THE STAR SAINT DAVID’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA 9169 ACADEMY ROAD PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 PHONE: 215-332-7424 FAX: 215-333-5096 EMAIL: STDAVIDSELCA@COMCAST.NET WEBSITE: WWW.SAINTDAVIDSELCA.ORG OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY – FRIDAY 10:00AM – 1:00PM CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR: SALLY KALESSE MUSIC DIRECTOR: JOE MCARDLE THE REVEREND KEVIN V. HILGENDORF NORTHEAST CONFERENCE WEBSITE: NECPHILA.ORG NOVEMBER 2014 GREETINGS BLESSED SAINTS! "Lord God, you have surrounded us with so great a cloud of witnesses. Grant that we, encouraged by the example of your servants, may persevere in the course that is set before us and, at the least, share in your eternal joy with all the saints in light, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen." ~ ELW p.59 ('Saints') "Help Me to Keep in Touch" Give me roots to grow. Touch me, Mom and Dad. Hear me when I really hurt. Touch me, friend. Love more than the physical me. Touch me, my dearest one. Move me beyond myself into new worlds. Touch me, all you strangers. "Litany of the Saints" ELW #237 Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Fill my life with meaning. Touch me, God. ~ Keep in Touch by H. Ahrens, Jr. (p.93) Those who have gone before us in faith and now who rest in their labors: +Arlene Ashworth +Ray Harkins +Bill Schiffler +RuthAnn Palko +Bernice Bane +Ellwood Simon +Katherine Lindenmuth The Star 1 Be gracious to us; Hear us, O God. Deliver your people: Hear us, O God. You loved us before the world was made; Hear us, O Lord. You rescued the people of your promise: Hear us, O God. You spoke through your prophets: Hear us, O God. You gave your only Son for the life of the world. Hear us, O God. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: Great is your love. and was born of the Virgin Mary: Great is your love. who by his cross and suffering redeemed the world: Great is your love. and has washed us from our sins: Great is your love. who on the third day rose from the dead: Great is your love. and has given us the victory: Great is your love. who ascended on high: Great is your love. and intercedes for us at the right hand of God: Great is your love. For the gift of the Holy Spirit: Thanks be to God. For the one holy catholic apostolic church: Thanks be to God. For the great cloud of witnesses into which we are baptized: Thanks be to God. For Sarah and Abraham, Isaac and Rebekah: Thanks be to God. For Gideon and Deborah, David and Esther: Thanks be to God. For Moses and Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel: Thanks be to God. For Miriam and Rahab, Abigail and Ruth: Thanks be to God. For Mary, mother of our Lord: Thanks be to God. For John, who baptized in the Jordan: Thanks be to God. For Mary Magdalene and Joanna, Mary and Martha: Thanks be to God. For James and John, Peter and Andrew: Thanks be to God. For Paul and Apollos, Stephen and The Star 2 Phoebe: Thanks be to God. For all holy men and women, our mothers and fathers in faith: Thanks be to God. For the noble band of prophets: Thanks be to God. For the glorious company of the apostles: Thanks be to God. For the white-robed army of martyrs: Thanks be to God. For the cherubim and seraphim, Michael and the holy angels: Thanks be to God. Be gracious to us: Hear us, O God. Deliver your people: Hear us, O God. Give new life to your servants by the grace of baptism: Hear us, O God. Strengthen all who bear the sign of the cross: Hear us, O God Clothe us in compassion and love: Hear us, O God Bring us with all your saints to the river of life: Hear us, O God Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Thank you God for filling my life with meaning through the saints. The saints in heaven and on earth, whom we remember, reveal God's love in their lives of faith. God Bless You, Pastor Kevin SAINT DAVID'S STAINED GLASS WINDOW This six panel suite of stained glass windows depicts David, patron saint of Wales, along with four symbols referring to his life and ministry: a leek, a harp, candles, and a bible. All the symbols are set in a unifying border based on Celtic knots. St. David is shown as a bishop delivering his best known sermon where, because of its eloquence and power, a dove landed on his shoulder and the ground rose up in a hillock so the people could see him. The leek is a national symbol of Wales. According to legend, St. David instructed Welsh warriors to put a leek in their hats to