Hamlet Literary Analysis Consider an aspect of Hamlet which you would like to explore. Also think about an interpretative lens through which you would like to view the play (Psychoanalytical, Feminist, Marxist, Narratology, Religious, Historical or Philosophical). You may consider the following and/or other level two questions you may develop: Analysis of a particular soliloquy and its relation to the overall theme of the play An in-depth analysis of one particular character, his/her actions and the relation to the overall theme of the play An analysis of the play’s use of a literary device and relation to the overall theme of the play A compare and contrast of two characters and what their similarities and differences reveal about the overall theme of the play Looking at the play from a Freudian perspective and analyzing character actions through this lens Analyzing how a particular theme in the play functions and develops Another topic as approved by Ms. Hamadeh Make a thesis that incorporates your topic and your interpretive lens Your essay should … Five-six pages in length. No more. No less. Be double spaced in 12 point font and follow all CA style rules Include at least two quotes from the play. Quotes should be properly cited. Include reference to at least two articles about the play Include reference to at least one film interpretation. Do not use the film for summary but instead refer to the film techniques and symbolism in the film to help support your point. A works cited page which includes: The version of the play you are using, the article(s) you cited, the film interpretation(s) you cited Rough Draft due in class Final Copy is due Point Break Down: Essay-150 points (graded on 6 point scale, 7 categories, 42 x 4, curved to 150) Meeting rough draft deadline-10 points Actively participating in peer review-10 points Inclusion of Quotes-10 points (5 points each) Reference to Articles-10 points (5 points each) Reference to a film interpretation-10 points Works Cited page-30 points Peer Review Groups 1st hour 1-Josh, Malik, Kawana, Kendall, Miranda 2-Anthony, Christian, Sloan, Nitiyaja, 3-Zach, Antonio, Angel, Maria, Alexia, 4-Aaron, Jonathan, Madison, Kylie, 5-Ali, JaKori, Xavier, Lauryn, Olivia 6-Hamza, Jalen, Teaira, Alexis, 7-Natalie, Chelsea, MiToya, Leticia, 2nd Hour 1-Caity, Shakeelah, Arianna, Garrett 2-Bailey, Deja, Nyrrah, Austin, Justin 3-CJ, Maiya, Natori, Christopher, 4-Izza, Sameika, Brennan, Bronson, 5-Jina, Eleanor, Mariah, Channing, Wyatt, 6-Isabelle, Dejah, Bre’lanee, Dylan, Terrail, 4th Hour 1-D’Mya, En’Dea, Jade, Takeiya, Danielle, 2-Connor, Ken, Aja, Madison, Ariyan,