Worksheet for Practical task. The table below show the melting point, boiling point, ionisation energy and atomic radii of the first 20 elements. atomic atomic number symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Element hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulphur chlorine argon potassium calcium Melting Boiling Point, °C Point, °C -259.1 -272.2 180.5 1278 2079 3367 -209.9 -218.4 -219.8 -248 97.8 649 660 1410 44.1 112.8 -101 -189.2 63.25 839 -252.9 -268.9 1342 2970 2550 4827 -195.8 -183 -188.1 -248.7 883 1090 2467 2355 280 444.7 -34.6 -185.7 760 1484 ionization energy (kJ/mol) Atomic Radii (A) 1312 2372 520 899 801 1086 1402 1314 1681 2081 496 738 578 787 1012 1000 1251 1521 419 590 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.1 1 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1 0.9 2.4 2 1. Use the information in the table to construct a line graph of the atomic radii against the atomic number 2. Use the information in the table to construct a line graph of ionisation energy against atomic number 3. Compare the overall shape of the lines of atomic radii and ionisation energy from your graph 4. Describe the overall trend in each of the graphs. (What do they look like?) 5. Extension question. Describe the trend between each period on the periodic table. The differences between each dotted section, for each graph. 6. Extension question. Describe the trend in each graph as you move across a period in the periodic table. (between each dotted line in the graph) 7. Extension question. Use your graph to determine the relationship between the atomic radii and movement down the periods (each group) on the periodic table. 8. If the hypothesis for this experiment was “If the atomic number increases then the atomic radii should increase”. Write a conclusion for that experiment. 9. How could you measure the boiling point more accurately? (different types of thermometers). 10. How would you ensure that the data (results) is reliable? 11. There are 2 ways to ensure that data or information is valid. You could either conduct a firsthand investigation (an experiment) or do some research. For each of these ways describe what you would need to do to ensure that the above results are valid. 12. You could do the same experiment and gather results in a school laboratory. Name 3 things that could be done better if the same experiment was conducted in a research laboratory? Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 3000 3 2000 2 Atomic radii (A) Ionisation energy (kJ/mol) 1000 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Atomic number (number)