The efforts of the Chemistry program in assessment began in the last decade and
continue to this day. Initially, there were discussions about what the students should
learn in classes and this ranged from those students who only take one semester of
Chemistry to those that are majors. There was discussion of what skills students should
gain in the laboratory, what the content of the courses should be to impart the
necessary information. A list of competencies was compiled and two specific ones were
identified. One of them was qualitative—that students need to understand what
chemical formulas mean. The other was quantitative—students need to be able to
construct as well as interpret graphs.
Steps were taken to improve students understanding of graphs. Specifically, a
laboratory experiment in the first semester of chemistry was changed to emphasize
graphing using a computer program. The new experiment required students to make a
graph and analyze it. Professors of subsequent chemistry courses noted that there was
an increase in student understanding of graphs and the ability to use them. Other
changes were made in Chemistry I lab including have students analyze results from
other students in the class. A composite of all the class data was assembled. This
information is always depicted in form of various types of graphs and this allowed
students more experience in interpreting graphs and analyzing data.
Changes were also made to improve student’s engagement in the first chemistry class
known as CHEM 1. In fall 2008, all CHEM 1 sections began to use an on line problem
system known as Wileyplus. This allowed instructors to assign problems based on what
was covered in the lecture. There were links to the textbook so that the students could
review the relevant material and hints were provided. Instructors could choose how
many attempts the students could make to solve a problem and decide upon the scoring
of the question. To make sure that the students did not get the right answer by
eliminating the wrong ones, the problems would change if a wrong answer was
recorded. All instructors used the Wileyplus system and agreed that it would account
for the same overall amount in the grade.
The Wileyplus system has been in use in CHEM 1 for 5 semesters and the impact has
been evaluated in a number of ways. Students were given questionnaires specifically
addressing the impact of wileyplus on learning the material and academic performance.
Results indicate that a clear majority credit wileyplus for increasing the understanding of
the material and improving performance. The impact of wileyplus has also been
evaluated by comparing the overall score on a standardized test before and after
wileyplus was used. The standardized test is provided by the American Chemical
Society and scores were analyzed for a section before wileyplus was used and one that
used wileyplus. The results do show an improvement of about 10%. In addition to
comparing scores on standardized tests, student performance on exams given in class
was assessed. The results indicate that performance increased. To demonstrate this,
the % of students scoring in each percentile was evaluated. At this point, the results
need further analysis to ensure that the students were of similar background and
The wileyplus system has worked so well that it is now being implemented in CHEM 4.
There have also been discussions of introducing an on line homework component in
CHEM 2 and CHEM3 as well. It has been used in two sections of Biochemistry.
The American Chemical Society is an accrediting institute for chemistry departments at
colleges and universities. Stockton does do the four semesters of introductory
chemistry in an unorthodox order. Most colleges offer the year of inorganic chemistry
(CHEM 1 and CHEM4) followed by the year of organic chemistry (CHEM 2 and 3).
Stockton offers one semester of inorganic, two semesters of organic and one semester
of inorganic. This means that the students taking the tests are most likely not at the
same stage as at other schools. The ACS does have standardized exams that students
can take in a number of classes and the national averages are made available.
The Chemistry program has a long history of the use of standardized tests to assess
learning. As mentioned, the appropriate American Chemical Society (ACS) tests have
been used at the end of CHEM 1, CHEM 4 and CHEM 3. The program has sporadically
used the exam for CHEM 1 while both CHEM 4 and CHEM 3 always use the
standardized tests. The test in CHEM 4 is used to test knowledge in the area of
inorganic chemistry while the test in CHEM 3 comes after the two traditional semesters
of organic chemistry.
There have also been individual efforts to assess learning objectives. Based on the
goal of getting students to understand what chemical formulas mean, one faculty
member has embedded questions regarding this topic in exams throughout the
semester. Another faculty member in collaboration with a colleague at another
institution uses extensive internet and on line sources for the class. In summary, the
Chemistry program has had discussions to identify learning objectives and efforts have
been made in terms of changing curriculum to improve them. The use of standardized
tests and student surveys allow analysis of whether the changes are effective.
