Chapter 8: Web Server Hardware and Software

Chapter 8:
Web Server Hardware and Software
Web Server Basics
 The main job of a Web server computer is to
respond to requests from Web client computers
 Three main elements of a Web server:
 Hardware
 Operating system software
 Web server software
Types of Web Sites
 Development sites
 Used to evaluate
different Web designs
 Intranets
 Corporate networks
that house internal
memos, corporate
policy handbooks, and a
variety of other
corporate documents
 Extranets
 Intranets that allow
authorized parties
outside the company to
access information
stored in the system
 Transaction-processing sites
 Commerce sites that must
be available 24 hours a
day, seven days a week
 Content-delivery sites
 Deliver content such as
news, histories,
summaries, and other
digital information
Web Clients and Web Servers
 Client/server architectures
 Client computers typically request services
 A server processes the clients’ requests
 Web software
 Lets different types of computers running different
operating systems communicate
Client Server Architecture and Software
Dynamic Content
 Dynamic content is nonstatic
information constructed in
response to a Web client’s
 Dynamic page
 Web page whose content
is shaped by a program in
response to user requests
 Static page
 An unchanging page
retrieved from disk
 Server-side scripting
 Programs running on a
Web server create Web
pages before sending
them back to the
requesting Web clients
 Dynamic page-generation
technologies include:
 Active Server Pages
 JavaServer Pages (JSP)
 PHP: Hypertext
Preprocessor (PHP)
Various Meanings of “Server”
 Server
 Computer used to provide files or make programs available to
other computers
 Server software
 Used by a server computer to make files and programs
available to other computers
 Database server
 Server computer on which database management software
Server Architecture
 Two-tier architecture
A web server responds to requests for web pages and a database server provides
backend data storage
 Multi-tier architecture
A web server is linked to a middle-tier layer that typically includes a series of
application servers that perform specific tasks, as well as to a backend layer
of existing corporate systems
Two-Tier Client/Server Architecture
 Two-tier client/server
architecture has only one
client and one server
 Request message
 Message that a Web
client sends to request a
file or files from a Web
 Typical request message
 Request line
 Optional request headers
 Optional entity body
 Request line
 Contains a command, the
name of the target
resource, and the
protocol name and version
 Request headers
 Can contain information
about types of files that
the client will accept in
response to a request
 Entity body
 Used to pass bulk
information to the server
Three-Tier and N-Tier Client/Server Architectures
Web Application Servers
 Software programs that provide the specific business
functionality required of a web site. Include:
 Catalog display
 Transaction processing
 Audio/video server
 Auction server
 B2B server
APACHE has 62% of the market of Web server software
Exercise: For more information, go to:
Right-sizing Your Hardware Platform: The Supply Side
 Scalability: the ability of a site to increase in size as
demand warrants
 Scale hardware vertically or horizontally
 Improve processing architecture of the site
Vertically and Horizontally Scaling a System
Software for Web Servers
 Operating system tasks
include running programs and
allocating computer resources
 Linux
 Open-source operating
system that is easy to
install, fast, and efficient
 Open-source software
 Developed by a community
of programmers who make
it available for download
at no cost
 The most popular Web server
programs are:
 Apache HTTP Server
 Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS)
 Sun Java System Web
Server (JSWS)
 Netcraft
 A networking consulting
company in Bath, England
 Accumulates popularity
Go to and check out some data and surveys
Solutions to the Spam Problem
 Reduce the likelihood that a
spammer can automatically
generate e-mail addresses
 Control exposure of an e-mail
 Use multiple e-mail addresses
 Content filtering strategy
 Require software that
identifies content
elements that indicate if
a message is (or is not)
 Content-filtering techniques
 Black list spam filter
 Looks for known
spammer From addresses
in incoming messages
 White list spam filter
 Examines From
addresses and compares
them to a list of known
good sender addresses
 Challenge-response technique
 Compares all incoming
messages to a white list
Indexing and Searching Utility Programs
 Search engines or search tools
 Search either a specific site or the entire Web for
requested documents
 Indexing program
 Can provide full-text indexing that generates an index
for all documents stored on a server
 Can often index documents stored in many different
file formats
Data Analysis Software
 Web servers can capture:
 Data about who is visiting a Web site
 How long the visitor’s Web browser viewed the site
 Date and time of each visit
 Which pages a visitor viewed
 Data captured by Web servers are stored in a log file
Web Server Performance Evaluation
 Benchmarking
 Testing used to compare the performance of hardware
and software
 Throughput
 Number of HTTP requests that a hardware and
software combination can process in a unit of time
 Response time
 Time required by a server to process one request
Load-Balancing Systems
 Load-balancing switch
 Piece of network hardware that monitors the workloads of
servers attached to it
 Assigns incoming Web traffic to a server that has the most
available capacity at that instant in time