iWellness Modern Living

Unit Title: Modern Living
Week: 12-2
Lesson Plan
A. Gragg
Lesson Title:
iWellness Fitness
Skill movement
Movement Principles and Concepts
Physical Fitness
Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link.
The idea of being Physically Fit has changed over time. There are five components to Fitness; Cardio, Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Body Composition, and Muscular
Endurance. In this Unit of Modern Living, students will continue their personal Fitness Plan by expanding and improving their overall health. The ratio to fat that is part
of the human body is important in this f=generation because of the growing problem with obesity. If students can develop at this age an idea of how to exercise and the
desire to exercise, the obesity will decrease across this Nation.
Hook for the week unit or supplemental resources used throughout the week. (PBL scenarios, video clips, websites, literature)
In this Unit, students will be improving their fitness components by experiencing phases of exercise that includes movement, dance and rhythm, strength, and agility.
The major idea is to increase blood circulation throughout the body. By watching what we put in our body and making sure we understand how important exercise is,
our ratio to fat will decrease while our energy will increase.
The teacher will show the students a candy bar, have them think of when the last time they may have experienced eating one. Explain a candy bar has enough energy to
lift an average size adult 1,200 feet up in the air-that is almost 1 mile. Listen that’s more energy than a stick of dynamite! Throughout this Unit we will learn how energy
is used to move us and how it is broken down in our bodies. Now lets begin our adventure!
(I can….)
I can…make
proper food
choices as part of
my nutrition plan.
I can…participate
in several agility
exercises that
achieve target
heart rate.
Fitness Log
Instructional Procedures
How will fitness-based activities impact your lifestyle?
Lesson Plan
 Develop student’s ability to sustain continuous movement for
increasing periods of time-use of fitness log.
 Improve student performance in preparation for the
Presidential Fitness Award.
 Develop student ability to change directions quickly; lateral,
backward, and sprinting forward.
Introduction Motivation: 5 minutes
Show the video “Food Label and You” part one
Learning Activity: 15 minutes
It is important for the teacher to establish the idea that all living things
do need energy. This could be a time to reinforce the idea that the
continuous use of energy is one of the features that helps distinguish
Students will
follow set IEP if
Important Links:
Assessment Description.docx
Detailed Description of Each
Fitness Assessment Score
living from nonliving things. This is also a good place to define food as
the source of materials and energy needed to support life.
Fitness Plan:
Agility – Jump ropes
Warm-Up Exercises
Fitness Activity – the teacher will give each student a jump rope.
Students will jump on both feet for 30 seconds
Students will jump on each foot for 30 seconds each
Students will jump on both feet for 30 seconds
Repeat backward
Cool Down
Closure: 5 minutes
Discuss with students about energy release through nutrition.
I can…understand
the basic
movement skills
consisting of
Locomotors, NonLocomotors, and
I can…name the
five components
of fitness.
I can…understand
the relationship
to exercise and
Heart Rate
How will the circuit work out help you achieve your fitness goals?
Lesson Plan
Introduction Motivation: 5 minutes
Show video “Food Label and You” part 2
Learner Activity: 15 minutes
Check for prior knowledge (group word search)
Students will
follow set IEP if
Use scores from rubric to
identify areas of concern and
areas that need improving.
Set goals to improve as they
move from workout to workout.
Check progress by testing and
maintaining a
healthy lifestyle.
Discuss why it is necessary for one to be physically fit:
If you are physically fit, you have well-conditioned cardiovascular,
respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems in order to perform
physically demanding activities such as exercise, sports, or manual
work. You also have low body fat, which means your weight is
reasonable with your height, gender, and age. This means you pay
strict attention to your diet by eating low-fat foods rich in fiber,
potassium, carbohydrates, and calcium. You do not tire easily after
strenuous activity because you get sufficient rest. Your immune
system stays strong against infection so you rarely if ever get sick.
Teaching Strategies:
The teacher will continue with the Fitness Plan.
The teacher will list and engage the students in a discussion about the
five basic fitness components.
List the 5 health components of Fitness:
1. Balance
2. Strength & Power
3. Endurance, Speed, & Reaction
4. Flexibility & Agility
5. Body Composition
These components are essential for maintaining a fit lifestyle.