Having completed CPLS 2110: Introduction to Computational Science, a successful
student will:
1. be able to differentiate between variables (independent and dependent), parameters
and rules
(rate laws) and explain their respective roles both in building and in using a
2. be aware of the limitations imposed by finite precision arithmetic and of some
strategies for
avoiding or minimizing the consequences of these limitations;
3. know how to use matlab to visualize and post-process results from a model;
4. be able to verify and validate (test the integrity of) a model;
5. realize that there is often a trade-off between model complexity and utility and be able
choose and use a model as dictated by the scientific question of interest;
6. be able to modify a Simulink model by adding enhanced functionality;
7. apprehend the difference between a deterministic and a stochastic model and be
able to
identify which type of model is most appropriate when modeling a specific phenomenon;
8. realize the importance of steady states in models of dynamical systems and be able
to identify
their presence; and
9. be capable of recognizing the signature of common mathematical functions as well as
combinations in a data set and of fitting an appropriate function to the data set to obtain
model parameters.
Currently, the program is reviewing core courses, working to bring our learning
objectives into line and to agree on assessment procedures. We are reluctant to
consider a senior level examination, in part because we have done that in the past with
very mixed results but also because our students select from a wide variety of electives.
Based on what our students seem capable of doing upon graduation through reviewing
their work and through our survey of graduates, we’ve agreed to concentrate more on
computer literacy in our core courses. We’ve agreed to take our senior level course
(Environmental Issues, ENVL 4300/4305) and move the two sections closer together
and provide more training in geographic information systems such that all students will
have some exposure to GIS upon graduation. Moving the course was done some time
in the past; agreeing to emphasize GIS is recent.
In our 2000 level courses, we are now putting much more emphasis on students using
Microsoft Excel much more heavily in our labs, including using canned formulas and
modifying these for different applications, graphing, and downloading information and
turning into usable data. The LO’s for one of the core courses (Physical Geography,
ENVL 2100/2105) seem reasonably close among the various sections taught. There
are significant differences in some aspects of the LO’s for Ecological Principles,
particularly the lab. Jamie and I are a subcommittee trying to meld the LO’s more
effectively and to come up with assessment techniques.
Agreeing on the LO’s for the introductory level course seems more problematic at this
point. It’s a required course for ENVL majors, a recommended course for EDUC
students, and an ASD or cognate course taken by students most notably in CRIM,
POLS, ECON, BSNS. It’s also been taught by many different faculty members and in
some cases was team taught.
Each faculty member who has taught the Introductory level course will send me his/her
LO’s for that course, and we intend to produce a common core from that.
By our next Program meeting, we will present the LO’s for Ecological Principles and lab
and put the final touches on the LO’s for Physical Geography.
Learning outcome goals for Introduction to Marine Biology
Knowledge of the principal types of marine life: microbes, plants, invertebrates, fishes,
reptiles, birds, mammals (including common southern New Jersey species).
Understanding of the biological, chemical, geological, and physical aspects of the
marine environment and their significance to marine life.
Appreciation of the major ecological zones found in the marine environment: including
the open ocean, deep sea, estuaries, coasts, coral reefs, intertidal, and other significant
littoral habitats.
Experience from field trips: exposure to local habitats and organisms, standard physical
and biological collecting techniques, and identification of specimens.
Insight into current themes in marine resource management and conservation.
Methods of Assessment:
Quizzes / exams.
Class discussion / engagement of students in the field.
Lab reports / practical exam.
Marine Science assessment instrument given to graduating seniors.
Feedback from local colleagues and agencies that hire Marine Science graduates.
Learning outcomes goals for Introduction to Oceanography
Geographical features of the oceans: ocean basins, ridges, trenches, regional seas,
important straits.
Main surface ocean currents, their names and directions of flow.
Several different types of waves and some of their parameters (length, height, period,
Major ions in the ocean and their proportions to salinity.
Main nutrient cycles the ocean.
Important marine pollution events and their ramifications.
Methods of assessment include:
class discussions/questions from students
homework questions from the textbook
quizzes (recent material)
exams (non-cumulative) and final exam (cumulative)
Precalculus MATH 1100
Course Description:
Precalculus is an entry level mathematics course satisfying a dual purpose.
