi review questions
HW: study and Descriptive essay
Review for Twain quiz activity
HW: study and type essay
Turn in Descriptive essay
Twain Quiz
Start Jumping Frog
HW: Finish typing essay
Institute Day – No Classes
Junior English
(M) ACT preparation
Jumping Frog and questions
HW: Powerful Memories/Powerful Words reading
Paragraph response to PM/PW reading
PP on Twain’s Huck Finn (Introduction)
HW: Ch 1 & 2
Review questions
Read Ch 3 & 4
HW: Ch 3-4
Review questions
Character Sheet
HW: Ch 5-7, Quiz Ch 1-5 tomorrow
Review questions
Quiz Ch1-5
HW: 8-11
ACT Preparation
Review Ch 8-11
Writing Prompt Childhood Fun Essay
Rough draft written in class
HW: Ch12-16
(M) Self and Peer edit draft
Conference with students on drafts
HW: Ch 14-16, type essay
Review questions
Superstitions Activity Questions
HW: Study for quiz Ch 6-15, type essay
Quiz Ch 6-15
Childhood Fun Essay due
Collect Superstitions Activity
HW: Ch 17-18
Character relationships activity
Watch movie
HW: Ch19-24
Junior English
ACT Preparation
Review questions
HW: Ch21-22
Review questions
HW: Read Ch 23-24
Review questions
Compare & Contrast Duke vs. King and Huck vs. Jim
HW: Ch25-26
Quiz Ch 16-26
HW: 27-33
Friday PTC – no classes
Spring Break
(M) April 2
Review quiz
Review Ch 27-33
HW: Read 34-37
(T) April 3 ACT Test form completion
HW: Read Ch 38-40
(W) April 4 ACT Test form completion
Review Ch 34-40
HW: Ch 41
(Th) Review Ch41
Group Reading
HW: Finish
F April 6 – no classes
(M) Review for test
HW: study
HW: none
Junior English
Research paper introduction
Create essential question and thesis
Work on prewriting
Computer lab research
HW: paper
In class: quotes, annotations, thesis and outline
HW: paper
(M) Computer lab research
HW: paper
In class: quotes, annotations, writing
HW: paper
Computer lab research and first draft writing
HW: paper
Computer lab writing first draft
HW: paper
Computer lab writing first draft
HW: finish entire first draft
(M) Editing in class
T 24 PSAE testing
HW: finish final draft
W 25 PSAE testing
HW: finish final draft
Papers DUE
Turn in books
Read “Soft Rain” short story
HW: “Soft Rain”
Introduction to “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy
HW: p 2-19
Junior English
(M) Review p 2-19
Writing assign: What would you want in your cart and who you would want with you?
Group share: Speaker shares main ideas from group
HW: 20-37
Review main ideas p20-37
HW: p37-51
Review p37-51
HW: 52-68
Review quiz
Review p52-68
Letter to mother Activity
HW: 68-89, Starter Sentence WS (5 due)
Everyone share a sentence starter
Review p68-89
HW: Finish p68-89, Starter Sent. WS
(M7) Read p90-117
Group reading
HW: 90-117
Discussion questions (Mystery Envelopes)
HW: 90-117
Preparation for Journey WS
HW: P117-144, review for quiz
Go over Journey WS
HW: p144-161
Review quiz
Survival prompt writing assignment (?)
HW: p161-175
(M14) Review p161-175
Imagery Act with picture
HW: p176-201, picture
Junior English
Review 176-201
In class reading
HW: p201-231
Terrifying Description Writing assign.
HW: p231-255
Review p231-255
HW: p255-270
Review p255-270
HW: p270-287, finish essay
(M21)Essay due
Review for final quiz
HW: study
Road quiz
Collect notes packet
HW: none
Junior English