distinguish themselves from their enemies. The harp is a Celtic symbol referencing Ireland and Wales. The candles, known as corpse candles, refer to his vision in which the people would be warned of an imminent death in the community by the appearance of a mysterious blue light. Three candles symbolize the Trinity. The bible signifies his sanctity, and the daffodils of spring refer to his feast day, March 1st. The leaded stained glass panels will be installed in six existing window openings to the right of the altar. The selected color scheme is meant to attract the eye and lighten the area. "GOD'S WORK...OUR HANDS" TEE SHIRTS FOR SALE - $10 EACH. Shirts hanging in Narthex. Place money in envelope for offering - mark tee shirt & your name. The Star 3 DID YOU KNOW...? ...Stewardship Sunday, November 9, 2014 Breakfast Blast, 9AM - 1PM ...CROP Walk - Sunday, November 23, 2014 1PM(starting at Faith Lutheran Church, 4150 Woodhaven Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154) MANAGING YOUR CHURCH OFFERING JUST GOT EASIER- Visit our website: where donation buttons are available to give offerings by means of PayPal and Parish Giving. WAWA VOUCHER FUNDRAISER The Northeast Conference Board is selling Wawa vouchers, good for one Shorti Hoagie. The cost is $5 per voucher, and all proceeds will be used to defray the cost of sending youth from our congregations to the National Youth Conference in Detroit next summer. See Judie Borkowicz, to buy vouchers, or contact Carolyn Edwards at Thank you for your support! COFFEE HOUSE - "Souled Out" - Grandeur Live - Band flying from Missouri for this one night show. November 1, 2014, 7PM at St. David's. Light fare, coffee, drinks. Food donation and Good Will offering are greatly appreciated. Confirmation Class 2014/15 Classes will meet November 9th & 23rd, December 14th from 6:30 - 8:30PM at Rhawnhurst Turning Point, 7812 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19152. Our Fall Retreat for students in grades 7-9 will be to the SEPA Junior Youth Gathering on October 11-12 as part of our class. Financial assistance is available (please see www. December 21st will be a combined class and service/learning project at Feast of Justice. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - MODIFIED - Instead, Christmas items will be sold on Stewardship Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 9AM 12:30PM. STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY - NOV.9,2014 BREAKFAST BLAST 9AM - 1PM - Chef Bill Reinhart will use his hands to prepare an allyou-can-eat Breakfast Blast from 9am to 1pm with a free-will offering. Plan now to celebrate Christian stewardship with us. St. David’s Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00PM. Congregational members are invited to attend. They are the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7PM. KIDS FUN NIGHT - monthly on Saturdays from 7-9PM. Next scheduled on November 15th, and December 20th. CROP WALK - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Sunday, November 23, 2014 1PM (starting at Faith Lutheran Church, 4150 Woodhaven Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154) Thanksgiving Eve Service - Philadelphia Northeast Churches will be worshipping together for Thanksgiving at Saints United Church, 3200 Ryan Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149 (215-624-6446) at 7:30PM on Wednesday, November 26th. POINSETTIA sign-up forms are in the Narthex. Place $10.00 per plant in the offering plate. Orders due by Dec.11th. FEAST OF JUSTICE - Please bring your donations of can goods to the Narthex. YOUTH GATHERING - JULY 2015 - DETROIT, MICHIGAN - All teens ages 1518(sophomore - senior in high school) are The Star 4 invited to attend. Please contact Matt Cantz (215-268-8765) for more information. NEC PRAYER MINISTRY During the month of November, we will be praying for the Welcome Home Ministry, which welcomes refugee families and helps they get acclimated to living in the Philadelphia Area. As Welcome Home has increasingly worked with more families, it becomes more difficult to keep up with the families after they go through the orientation process. Pray for guidance in this area. Pray also for the English As a Second Language program, which will soon max out the capacity of the program, and people will have to be turned away. Pray for the volunteers and their ministry. Finally, thanks be to God for the generosity Welcome Home has experienced from many places. Pray for our donors and volunteers