Welcome to KU120 Introduction to Reading Skills and Strategies Angela Lavine, PhD Agenda for Unit 1 Today we will be covering all the BASIC information that you will need for success in KU120. Please ASK questions at any time today. I am happy to have you in my class!!! My CONTACT Information I can be reached by: Email: alavine@kaplan.edu Course Questions Link AIM (Office Hours): PsychDrLavine Please email me or post a note under COURSE QUESTIONS to set up a time to “chat” live Team Emails If your Instructor is: Kira Shank - KU121-19 kshank@kaplan.edu Carrie Jantz - KU120-04 cjantz@kaplan.edu Unit Deadlines Each Unit runs from Midnight Wednesday ET until 11:59 pm ET the following Tuesday. All assignments are listed under the Unit tab, and due with-in that time frame. Please DO NOT work ahead/ behind without speaking with your professor first!!! Thanks. Course Overview Unit 1: Introduction to Reading Skills and Strategies Unit 2: Pre-reading Strategies Unit 3: Building Comprehension Unit 4: Main Idea and Supporting Details Unit 5: Thought Patterns: Time Order and Space Order Unit 6: Classification and Compare/Contrast Thought Patterns Unit 7: Thought Patterns: Cause/Effect, Generalization/Example, and Definition Unit 8: Fact and Opinion Unit 9: Tone/Purpose and Inference Unit 10: Final Thoughts Course Materials Text: The Effective Reader, Second Edition by D.J. Henry Publisher: Pearson Software: Microsoft Word is required for all Kaplan Courses Very Important Notice Students who do not pass both KU 120 and KU 121 with a 73% (730 points out of 1,000) or better on their first attempt will be academically dismissed from the University, as per the Kaplan University 2007-2008 Catalog Addendum published July 2, 2008. Classroom Information Please take a moment to pull up our classroom in another window. I would like to “walk” you through our course!!! Unit 1 In this unit you will get a general course overview, meet your peers and professor(s) and begin to discuss the importance of reading in your education!!! Unit 1 Assignments Respond to the Discussion Board questions. Attend Seminar or complete Option 2. Complete the MRL (My Reading Lab) Lexile Diagnostic (Pass/ Fail) KU 085 Activities Link Exciting News about SEMINARS!!! WEDNESDAY @ Noon EST Carrie Jantz MONDAY @ 8pm EST ME – Dr. Lavine OR OR TUESDAY @ 11am EST Kira Shank What is Option 2? If you can not attend any of our Seminars, you may do an alternative assignment (Option 2). Please answer the questions, found under the Seminar Link for the week in which you miss, and hand in through our DropBox. Please note: you hand it in to your main course professor! What is the MRL? MRL is My Reading Lab, this is the lab portion of our class, where you will go to complete activities, polish skills and take quizzes. You will link to the MRL in every Unit!!! Discussion Board Information Each week you will complete a series of Discussion Board (DB) questions. This week will focus on all of us getting to know one another. To successfully complete the DB, several things must happen. You need to write in full, complete sentences. Proper grammar, spelling and structure must be used (no slang, please). It is important that the tone be professional and courteous. Please proofread & run spell check before posting. Tips for Seminar Success Please come into and leave seminar on time each week. Please ASK general questions at the beginning and end of seminar only. Topic specific questions can be asked throughout seminar, when covering that particular topic. Please be courteous of your peers. Please do NOT engage in side conversations. Please do NOT use internet slang. KU 085: What is this? KU 085 is such a fantastic resource. It contains everything that you will need to know about the functions in your KU classrooms. There are several activities (in various units of our course), by completing these activities and submitting the completion certificate to me by the end of unit 9, you will receive 40 points. Our Course Syllabus The syllabus is found: Under Course Home, Syllabus link for viewing Under DocSharing, Course Syllabus thread for downloading Important Aspects of the Syllabus Course Description: This course will introduce reading techniques designed to increase comprehension and retention of informational texts. Students will develop a skill set to increase their vocabulary, word recognition and contextual understanding. These skills will be introduced, implemented and honed in this class so students can apply them to all future coursework, increasing their reading effectiveness when reading scholastic material. Course Outcomes As a result of successfully completing this course, students will be able to: KU120-1: Describe the reading process and purposes KU120-2: Apply reading strategies to improve comprehension and retention KU120-3: Employ methods of vocabulary development KU120-4: Write analytical text summaries Grading Total: 1000 points Discussion Boards: 360 Points (9 at 40 Points each) Seminars: 45 points (9 at 5 Points each) KU 085: 40 Points MRL Reading Skills Tests: 300 Points (6 at 50 Points each) Project: 105 Points (1 project) My Reading Lab Test: 150 pts Viewing Grades and Comments Grades and instructor comments can be viewed in the gradebook. · Click the "Gradebook" tab · Click on the specific assignment grade to read the instructor's comments (an asterisk (*) means that the assignment has not yet been graded) · For projects, click on the "+" to expand "Comments" · Download the attachment to view the project. There will be comments and corrections on the project. If the corrections and comments cannot be viewed, click on "Markup" under "View" in MS Word. · To view exam/quiz grades, note the date provided once you have finished the quiz/exam. It will state, "Can be viewed in Gradebook on: _____" · On or after the date given, click on the grade to see the graded exam. FIELD TRIP: SYLLABUS You will also find: Information on Lateness/ Emergency Academic Honesty Plagiarism Attendance ***PLEASE review the syllabus thoroughly and ASK any questions that you may have*** Questions?!?!