Student Awareness on Global Warming

Student Awareness on Global
Tina Tsantakis
Education 702.22
Fall 2008
Table of Contents
- Statement of the Problem
- Review of Related Literature
- Statement of the Hypothesis
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to investigate student awareness
on global warming and to find out how much knowledge
children have on global warming. Every year our earth is
being effected by global warming and is creating a dangerous
future for our children. Studies show that children have some
awareness but do very little to help the earth. Technology and
implementing a recycling program in classrooms are very
useful tools that will help children become more aware and caring
for the earth.
Review of Related Literature
Global warming is a very serious issue and is effecting
our planet.
Noam Chomsky and Al Gore believe that global
warming are major issues that we need to be more
concerned with.
George Bush pushes aside the issues of global warming.
Pictures showing causes and effects of global warming
on earth.
Literature Review
Noam Chomsky believes global warming is a major issue and that it’s
being ignored. Chomsky explains that Bush’s administration pushes
aside scientific inquiry on global warming. He believes that we can
possibly face catastrophic damage if global warming issues continue to
be ignored. Chomsky emphasizes that the government needs to take
action and acknowledge the potential harm that is facing us.
Chomsky, N. (2005.) Intelligent design?
Khaleej Times. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from
Literature Review
Al Gore is very interested in saving our planet. He created a campaign
to raise awareness and to address global warming issues. Al Gore is
concerned about the climate change, rising levels of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere and the rising sea level. Al Gore states (2005), “We
can't ignore it. We can't put our heads in the sand. We are witnessing a
collision between our civilization and the Earth.”
Vega, M., C. (2005). Warning from Gore on future S.F. speech focuses on
global warming. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from
Literature Review
Children in today’s world are spending much more time indoors than outdoors.
When students are in class, usually they are not learning about the environment.
When the children are at home, usually they watch TV, finish homework, play
video games or use the computer. Children can help save the planet if they spend
more time outdoors and learn to appreciate and care for the planet.
Cleaver, S. (2007). Classrooms are going green: How green classrooms are
reconnecting kids with nature. Instructor, (3)117, 20-24.
Global environmental problems are a result of careless use of natural resources and
overpopulation. If global environmental problems are implemented into the
curriculum, students will increase knowledge and will become more caring for the
Oluk, S., & Ozalp, I. (2007). The teaching of global environmental problems according
to the constructivist approach: As a focal point of the problem and the availability
of concept cartoons. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, (7)2, 881-896.
Literature Review
There are many factors effecting global warming and one major reason are the
greenhouse gases. The main natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. There has been an increase in greenhouse
gases due to human activities and has started effecting the earth since the
1700’s. Burning forests down, fossil fuels burning, decaying rubbish are all
enhancing the greenhouse gases. As a result, we have seen dramatic changes in
global temperature, precipitation, sea level and weather extremes.
Saunders, M. A. (1999). Earth’s future climate. Philosophical Transactions:
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, (357)1763, 3459-3480.
Computers and technology are popular and are a part of new instructional
methodologies used in today’s classrooms. Children can explore and research
on the internet to find out more on global warming. The students can research
and find out ways to help save our planet. The negative effect of using
computers in the classroom is when children are taken away from group
activities and focus on their computers instead of the lesson or assignment the
other students are involved in.
Literature Review
Recycling is expanding in schools and neighborhoods. Students are starting to
separate their trash and send bottles, cans, newspapers, and yard waste to
recycling centers.
Adler, H. J. (1992). Little green lies. The environmental miseducation of
America’s children. Policy Review, 61, 18-26.
Recycling is a fairly new methodology being introduced into classrooms. This
year the school I work in started a recycling program. Recycling is an
important key to saving our planet and needs to become more widespread. The
negative effect of a recycling program is infestation. If recyclable products are
not disposed quickly, it can create a very unwelcoming and hazardous
Statement of the Hypothesis
H1: Integrating technology and recycling programs in
classrooms will increase student awareness on global
warming and will therefore help save our planet.
H2: Not integrating technology or recycling programs into
classrooms will cause further damage to our planet and
will steer children away from the environmental issues
that face them in the future.
Causes of global warming
Effects of global warming