Precalculus is designed as a preparatory course for the Calculus sequence
which provides students with a toolbox of skills which will aid in the transition to
Calculus I.
Precalculus is a stand alone course which provides the student with a
mathematical sophistication necessary for completing various scientific majors.
(e.g. Biology.)
Topical Learning Outcomes:
Students will understand the concept of functions and will be able to perform
operations with functions algebraically, graphically, and analytically.
Students will be able to recognize a function based on the formal definition.
Students will learn the basic properties and graphs of elementary functions and
will use transformations to graph functions.
Students will learn basic properties that will aid in the graphical representation of
function, including: Domain/Range, x/y intercepts, symmetry, etc.
Students will learn basic properties of polynominal and rational functions and will
apply these properties to develop graphs of these functions.
Students will learn to solve polynomial and rational inequalities.
Students will understand the concept of inverse functions both algebraically and
Students will learn basic properties of exponential and logarithmic functions and
will work with these functions analytically and graphically.
Students will solve exponential and logarithmic equations.
Students will understand trigonometric functions in terms of both the right triangle
definition and the circular definition.
Students will study basic properties and graphs of trigonometric functions and
transformed trigonometric functions.
Students will work with trigonometric identities.
Students will solve trigonometric equations.
Application Based Learning Outcomes:
Students will see uses of Precalculus material as a preparation for the Calculus
sequence. These may, for example, include some or all of the following.
Students will learn to construct and simplify a difference quotient of a function.
Students will see applications of slope applied to a secant line of a function to
understand average rate of change.
Students will learn basic properties of functions, including:
Decreasing, Relative Minimum, Relative Maximum, etc., which will be formalized
in Calculus I.
Students will use basic properties of quadratic functions to investigate
maximizing and minimizing an application based function.
Students will be introduced to the Intermediate Value Theorem.
Students will be introduced to the concept of critical numbers and test intervals.
Students will see applications of the tools learned in Precalculus to other
scientific and non-scientific fields. These may, for example, include some or all
of the following.
Students will recognize the relationship between a function and an algorithm.
(Computer Science)
Students will consider a model of profit predicting using linear functions.
Students will investigate population models of growth and decay using
polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. (Biology)
Students will learn to compute compound interest using exponential functions.
Students will be introduced to a declining Human Memory Model using
logarithmic functions. (Psychology)
Learning Outcomes for Calculus I
Here is a list of topics which the math program feels make up the desired
learning outcomes of our students in Calculus I.
It should be noted that Calculus I not only serves as an essential stepping stone
for the rest of the Calculus sequence as well as more advanced mathematics,
but it is also a stand-alone course.
Understand concept and definition of a limit.
Know notation used for limits.
Find a limit from a graph as well as analytically using the methods presented
such as the Squeeze Theorem, multiplying by the conjugate, simplifying
fractions, factoring,…etc.
Find one-sided limits.
Know when a limit does not exist.
Understand concept of continuity and show it for a given function.
Understand and evaluate infinite limits and limits at infinity.
Know properties of limits.
Understand that a derivative is a function which essentially gives you the slope
(or rate of change) of the differentiated function.
Know the limit definition of a derivative and how to apply it.
Know the different notation used for differentiation.
Find tangent line/linearization of a function at a point.
Know when a derivative does not exist. For example, a function must be
continuous to be differentiable (at a point).
Know basic differentiation rules: multiplying by constants, power rule,
sum/difference rule, product rule, quotient rule and chain rule.
Understand concept of higher-order derivatives and how to compute them.
Know how to differentiate implicitly. Be able to apply it to related rate problems.
Know how to find absolute and relative extrema of a function using derivatives.
Apply this to optimization problems.
Understand concept and importance of a critical number.
Be able to find where a function is increasing, decreasing, or constant using the
first derivative test.
Be able to use the second derivative to determine concavity and inflection points.
Be able to use information collected from the derivatives to sketch a function.
Understand concept of differentials and error propagation.
Know relationship between the a function’s derivative and its inverse’s.
Know definition of an antiderivative and that they are not unique and in fact, part
of a family (unless initial condition is given).
Find antiderivative of specific types of functions using basic integration rules.
