Global Survey ICPD Beyond 2014 COUNTRY QUESTIONNAIRE Name of Country / Territory: Republic of Moldova Name of Global Survey Coordinator:Larisa Rotaru? Email address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): Brief summary of Global Survey completion process: 1 Table of Contents SECTION 1: POPULATION, SUSTAINED ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (CHAPTER III) ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION 2. POPULATION GROWTH AND STRUCTURE (CHAPTER VI) ...................................... 14 Addressing the needs of adolescents and youth .................................................................................... 14 Addressing ageing and the needs of older persons ................................................................................ 25 Addressing the needs of persons with disabilities.................................................................................. 33 Addressing the needs of indigenous people ........................................................................................... 44 SECTION 3. URBANIZATION AND INTERNAL MIGRATION (CHAPTER IX) ............................... 50 SECTION 4. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT (CHAPTER X) .................... 57 SECTION 5. FAMILY, WELLBEING OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES (CHAPTER V) ....... Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION 6. REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (CHAPTERVII) AND HEALTH, MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY (CHAPTER VIII) ............... Error! Bookmark not defined. SECTION 7. GENDER EQUALITY, EQUITY AND EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN (CHAPTER IV) 96 SECTION 8. POPULATION, DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (CHAPTER XI) Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 ACRONYMS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ASRH Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health CD Communicable Disease CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child CSCs Citizen Service Centers BCC Behaviour Change Communication EmOC Emergency Obstetric Care FBOs Faith Based Organisations FGM/C Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting GBV Gender-Based Violence HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus ICPD International Conference on Population and Development (held in Cairo Egypt in 1994) ICPD+5 5th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 1999) ICPD+10 10th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 2004) ICPD+15 15th Anniversary of the ICPD (which was marked in 2009) IDP Internally Displaced Person INGO International Non-Governmental Organisation M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MDGs Millennium Development Goals MSM Men having Sex with Men NCD Non-Communicable Disease NDS National Development Strategy NGO Non-Governmental Organisation ODA Official Development Assistance OiC Officer-in-Charge PETS Public Expenditure Tracking Survey PoA Programme of Action PLHIV People Living with HIV PMTCT Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) to HIV PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper QSDS Quantitative Service Delivery Surveys SRH Sexual and Reproductive Health STI Sexually Transmitted Infection RHCS Reproductive Health Commodity Security VCT Voluntary Testing and Counselling 3 SECTION 1: POPULATION, SUSTAINED ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (CHAPTER III) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): 1.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy that explicitly addresses the interaction between population and sustainable development? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 1.3) 1.2. If YES, please provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the interaction between population and sustainable development a) National strategic programme in the field of demographic security of the Republic of Moldova b) c) d) e) (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented (4) Main responsible institution Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family (5) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2011-2025 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues related to the interaction between population and sustainable development? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 1.5) 4 1.4. If YES, please indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Other institutional entities addressing issues related to the interaction between population and sustainable development a) National Commission for Population and Development b) Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family c) Parliamentary Committee on Social protection, Health care and Family d) e) (2) Year of establishment 2007 2005 1991 1.5. Addressing ICPD issues in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues related to the interaction of population and sustainable development (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? a) Eradication of poverty with special attention to income generation and employment strategies 1) Yes - State programme for supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (2009-2011) 1) Yes 2) No b) Strengthening food security 1) Yes National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Agro-Food Sector in the Republic of Moldova (2008-2015) 5 1) Yes 2) No (4) Has the country taken concrete implementatio n measures to address this issue? (5) In your assessment, and based on most concrete evidence at your disposal and that you may be aware of, how would you rate the overall progress of implementation of the measures adopted on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows: 1-deficient 2-behind schedule 3-on schedule 4-ahead of schedule 1) Yes - diminishing the interest rate for loans offered to Small and MediumSized Enterprises (SMEs); - establishing privileged conditions for SMEs in rural areas, including those opened by women and young people; 1) Yes - About 5,393 hectares of multiannual plantations were created in 2010, including: 2330,4 ha of seed plants, 1708,8 ha of kernel plants, 1233,5 ha of nuts and 119,6 ha of 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 berries. c) Promoting Environmental resources management d) Reducing territorial inequalities 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes National Strategy for Regional Development 1) Yes 2) No e) Achieving fair trade relations 1) Yes a) Law on Competition No. 183 of 11.07.2012 b) Law on the Basic Principles of Entrepreneurship Activities, No. 235 of 20.07.2006 6 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes -elaboration of Development strategies for all those three regions: North, Center and South 1) Yes - creation of the Council on Competition responsible for: a) promoting competition culture; b) elaborating normative acts needed for the implementation of legislation in the field of competitiveness, state assistance and advertisement, within the remit of its powers; c) examining drafts of legislative and normative acts that may have an anticompetition effect; d) informing profiled bodies on the incompatibility of legislative and normative acts with the legislation in the field of competition, with the help of state assistance and advertisement, within the remit of its powers; e) investigating into anti-competitive practices, unfair competition and other infringements on the legislation in the competition field, with the help of state assistance and advertisement, within the remit of its powers; f) acknowledging violations of the legislation in the competition field with the help of 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 f) Improving solid Waste management 1) Yes Strategies of Integrated Management for Solid Waste 1) Yes 2) No 7 state assistance and advertisement, enforcement of temporary measures for removing the discovered infringements; imposing correction measures and applying sanctions for any committed encroachments; g) adoption of decisions envisaged in the legislation, in case of economic concentrations; h) authorizations, monitoring and reporting the state assistance; i) lodging lawsuits in cases within their remit; j) Carrying out other attributions in consistency with the legislation in the field of competition and state assistance, within the limits of its remit (Source: the Ministry of Economy). - creation of the State Committee for Regulation of Entrepreneurship Activities and the Working Group for the State Committee for Regulation of Entrepreneurship Activities are functioning. The committee ensures the sustainability of the process for the optimization of the juridical framework in the field of entrepreneurship activities (Source: the Ministry of Economy). 