SCORM (seminar PK, 9/01/2004)

(Sharable Content Object
Reference Model)
Otwarty standard reprezentacji zawartości dydaktycznej
opracowany przez ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning).
Standard zapewniający przenaszalności zawartości
dydaktycznej pomiędzy systemami różnych producentów
oraz gwarantujący wielokrotne użycie poszczególnych
fragmentów kursu. Korzystanie ze standardu znacząco
obniża koszt obsługi kursów.
ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning)
ADL Co-Labs (ADL Co-Laboratories)
AICC (Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee)
API (Application Program Interface)
ARIADNE (Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring & Distribution
Networks for Europe)
CMI (Computer Managed Instruction)
CRADAs (Cooperative Research and Development Agreements)
CSF (Content Structure Format)
DKE (Digital Knowledge Environment)
DL (Distance Learning)
DLIELC (Defense Language Institute English Language Center)
DoD (Department of Defense)
ESSO (English Skills for Staff Officers in Multinational Operations)
ET (Embedded Training)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IMI (Interactive Multimedia Instruction)
IT (Information Technology)
LMS (Learning Management Systems)
LOM (Learning Object Metadata)
PMTRASYS (Marine Corps. Systems Command Program Manager for
Training Systems)
MOA (Memorandum of Agreement)
MOE (Measures of Effectiveness)
MOP (Measures of Performance)
NATO IT/ED (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Training Group Working
Group on Individual Training and Education Developments)
NAVAIR Orlando (Naval Air Warfare Center)
NAWC-TSD (Office of the Coast Guard Liaison)
NUWC Division Keyport (Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport)
NVC (National Voluntary Contribution)
N00T (U.S. Navy, Director of Training and Education)
OUSD P&R (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Content Object Reference Model)
SCOs (Sharable Content Objects)
TFADLAT (Total Force Advanced Distributed Learning Action Team)
T2 (Training Transformation)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
Links for distance eLearning and Quality in Education
ARIADNE , Aliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe now it is
Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool, Joint european academic consortium. Lausanne, Switzerland.
ARIADNE foundation offers WBT authoring, delivery and management tools.
AICC(Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee) , has been serving the aviation training
industry since 1988
ADL SCORM (Advanced Distributed Learning, Sharable Content Object Reference Model). The SCORM is
a collection of specifications adapted from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive suite of e-learning
capabilities that enable interoperability, accessibility and reusability of Web-based learning content.
ACM (Aliance for Computing Machinery) standard of curricula
BSI / ISO CEN / ISS Europe
"CETIS(Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards). For learning content, not only
technical standards like graphics interchange formats are needed, but also formats for the way in which the
packaging, sequencing, and other management of the software is handled, so that it can be transferred
between platforms and environments.
DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata ...)
(EDEN) European Distance Education Network, hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary
IMS (Instructional Management System), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. is defining On-line Learning
Specifications and the internet architecture for learning , also
e-Learning Leaders form Coalition to Coordinate Activities
IEEE LTSA (Learning Technology System Architecture)
LCMS (Learning Content Management System)
Open Knowledge Initiative, MIT
Schools Interoperability Framework
Analiza SWOT systemów
e-learning, wg. Niklasinski:
Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threads
Silne strony
Znaczne ograniczenie kosztów przy
szkoleniach na dużą skalę (korzystne
Dobra skalowalność systemu i
materiału dydaktycznego,
Słabe strony
Samodzielna praca ucznia w dowolnym
Wysokie koszty przy wdrożeniach na
małą skalę,
Alternatywny sposób wypełnienia luki
Wymagana infrastruktura
Stosunkowo mała liczba e-kursów,
Duży nakład pracy podczas
przygotowywania e-kursów
Niewłaściwe nastawienie ucznia do
systemu (brak samodzielnej kontroli
Niechęć do innowacyjnych rozwiązań,
Niestabilna praca systemu
Wadliwie zaprojektowany interfejs i ekurs
Korzystne perspektywy rozwoju dzięki
dynamicznemu postępowi w dziedzinie
informatyki ,
Dotarcie do wielu rozproszonych
Uzyskanie wsparcia z UE
Zorientowanie e-kursów na potrzeby
indywidualnego odbiorcy (np.
indywidualizacja tempa uczenia się),
Zastosowanie multimediów w ekursach
Next conferences / Prochaines conférences
• IBCE'04: Second IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control
Education Grenoble (France)5th-7th September 2004
• 15th EAEEIE International Conference Sofia (Bulgaria)27th-29th
May 2004
• International Conference on Information Technology Based Highe
Education and Training (ITHET'04) Istanbul (Turkey)31st May 2nd June 2004
• 16th EAEEIE International Conference Prague (Czech
• 17th EAEEIE International Conference Limerick (Ireland)2006
• 18th EAEEIE International Conference A Baltic State2007