Focused and Related Courses_1

Baylor University Sustainability focused and related courses
3320 Environment and Human Behavior
4330 Epidemiology
4351 Futuristics
4362 Applied Anthropology
4680 Field School in Cultural Anthropology
Aviation Sciences
4330 Aviation Fuels
Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (BIC)
3358 Examined Life II: Biblical Heritage and Contemporary Ethical Issues
1403 Exploring the Living World
3303 Ecology
4303 Molecular and Medical Biotechnology
4310 Biogeography
1405 Chemistry and Society
3330 Economic Geography
Environmental Studies
1103 Wildlife Ecology Laboratory Exercises
1301 Exploring Environmental Issues
1303 Wildlife Ecology
2175 Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology Laboratory
2375 Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
2376 Environment and Society
2407 Ecology for a Changing World
3103 Seminar on Environmental Topics
3106 Conserving Biodiversity
3133 Analytical Analysis of Water Quality
3137 Wildlife Management Methods
3187 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
3301 Team Research in Environmental Studies
3303 Directed Reading in Environmental Studies
3306 Conserving Biodiversity
3314 Introduction to Environmental health
3333 Watershed Assessment
3337 Principles of Wildlife Management
3370 Managing Environmental Health and Safety
3387 Environmental Chemistry
3V90 Individual Research Problems
3V93-02 Environmental Sustainability Internship
4102 Seminar on Environmental Topics
4199 Senior Thesis I
4287 Field and Laboratory Tests
4299 Senior Thesis II
4302 Team Problem Solving in Environmental Studies
4307 Environmental Law
4310 World Food Problems
4313 Agricultural Ecology
4315 Research Methods
4323 The Environment and Economic Analysis
4325 Human Health Risk Assessment
4327 Human Catastrophe and Cultural Response
4330 Urban Political Processes
4331 Population Problems
4332 Science Leadership: Community Environmental Research
4333 Coastal Zone Management
4335 Applied Environmental Impact Analysis
4340 Environmental Archaeology
4344 Fundamentals of Toxicology
4345 Water Management
4349 Pollution Abatement and Prevention Systems
4350 Development and Indigenous Peoples
4354 Water Treatment
4355 Principles of Renewable Resource Management
4362 Applied Anthropology
4365 The Environment and Energy
4369 Seminar in Anthropology
4370 Environmental Toxicology
4371 Wetlands
4373 Global Soil Systems
4375 natural Landscape Evaluation and Planning
4377 Advanced Studies in Wilderness, Parks, and Nature Reserves
4380 Restoration Ecology
4386 Remote Sensing
4390 Chemical Investigation and Remediation
4393 Internship in Environmental Education
4397 Tropical Environments: Ecology and Sustainable Management
43C1 Environmental Capstone
4450 Applied Forest Ecology
4485 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
4487 Advanced GIS Analysis
4613 Field School in Environmental Studies
4680 Field School in Cultural Anthropology
4V13 Special Topics in Field and Laboratory Methodologies
4V50 Problems
4V90 Advanced Individual Research Problems
4V93 Internship in Environmental Planning or Management
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
2315 Building Systems and Codes for Interiors
3318 ID Studio I: Residential Design
4352 World Nutrition
4356 The Family: A Global Perspective
Geography (GEOG)
1300 World Geography
1404 Physical Geography
4314 Meteorology
Geology (GEO)
1402 World Oceans
1403 Environmental Geology
3329 Aqueous Geochemistry
4341 Introduction to Hydrology
4346 Hydrogeology
Health Education (HED)
3314 Environmental Health
History (HIS)
4388 American Environmental History
Marketing (MKT)
3325 Consumer Behavior
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
4336 Energy Systems Design
Nursing (NUR)
4357 Women's Health Concerns
4387 Environmental Issues and Their Impact on Health and Human Needs
Philosophy (PHI)
1308 Introductory Topics in Ethics
2309 Philosophical Traditions
4341 Contemporary Continental Philosophy
4342 Contemporary American Philosophy
Public Policy and Administration
3300 The Environment and Political Processes
Psychology (PSY)
3406 Comparative Psychology
Recreation and Leisure Services (RLS)
4301 Outdoor Education
Social Work (SWO)
3351 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
3352 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
Below is a list of undergraduate courses on offer that are either focused on or related to sustainability.
Anthropology (ANT)
4305 Anthropological Theory
4327 Human Catastrophe and Cultural Response
4330 Epidemiology
4340 Environmental Archaeology
4341 Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean
4351 Futuristics
4362 Applied Anthropology
4680 Field School in Cultural Anthropology
Art (ART)
Studio Courses
4331 Package Design
Aviation Sciences (AVS)
4305 Special Topics in Quantitative Methods
4320 Air Pollution Sampling and Testing
4330 Aviation Fuels
5330 Development of Biofuels in Aviation
Biology (BIO)
4310 Biogeography
4401 General Bacteriology
4405 Limnology
4427 Biology of Mammals
5330 Conservation Biology
5340 Ecosystem Process Modeling
5403 Population Ecology
5404 Wetland Ecology and Management
5405 Stream Ecology
5413 Advanced Ecological Data Analysis
Chemistry (CHE)
4332 Organic Synthesis
Curriculum and Instruction (EDC)
5315 Foundations of the American Economy
Economics (ECO)
5115 Demand Analysis
5116 Production and Cost Analysis
5300 Foundations of the American Economy
5310 Macroeconomic Analysis in the Global Economy
5321 Energy Economics
5325 Seminar in Regional Economics
5334 Economic Development
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ELC)
4340 Power Systems
Environmental Science (ENV)
4302 Team Problem Solving in Environmental Studies
4307 Environmental Law
4310 World Food Problems
4323 The Environment and Economic Analysis
4325 Human Health Risk Assessment
4333 Coastal Zone Management
4335 Applied Environmental Impact Analysis
4344 Fundamentals of Toxicology
4345 Water Management
4355 Principles of Renewable Resource Management
4365 The Environment and Energy
4377 Advanced Studies in Wilderness, Parks and Nature Reserves
4380 Restoration Ecology
4450 Applied Forest Ecology
4V13 Special Topics in Field and Laboratory Methodologies
4V50 Problems
5300 Integrative Seminar in Environmental Studies
5303 Environmental Chemical Analysis
5310 Agricultural Ecology
5315 Research Design and Methods
5342 Ecological Risk Assessment
5350 The Environment and Third World Development
5368 Integrated Energy Resource Systems
5370 Advanced Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
5373 Advanced Environmental Biotechnology
5376 Advanced Urban and Regional Comprehensive Environmental Planning
5379 Ecosystem Management
5387 Advanced Environmental Chemistry
5391 Measurement Methods and Data Analysis for Air Pollution Research
5393 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
5V52 Special Topics in Environmental Analysis
5V90 Graduate Environmental Practicum
5V99 Research for Master's Thesis