1) Yes -implementation of projects on Integrated Management of Solid Waster are implemented in the North, Center and South Regions; 1 2 3 4 g) Foster sustainable resource use and preventing environmental degradation h) Address the population trends/dynamics in ecologically vulnerable areas. i) Address the implications of population trends in large urban agglomerations j) Addressing the needs of people living within or on the edge of fragile ecosystems k) Other , specify______ 1) Yes National Strategy and Action Plan in the field of Biologic Diversity Conservation; 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 2) No - drafting the bill on sanitation of the settlements; - drafting the National Strategy for Waster Management of the Republic of Moldova for 20122025 1) Yes - expanding the fund of protected natural area has been expanded, but some measures to ensure the observance of the legislation in this are needed; 1) Yes Describe___ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No 1.6. Areas of progress in addressing issues related to the interaction between population and sustainable development. Among the issues related to the interaction between population and development that are most relevant in the national context, briefly list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding population and sustainable development of relevance to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.5 above) Eradication of poverty with special attention to income generation and employment strategies 8 b) Key achievements State policy for promoting Small and Medium Sized enterprises (SMEs) was based on the values and principles of the modern business and was focused on five priority directions: 1) Ensuring of a favorable legislative and normative framework for the creation and development of SMEs; 2) Improving the financial environment for SMEs 3) Promoting entrepreneurship culture and the managerial performances of SMEs 4) Developing competitiveness and internationalization of SMEs 5) Boosting the dialogue between Government and private sector 1) In order to simply the existent regulations and to reduce the number of procedures that hinder the normal business development, a process for registering all the permissive norms, called Guillotine 2+ has been launched. Thus, over 400 authorizations issued by over 45 profiled bodies have been recorded. In consequence, the Law on regulation through authorizations of entrepreneurship activities (which envisages the threshold of all the authorization permits – at 273 authorizations and the number of issuant authorities – at 34 bodies, as well as the validity terms and the overall costs of these acts), the Law on the amendments and completions to some legislative acts (under which amendments to 18 legislative acts have been included, by removing the acts and bills that may be related to the acts that are to be revoked); the Law on the implementation of the Single Desk for entrepreneurial activities. 2) Due to financial instruments, the state grants guarantees to the SMEs, facilitating thus the procedure of getting loans from banks. In order to improve the crediting conditions for SMEs, a State Fund for Guaranteeing Loans, managed by the Organization for the Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises under the Ministry of Economy, has bee created. It is a successor of the Fund for Development of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. In order to enhance the SMEs’ access to financial resources, two new guarantee tools meant for migrant workers and the youth who apply for credits, but who do not have enough pawns , have been introduced: -For migrant workers (PARE 1+1) beneficiaries – the guarantee represents up to 50% of the total sum of the loan; that cannot exceed 200 thousand Moldovan lei (MDL). - For young entrepreneurs (PNAET beneficiaries) – the guarantee represents up to 50% of the total sum of the credit, which cannot exceed 150 thousand lei. 3) In the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Economy, which has elaborated and implemented programmes for young entrepreneurs and employees, and the National Employment Agency, which organizes trainings for entrepreneurship development, are in charge of training and career development policies in the education system. In order to ensure the development of the sustainable entrepreneurship education, as many as 175 business service providers, including non-governmental organizations, private companies, governmental organizations, projects financed by foreign partners, profile associations and trade chambers are providing paid or free of charge business consultancy services. The state programmes for continuous training are implemented by the Organization for the Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises under the Ministry of Economy, which has organized the training Efficient Business Management, meant for entrepreneurs and their employees. Its main goal is to improve their skills in the entrepreneurship field and to ensure the efficient management of their businesses. In 2011, as many as 67 training courses for 2,173 people from 15 Moldova settlements were organized. 4) The Government paid efforts to contribute directly and indirectly to the enhancement of the SMEs’ competitiveness. It managed to ensure business and innovational support for the SMEs, free consultancy for elaboration of the needed marketing strategies and the launch of new products on the Moldovan and international market, lower taxes for the protection of intellectual property, support in the implementation of quality standards. Moreover, the Government made attempts to start the process of creation of business clusters in Moldova. 5) In order to consolidate the public-private partnership and the capacities of the SMEs, the Forum of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises is annually organized at the International Exhibition Center Moldexpo. c) Facilitators* d) Barriers* 1, 3, 4. 8, 9, 99 – Effects of the Global Crisis *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide ICPD issues regarding population and sustainable development of relevance to the national context e) Name of the issue (mentioned in Strengthening food security 9 question 2.5 above) Key achievements f) The policy for subsidizing agricultural producers has been established as a foremost priority for ensuring Moldova’s food safety. The facilitation of access to rural financing for farmers has been carried out by the creation of preferential loan terms and the granting of technical support for launching a new business (elaboration of business plans, trainings in different relevant fields for that very business, etc.) In line with the decision No.89 adopted by the Moldovan Parliament on May 12th, 2011 “On the approval of main directions for using the proceeds of the Fund for Subsidizing Agricultural Producers” and according to the Government decision No. 369 of May 24th, 2011 “On the approval of the use of financial means of the Fund for Subsidizing Agricultural Producers for 2011”, the Fund of Subventions stood at 250 thousand lei in 2011, being subsequently increased up to 400 thousand lei. The financial support of the state has been directed to: - supporting 64 agricultural producers who reimbursed in 2011 the loans received from commercial banks, micro-financing organizations and savings and loan organizations; - supporting 164 agricultural producers that insured their production risks in the farms sector; - planting 1868,3 hectares of fruit trees plantations and 1860,8 young plants; - planting 2687,2 hectares of vineyards and 1408,6 of planting stock items; - expanding the greenhouses surfaces and tunnels for growing vegetables on protected areas, by about 5.5 thousand hectares in 2011; - subventions for purchasing 716 units of agricultural machines and 1093 units of farm equipment, 121 irrigation systems, 2 anti-hail systems and 3 anti-freeze installations; - expanding the areas encompassed in the environmental conversion by about 1215,9 in 2011. Thus, they reached a total surface of 22 thousand hectares; - the creation and renovation in 2011 of: 89 units for preserving and processing vegetable-origin goods (including 35 cold-storage plants, 50 units for processing vegetable-origin goods, 2 drying plants and 2 packing houses) and 32 units for preserving and processing animal-origin goods (including 9 livestock plants, 11 poultry plants and 12 units for processing raw materials) - Purchasing 4323.8 thousand livestock heads for breeding 374 mother bees and 7487.5 thousand larval fish - Allotting subventions to 34 agricultural producers for compensating energy spending on irrigation - Allotting subventions to 1242 beneficiaries who purchased phyto-sanitary products and fertilizers (Source: Report on the Activities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry for 2011 and on the Objectives outlined for 2012). g) Facilitators* 1, 2, 3, 4. h) Barriers* 8, 9, 99 - Effects of the Global Crisis *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 1.7. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding the interaction between population and sustainable development, that the country considers priority for public policy for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding the interaction between population and development that should receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) setting the priorities of the policies for stimulating birth rates, reducing death rates and morbidity, as well as migration, in order to diminish the demographic decline b) multilateral promotion of family policies and solidarity between generations c) implementing policies for straightening social cohesion and ensuring equal chances for all social groups in order to attain a stable demographic growth d) creation of a center for demographic studies for surveys and scientific researches of the demographic polices, for the determination of mechanism for monitoring of the implementation and impacts of these surveys e) implementing mechanisms for elaborating demographic forecasts and the full use of these mechanisms in the development and planning programmes 1.8. Has the country carried out research on population dynamics for planning purposes at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5)years? 1) Yes At the national level only, please cite report(s) “The Green Book of the Moldovan Population”, 2009 “Population Ageing in Moldova: economic and social consequences”, 2009 10 “Main challenges for demographic securities: similarities and differences between Moldova and Belarus,” 2010 “Mortality tendencies, according to the death causes in Moldova in 1965-2010”, 2011 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No At the national and at the subnational level, please cite report(s) _____ At the subnational level please cite report(s) _____________________ 1.9. Has the country allocated resources for research and capacity development for research regarding the following population-related issues in the last five years? If YES, provide examples. Allocation of resources for research and capacity development for research regarding population-related issues a) Monitor population trends and prepare population projections / scenarios 1) Yes “Impact on the change of the demographic structure on the population and on the social-economic development of Moldova: retrospective and prospective evaluation.”; “Demographic prospects of the Moldovan villages: retrospective assessment and demographic forecasts.” 2) No b) Linkages between population and poverty 1) Yes Cite example(s) ___________________________________ 2) No c) Linkages between population, the environment and natural resources 1) Yes Cite example(s) ___________________________________ 2) No d) Linkages between population trends and sustained economic growth 1) Yes Cite example(s) ___________________________________ 2) No e) Linkages between population trends and employment 1) Yes Cite example(s) ___________________________________ 2) No 1.10. If yes, on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 is low and 5 is high, to what extent has research on population dynamics informed resource allocation decisions? Low 0 High 1.11. If yes, on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 is low and 5 is high, to what extent it has informed other policies /strategies? Low High 3 1.12. Name up to three civil society organizations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of sustainable development. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. 11 (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) National Participation Council 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Government (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2) Research and Data Collection 3) Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 7) Other, specify____ Consultations on the project National Strategic Programme in the field of Demographic Security in Moldova (20112025) 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ Survey “Impact on demographic ageing on the retirement system: subtleties and ways of improvement”. Consultative body created by the Moldovan Government under the decision No.11 of 19.01.2010. It is made up of 30 representatives of Moldovan civil society organizations b) “Viitorul” Institute for Development and Social Initiatives c) “ExpertGrup” Independent analytical center 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 5) Other, specify____ Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family Consultations on the draft of the National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020” 1.13 Does the country have a policy or strategy that promotes information, education and communication on issues related to sustainable development? 1) Yes 2) No Describe _______________________ 1.14. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area sustainable development. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation 12 (3) Type of international cooperation (4) Activities conducted a) German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) b) Japanese Government South and North Regional Development Agencies 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ c) 13 - Creating appropriate conditions for drinking water supply for 3700 inhabitants of village Rosu; - Street light in Tatarauca Veche village, Soroca district. Within the framework of the 2KR Project, in 2011, were imported: -1076 units of agricultural equipment, including 429 tractors, 62 combines for harvesting crops; 55 mobile irrigation systems, 117 sprinklers for vineyards, orchards and farmlands, 413 ploughs and other agricultural equipment. -30 heavy tractors and 15 multifunctional machines for No-till and Mini-till technologies were purchased. SECTION 2. POPULATION GROWTH AND STRUCTURE (CHAPTER VI) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Maria Raileanu Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): Ministry of Youth and Sports E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: +373 22 820 - 860 Mobile: +373 69218406 Fax(es): +373 22 820-861 Interview date(s): Addressing the needs of adolescents and youth 2.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.3) 2.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) a) actualmente se află în proces de elaborare Strategia și Planul Național de acțiuni pentru protecția familiei și copilului (2013-2020) b) Strategia naţionala pentru tineret pe anii 2009–2013 (2) Type (3) Status (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented MLSPF Families with children; vulnerable children 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented Ministry of Youth and Sports 1.Ministeru l Tineretului și Sportului din Republica Moldova; 2.Ministeru l Educaţiei şi 3.Ministeru l Economiei şi tuturor tinerilor care sint cetăţeni ai Republici i Moldova, cu virste cuprinse intre 16 şi 30 de ani, de asemenea Anexa nr.2 Planul de acțiuni privind implementarea Strategiei naționale pentru tineret 20092013 14 (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2013-2020 2009-2013 (Approved by Law nr.25XVI dated 03.02.2009) Comerţului 4.Ministeru l Protecţiei Sociale, Familiei şi Copilului, 4.Ministeru l Sănătăţii, 5.Ministeru l Justiţiei, 6.Ministeru l Culturii şi Turismului, 7.Ministeru l Administraţ iei Publice Locale, 8.Ministeru l Finanţelor, 9.Ministeru l Afacerilor Externe şi Integrării Europene, 10.Academi a de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 11.Autorită ţile administraţ iei publice locale, 12. Instituţiile de invăţămint, 13.Repreze ntanţii societăţii civile din Republica Moldova şi cu alte părţi interesate. 