Weekly Assignments Mrs. Smith Planning Period 12:30-1:20 Lunch 11:05-11:35 for the week of October 21st – October 25th Second Nine Weeks 8:00-8:20 Plan Mon. Notes: 8:20-9:10 7th Reading Read, Homer Price Chapter 6 Wheels of Progress Read/Discuss -Lunch Duty 9:15-10:05 6th Reading The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Second Plot Review The class will complete a plot diagram over The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Second. James and the Giant Peach Read/Discuss Chapters 24 & 25 Pop Quiz Students will complete a plot diagram over The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Third Finish reading Homer Price Chapter 6 Wheels of Progress The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Fourth Read/Discuss Chapter 34 - 40 James and the Giant Peach Read/Discuss Chapters 26-29 Students will label the rhyme scheme and identify stanzas in the poem from James and the Giant Peach chapter 26. -Choosing Correct Meanings -Using Guide Words -Recalling an Event Tues. 10:10-11:05 5th Reading The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Fourth Chapters 31 – 40 Quiz Vivid Mental Image Students can choose either Roscuro or Mig to complete their vivid mental image over. James and the Giant Peach Chapters 24-29 Quiz The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Fourth Chapters 41-45 Read/Discuss Quiz James and the Giant Peach Read/Discuss Chapters 30-34 The Tale of Despereaux: Book the Fourth Chapters 46-52 -Students will complete a plot diagram over one Read/Discuss of the chapters from Homer Price by Robert Quiz McCloskey James and the Giant Peach Read/Discuss Chapters 35-39 Chapters 30-39 Quiz Homer Price by Robert McCloskey A.R. Test Homer Price by Robert McCloskey Wed. -Writing a Journal Sample -Recalling a Character Thurs. Homer Price by Robert McCloskey -Using Descriptive Words -Creating a Picture -Writing a Book Recommendation Letter writing skills (salutation, address format, etc. Postcards from a Peach Students will pretend they are riding on top of the peach with James and his friends. They will write a letter to their family or best friends about their experiences. They should describe how they felt when they met the creatures, the sensation of bobbing in the sea or flying through the sky. Fri. Halloween Carnival -Explaining Feelings Special Times Plan 8:00-8:20 Lunch 11:05-11:35 Plan 3:10-3:40 Emergency Substitute Folder Located in yellow folder beside printer in windowsill. Duties: 11:40-12:30 8th Writing 2nd Nine Weeks 8th Grade Reading Benchmark Descriptive Writing 12:30-1:20 PE/Title I 1:25-2:15 5th Writing Persuasive Writing Destination: Best Vacation Your favorite vacation spot is the tops! Imagine that you’re there, and then write a postcard persuading a friend that it’s the best place in the world to vacation. PE – Computer Lab 12:30-1:20 5/6 Boys and Girls Morning Lunch Recess (7:45-8:15) (11:20-11:35) 2:20-3:10 8th Reading Plot Students will read three stories and identify parts of the story plot. -Camping Cousins (Story Map) -Visiting Aunt Rita (Beginning, Middle, & End) -No Ordinary Storm (Steps) Persuasive Writing Let’s Eat! You’ve been hired by your favorite fast-food restaurant to help write an advertisement promoting it. Write a paragraph persuading people that this restaurant is the best place to eat. Plot Stone Soup by Jon J. Muth Descriptive Writing Lesson Students will brainstorm the characteristics they associate with restaurant menus. Students will be groups in pairs and they will review examples of menus. They will see if they notice any additional characteristics of menus to add to the list. Discuss key elements of restaurants and how they differ depending on the kind of restaurant and the particular customer. Using the information that has been gathered they will begin creating their own menu. -Students can use internet, cookbooks, menus, etc. to gather ideas for their menu. -Students are required to include pictures and descriptive words. Continue working on descriptive writing lesson over menus. Study Island Capitalization Lesson Capitalization Quiz Plot Conflict Power Point Teacher will read a short story and discuss with the class the elements of conflicts in the story. Then the students will be given a short children’s story and they will have to read the story and identify the conflicts within the story using the conflict map. Study Island Multiple Meaning Words Multiple Meaning Words Quiz Study Island Plot Assessment 15 Questions Continue working on descriptive writing lesson over menus. James and the Giant Peach Conflicts Describe what your U.S. or State flag looks like. Describe the colors and the symbols. Do you know what the symbols mean? Look up the picture and information over the flags using chrome books. Bonus Students can illustrate the flag they were assigned. A.R. Quiz Groups will exchange menus and using a rubric they will evaluate each other menus. Silent A.R. Reading I will explain the meaning of the climax within a story. I will review the rising actions lead to the problem and then to the climax. I will also review that falling actions lead to the resolution of the problem. As a class we will complete a plot diagram over the story Stone Soup. -Newspaper Editorial, 1980 -High-Teach Tale -If You were Coming in the Fall 3:10-3:40 Plan Notes: All Grades will complete Spelling -write words 5 x each -definitions -test OKLAHOMA PASS OBJECTIVES 5TH GRADE READING Vocabulary 1.4.b Fluency 2.2 Fluency 2.3 Comprehension/Critical Literacy 3.5.b 5TH GRADE WRITING Modes and Forms of Writing 2.2.1 Modes and Forms of Writing 2.8.a – 2.8.d Grammar/Usage and Mechanics 3.5a & 3.5c Research and Information 5.1.e Grammar/Usage and Mechanics 3.2.a-3.2.c Grammar/Usage and Mechanics 3.3.a, 3.3.b, 3.3.c, 3.3.d, & 3.3.f 6th GRADE READING Vocabulary 1.3.a & 1.3.b Fluency 2.2.2 & 2.2.3 Comprehension/Critical Literacy 3.1.a – 3.1.d Comprehension/Critical Literacy 3.2.b Comprehension/Critical Literacy 3.3.a – 3.3.c Comprehension/Critical Literacy 3.4.a – 3.4.e Grammar/Usage and Mechanics 3.2.a & 3.2.c Modes and Forms of Writing 2.4.a & 2.4.b 7th GRADE READING Vocabulary 1.1 & 1.2 Fluency 2.1 & 2.2 Comprehension 3.2.b Comprehension 3.3.a – 3.3.d Comprehension 3.4.b Literature 4.2.a Research and Information 5.1.b Modes and Forms of Writing 2.6.a – 2.6.d 8th GRADE READING Fluency 2.1-2.1 & 2.4 Comprehension 3.3.a & 3.3b Comprehension 3.4.e & 3.4.f Literature 4.2.a 8th GRADE WRITING Comprehension 3.4.c Research and Information 5.1.a & 5.1.b Modes and Forms of Writing 2.3.c Compose Visual Messages 3.1