Lifting and Longtoss Program

Brownlee Lookouts Offseason Lifting and Longtoss Program: High School Level
Lifting: 4 days per week
Longtoss: 3 days per week
OUR GOAL: To build functional strength in the correct areas of the body that can be
directly applied to you as a player
DAY 1: Lower Body
Dynamic Warmup, static stretching, and 2-4 40 yard sprints
Superset 1:
Box jumps/squat jumps: 3 sets of 5
Superset 2: Squats
Warm up set, 1 set of 10 reps, 50% of max weight
Strength building sets: 4 sets of 5 reps, 75% x2, 80% x2
Endurance set: 135 pounds, rep until failure
Superset 3
Stiff leg barbell dead lift, 3 sets of 8, weight should be between 50-80% of
body weight
Calf raise 3 sets of 20
Superset 4
Ab work, pick 2 exercises, 4 sets of each
DAY 2: Upper Body
Dynamic Warmup, static stretching, and agility work
Agility Work:
5-10-5 pro agility x6
5 dot series x4
15 yard sprint, focused on explosive start
Superset 1:
Lat pull down, 3 sets of 10 reps
DB Bench, 3 sets of 8
Superset 2: Shoulder routine, very light 2-3 pound weights at most!
Front raise, 2 set of 10
Side raise, 2 set of 10
90-90 rotator cuff work 2 set of 8
Superset 3:
DB row, 3 sets of 8 reps each arm, as heavy as you can go
Push ups, 3 sets of 12-15
Superset 4: arms
Bicep exercise, 2x10
Tricep exercise, 2x8
Forearm exercises, pick 2, (much lighter weight than bicep), 2x15
DAY 3: Lower Body
Dynamic Warmup, static stretching, and 2-4 40 yard sprints
Superset 1:
Box jumps/squat jumps: 3 sets of 5
Superset 2: Squats
Warm up set, 1 set of 10 reps, 50% of max weight
Strength building sets: 4 sets of 5 reps, 75% x2, 80% x2
Lateral squat with DB, 2 sets of 10 each side
Superset 3
Barbell lunge/DB lunge (preferably barbell) 3 sets of 8 each side
Calf raise 3 sets of 20
Superset 4
Ab work, pick 2 exercises, 4 sets of each
DAY 4: Upper Body
Dynamic Warmup, static stretching, and agility work
Agility Work:
5-10-5 pro agility x6
5 dot series x4
15 yard sprint, focused on explosive start
Superset 1:
Pull ups 3 sets of 10(or 3 sets till failure if you cannot get 10)
DB Bench, 3 sets of 8
Superset 2: Shoulder routine, very light 2-3 pound weights at most!
Front raise, 2 set of 10
Side raise, 2 set of 10
90-90 rotator cuff work 2 set of 8
Superset 3:
DB row, 3 sets of 8 reps each arm, as heavy as you can go
Yoga push ups, 3 sets of 10
Superset 4: arms
Bicep exercise, 2x10
Tricep exercise, 2x8
Forearm exercises, pick 2, (much lighter weight than bicep), 2x15
Offseason Longtoss and Throwing Program
OUR GOAL: To build arm strength that can be directly applied to all positions on the
field, regardless of what position you play.
Our throwing program is 2 heavy days per week, and 1 light day per week. The 2
heavy days are strength gaining days where we work on mechanics after we do the
strength gaining portion, with the light day being a totally mechanics focused day.
The Program:
1. Start with stretching and anything you need to get loose BEFORE you throw
2. Get loose with light toss out to 20 yards (60 feet)
3. Then, begin lengthening out your distance with 1 throw per yard you back
up. Every throw from now on until we get to our maximum distance needs to
be on an arc to ensure optimal shoulder activation.
4. Once you get to 50 yards, start moving back 2 yards per throw, until you get
to your maximum distance. Once again, you should not be using maximum
effort until you get to your maximum distance!
5. Once you get to your maximum distance, make 3-4 throws as far as you can.
The height on your throw should not matter, throw the ball as high as you
can to get the ball as far as you can.
6. Every throw from now on is on a line, as hard as you can throw the ball.
7. Come in to 80 percent of your maximum distance, and make 2 throws as hard
as you can on a line
8. Come in to 60 percent of your maximum distance, and make 2-3 throws as
yard as you can on a line
9. Come in to 50 percent of your maximum distance, and make 2-3 throws as
yard as you can on a line
10. Come in to 35 percent of your maximum distance, and make 2-3 throws as
yard as you can on a line
11. Lastly, come in to about 65 feet, and make 6-8 max effort throws on a line,
focusing on taking your maximum distance throw, and compressing all of the
explosiveness, power, and intensity into 60 feet. It is very important that you
keep these throws between 2 and 5 feet off the ground when they get to your
12. Stretch a fair amount in your upper body and lower body once you finish
number 11.
13. Begin a cool down run. This should be between 1 and 2 miles of a jog. If you
are running on a baseball field, do between 6 and 10 poles.
14. Finish your throwing program with 5-8 30 yard sprints