from congregations and from the community. Thank God for how happy our volunteers are and how they feel God's blessing in this ministry. STUFFED ANIMALS & NEW HATS & GLOVES DONATIONS - We are collecting for the Silver Springs- Martin Luther School. This facility offers comprehensive assistance to the children of families dealing with abuse, neglect or recovery situations. These services including residential, educational, and community based services. Please bring your donations to the Narthex by November 16th. Thank you for your support. ANNUAL ADVENT WREATH MAKING WITH LIVE GREENS Following November 30th 11AM service in Fellowship Hall. Refreshments to be served. Possible donations include: $ donation, live greens, additional accessories for the wreaths such as bows, ribbons, etc., food/drinks. Christmas Eve Services Wed, Dec. 24, 2014 Children’s Service–4PM Candlelight Service – 7PM Candlelight Service – 10PM No Worship Service on Christmas, Thursday, December 25, 2014. thanks for our wonderful children and dedicated staff. The children will be bringing in canned goods to share with the less fortunate. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Church Cleaning Tuesday Evenings at 6:30PM. Volunteers needed. Light cleaning - wipe down bathroom, empty trash, sweep Narthex. Only takes 30-45 minutes if we have 3 or 4 people. If interested sign-up sheet is in the Narthex Saint David’s Annual Congregational Meeting is the fourth Sunday in January. (January 25, 2015 following 11am Rejoice Service.) All committee reports are due to the Administrative Assistant, by Friday, January 2, 2015. If you are unsure you need to turn in a report, call the church office at 215-332-7424. Thank you. CHRISTIAN NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS November brings a host of exciting guests into our classroom. Representatives from Street Smarts will be teaching the children about seat belt safety. We all know reading is fun and the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday class will enjoy reading good books with the Librarian, Ms. Hornbach, at the Torresdale Library. Ms Hornbach will be coming to see the Monday, Friday class to share her joy of reading with them. The Thanksgiving holiday is fast approaching and we all give The Star 5 Remember in Prayer With the whole people of God, let us join in prayer for the church, those in need, and all of God’s creation. For all who mourn and for those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit, especially: Dot Blowes, Art and Marge Braun & Ron (Son), Fran Brossman, David Campbell, Ron Check, Samantha Clark, Carol Compton, Bonnie DePalmaCain, Hilda Dornhecker, Betty Evans, Jane Farley, Noelle Fisher, Edwin Groeber, Scott Hessert, , Paul & Donna Jones, Karen Kull, Ray & Edna Mc Ardle, Marie Mills, Hal Rhodes, Dawn & Marlys Roba, Doris Sabec, Doris Simon, Tecla Simon, Pauline Thornley, John & Joanne Truman, Shawn Vincent, Chloe Hilbert, John Tholey, Janice Oechsle, Jane Fowler, Barbara Gerold, Geraldine Schulz, Lilly Griffin, Debbie Manila, Edwin Groeber, Shawn Vincent, Pat Tomaro, Dawn Cooper. Our Homebound Betz, Ruth and Ed – Home Brandt, Fred and Myrtle – Home Blowes, Dorothy - Home Buntru, Guenter and Elfrieda – Ann’s Choice Campbell, David - Home Dornhecker, Hilda – Somerton Center Evans, Betty - Home Golebiowski, William - Home Heffner, Jack – Protestant Home (Chapters) Hillis, Gladys – Twining Village Houck, Nancy – St. Joseph Manor Marcinkevich, Dolores - Home 11/13 McArdle, Ray and Edna- Home Miller, Doris – Home, Lansdale Mills, Marie – Home Oldfield, Lucretia – Home Rhodes, Hal and Alma - Home Sabec, Doris - Home Simon, Tecla – Paul's Run Thornley, Pauline – Wood River Village Tinney, Robert - Home 9/14 “St. David’s Christ Community Celebrating 62 years” Anniversaries 2 – Deborah and Sean Malloy (10yrs) 7 – Marie and George McClay (20yrs) 23 – Steve and Linda Smeltzer (38yrs) 26 – Joseph and Marie Silvestro (6yrs) 29 - James and Yvonne Cantz (32yrs) The Star 6 Birthdays 1 - Christopher Andriso 2 – Paige Vincent 3 - Anna Maria Varano 4 – John Bergmann 4 – Carol Clarke 4 – Kristen Gerenger 4 - James Payne 6 - Jason Malloy 7 – Daniel Fisher 10 – Henscia Tyler 12 – Scott Hessert 12 – Karen Mulhern 13 -- Merryn Buck 17 – Joyce Neill 17 – Joanne Truman 19 – Jeffrey Presock 20 – James Armitage 20 – Kevin Hilgendorf 20 – Victoria Mayer 20 – Sarah Witalec 21 – Debbie Whetstone 23 - Michael Hazel 24 – Guenter Buntru 24 -- Riley Schoenfeldt 24 – Carole Wurst 25 – Rose