Teacher will discuss the Safety and equipment overview:
 Demo technique
 Term review
 Review fitness log-how too
Full Lesson Focus: Upper Body Muscles
 Warm-up
1. Static Stretch
2. Calisthenics
 Circuit-Training
1. Chest-Pectorals (Major and Minor)
2. Shoulder-Deltoids
3. Arm-Biceps and Triceps
4. Abdominals
Learning Experience:
Review the Fitness Log Journal
Daily Fitness Focus-Muscle Chart-Names and location
1. Bicep and Tricep
2. Latissimus Dorsi
3. Abdominals
4. Pectorals
5. Oblique
6. Deltoids
7. Trapezius
I can…increase
my cardio
endurance by
performing a
guided plan.
Cool Down
1. Static Stretch
Closure Summery:
The teacher will define and explain why Physical Fitness is necessary
and important to the well being of the body. Everyone needs energy,
where does it come from and how do we retrieve it. The students will
understand steps necessary to do exercises and eat the right foods to
have the energy in proceeding throughout the day.
Enduring Understanding:
Students will discuss the importance of oxygen intake and why our
cells need oxygen for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
What is the importance for having cardio endurance?
Lesson Plan
Introduction and Motiivation: 5 minutes
Show “Food Label and You” part 3
Learner Activity:
Review Fitness Log
Students will
follow set IEP if
Use scores from rubric to
identify areas of concern and
areas that need improving.
Set goals to improve as they
move from workout to workout.
Check progress by testing and
Daily Focus - Fitness: Cardio Endurance
Introduction to equipment technique and demonstration
Discuss the importance of safety on equipment and how to maintain
Teaching Stretching:
Lesson Experience
 Cardio Warm-up
1. Static Stretches
2. Calisthenics
 Equipment Workout/or Running Plan
1. Xbox Kinects – Nike
2. Running – 3 X 2:00 laps
I can…calculate
my active heart
rate during
regular physical
Heart Rate
Cool Down
1. Static Stretch
The students will understand the risk of injury if physical exercise is
performed in-correctly. They will recognize the importance of a safe
environment (equipment) and emotional conditions essential for
safety. The students will develop skills necessary for corporation and
fairness while participating in fitness activity.
EQ: How will the circuit-training workout help to achieve my fitness
Enduring Understanding: Being physically fit will lead to a healthier
lifestyle and it will have a positive impact on the quality of your life.
Lesson Plan
Introduction and Motivation: 5 minutes
Show “Food Label and You” part 4
Students will
follow set IEP if
Use scores from rubric to
identify areas of concern and
areas that need improving.
Set goals to improve as they
move from workout to workout.
Check progress by testing and
Lesson Overview:
The teacher will provide instruction of the fitness center on the FITT
principle, components of fitness, overload principle, specificity, safety
and proper technique of all equipment, motivational and monitoring
techniques and strategies. Now it is time to move from guided
practice to independent practice. The overall goal is having all
students through self - evaluation, create and implement a personal
fitness plan to be carried out over ten physical education classes. The
goal of the physical educator is to provide an avenue for students to
participate in and establish lifetime health and fitness goals.
Teacher will discuss the importance of physical fitness. List the
benefits of physical activity (ie: stress relief, lower blood pressure,
&more energy). Introduce the use of equipment and safety
The student will discover their personal Resting Heart Rate. Allow the
students to calculate their Maximum Heart Rate, and then discuss the
importance of maintaining a Target Heart Rate during physical activity.
Teaching Strategy:
Lesson Experience:
1. Static Stretch
2. Calisthenics
1. Students will monitor their Target Heart Rate during following
 Cardio
 Jump rope
 Push-up’s & Sit-up’s
 Jumping Jacks
2. Discuss and calculate Target Heart Rate during following
 One lap
Medicine ball
Cone drill
1. Static Stretch
A physically educated person achieves and maintains a healthenhancing level of physical fitness. Discuss the F.I.T.T. principle and
how applying it will yield greater benefits.
1. 5
2. 1
3. 1
Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT
College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
Student has the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Student will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Student will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
Student will discuss the value of appropriate warm-up and conditioning techniques.
Students will find pulse and calculate Target Heart Rate while working in Heart Rate Zone.
Students will set personal goals for fitness components to be improved upon.