Edmodo code 5gjm8q A weebly website is also in the process of being constructed Theoretical Elements Basic Energy Systems & Requirements Muscle Groups Fitness Tests Conditioning Regimes/ Techniques/ Principles/Equipment Fitness Components Relevant Legislation Inappropriate Conditioning programs IMPORTANT. YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE AN A4 DISPLAY FOLDER AS WELL FOR THIS COURSE. FOR RELEVANT ASSESSMENTS & CERTIFICATES. EDMODO CODE IS yxg3ea. Practical Elements Complete 2 sets of tests. Pre & post tests. As part of a group run, participate and record participants scores. Produce these results in a formalised document Participate in a range of AFL skill drills and conditioning activities. Run selected Skill drills & conditioning activities. Watch Draft Combine Videos Day 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLYW2bDT4Tc Day 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7llJUkq-bcs Day 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxIQOAg2DXc Day 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h-olY09IgQ Groups Group 1 Group 2 1. Gabby 1. Emma, Ollie 2. Jesse 2. Jayden 3. Jack 3. Joe 4. Johnny 4. Jordy 5. Ryan 5. Cody 6. Brad 6. Brannon 7. Shaun 7. Jacob 8. Liam 8. Corey 9. 9. 10. Trav 10. Nathan 11. 11. 12. 12. Create a table for your results Test Beep test 3km Illonois Vertical Jump Running V/Jump 20m sprint Repeat sprint Sit & Reach Kicking efficiency Result 1 Result 2 Result 3 Overall How the testing will work. Both groups will get a briefing about the testing from Mr Miller, as well a Handout outlining how each test is to be set up and run. Each group will facilitate the test and participate in the testing. The groups will record their partners results. These results will need to be transferred into a digital copy. Kooweerup Secondary College AFL Combine http://bigpondvideo.com/AFL/499020 Fitness Components WHAT IS FITNESS? Fitness incorporates many different aspects called components. The following list describes these fitness components. Also listed are the types of activities closely linked to the component and fitness tests used to assess them. Different athletes can be fit in different ways. That is, a rower possesses excellent muscular power, local muscular endurance and aerobic power. A weight lifter has outstanding muscular strength and power. Both however are fit in their own way. Fitness Components Who is fitter? 1. Bolt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By1JQFxfLMM 2. Zielenski http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD3mgesXpCQ 3.Raisman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nznDUHj_h14 4. NFL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxqftpqALz8 5. Hawaii Iron Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ECbB9rWf0 6. Amateur Athletes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkh2LTSyF9w 7. AFL Footballers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXapmPH3a30 Fitness Components Are as follows: 1. Aerobic power 2. Anaerobic power 3. Speed 4. Flexibility 5. Muscular strength 6. Muscular power 7. Agility 8. Local muscular endurance 9. Balance 10. Reaction time Activity Time Physical Fitness Handout Answer all questions in full sentences and write out questions & tasks. Remember Fitness Test Data in Excel is due on the 26/2/2014. Fitness Tests In our instance it would is necessary to conduct a fitness analysis of a particular sport, i.e. AFL. 1. What fitness tests do we usually perform within HPE classes? There are 7 + weight & height. Draw a table that identifies the test and the major component it is testing. 2. Looking at AFL as a sport - (a) List the fitness components that are important (identify 5), and provide an example or explanation of why they are important in AFL. 3. How do you think someone could use the results obtained from the fitness tests? Fitness Components Videos Using the Flip Cameras provide an explanation and demonstration of 3 fitness components that are relevant within AFL Gameplay. Your video should have the EDI model. Feel free to be creative, however Videos must be instructional. 1. Explanation- Instructor explains component in AFL. No more than 3 key points. 2. Demonstration- Provides a demonstration of component in gameplay. 3. Imitation- Group to practice through a drill or exercise. 4. Provide a written copy of what each group member has done. Write an equipment list & outline the 3 components. Videos Group 1 ..\Students work\Group 1\Group 1 video.wlmp Group 2 ..\Students work\Group 2\Group 2.wlmp Group 3 ..\Students work\Group 3\Group 3.wlmpf Fitness Tests Multi stage fitness test question. Multi-stage Fitness Test Using your notebooks you are to answer the following questions based around the Multi-stage Fitness Test that we completed 2 weeks ago. Remember to answer in full sentences and that your are required to write out all questions. Question 1 What are 3 other names used to describe the Multi-stage Fitness Test Question 2 What is the Multi-stage Fitness Test actually testing? Question 3 Who was the test created by and in what year? Question 4 At what speed does the test start at and how much does it increase each level? Question 5 What is the minimum requirement on the Multi-stage Fitness Test for some to the join the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB)? Question 6 How many cumulative shuttles, how much distance was covered and how much time elapsed; if an individual scores 11.0 on the Multi-stage Fitness Test Muscle Groups 600 muscles in the body Voluntary muscles you can control Involuntary muscles- automated 3 types of muscle- Skeletal, Smooth & Cardiac 3 types of connective tissue- Cartilage ( smooth elastic tissue