iimelusovachemistry of life

Chemistry of Life
Soňa Melušová
Time Line of Achievement
time line of achievement = cesta k úspechu
Respiration and photosynthesis
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743–1794)
respiration was an oxidation
process analogous to combustion
Jan Ingenhousz (1730–1799)
photosynthesis is the reverse
process of respiration
Drawing of Lavoisier‘s laboratory
made by his wife
respiration = dýchanie
combustion = horenie, spaľovanie
photosynthesis = fotosyntéza
reverse = opačný, obrátený
Organic synthesis
Friedrich Wöhler (1800–1882)
synthesized urea completely from inorganic materials
a "life force" was necessary to create the diverse
compounds found in living things
In more recent times synthesis of natural products has
helped make expensive plant drugs more widely available.
Percy Lavon Julian (1899–1975) and Josef Pikl
synthesized the glaucoma drug physostigmine,
making it inexpensive and widely available
Robert Burns Woodward (1917–1979)
synthesized many natural products, among them
chlorophyll in 1960 and vitamin B12 in 1971
Friedrich Wöhler
plant drug = rastlinný liek
glaucoma = zelený zákal
Martinus Beijerinck (1851–1931)
discovered the tobacco mosaic virus, and first
described viruses as being distinct from other microbes
The processes of life are in fact chemical and physical
processes, governed by the same laws that hold sway in
the nonliving world.
Alfred Day Hershey (1908-1997) and Martha Cowles Chase
with using bacteriophages established that DNA is the carrier of
genetic information
Jonas Salk (1914-1995) and Albert Bruce Sabin (1906-1993)
the development of polio vaccines
distinct = odlišný
govern = ovládať, riadiť
polio vaccines = očkovacia látka proti detskej obrne
Hormones: adrenaline, insulin, and "the pill"
Jokichi Takamine (1854–1931)
isolated adrenaline – first isolation of a hormone
John James Rickard McLeod (1876–1935)
isolated insulin
identified its deficiency as the cause of diabetes
Trick with adrenaline
Gregory Pincus (1903–1967) and John Rock (1890–1984)
developed the hormone progesterone into an oral
pill = tabletka
contraceptive = antikoncepcia
Vitamins from A to K
... compaunds that the body needs only in small amounts but that are very
important to good health.
André and Marguerite Lwoff
all organism use the same vitamins and coenzymes
Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893–1986)
absorbic acid = vitamin C is the vital compound in citrus fruits that stops
Robert R. Williams (1886–1965)
in 1925 discovered vitamin B1 – its deficiency causes beriberi
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodking (1910–1994)
determined the molecular structure of vitamin B12 using X-ray
Vitamin K – disovered in 1930s following an outbreak of fatal bleeding among
cattle that were fed on rotten sweet-clover hay
scurvy = skorbut
cattle = dobytok
rotten = zhnitý, skazený
hay = seno
Alexander Fleming (1881–1955)
in 1928 discovered penicillin
Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain
development of the first useful antibiotic drug
In recent time, pharmaceutical science has been challenged by the evolution of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
challenged = obmedzený
resistant = odolný
Proteins and disease
Proteins are long, chainlike molecules made by joining together a precise
sequence of many small molecules called amino acids.
Emil Fischer (1852–1919)
in 1907 shows that proteins are made of amino acids
Leonor Michaelis and Maud Leonora Menten
in 1913 determined the kinetics of enzyme catalysis
James Batcheller Sumner and John Howard Northrop
1920s – 1930s enzymes are proteins
Linus Pauling in 1987
Linus Carl Pauling (1901–1994)
a protein defect was the cause of sickle-cell anemia
Vernon Ingram
in 1956 shows the nature of sickle-cell anemia to be
achange in a single amino acid in the protein hemoglobin
sickle-cell anemia = chronická vrodená anémia
Study of early life and prebiotic evolution
Stanley L. Miller (1852–1919)
first investigation into how life
could have arisen from nonliving
in 1953 an experiment – creates a mixture of
methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water =
prevalent compounds on Earth before life
the mixture subjected to electrical sparks –
producing amino acids
prevalent = bežný, rozšírený
The experiment of S. L. Miller
subject = vystavený
spark = iskra
DNA and genetics
James Watson and Francis Crick
in 1953 determined that the DNA
molecule is shaped like a double helix
Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958)
examination of X-ray crysatllographic
data obtained by research of DNA
Alfred Day Hershey (1908–1997) and Martha Cowles Chase (1930– )
discovered that DNA carries genetic information
Complementing these two discoveries was the deciphering of DNA‘s genetic
code between 1961 and 1966, which was the work of numerous scientists.
examination =skúšanie
deciphering = dešifrovanie, rozlúštenie
DNA seguencing and genetic biotech
Walter Gilbert (1932– ) and Frederick Sanger (1918– )
in 1977 developed separate methods of
rapid DNA sequencing = rapid methods
for determining the sequence of base
pairs in sample of DNA
W. Gilbert and F.Sanger at the
reception oh the Nobel Foundation
Rapid sequencing of DNA has led to many developments in genetic
biotechnology, from forensic DNA analysis to the Human Genome Project.
Investigation of DNA provide insight into the genetic causes of diseases.
sequence = poradie
insight = preniknutie do postaty veci, pochopenie
forensic = súdny
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