CHAPTER CHAPTER 56 THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION AN INTRODUCTION OFTO MACROMOLECULES METABOLISM Section B: Enzymes 1. 2. 3. 4. Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers Enzymes are substrate specific The active site in an enzyme’s catalytic center A cell’s physical and chemical environment affects enzyme activity 1 Pages 96 - 103 Hydrolysis of sucrose (table sugar) Dehydration Glucose + Fructose Glucose + Fructose Sucrose Hydration (H2O) Sucrase Hydrolysis of sucrose in the presence of Sucrase results in its two monosaccharide components. This process consumes تستهلكenergy (Activation Energy; EA) 2 1. Enzymes speed up تسرعreactions التفاعالتby lowering تقليلthe activation energy طاقة التنشيط A catalyst ال ُمحفزis a chemical agent that changes the rate of a reaction without being consumed دون أن يُستهلكby the reaction. An enzyme is a catalytic protein. Activation Energy: is the amount of energy needed for the reaction (between enzyme & substrate) to complete (to break the bonds) Raising the temperature for these reactions to complete will either denature the compounds or kill the cell. Thus, organisms must use a catalyst عامل محفز. 3 Fig. 6.11, Page 96 Enzymes are substrate specific • The substrate المادة المطلوب هضمهاis a reactant which binds to an enzyme. • When a substrate binds to an enzyme, the enzyme catalyzes يسهلthe conversion تحويلof the substrate to the product مكوناتها البنائية. – Sucrase (catalyst) is an enzyme that binds to sucrose (substrate) and breaks the disaccharide into fructose and glucose (products). Enzyme (a catalyst) Substrate Product (s) Sucrase Sucrose + H2O Glucose + Fructose Specificity of enzyme تخصصية اإلنزيمrefers to its Active Site المركز النشطwhich fit to يـُناسبthe surface of substrate. 4 The active site is an enzyme’s catalytic center The active site المكان النشطof an enzymes is the groove الجيبon the surface of the enzyme into which the substrate fits. The specificity of an enzyme is due to the fit between التناسب بينthe active site and that of the substrate. 5 Fig. 6.14 Active site of enzyme and Catalytic Cycle Sucrose Sucrase Glucose H 2O Fructose 6 Cellular factors affecting enzyme activity 1. Temperature: has a major impact on reaction rate. As temperature increases, reaction between substrate and active sites occur faster. However, at some point thermal increase begins to denature the substrate. Each enzyme has an optimal temperature درجة حرارة ُمثلى. 7 Fig. 6.16a, Page 100 Cellular factors affecting enzyme activity 2. pH also influences the reaction rate, each enzyme has an optimal pH falls between pH 6 - 8 for most enzymes. • However, digestive enzymes in the stomach are designed to work best at pH 2 while those in the intestine are optimal at pH 8, both matching their working environments. Fig. 6.16b, page 100 3. Cofactors (coenzymes): العوامل المساعدة A non-protein helpers for catalytic activity of enzymes. They bind permanently دائماto the enzyme and include two types:a)- Inorganic cofactors, include zinc, iron, and copper. b)- Organic cofactors, include vitamins or molecules derived from vitamins. 8 B)- Enzyme inhibitors: ـثـبطات اإلنزيمات ِّ ُم Enzyme inhibitors are molecules that prevent enzymes from catalyzing reactions. • Competitive inhibition تثبيط تنافسى: the inhibitor binds to the same site as the substrate, then it called. • Non-competitive inhibition: تثبيط ال تنافسى the inhibitor binds somewhere other than the active site, then it called 9 Fig. 6.17a, b & c, Page 101