Costa 26 – Barbara Furey 28 – Marsha Dougherty 30 – Ronald Braun CORRECTION - Peg Fisher's birthday was accidently omitted from the Birthday List in October 2014 STAR. Her special day was October 11th. UPCOMING MARRIAGES Saturday, 11/29/14 - Dana Wojciechowski and Chris Fortunato Saturday, 12/13/14 - Nicole Haigh and Ed Williams, Jr. STEWARDSHIP Regifting God's Way Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver...2 Corinthians 9:7 As the holiday season approaches, regifting becomes a topic of discussion in the media. News pundits debate the pros and cons. Etiquette experts are called upon to provide guidelines. Should one re-gift? Is it acceptable? Under what circumstances? Opinions and advice are offered by all. Christians know the answer to the question of re-gifting. As recipients of God's abundant generosity, it is essential that we establish a pattern of first giving back to God. We are also expected to share our time, talents, and treasures with others. Should we re-gift? Absolutely, without a's the right thing to do. It is God's way. Stewardship Sunday is November 9th. Come share in the celebration and enjoy Chef Bill's Breakfast Blast. SPIRITUAL RETREAT – 2014 Nineteen Christians, including two newcomers, gathered at the Luther Inn in Wildwood, New Jersey for one unforgettable retreat weekend. The theme was “A Stewardship Journey.” They studied in depth the true meaning of Christian stewardship. Aside from Bible studies and prayer, they sang, danced, played games, walked the boardwalk, waded in the ocean, and sat around evening campfires - complete with s’mores. Worship and Holy Communion were celebrated at “church on the beach” on Sunday morning. The Star 7 Much laughter abounded throughout the weekend. Most returned home with a few extra pounds. Similar to the TV show, the group was randomly divided into three teams to play The Luther Inn Bible Challenge. Team “Warriors” (Merryn Buck, Matt Cantz, Yvonne Cantz, Pam Johnson, Milly Rivera) won the group offering collection of $135.00 for its favorite charity: Wounded Warriors Project. All participants were renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated by the presence of the Holy Spirit in Christian fellowship. They were: Bill Borkowicz Grace Fenner Edwin Rivera Judie Borkowicz Pastor Kevin Milly Rivera Merryn Buck Irene Hudson Linda Smeltzer Jim Cantz Pam Johnson John Tholey Yvonne Cantz Dawn Kozakowski Joanne Truman Matt Cantz Gail McClay John Truman Carole Wurst --------------------------------------------------------------Council Corner Stewardship Sunday with Breakfast Blast 11/9/14 9AM-1PM Pastor Kevin to attend the Bishop's Convocation 11/12-11/14, 2014 The next Council Meeting is Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7PM. Annual Congregational Meeting on January 25, 2015 after 11am Rejoice service --------------------------------------------------------------Good Shepherd's Pancake Breakfast: Sat. Nov. 22nd9- 11am. (new date) Still only $7.00. Includes Buttermilk or Blueberry pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee and tea. Take-out is also available. THANK YOU Dear Reverend Kevin, My long-time friend Robert Cressman, told me about your visit to see his mother-inlaw, Mrs. Kay Lindenmuth, when she was near the end of her life. Robert said that your visit brought Kay a great sense of peace and joy, something which brought happiness to him and his wife, Diane. It was truly a visit worthwhile, and the drive from Philly to a rural township outside of Boyertown, was not an easy task (hopefully, you paid a visit to others, which would've made the journey more fulfilling for you). Robert and Diane asked for a contribution to St. David's Church rather than flowers, so I'm doing just that. We might not be of the same denomination, but, hopefully, we are, in our own way, doing Christ's work. You, by your visit, proved that you are truly a Christian. Me? Only God knows. Robert said that St. David's congregation had dwindled over the years, and that your church could use a bank account infusion, so here, I am, willing to oblige. Best wishes, John _____________________________________ Rise Up Together! 