found in various forms in body), Tendons (attach muscle to bone), Ligaments (connect bone to bone) Provide body with a variety of movements and types of contractions Using Netbooks. Complete Table using muscles identified in the muscle diagram. Complete Muscle Diagram. Using Netbooks. Muscle Anterior/ Posterior Location 1 Action Muscle Groups in actions Create a list of the muscles that make up your bodies core muscles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT_8p6lBCMY Using devices. Define kinesthesis & Proprioception. How is this relevant to muscles and skills? Get students to use flip cameras to demonstrate 3 skills that use different muscle groups in AFL. Make them relevant, instructional and humorous. Use the EDICT Model. Explain- Which muscles/ groups are used in skill. Demonstrate- The skill and the muscle groups involve. Imitate- Group to practice. Coach- How to do the skill using correct muscle groups. Train- Exercise or game to train this skill and muscle group. Kicking Videos ..\Students work\Group 1\2nd video\Kicking.wlmp ..\Students work\Group 2\Kicking.wlmp ..\Students work\Group 3\Kicking.wlmp Final Skill Videos Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Energy Systems 3 major Energy systems that operate at anyone time. These systems are the Phosphate Energy system, Anaerobic Glycolysis System & Aerobic Energy system. The contribution of each varies depending upon the intensity and duration of activity. Read Handout on Energy Systems Found in small amounts in all muscles Provides energy that allows muscular effort. E.g. blinking of an eye, weight training or running. ATP is an adenosine molecule with three phosphate molecules attached. ATP ADENOSINE P P P ATP can be created from: Carbohydrate (CHO) Fat Protein When CHO is digested, it is broken down to glucose to be transported in the blood to the muscles and liver. Within the muscles and liver, glucose is broken down and stored as glycogen. Glycogen can then be used by the energy systems anaerobic glycolysis (w/o O2) and aerobic (with O2), to help resynthesize ATP for muscle contraction. Fats are broken down to free fatty acids to be transported in the blood to the muscles. Within the muscles, free fatty acids are broken down and stored as triglycerides. These triglycerides can be used only by the aerobic energy system as they require large amounts of O2 to be broken down and used. During a long team game/marathon, fat (as either triglycerides or free fatty acids) usually contributes to ATP production to meet sub-maximal energy demands. During rest conditions, fat produces the majority of the required ATP. Protein only minimally contributes to ATP production. In extreme conditions (starvation/ultra triathlon/ultra marathon events) when the body has severely depleted its supplies of CHO and fat, protein can become a viable source of ATP. FOOD FUEL STORED AS SITE CHO Glucose Glycogen Adipose tissue (storage of excess CHO) Blood Muscle and liver Around the body FAT Free fatty acids Triglycerides Adipose tissue Blood Muscle Around the body PROTEIN Muscle Amino acids Skeletal muscle Body fluids Draw figure 3.12 Phosphate Energy System/ ATP-CP Provide an 3 examples of a movement within AFL that would use this energy system as the predominant energy system? 2. Why do these movements use this energy system as the major source of energy? 3. What intensity level is required to perform these movements? 4. What is the time length when this system produces the majority of energy? 5. How long does it take for this system to replenish? Can anything speed this up? 1. Anaerobic Glycolysis System/ Lactic Acid System 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide 3 examples of a movements or situations within AFL that would use this energy system as the predominant energy system? Why do these movement use this energy system? What intensity level is required to perform these movements? What is the time length when this system produces the majority of energy? How long does it take for this system to replenish? Can anything speed this up? Aerobic Energy System/ Oxidative System Provide 2 examples of a movement or situations within AFL that would use this energy system as the predominant energy system? 2. Why do these movement use this energy system primarily for energy? 3. What intensity level is required to perform these movements? 4. What is the time length when this system produces the majority of energy? 5. How long does it take for this system to replenish? Can anything speed this up? 1. Goal Setting To have some focus within your life you need to have goals. Without goals you tend to meander through years and may not accomplish anything of meaning. These goals need to be realistic yet challenging. If they are too easy you will lack the drive to fulfil them, and if they are too hard, you will never reach them. Short term goal = weeks. Medium term goal = months. Long term goal = years. Think carefully about what you want to do in the future and give your goals. It would be good to include some fitness goals. List them in a table in your WORKBOOK. Goals can be sport, school, work or fitness related PERIOD OF TIME SHORT TERM MEDIUM TERM LONG TERM YOUR GOALS Conditioning Principles To help ensure any training program will be effective, it needs to follow certain guidelines called training or conditioning principles. There are a number of training or condition principals, but the ones we will focus on are.: Specificity Progressive Overload Intensity Frequency Variety SPIF V Specificity Specificity – ‘You get what you train for’. Your training should develop the fitness components and energy system(s) that the activity involves. e.g. Regular jogging