COMPUTER BLOCK DIAGRAM, HARDWARE DEVICES, SYSTEM SOFTWARE AND APPLICATION SOFTWARE 1 Manesh T Faculty In 111charge: 101CS COMPUTER ORGANIZATION Parts of computer system 1. INPUT UNIT Mouse, keyboard 2. OUTPUT UNIT Printer, monitor, audio speakers 3. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT It is the heart of computer system. All calculations and other operations are performed in this unit. 3 Parts 1. Control Unit (CU) It controls and coordinates the activities of all other units. 2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) All the arithmetical and logical activities are performed in the ALU. 3. Registers/Memory The processor contains special storage locations called registers. 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF COMPUTER System Unit Storage HD RAM Registers CU ALU CPU 3 4. STORAGE UNIT Store processed information Primary storage unit RAM,ROM Secondary storage unit Hard drives, floppy drives 4 COMPUTER BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 HARDWARE DEVICES 6 IMPORTANT INPUT DEVICES: Keyboard Mouse Other Pointing Devices Slide 7 KEYBOARD Slide 8 THE MOUSE The mouse is the most widely used pointing device. A mouse is palm sized. As the mouse is moved, its movements are mirrored by the on-screen pointer. Slide 9 TYPES OF MICE Wheel Mouse Cordless Mouse Wheel mouse – Contains a rotating wheel used to scroll vertically within a text document; connects to PS/2 port or USB port Cordless mouse – Uses infrared signals to connect to the computer’s IrDA port; it must be within sight of the receiving port Optical Mouse- Slide 10 OTHER TYPES OF POINTING DEVICES Trackball Touch Screen Pointing Stick Joystick Touch Pad Pen AUDIO INPUT: SPEECH RECOGNITION Speech recognition is a type of input in which the computer recognizes words spoken into a microphone. Special software and a microphone are required. Latest technology uses continuous speech recognition where the user does not have to pause between words. Slide 12 DIGITAL INPUT: DIGITAL CAMERAS AND DIGITAL VIDEO Digital Cameras Digital Video Click on the picture to play the video. Slide 13 ALTERNATIVE INPUT DEVICES Scanners Flatbed Fax Machines Barcode reader Slide 14 DIGITAL CAMERAS The image’s light falls on a charge-coupled device (CCD) which transforms the light’s patterns into pixels (individual dots). Images are stored in the camera using flash memory. The most popular types are CompactFlash and SmartMedia. Photo-editing programs enable the user to edit the images. Slide 15 DIGITAL VIDEO A video capture board transforms analog video into digital video. Digital video cameras use digital technologies to record video images. A Web cam is a low resolution video camera. Web cam Digital video camera Slide 16 OUTPUT DEVICES: ENGAGING OUR SENSES Output devices are peripheral devices that enable us to view or hear the computer’s processed data. Visual output – Text, graphics, and video Audio output – Sounds, music, and synthesized speech Slide 17 MONITORS CRT LCD A monitor is a peripheral device which displays computer output on a screen. Screen output is referred to as soft copy. Types of monitors: Cathode-ray tube (CRT) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD or flat-panel) Light Emitting Diode(LED) Plasma Slide 18 PRINTERS A printer is a peripheral device that produces a physical copy or hard copy of the computer’s output. Slide 19 TYPES OF PRINTERS Inkjet Laser 20 STORAGE DEVICES MEMORY VS. STORAGE Hard Drive – storage RAM – memory Storage, also known as mass media or auxiliary storage, refers to the various media on which a computer system can store data. Storage devices hold programs and data in units called files. Memory is a temporary workplace where the computer transfers the contents of a file while it is being used. Slide 21 HARD DISKS Platter Read/Write head Hard disks are high-speed, high-capacity storage devices. They contain metal disks called platters. They contain two or more stacked platters with read/write heads for each side. Hard disks can be divided into partitions to enableSlide 22 computers to work with more than one operating system. 23 IDENTIFY FOLLOWING HARDWARES EXERCISE 24 MOUSE 25 KEYBOARD 26 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) 27 INSIDE CPU 28 MOTHER BOARD 29 RAM (RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY) ROM (READ ONLY MEMORY) 30 HARD DISK 31 VIDEO CARD 32 PROCESSOR 33 BLUETOOTH CARD 34 SOUND CARD 35 NETWORK CARD 36 CD/DVD DRIVE 37 WEB CAMERA 38 SCANNER 39 PRINTER 40 JOY STICK 41 MICROPHONE AND SPEAKERS 42 SOFTWARE Software: Software is a set of programs Basic applications Specialized applications 43 1. APPLICATION SOFTWARE Definition Application software is end user software that is used to accomplish a variety of tasks Example: MS word, MS Excel, MS PPT, etc… 44 SYSTEM SOFTWARE Master program Controls all hardwares connected to computer Collection of programs Application software Operating System/ system software Users Hardware 45 Application Software Computer/ System Software Interaction: Users always interact with application software while doing different activities. Generally, users do not interact with system software as it works in the background. Dependency: Application software cannot run without the presence of the system software. System software can run independently of the application software. 46 SESSION 3 END 47