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering The ELCA Youth Gathering for high schoolage youth takes place every three years and is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The next Gathering will be held July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, Mich. The Gathering is a five-day event that begins on a Wednesday evening and ends The Star 8 with a service of communion the following Sunday morning. The opening night sets the stage for the days ahead in which young people may have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith and helps them discover their call to serve in the world — locally and globally. We have had youth from our congregations attend National Youth Gatherings in the past, and we want to encourage all high school-aged youth to attend this life-changing event. The NEC will be holding a fundraiser in October to help defray the cost of the gathering for any youth who wishes to attend. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters, and learn more about Rise Up Together at Rhawnhurst Turning Point will re-open with a full schedule of programing and fun! There are ‘Homework Help and Drop-In’ times every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30-9 pm, The Hoffman Art Program is holding classes in Photography, Acrylic Painting, and Intro to Guitar, and we have weekend events ranging from Service Saturdays to Movie and Discussion Nights to Bible Studies to Game Nights! All the details are online at All our programs are free and open to all youth in 6th - 12th grade, but youth must register for Art Classes and some of our Weekend Events. Please see our website for all the details or call us at 267-601-5147. We are located at 7812 Castor Ave, Phila. PA 19152 and are a non-profit whose mission is to provide a center for 6-12th grade youth and young adults where they can learn, grow, serve, and have fun in a safe environment supported by caring volunteers and Christian staff. To learn more, to volunteer, to make a donation, or with any questions, visit our website, or contact Director Cheryl Lafferty at 267-6015147 or by email at ---------------------------------------------------------Refugee Family -- Help Needed at Prince of Peace!!! The Welcome Home program provides short-term transitional housing and orientation services for the first few weeks that a political refugee family is in this country. After a few weeks in the Welcome Home program the family will move into more permanent housing and continue to receive support from LCFS staff and volunteers. We expect that the family will be in a better position to successfully live out the American Dream when they get off to a good start. They also need transportation to doctor appointments, classes and job interviews. If you are available to drive, please let them know. They can also use cash donations to help purchase bus passes and tokens. If you are interested, please contact Helen Tobin at 215-742-8106 (Home) or 215-2858337 (cell) or Helen is Prince of Peace's coordinator for this refugee project. It's a great way to live out Matthew 25:35, "I was a stranger and you invited me in.” OPERATION HELPING HEROES Redemption ministry. Operation helping Heroes will be praying for the brave men and women who serve our country. We will also be sending cards for special occasions, letters and packages. If you have a family or friend who is serving in the United States military and would like them to be on our list please contact Diane Graham at 215-745-1982 or by email at operationhelpingheroes@ Please include their name, rank, address, and birth dates. The Star 9 Agencies and Outreach supported by the congregation: Aid for Friends, Holmesburg King’s Kitchen, Babymanna, Crop Walk, Feast Incarnate, Clothing Drive, Greater Philadelphia Food Bank, Lutheran Charities, Lutheran Disaster Response, Feast of Justice Ministries, SEKUCo, Navajo Mission -------------------------------------------------Organizations that meet at St. David’s Sunday – NA Keys to Freedom, 7:00pm POC – 215-989-0641 Monday – NA to Live Again, 8:00pm POC – 267-979-5392 ----------------------------------------------------------Church Council Dan Kolls – 2nd term/2015 - President Mike Buck – 1st term/ 2014- Vice President Ken Uhrik – 2nd term/ 2017 - Treasurer Barbara Gerold – 1st term/ 2015 - Secretary Janice Anderson - 1st term/2017 Judie Borkowicz - 1st term/2017 Brian Durnin - 1st term/2015 Dave Lendzinski - 1st term/2014 Gail McClay - 1st term/2017 Karen Mulhern - 1st term/ 2014 John Tholey – 1st term /2014 Jennifer Vincent - 1st term/2015 Pastor Kevin -----------------------------------------------------------A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presiding Bishop Elisabeth Eaton Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod Bishop Claire S. Burkat The Star 10