will improve aerobic power but not upper body strength. What are some training methods that could be used for AFL in regards to specificity? Progressive Overload Progressive Overload – Your body will adapt to a certain level of physical activity/training. To improve the body must be placed under gradual increases in effort to improve. These increases should be no more than 10%. e.g. If you run 3km in 10 minutes, then any increase should be less than 300m within that same time. In a weight program if you were lifting 40kg in a particular exercise, then the next weight should be no more than 44kg. Intensity Intensity – Is how hard you train and is usually indicated by your heart rate. However, two hard sessions and one easy session are usually adequate. Frequency Frequency – You must train a minimum number of times for an improvement to occur. Three to four times per week is usually the ideal number. Variety Variety – Do different things and in different ways to maintain interest in the program. e.g. take different routes on your bike ride, train with friends, etc. AFL Training Session Construct and run an AFL lesson with your groups. You will need to construct and use a lesson/ session plan and template. Available on EDMODO. You will need to submit this lesson plan and have allocated members of your group to each section of lesson i.e. Warm-up, Cool down, Skill (EDICT), Fitness Test & Modified game. Your session will need to have a learning focus. Your focus lesson focus must include a warm- up/ cool down, skills, fitness component and relevant fitness test, identify muscle groups & conditioning principles. Get together and brain storm about how you think your lesson should run. Your session should aim to be a period long. This is a practical assessment. Try and make your lesson fun, instructional & applicable to AFL and the things we have done. You will have a double today to practice with your groups presentation being in the coming weeks. If group members are absent they will need to be allocated aspects of the lesson. However if people are away your group will still be expected to present & absent members will be required to make up presentation. Lesson Plan Template Lesson Plan Date: Lesson/ Session Topic: Venue: Lesson Duration: Specific Lesson Focus for students (Including Skill, Fitness components, Fitness tests, Muscle Groups & Conditioning Principles.) Equipment List Time Activity Equipment 10 mins Warm up -Run 2 laps of double netball court -Dynamic stretching – Static Stretching of muscles -Run throughs No equipment needed. Just adequate space. Skill(EDICT) Fitness Test Modified Skill Game Cool Down Key information/ instructions (3-5) Safety Consideration Fitness components -Run around the court in a clock wise direction. -Knees up in the front, Heels to bum, side to side etc -Stretch all major muscle groups EDICT -Ensure obstacles are removed -Ensure participants hold stretches long enough -Aerobic Capacity -Speed -Flexibility -Local Muscular Endurance -Balance Muscle Groups Conditioning Principle -Biceps -Triceps -Glutes -Calf Hamstring -Quads - Specificity -Intensity -Overload -Variety Conditioning Methods The form of training used are called Training Methods. In brief these are: Continuous training – As the name suggests, the activity is performed without a break. Improves aerobic power and local muscular endurance. Interval training – Periods (or intervals) of work alternate with intervals of recovery. Can improve aerobic power, anaerobic power or local muscular endurance. Circuit training – A series of activities are performed one after each other. Can improve most of the fitness components. Resistance (or weight) training – Use weights or your body to make the muscles work. Can improve muscular strength, power or local muscular endurance. Flexibility – Using stretching to improve joint and muscle range of movement. Fartlek – Involves short bursts of speed interspersed in a continuous training session. Improves aerobic power, aerobic power and local muscular endurance. Plyometrics – Involves the placement of muscles in a stretched position followed by an explosive movement. Improves muscular power Create a Conditioning Program Is it a specific sport (AFL) or your general fitness you wish to improve? List all the fitness components that are important? What fitness tests are appropriate to assess your fitness attributes of those fitness components? Name which training method(s) would be most useful for you to improve your fitness? Imagine that you have just been employed by an AFL club to write them a weekly training program. Please create a 1 week training program that includes a morning (am) & an afternoon (pm) session. You need to have a mixture of training sessions from skills, match play, running & weights. You will need to identify how long these sessions last, what time they start the day they run, the components/ muscle groups your focusing on principles of training used and training methods used. Also include frequency & Intensity (how often& how hard you train). Explain what activities you could perform during a training session. Give a detailed explanation of what you could do. Name and then explain how you would apply the training principles to your program. Create a table outlining your program. Including Day, time, type of training (method), principle of training, fitness components, Muscle groups being worked, Activity description, Frequency of training (How many times a week for running or resistance training etc) & Intensity (How hard you train). Look online for some ideas. Post completed program on EDMODO. Possible example of table. Day Time am/ pm Compon ent Prin Mth Activitie s Freq/ Intensity