1A Psychology First Day 2015

Welcome to Psychology!
Mrs. Cantu
Room 1732
What is “Psychology”?
 Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and
mental processes of animals and humans.
 The goals of psychology are:
Topics to be Discussed
Unit One: The Science of
Psychology (1 week)
 History of Psychology
 Research Methods and Ethics
 Statistics
 Unit Two: Biopsychology Domain
(3 weeks)
 The Biological Perspective
 The Nervous System
 The Brain
 Heredity, Environment, and
 Sensation and Perception
 Consciousness
 Unit Three: Developmental and
Learning Domain (2 weeks)
 Development across the life span
 Learning and Language
Unit Four: Social Context Domain (2
 Social Psychology
 Sociocultural Diversity and Gender
 Unit Five: Cognition Domain (2 weeks)
 Memory
 Cognition, Thinking, and Intelligence
 Unit Six: Individual Variations Domain (3
 Motivation and Emotion
 Theories of Personality
 Psychological Disorders
 Unit Seven: Application of Psychological
Science Domain (2 weeks)
 Psychological Therapies and Treatments
 Stress and Health
 Applied Psychology and Psychology Careers
 60% = Summative Grades (tests, portfolios, and
 40% = Formative Grades (class assignments,
quizzes, homework, participation, etc.)
There is no common assessment for Psychology 
 You will not need to check out a textbook for this
class. You will be granted access to a digital version
of the text which you can download to a smart
Make-Up Work
 You can find all assignments and notes that you miss
while absent on my website.
 If you miss a test, you will take it the day you
return in class.
If you are absent any days before a test and return on a test
day, you will take the test. Test reviews can be found on my
 Projects are due the day the student returns. It
is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed
assignments from the instructor.
 I will not remind you to make up your tests or
Late Work
 Late work is the quickest way to see your grade
drop in my class. Any work not turned in at the
time it is collected will receive a 50% off
penalty. You are only allowed to turn in
assignments one day late.
 Tutoring is available Tuesdays and Thursdays from
2:45-3:15, or by appointment.
Notebooks and Supplies
 You must have the following supplies every day:
 Spiral Notebook or Composition book for note taking
 Pen or pencil
 Other project supplies as needed
 You should also have the following supplies in order
to complete your unit portfolios:
A binder (1.5 inch minimum)
A set of at least 7 dividers labeled “Unit 1”, “Unit 2”, etc.
Please bring a box of tissues, a pack of black pens, OR a
box of markers to class by Friday.
Dress Code
 All dress code guidelines in the CFISD Student
Handbook will be enforced.
Classroom Procedures
 Turn off cell phones & electronic devices
 No food or drink, except water
 Arrive to class on time & ready to learn
 Never line up at the door before dismissal
Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work
 Use polite and appropriate language
 Do your best work & turn it in on time
 Pick up after yourself before you leave