Fall 2011 PHED 4650: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LESSON PLAN Teacher Education Candidate: Molly Breyne, Cari LaMolinare Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: 10-17-2011 Specific Lesson Topic: Children’s Fitness Circuit Grade Level: 1 Stage 1 The Desired Results Georgia Physical Education Standard(s) PE1.4: Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness. Specific Learning Objective(s) Psychomotor a. Participates in fitness and conditioning related activities. Examples: Participates in moderate to vigorous activity continuously for at least 5 minutes. Traverses along a rock wall with little teacher assistance. b. Identifies physiological indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activities. Examples: After playing crab soccer, students are able to identify breathing hard as an example of physical exertion. Recognizes that doing push-ups makes your arm muscles tired. Recognizes that stomach muscles get tired when doing sit-ups or crunches. Identifies that the heart beats faster after dancing or moving vigorously. Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Assessment(s) Strategy (tied to objective(s) above) Materials Needed: Class Formations/Student Grouping: Peer Observation Stage 3 Learning Plans 4 jump ropes 4 sets of light weights 4 hula hoops 2 balls Appropriate music and CD player Stop watch X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sequence of Teacher Actions: *Motivation/Attention Getter/Set Induction/Introduction Teacher One: Molly The teacher will: 1. Ask the class to pick a station, no more than 4 per station 2. Begin with a warm-up march to get students moving 3. While doing march, move feet closer together, then farther apart 4. After warm-up, lead students in stretching activities for each muscle group *Significant Teacher Actions to Guide the Focal Activity Teacher Two: Cari The teacher will: 1. Introduce the skills to be learned 2. Demonstrate proper jump rope technique (have students try each new skill/movement) 3. Demonstrate different ways to hula hoop 4. Demonstrate running in place, bringing knees to chest 5. Demonstrate proper lunge technique 6. Demonstrate proper crab walk Fall 2011 *Technology enrichment (Select a website pertinent to your activity that parents/students may access.) Sequence of Student Actions: *Student Engagement During Lesson (What will students actually be doing? This is where you describe the actual activities in greater detail.) * Student Demonstration of Meeting Objective(s) Teacher Action: *Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition Adaptations for Exceptional Students (How will you modify for students with disabilities?) Related Activities/Extensions: (How could students take what they learned from the lesson to apply at home or elsewhere?) Integration or Connection to Other Content Areas: (Try to think of ways to bring in course content to the lesson activity.) 7. Demonstrate proper chest pass Explain to students that they will have a turn at each circuit and each circuit will last 45 seconds For more information on children’s fitness circuits, visit these websites: http://physicaleducationresources.com/Primary_PE_fitness_circuit.aspx http://www.netfit.co.uk/training/trainingadvice/childrens-fitness-programs.htm http://www.livestrong.com/142229-relay-games-kids The students will: 1. Complete each individual circuit when the music begins and stop and transition when the music stops 2. Jump rope for 45 seconds using technique of their choice, i.e. skipping, bunny hop, or side-to-side 3. Hula-hoop for 45 seconds with the hula-hoop around their waist, arm, neck, or foot 4. Run in place for 45 seconds, making sure to bring their knees up to their chest 5. Pick up a set of weights and complete lunges for 45 seconds 6. Compete in a crab relay race for 45 seconds; group of 4 compete two at a time, while groups of three will compete one at a time 7. Group themselves in a circle formation and chest pass the ball to one another for 45 seconds, while feet are planted and only bend at the waist The teacher will: 1. Conduct cool down stretches 2. Check for understanding: a. What parts of the body did we work? b. After each circuit, did your heart rate go up or down? Why? c. What was your favorite circuit? Video station could be used for remediation. For physical disabilities, provide chairs and encourage students to use their arms to lift weights. Encourage children to create their own circuit using items they find at home and invite their friends to participate. After mastering the basic crab walk, challenge students to work on their stability by raising one limb and attempting to balance for 45 seconds. Math: counting and keeping time Science: using kinesthetic Lesson Plan Agenda: 1. Warm-up transitioning into stretches 2. Explanation of activity with demonstration 3. Guided practice through skill acquisition 4. Successfully complete all six circuits 5. Cool-down 6. Check for understanding