15 tinerelor familii in care nici unul dintre soţi nu a atins virsta de 30 de ani şi familiilor cu un singur părinte cu virsta de pină la 30 de ani, avind unul sau mai mulţi copii. Strategia se adreseaz ă instituţiil or responsa bile de implemen tarea politicii de tineret, specialişt ilor şi lucrătoril or in domeniul tineretulu i, profesoril or, educatori lor, psihologi lor, animatori lor, asociaţiil or şi organizaţ iilor de tineret. d) e) 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented Ministry of Youth and Sports 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years)? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.5) 2.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Institutional entities addressing the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) a) (2) Year of establishment Ministry of Youth and Sports 2009 Comisia parlamentară cultură, educație, cercetare, tineret, sport și mass-media c) Comisia guvernamentală pentru politicile de tineret d) Ministerul Educației din Moldova e) Consiliul Național al Tineretului din RM f) Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Tineret b) 2011 2007 1999 2000 2.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues regarding adolescents and youth (1024 years) a) Creating employment opportunities for youth (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? 1) Yes Name: Strategiei naţionale pentru 16 (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? 1) Yes 2) No (4) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? 1) Yes Describe: (5) What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* 1,2,3, 4 tineret pe anii 2009-2013 2) No b) Addressing the adverse effects of poverty on adolescents and youth c) Addressing the violence, exploitation and abuse of children, adolescents and youth, including sexual exploitation and commercial sexual exploitation 1. Organizarea anuală a Tîrgurilor locurilor de muncă pentru tineri. 2.Organizarea cursurilor de instruire profesională pentru tineri neangajați 3. Instruirea,forma rea și orientarea vocațională și profesională a adolescenților de la egal la egal. (Go to the next issue) 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: - acţiuni de prevenire; 1) Yes Name: Planul naţional de prevenire şi combatere a traficului de fiinţe umane pentru anii 20122013 (HG nr.559 din 31.07.2012) 2) No 1) Yes 2) No -asistenţa şi protecţia socială a VTFU şi martorilor; 1,2,3, 4 - investigarea şi urmărirea în justiţie a traficanţilor (Go to the next issue) 2) No d) Instituting concrete procedures and mechanisms for 1) Yes Name: Strategia naţionala pentru tineret pe anii 2009-2013”; 17 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Describe: 1,2,3, 4 adolescents and youth to participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development activities that have a direct impact on their lives anmexa nr.2, obiectivul 4, 2) No 1.Crearea, menținerea și extinderea Consiliilor Locale de Tineret; 2. Organizarea Zilelor Guvernării Tinerilor 3. Organuzare de forumuri naționale și internaționale în domeniul politicilor de tineret. 4. Susținerea și promovarea acțiunilor de voluntariat la nivel local și național. 5. Susținerea organizării școlilor de vară cu genericul ”Participarea civică a tinerilor”. (Go to the next issue) 2) No e) Ensuring that adolescents and youth have the same rights and access to sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV prevention services ???? f) Collecting age and sex disaggregated data on the socio-economic status of adolescents and youth 1) Yes 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No Name: Legea nr.25-XVI din 03.02.2009 „Privind aprobarea Strategiei naţionale pentru tineret pe anii 2009-2013” 18 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes 2) No 1,2,3, 4 Indicatorii demografici ????? Compartimentul 1. Descrierea situației tinerilor / Date demografice 2) No g) Other, specify____ 1) Yes sunt date ale Biroului Naţional de Statistică conform estimărilor de la 1 ianuarie 2008. (Go to the next issue) 2) No 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.6. Achievements in addressing issues related adolescents and youth (10-24 years). Among the issues related to the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) relevant to the national context i) j) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.5 above) Achievements (cite the reports) k) Facilitators l) Barriers Crearea oportunităților de angajare a tinerilor în cîmpul muncii. 2010 - A fost organizat Tîrgul locurilor de muncă pentru tineri la nivel republican, în parteneriat cu alte autorităţi ale administraţiei publice centrale, precum şi cu implicarea societăţii civile. Tîrgul a întrunit 27 de instituţii de învăţămînt de diferite nivele superioare, medii de specialitate,secundar profesionale. De asemenea, au participat 42 de agenți economici care au prezentat peste 1000 de locuri de muncă. Tîrgul a fost vizitat de speste 2000 de tineri, iar ca rezultat 115 persoane au fost angajate. În perioada anului 2011 a fost susținută desfășurarea Tîrgului Locurilor de Muncă pentru Tineret. Mun. Chișinău. La eveniment au participat peste 50 angajatori din diverse domenii de activitate, care au propus peste 1500 locuri de muncă celor 3000 de absolvenți și tineri care au vizitat Tîrgul.. Peste 1600 de persoane s-au adresat companiilor pentru a fi angajate. Imediat au fost angajate circa 100 persoane. (CARE E REPORTUL DE UNDE ESTE LUATA ACEASSTA INFORMATIE?) Administrația publică centrală, Administrația publică locală, Ministerul Muncii,Protecției Sociale și Familiei, Ministerul Educației, Agenția Națională pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă din Moldova, sectorul privat (agenții economici ce oferă locuri vacante). Locurile vacante oferite de sectorul privat nu corespund în totalitate cu cerințele tinerilor aflați în căutarea unui loc de muncă . 19 ICPD issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) relevant to the national context m) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.5 above) n) Achievements (cite the reports) Participarea tinerilor la viața publică și promovarea cetățeniei active. Pînă în anul 2010 au fost create cca 400 de consilii locale ale tinerilor, după anul 2010 o parte din ele și-au redus activitatea. (CARE E REPORTUL DE UNDE ESTE LUATA ACEASSTA INFORMATIE?) o) Facilitators Realizat în parteneriat cu Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Tineret p) Barriers Lărgirea și menținerea numărului de consilii locale ale tinerilor. ICPD issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) relevant to the national context q) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.5 above) r) Achievements (cite the reports) Tendința de migrare a tinerilor. Program de promovare a reîntoarcerii adolescenților moldoveni in străinătate. Proiectul de promovare a revenirii tinerilor moldoveni cu studii în străinătate în vederea angajării în instituţiile private sau publice din Moldova (20102012).Programul pilot de promovare şi de susţinere a revenirii temporare sau permanente în Moldova a 40 tineri moldoveni absolvenţi ai instituţiilor din străinătate pentru a se angaja în instituţiile private / publice din Moldova în vederea schimbului de experienţă şi implementării abilităţilor căpătate peste hotare.În perioada octombrie 2010 – 29 februarie 2012 – au fost acceptate 149 aplicaţii din partea tinerilor care intră în categoria vizată. Dintre aceştia, 97 tineri care au aplicat la program se aflau peste hotare la momentul aplicării şi anume ei au fost grupul-target al programului. Alţi 52 tineri erau reveniţi déjà în Moldova şi ei au fost asistaţi doar la capitolul oferte de muncă. Din cei 97 aplicanţi (60 de gen feminin, 37 de gen masculin), 2 persoane erau încă studente în anul III de studii, 27 - licenţiate, 60 deţin diplome de Master şi 8 sunt doctori în diferite domenii. Majoritatea dintre ei sunt specializaţi în economie, finanţe, management şi marketing, juridică, relaţii internaţionale, comunicare, politologie, având, pe lîngă studii, şi experienţă în domeniile de specialitate. Fiecare aplicant la program 20 a fost incurajat să aplice la locurile vacante care corespund nivelului personal. Pentru a încuraja spiritul competivităţii şi luînd în vedere limitele acestui program pilot, s-a aplicat principiul « primul venit primul servit ». Astfel, primii 40 tineri acceptaţi în câmpul muncii din RM au devenit beneficiari ai programului. (CARE E REPORTUL DE UNDE ESTE LUATA ACEASSTA INFORMATIE?) s) Facilitators Susținerea Organizației Internaționale pentru Migrație, misiunea în RM t) Barriers Ofertele salariale ale agenților economici sunt sub salariile din Occident. 