Professional Life Coaching Professional Life Coaching Personal

Professional Life Coaching
Professional Life Coaching
Personal Growth
Executive Life Coaching
Harmonious relationships
Time management
New Business Opportunities
Stress reduction
Work-Life Balance
Professional Growth & Development
Helps Senior Executives
Perform in larger, rapidly-changing roles
in a globalized world
Create and execute breakthrough ideas
Develop strategic pathways &
Set milestones
Call us to schedule
your coaching session
Executive Stress
Executives today confront a unique set of stressors with no historical precedent:
Rapid change in every sector of the economy
Globalization of many industries
Outsourcing of many services and professions
Rapid expansion of the knowledge base requiring constant acquisition of knowledge to remain
The “Age of Distraction” – email, voicemail, “streaming everything” to PDAs
Increased regulatory complexity
Tom Peters - “The cycle from ‘champ’ to ‘chump’ used to be 50 years, now it’s 5 years”
Will it soon become 5 months? (e.g. RIM/Blackberry)
Today’s executive must respond to many more stakeholders:
Board of Directors
Regulatory Agencies
News media
Community organizations
Call us today
to schedule
your coaching session
Coaching focuses on an individual's strengths and aims to help achieve what they want more of in life and at
To help identify and achieve their greater goals and to help them live a better life.
To help navigate toward a more engaged and compelling future.
Someone who is an expert at helping others create positive change in their lives. For some clients, the
positive change they most want may be focused on personal goals such as relationships, time management,
work-life balance, stress reduction, simplification, health, etc.,
Other clients may be more interested in professional or business goals such as leadership, getting a
promotion, starting a business, etc.
An effective coach works with the client to help them live a better, richer life - regardless of their type of
Coaching is designed to help senior leaders create and execute breakthrough ideas, develop strategic
pathways and set milestones.
Coaching to help their high-potential executives perform in larger, rapidly-changing roles in a globalized
Coaching is "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their
personal and professional potential." - ICF
Dealing with executive stress
Creating a harmonious work-life balance
Resolving management and organizational dynamics related to
mental health issues
Coaches are experts at the process of changing behavior
Coaches help their clients explore and come up with the best choices
for them based on where they are and the client's vision for their
Coaches are practical, professional, business people who are focused
on tangible results
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity. - World Health Organization
Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances. - Benjamin Franklin
RCC exists to support people to BECOME their best selves and CREATE their highest accomplishment
through innovative programs and products. Everything I offer comes from experience, training, study, a
lifetime of wisdom, and the unwavering belief in the Coresponsibility of each person to become their best
and bring it to the world. I have coached and participated in sports for 30+ years, and with that experience
comes a mastery of unspoken things like, knowing just how much to stretch a comfort zone, or just how to
tweak this or that to help you get to where you want to go. When you choose to work with me, you are
allowing yourself to receive a powerful lifetime of mastery and unwavering belief in you. You are choosing
to be our best!
Many great accomplishers had great coaches who not only brought practical know how of the skills
necessary, but also philosophical and spiritual “holding of space of belief” and “Interpersonal skills” to help
you get to where you want to go. I help you “get your great out!” No matter what your capabilities, we will
expand them. No matter what your struggles, we will move forward. No matter what past actions, we will
believe in your ability to become and create your best you.
Professional Life Coaching
6 Foundations to the Professional Life Coaching Process
Personal coaching, professional coaching, and life coaching involves a unique relationship between a coach and client. Before
you engage a personal coach, get familiar with what you can expect.
Take focused action. When it comes to coaching, talk is not cheap. You are paying to engage a professional to help you
create a better, fuller, richer life. While you may be paying for the conversation, the real dividends are earned between calls
when you take action. The best intentions, ideas, and inventions are meaningless if you never take action. Count on taking
dramatic action toward your goals, but not just random “I hope this works” action. You’ll be taking focused actions that will
help you reach your goals.
Capitalize on your strengths. None of us is able to produce the extraordinary when we focus exclusively on trying to
improve our weaknesses. Our greatness derives from our strengths. Our strengths develop naturally, and they are enduring.
You’ll be more able to focus, have more excitement, and be more committed to developing your skills when the goals you set
and the actions you take leverage your strengths in a powerful way.
Establish and accomplish stretch goals. You’ll be surprised about how much more you’ll reach for and not be
overwhelmed in the process when you have a trusted partner in your success. You’ll find it easier to set and attain ambitious
stretch goals with the support and accountability of the coaching relationship.
Be challenged. Setting goals is easy. Reaching them takes hard work and persistence. Don’t be surprised if you are pushed,
pulled, and challenged!
Make better decisions. This is because your focus will be clearer. Every single one of my clients is gifted, yet not always
focused. I will help you become focused as you share ideas with me. As your coach, my full intention is to understand you and
be completely endorsing of you and your goals, yet challenge you to be sharper and more focused in your thinking.
Not be given advice. My guess is that you don’t need another parent, sibling, friend, or co-worker telling you what you
should be doing. My job is not to give you advice, but to help you explore and come up with the best choice for you.
Occasionally I may offer something, but don’t expect too much advice. What you will get from coaching is much more valuable
than instructions.
Professional Coaching:
3 Requirements to
Achieve Powerful Results
Personal coaching, professional coaching, life
coaching, or executive coaching has been
demonstrated to have very powerful results when
three factors are present:
You have a strong desire to develop your potential,
There is a gap between where you are now and where
you want to be, and
You are ready and willing to take action and be
accountable to achieve the results you want.
“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart,
you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better as the
years roll on.”
“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?
Whenever the answer is “no” for too many days in a row, know I need to change
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of
thinking you have something to lose.”
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night
saying we’ve done something wonderful that’s what matters to me.”
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from
the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know
what you truly want to become.”
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones
who do.”
“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
- Steve Jobs