Find specific solutions to initial value problems.
Know notation for integration, both definite and indefinite.
Approximate area using upper and lower sums as well as the more general
Riemann Sums.
Understand link between Riemann Sums and the definite integral.
Understand concept of integrability and that continuity implies integrability.
Know how to compute the definite integral using the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus (when possible).
Know properties of definite integrals.
Understand the difference between indefinite and definite integrals.
Understand the concept of the average value of a function.
Know the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and how to apply it.
Integrate by substitution (change of variables) for both indefinite and definite
Differential Equations (If Time Allows)
Verify a solution to a differential equation.
Find general and particular solutions to differential equations of the form y‘=f(x)
via integration.
Sketch a slope field and a particular solution from it.
Understand exponential growth and decay and be able to apply it.
Solve simple differential equations (including exponential growth and decay)
using separation of variables.
Calculus I – Math 2115
Here is a list of topics which the math program feels make up the desired learning
Understand concept and definition of a limit.
Know notation used for limits.
Find a limit from a graph as well as analytically using the methods presented
such as the Squeeze Theorem, multiplying by the conjugate, simplifying
fractions, factoring,…etc.
Find one-sided limits.
Know when a limit does not exist.
Understand concept of continuity and show it for a given function.
Understand and evaluate infinite limits and limits at infinity.
Know properties of limits.
Understand that a derivative is a function which essentially gives you the slope
(or rate of change) of the differentiated function.
Know the limit definition of a derivative and how to apply it.
Know the different notation used for differentiation.
Find tangent line/linearization of a function at a point.
Know when a derivative does not exist. For example, a function must be
continuous to be differentiable (at a point).
Know basic differentiation rules: multiplying by constants, power rule,
sum/difference rule, product rule, quotient rule and chain rule.
Understand concept of higher-order derivatives and how to compute them.
Know how to differentiate implicitly. Be able to apply it to related rate problems.
Know how to find absolute and relative extrema of a function using derivatives.
Apply this to optimization problems.
Understand concept and importance of a critical number.
Be able to find where a function is increasing, decreasing, or constant using the
first derivative test.
Be able to use the second derivative to determine concavity and inflection points.
Be able to use information collected from the derivatives to sketch a function.
Understand concept of differentials and error propagation.
Know relationship between the a function’s derivative and its inverse’s.
Know definition of an antiderivative and that they are not unique and in fact, part
of a family (unless initial condition is given).
Find antiderivative of specific types of functions using basic integration rules.
Find specific solutions to initial value problems.
Know notation for integration, both definite and indefinite.
Approximate area using upper and lower sums as well as the more general
Riemann Sums.
Understand link between Riemann Sums and the definite integral.
Understand concept of integrability and that continuity implies integrability.
Know how to compute the definite integral using the Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus (when possible).
Know properties of definite integrals.
Understand the difference between indefinite and definite integrals.
Understand the concept of the average value of a function.
Know the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and how to apply it.
Integrate by substitution (change of variables) for both indefinite and definite
Differential Equations (If Time Allows)
Verify a solution to a differential equation.
Find general and particular solutions to differential equations of the form y‘=f(x)
via integration.
Sketch a slope field and a particular solution from it.
Understand exponential growth and decay and be able to apply it.
Solve simple differential equations (including exponential growth and decay)
using separation of variables.
MATH2216 - Calculus II
The student is expected to acquire the following skills which are presented in the
text and demonstrated by the instructor in class:
Applications of Integration.
Integration has wide applications in all sciences. The student should learn:
How to use a definite integral to find the area of a plane region bounded by two
or more curves and surface area of revolution.
How to use the disk method, cross section method, or the shell method to find
the volume of a solid of revolution.
How to find the length of a plane curve.
How to find the work done by a variable force.
How to find the moment of a planar lamina with respect to x- axis and y-axis and
the center and the centroid of a planar lamina.
Integration Techniques
The student should learn:
How to do integration by parts.
How to do some important trigonometric integrals and trigonometric
How to do integration of rational functions.
4) How to evaluate improper integrals where the integrand is discontinuous or
the limit of integration is infinity or negative infinity.