2.7. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) Asigurarea tinerilor, tinerilor specialiști, familiilor tinere cu locuințe. b) c) d) e) Oporunitățile de angajarea a tinerilor în cîmpul muncii. Accesul gratuit la studii și servicile de sănătate. Migrația forței de muncă. Sărăcia. 2.8 Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on the needs of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) _ Situatia tinerilor pe piața muncii (studiu 2008), realizat de Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova / Agenția Națională pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă din Moldova _______________________ 2) Yes At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ 3) Yes At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 4) No 2.9. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) over the past five (5) years. 21 Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ b) Consiliul Național al Organizațiilor Studențești din Moldova 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului, Ministerul Educației și Tineretului Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului, (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 22 1. Proiect ”Monito rizarea modului de administ rare a surselor financia re alocate din bugetul de stat Centrelo r de Resurse pentru Tineret” 2.Proiec tul ”Capital a Tineretu lui” Editarea material ului informat iv pentru tineri ”Ghidul Studentu lui 2012 2016”, ”Ghidul Absolve ntului c) Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Tineri 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ Ministerul Tineretului și Sportului, 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ Proiecte comune ”Learn to make decision s Increasi ng Youth Particip ati-on in Civic Life” 2.10 Name up to three (3) private sector partners whom the government has partnered with in the area of adolescents and youth (10-24 years) over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a)N/A b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 2.11. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical 23 assistance in the area of adolescents and youth over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) Romania Autoritatea Națională pentru Sport și Tineret 1) (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation ???? H G Nr. 340 din 29.05.2012 pentru aprobarea Înţelegerii între Ministerul Tineretului şi Sportului al Republicii Moldova şi Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului din România privind cooperarea în domeniile tineretului şi sportului, semnat la Iaşi la 3 martie 2012 b) Estonia 2) H G Nr. 894 din 28.11.2011 pentru aprobarea Acordului între Guvernul Republicii Moldova şi Guvernul Republicii Estonia privind cooperarea în domeniile educaţiei, culturii, tineretului şi sportului, încheiat la Tallinn la 19 octombrie 2011 c)Czech Republic 1) (3) Type of international cooperation 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, study visit HG Nr. 162 din 17.03.2011 pentru aprobarea Acordului 24 (4) Activities conducted Elaborare Regulamentul cu privire la modul de finanțare a activităților pentru tineret HG nr. 1213 din 27 decembrie 2010 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, collaboration agreement Cooperare și revizuire a cadrului legislativ cu privire la tineret și armonizarea lui la standartele europene. 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, collaboration agreement Cooperare,și schimb de idei, abilități și experiențe cu societatea civilă între Guvernul Republicii Moldova şi Guvernul Republicii Cehe privind colaborarea în domeniul educaţiei, culturii, tineretului şi sportului, semnat la Chişinău la 30 septembrie 2010 Addressing ageing and the needs of older persons Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Larisa Rotaru Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s):Minsitry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Division of Demographic Policies E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: +373 22 269 366 Mobile: +373 68311185 Fax(es): + 373 22 269 366 Interview date(s): 10.10.2012 2.12 Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.14) 2.13. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) a) Proiectul H.G. cu privire la aprobarea Ghidului de parcurs privind integrarea îmbătrînirii în politici b) Programul Național privind crearea sistemului integrat de servicii sociale pentru anii 20082012, aprobat prin Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 1512 din 31.12.2008 (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy ??? 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented ?? (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* MLSPF 99 – older persons 60+ years - Structurile teritoriale de asistență socială - Ministerul Muncii, a) copiii şi tinerii ale căror sănătate, dezvoltare şi integritate fizică, 2)Implemented 25 (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2013-2015 2008-2012 Protecției Sociale și Familie - Ministerul Educaţiei şi Tineretului - Ministerul Afacerilor Interne Autorităţile administraţ iei publice locale de nivelul al doilea - Ministerul Finanţelor Autorităţile administraţ iei publice locale de nivelui I și II - Ministerul Sănătăţii Mediul academic 26 psihică sau morală sînt prejudiciate în mediul în care locuiesc; b) familiile care nu îşi îndeplinesc în mod corespunzăto r obligaţiile privind îngrijirea, întreţinerea şi educarea copiilor; c) familiile fără venituri sau cu venituri mici; c1) persoanele afectate de violenţă în familie; c1) familiile afectate de violenţa intrafamilial ă; d) persoanele fără familie, care nu pot gospodări singure, care necesită îngrijire şi supravegher e sau sînt incapabile să facă faţă nevoilor sociomedical e; f) familiile cu trei şi mai mulţi copii; g) familiile monoparenta le cu copii; h) persoanele vîrstnice; i) persoanele cu disabilităţi; j) alte persoane şi familii aflate în dificultate. 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy c) d) e) 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.14. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years)? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.16) 2.15. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Institutional entities addressing ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) a) (2) Year of establishment Ministry of Labour , Social Protection and Family 2009 b) c) d) e) 2.16. Addressing ICPD issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) in the national context during the last five (5) years. ?????? (3) (1) (2) ICPD issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? a) Enabling older persons to live independently as long as possible 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) Was budget allocated to this issue? (4) (5) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 2) No 27 1,2,3, 4 1) Yes b) Providing social services including long-term care Describe: 1) Yes Name: Serviciul de îngrijire socială la domiciliu a persoanelor în etate și cu dizabilități b)prestarea serviciilor sociale în cadrul instituțiilor sociale pentru peersoane în etate și cu dizabilități 2) No 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next issue) Da în anul 2008 a fost aprobat Programul naâional privind crearea sistemului integrat de servicii sociale pentru 4 ani, care are ca scop consolidarea serviciilor sociale existente, crearea noilor servicii, precum și dezvoltarea cadrului legal și instituțional 1,2,3, 4 2) No c) Enabling older persons to make full use of their skills and abilities d) Extending or improving old age allowances / pensions and/or other income support schemes for older persons, including noncontributory pensions e) Providing affordable, appropriate and accessible health care to meet the needs of older persons f) Addressing neglect, abuse and violence against older persons g) Preventing discrimination against older persons, especially widows h) Promoting employment opportunities for 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 28 1) Yes Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 i) older workers Providing support to families caring for older persons Collecting age and sex-disaggregated data on the socioeconomic status and living conditions of older persons k) Instituting concrete procedures and mechanisms for older persons to participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development activities that have a direct impact on their lives l) Other, specify____ 2) No 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No j) 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.17. Achievements in addressing issues related to ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years). Among the issues related ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.16 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators d) Barriers 29 2.18. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years Obiectivul: gestionarea eficientă a problemelor de îmbătrînire demografică, integrarea în strategiile de dezvoltare a obiectivelor de adaptare la schimbările în structura populaţiei şi de ameliorare a indicatorilor calitativi ai capitalului uman a) Integrarea economică, politică și prin voluntariat în scopul participării depline a persoanelor vîrstnice în societate b) Promovarea creşterii economice echitabile şi durabile pentru asigurarea bunăstării populației în vîrstă c) Ajustarea sistemelor de protecţie socială la necesitățile populației în curs de îmbătrînire d) Asigurarea calității vieții și menținerea traiului independent e) Promovarea solidarității între generaţii în familie şi în societate 2.19. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) __”Îmbătrînirea populației în Republica Moldova: consecințe economice și sociale”, 2009, Studiul privind îmbătrînirea în Republica Moldova, 2011. ______________________ 2) Yes At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ 3) Yes At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 4) No 2.20. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Organizația neguvername ntală ”Respirația a Doua” 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Older Persons’ Groups b) Organizația 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO MLSPF MLSPF 30 (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ Public debates and round tables 1) Service Delivery Public neguvername ntală ”Lotosul de Aur” 2) International NGO 3) Older Persons’ Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Older Persons’ Groups c) Congresul Autorităților Locale din Moldova MLSPF 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ debates and round tables 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ Public debates and round tables 2.21.Name up to three (3) private sector partners whom the government has partnered with in the area of ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a)N/A b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 31 2.22. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of ageing and/or the needs of older persons (60+ years) over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) Departamentul pentru probleme socioeconomice a ONU (UNDESA, New York) b) Comisia Economică pentru Europa a ONU (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation Government of Moldova, MLSPF Government of Moldova (3) Type of international cooperation 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify Studiul privind îmbătrînirea în Republica Moldova 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify Road Map for maistreaming ageing in Republic of Moldova 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify c) 32 (4) Activities conducted Addressing the needs of persons with disabilities Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Vasile Cusca MarianaTumco Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): Division of Policies on Social Protection for People with Disabilties, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family E-mail address(es): ; Phone number(s) – Landline: Fax(es): +373 22 26-93-60 Interview date(s): 08.10.2012 +373 22 26-93-48; 26-93-22 Mobile: ???? 2.23. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of persons with disabilities that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.25) 2.24. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of persons with disabilities (2) Type (3) Status a) Strategy and Plan of 1) Policy Action on Social 2) Programme 3) Strategy Inclusion of People with Disabilities 20102013 1)Drafted 2)Under Implementation b) Law on Social Inclusion 1) Policy 2) Programme of People with Disabilities 1)Drafted 2)Implemented Inclusive 1) Policy 2) Programme Community- Moldova 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Under Implementation 1) Policy 1)Drafted 3) Strategy c) Program on d) 33 (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* (6) Implementatio n timeframe or year of inception/ revision Governmen t (central and local public administrati on bodies); MLSPF Governmen t (central and local public administrati on bodies); MLSPF Governmen t (central and local public administrati on bodies); MLSPF People with disabilities 2010 – 2013 (approved by Law No. 169 of 09.07.2010) People with disabilities 2012 (Law No. 60 of 30.03.2012) Children with disabilities 2008-2013 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy e) 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.25. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding the needs persons with disabilities? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.27) 2.26. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Institutional entities addressing issues regarding the needs of persons with disabilities a) Department of Policies on Social Protection of People with (2) Year of establishment 2008 Disabilities under MLSPF b) c) d) e) 2.27. Addressing ICPD issues regarding the needs of persons with disabilities in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues regarding adolescents and youth (1024 years) (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? (4) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? (5) What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* 1) Yes a) Ensuring a general education system where children are not excluded on the basis of disability Describe: 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No (Go to the next issue) 34 1) Yes 2) No -Adjustment of the educational programs to the special needs of the children with disabilities; 1,2,3, 4 -Ensuring the necessary conditions for education, training and professional training of people with disabilities 2) No 1) Yes b) Creating employment opportunities for persons living with disabilities Describe: -Development and approval of a methodology for d etermination of the disability level and ability of work of adults; 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities c) Ensuring that persons with disabilities have the same rights and access to sexual and reproductive health care, including family planning information and services 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name: 1) Yes 2) No 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No Persoanele cu dizabilităţi se încadrează în muncă conform pregătirii lor profesionale şi a capacităţii lor de muncă, atestate prin certificatul de încadrare în grad de dizabilitate şi conform recomandărilor conţinute în programul individual de reabilitare şi incluziune socială, emis de CREMV sau structurile sale teritoriale. (Go to the next issue) 35 1) Yes 2) No -The provision of medical (including HIV) services to women with 1,2,3, 4 and HIV prevention services disabilities takes into consideration their special needs, including the gynaecologic treatment, family planning counselling and reproductive health 2) No 1) Yes d) Developing infrastructure to ensure that persons with disabilities have access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public Describe: 2) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No (Go to the next issue) 36 1) Yes 2) No Legea nr. 60 din 30.03.2012 privind incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi introduce pentru prima dată în legislația națională noțiuni precum accesibilitate, design universal și adaptare rezonabilă. Astfel, această lege conține o serie de prevederi privind politica de stat în domeniul accesibilităţii (art. 17), proiectarea şi construirea obiectelor infrastructurii sociale cu respectarea necesităţilor persoanelor cu dizabilităţi (art.18), amenajarea 1,2,3, 4 obiectelor infrastructurii