First A Willing Mind…

“First A Willing Mind…”
Regardless of the particular, attitude and
mental posture is of the utmost importance
and largely determine the success of a
given matter.
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov.
23: 7).
“First A Willing Mind…”
“11: Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as
there was a readiness to will, so there may be a
performance also out of that which ye have. 12:
For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted
according to that a man hath, and not according
to that he hath not” (2 Cor. 8).
“First A Willing Mind…”
The Macedonia Christians were poor (v. 2).
Yet, they were liberal in their giving (Ibid.).
They had a certain willingness (v. 3). Their
attitude was exemplary (v. 4). They “…gave
themselves to the Lord” (v. 5). They were
used to teach the Corinthians (v. 7). The
ultimate example (v. 9). The “willing mind” (v.
“First A Willing Mind…”
“Verse 12. For if there be first a willing mind. If there
is a readiness…, a disposition to give; if the heart is
in it, then the offering will be acceptable to God,
whether you be able to give much or little. A willing
mind is the first consideration…. This had relation,
as used by Paul, to the duty of almsgiving; but the
principle is as applicable to everything in the way of
duty. A willing mind is the first and main thing. It is
that which God chiefly desires, and that without
which everything else will be offensive, hypocritical,
and vain.” (Albert Barnes, cp. 2 Cor. 9: 7.)
“First A Willing Mind…”
Notice again this section of the quotation
from Barnes:
“… the principle is as applicable to
everything in the way of duty. ….”
“First A Willing Mind…”
While the specific teaching relative to “giving”
pertains to needy saints, certainly such
teaching generally serves I Cor. 16: 1, 2, 2
Cor. 8, 9, cp. I Cor. 9: 14).
“First A Willing Mind…”
Ephesians 4: 3 applies to all Christians and
implies a love of the truth and the ability to
correctly apply it.
“First A Willing Mind…”
Ephesians 5: 22 through 6: 4 pertains to
family order, structure, and several duties.
The ideal family involves each family
member, doing their part.
“First A Willing Mind…”
Edifying speech
Ephesians 4: 29 forbids “corrupt
communication” but also enjoins speech that is
edifying and that “ministers grace unto the
“First A Willing Mind…”
Teaching others
The early Christians were busy attempting to
teach and instruct others (Acts 8: 4). They
held forth “the word of life” (Phili. 2: 16).
“First A Willing Mind…”
Work of local church
God has provided the local church
arrangement for Christians to corporately
function (I Tim. 3: 15). Within the local church,
there is much work.
“First A Willing Mind…”
“First a willing mind” is elemental and
essential. Providing there is the right attitude
and correct teaching, the action will be
forthcoming, attended by all the various