Applying L’Hopital’s Rule to find the limit of indeterminate forms if the limit exists.
Infinite Series.
The student should learn:
How to determine whether a sequence and a series converge or diverge.
2) How to find Taylor or Maclaurin polynomial approximations to the functions
which have n+1 derivatives.
3) How to find the interval of convergence of a power series and how to
differentiate and integrate power series.
How to represent functions by power series and how to find a Taylor or
Maclaurin series for a function.
Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates. The student should learn:
How to use a set of parametric equations to find the slope of a tangent line to a
plain curve and the arc length of a plain curve.
2) How to find the slope of a tangent line to a polar graph, and identify some
special polar graphs.
3) How to find the area of a region bounded by a polar graph and find the arc
length of a polar graph.
Calculus III – MATH 2117
Calculus III is the course where students can explore multi-dimensional space
objects and study the application tools to Engineering and Physics. It is also the
last part of calculus sequence. Students who enrolled in this course include
Mathematics, Physics, CPLS and others who are seeking minor in math.
Students Learning Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to perform the
following task.
Learn to work with vectors in two or three dimensions. Students should able
Perform algebraic operations of vector in two or three dimensions.
Geometric interpretation of vector operations.
Construct lines, planes in space.
Identify and able to describe Quadric surfaces.
Conversion of Rectangular to Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates.
Learn to work with vector-valued functions. Students should be able to
Find limit, derivative and integral of vector-valued functions.
Described curves with vector-valued functions.
Able to find curvature, tangent, normal, and binormal vectors of a curve at a
Describe and analyze motion in space.
Learn to work with multivariable functions. Students should be able to
Describe domain and range of a multivariable function.
Identify level curves and its applications
Evaluate limit, continuity, integral of a multivariable function.
Compute directional and partial derivatives, use Chain rule properly.
Work on applications using differentials.
Work on extreme value problems using critical points, gradient vector,
Work on optimization applications using Lagrange multipliers.
Learn to evaluate multiple integrals. Students should able to
Compute double, triple integrals.
Applications using multiple integrals, such as finding volumes of solids, areas of
Evaluate multiple integrals in different coordinates system, polar coordinate,
cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Use of Fubini’s theorem when dealing multiple integral.
Learn Vector Calculus. Students should able to
Work with vector fields in two or three dimensional spaces.
Determine conservativeness of vector fields, finding potential functions.
Evaluate line integral, using Theorem of Line integrals.
Understand Green’s, Stokes’ and Divergence theorem.
Applications using vector calculus.
Upon successful completion of the following courses:
PHYS2110 PLS I Physics for Life Sciences I
PHYS2120 PLSII Physics for Life Sciences II
The student will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
Demonstrate the understanding of the fundamental concepts/laws in physics by
explaining and discussing both verbally and in written language the physics concepts
listed in course content, as well as their relevance to everyday events and
circumstances in a broad interdisciplinary context.
Demonstrate critical thinking/ analytical reasoning ability by using algebra,
trigonometry, and calculus to set up mathematical descriptions of physical systems and
to calculate measurable quantities that provide an understanding of the physical
environment in terms of the concepts listed in the course content.
Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge/skills to real world settings
Demonstrate the ability to analyze/solve complex problems by retaining information
from course to course to solve integrated problems.
Learning Outcomes for Introductory Physics Laboratory courses
Upon successful completion of the following laboratory courses:
PHYS2115 PLS I lab Physics for Life Sciences I Lab
PHYS2125 PLS II lab Physics for Life Sciences II Lab
PHYS2225 PHYS I lab
The student will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
Demonstrate the understanding of the fundamental concepts/laws in physics by
setting up laboratory equipment safely and efficiently and planning and carrying out
experimental procedures
Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge/skills to real world settings by
identifying possible sources of error and implementing techniques that enhance
Demonstrate critical thinking/ analytical reasoning ability through analyzing and
interpreting experimental data
Demonstrate effective oral/written communication
skills/ability by reporting
verbally and in written language the experimental data, results, and assessment of
Demonstrate teamwork skills/ ability to collaborate by working in groups on a
laboratory experiment
Demonstrate ability to innovate and be creative in a laboratory experiment