sociale pentru a putea fi folosite de către persoanele cu dizabilităţi 2) No 1) Yes e) Strengthening and extend comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation services and programmes for persons with disabilities Describe: 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 1) Yes 2) No Centre de reabilitare CREPOR 2) No f) Instituting concrete procedures and mechanisms for persons with disabilities to participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development activities that have a direct impact on their lives (Go to the next issue) Acordarea diferitelor forme de asistenţă socială în funcţie de necesităţile speciale ale persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, care se stabilesc în următoa-rele domenii: viaţa cotidiană, dezvoltarea personalităţii, activitatea profesională şi activitatea socială. Asigurarea persoanelor cu dizabilităţi cu mijloace ajutătoare tehnice 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No (Go to the next issue) 37 1) Yes 2) No Dezvoltarea unui mecanism eficient de acordare a serviciilor de orientare, de formare şi de reabilitare profesională a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes g) Guaranteeing to persons with disabilities equal and effective legal protection against discrimination on all grounds Describe: 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 1) Yes 2) No Law on discrimination? 2) No h) Promoting equality by taking all appropriate steps to ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided in all aspects of economic, social, political and cultural life (Go to the next issue) Legea nr. 60 din 30.03.2012 privind incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi conține prevederi referitoare la egalitatea şi nediscriminarea persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, excluderea oricărei forme de discriminare pe criteriul de dizabilitate (art. 8), apărarea drepturilor persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, răspunderea pentru încălcarea loc, inclusiv asistenţă juridică în condiţii de egalitate cu ceilalţi cetăţeni, în toate domeniile vieţii 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No (Go to the next issue) 38 1) Yes 2) No Elaborarea de recomandări metodice privind adaptarea obiectivelor de menire socială (din domeniul sănătăţii, asistenţei sociale, instruirii, culturii) 1,2,3, 4 la necesităţile persoanelor cu dizabilităţi 2) No 1) Yes i) Providing support to families caring for persons with disabilities Describe: -Serviciul social „Asistenţă personală” Hotărîrea Guvernului nr.314din 23.05.2 012 - serviciul social „Echipa mobilă” Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 722 din 22.09.2011); 1) Yes Name: - serviciul social Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 2) No „Locuinţă protejată Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 711 din 09.08.2010; - serviciul social „Casă comunitară” Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 936 din 08.10.2010); - serviciului social „Respiro” Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 413 din 14.06.2012. 39 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes j) Collecting data on the civil, political and socioeconomic status of persons with disabilities disaggregated on the basis of sex, age, place of residence, ethnic, social origin or any other status. Describe: Not relevant 1) Yes Name: Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities Law on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities 2) No k) Other, specify____ 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next issue) Legea nr. 60 din 30.03.2012 privind incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi conține prevederi referitoare la egalitatea şi nediscriminarea persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, excluderea oricărei forme de discriminare pe criteriul de dizabilitate (art. 8), apărarea drepturilor persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, răspunderea pentru încălcarea loc, inclusiv asistenţă juridică în condiţii de egalitate cu ceilalţi cetăţeni, în toate domeniile vieţii (art. 10). 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 2) No Describe___ 2) No *See list in the Annex 2.28. Achievements in addressing issues related to the needs of persons with disabilities. 40 1,2,3, 4 Among the issues related to the needs of persons with disabilities that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ???????? ICPD issues regarding the needs persons with disabilities relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.27 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators d) Barriers Developing infrastructure to ensure that persons with disabilities have access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public ???? Planul de acţiuni al Strategie de incluziune socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, care include masuri concrete pentru reformarea politicii în domeniul persoanelor cu dizabilităţi ??? Alocarea mijloacelor financiare 2.29. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding the needs of persons with disabilities that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten years (10)? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding the needs of persons with disabilities that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) Accesibility, including : - Infrastructure, education, health, information, - Employment opportunities - Social protection services 2.30. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on persons with disabilities at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) Studiu sociologic 2011: Bariere de incluziune socială a Persoanelor cu dizabilităţi. ________________________ 2) Yes At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ 3) Yes At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 4) No 2.31. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of persons with disabilities over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. 41 (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Societatea Invalizilor din RM b) Societatea Orbilor din RM c) Asociaţia Surzilor din RM 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Groups of persons with disabilities 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Groups of persons with disabilities 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Groups of persons with disabilities 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO MLSPF (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d ???? 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ MLSPF 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ ???? MLSPF 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ ???? 2.32. Name up to three (3) private sector partners whom the government has partnered with in the area of persons with disabilities over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a)N/A b) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 42 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ c) 2.33. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area(s) of persons with disabilities over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation UNDP (3) Type of international cooperation 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify b) Kezstone Humans Services International Moldova Association c) 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify 43 (4) Activities conducted Addressing the needs of indigenous people Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): 2.34. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of indigenous peoples that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.36) 2.35. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of indigenous peoples a) b) c) d) e) (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* (6) Implementatio n timeframe or year of inception/ revision 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2.36. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding the needs of indigenous peoples? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 2.38) 2.37. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. 44 (1) Institutional entities addressing the needs of indigenous peoples (2) Year of establishment a) b) c) d) e) 2.38. Addressing ICPD issues regarding the needs of indigenous peoples in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues regarding the needs of indigenous peoples Creating educational conditions for indigenous peoples to have access to an education in their own language and respecting their culture b) Ensuring that indigenous individuals, particularly children, have access to all levels and forms of public education of the state without discrimination c) Creating decent work opportunities for indigenous peoples without discrimination d) Ensuring that indigenous peoples have the access to culturally appropriate sexual and reproductive health care, including HIV prevention services e) Enabling indigenous peoples to have tenure and manage their lands (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? (4) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? (5) What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* a) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 2) No 45 1,2,3, 4 f) Protecting and restoring the natural ecosystems on which indigenous communities depend for their survival and wellbeing g) Instituting concrete procedures and mechanisms for indigenous peoples to participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of development activities that have a direct impact on their lives h) Seeking free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples in trade agreements, foreign direct investment agreements, and concessions agreements affecting their lives and environment i) Protecting indigenous peoples from discrimination j) Collecting data on the socio-economic status of indigenous peoples disaggregated on the basis of sex, age, place of residence k) Other, specify____ 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No *See list in the Annex 2.39. Achievements in addressing issues related to the needs of indigenous peoples. Among the issues related to the needs of indigenous peoples that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. 46 ICPD issues regarding the needs indigenous peoples a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 2.38 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators d) Barriers 2.40. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding the needs of indigenous peoples that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding the needs of indigenous peoples that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) b) c) d) e) 2.41. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on the needs of indigenous peoples at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No At the national level only, cite the report(s) ________________________ At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 2.42. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of indigenous peoples over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Indigenous peoples’ groups (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activities conducte d 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 47 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Indigenous peoples’ groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Indigenous peoples’ groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ b) c) 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 2.43. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of indigenous peoples over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a) b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 48 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 2.44. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of indigenous peoples over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation a) (3) Type of international cooperation 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North b) c) 49 (4) Activities conducted SECTION 3. URBANIZATION AND INTERNAL MIGRATION (CHAPTER IX) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Dorin Andros, Head, Olga Serbinos, Superior Consultant Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): Department on Policies and Regional Cooperation, Minsitry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) E-mail address(es):; Phone number(s) – Landline: + 373 22 204 543; 22-204-575 Mobile: Fax(es): +373 22-22-07-48 Interview date(s):08.10.2012 3.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing urbanization and internal migration issues that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 3.3) 3.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing urbanization and internal migration a) Politica de dezvoltare urbana (2) Type (3) Status (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* Urban population; Local public administrati on; district cities population Urban and rual population; APL 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented MRDC b) National Strategy on Regional Development 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented MDRC d) 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented echilibrata in Republica Moldova 2013-2020 e) 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 50 (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2013-2020 3.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding urbanization and internal distribution? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 3.5) 3.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Other institutional entities addressing urbanization and internal distribution (2) Year of establishment a)Ministry of Regional Development and Construction b) c) d) e) 1992 3.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding urbanization and internal migration in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues regarding urbanization and internal migration a) Promoting the growth of small or medium-sized urban centres (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/stra tegy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? 1) Promoting rural development strategies to decrease push factors on urbanization Promoting decentralization (5) Were concrete implementatio n measures taken to address this issue? What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ ????? 2) No 1,2 ?????,3, 4 (Go to the next 1) Yes 1) Yes Name: National Strategy on Regional Devellopment 2) No issue) c) Was budget allocated to this issue? (4) Name: Politica de dezvoltare urbana echilobrata 20132020 2) No issue) b) Yes (3) 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next 1) Yes Name: National Strategy on Decentralisation - Leeea nr. 436-XVI din 28 decembrie 2006 Drivind administraţia Describe: The National Strategy on Regional Development was approved; 3 regional strategies (North, South, Centre) were developed. 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 51 Describe: A P L duc resDonsabiliatea Drivind elaborarea documentaţiei 1,2,3, 4 ????? d) e) f) Ensuring land, housing, services and livelihood of urban poor ???? Facilitating the integration of ruralto-urban migrants???? Promoting environmental management of urban agglomerations oublică locală - Leeea nr. 435-XVI din 28.12.2006 privind descentralizarea administrativă - Leeea nr.397-XV din 16 octombrie 2003 Drivind finanţele Dublice locale - Leeea nr 835 din 17.05.1996 orivind DrinciDiile urbanismului si amenaiării teritoriului - Leeea nr. 163 din 09.07.2010 Drivind autorizarea executării lucrărilor de constructii de urbanism - A P L duc resDonsabilitate a Drivind finanţarea elaborării sau actualizării doc. de urbanism - A P L au resDonsabilitate oentru eliberarea actelor Dermissive Dentru oroiectare şi construire a construcţiilor 2) No issue) 2) No 1) Yes ???? 2) No issue) (Go to the next (Go to the next Describe___ ???? 1) Yes 2) No ??? Name__ (Go to the next 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No ???? Describe___ ???? 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes Name: Planurile urbanistice eenerale ale localităţilor 2) No issue) 1,2,3, 4???? 2) No 1) Yes ???? 2) No issue) 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next ??? 1,2,3, 4 ??? Describe: Dezvoltarea durabilă a localităţilor in conformitate cu orevederile documentaţiilor de urbanizm 1,2,3, 4 2) No g) Promoting health, education, training and employment support for IDPs (where relevant) ???? h) Proactive planning for urban population growth 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue)????? 1) Yes 2) No ??? 1) Yes Describe___ ????? 2) No 1,2,3, 4 ???? 1) Yes 1) Yes Name: Planurile urbanistice eenerale ale localităţilor 2) No issue) 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next Describe: Dezvoltarea durabilă a localităţilor in conformitate cu ore vederi le documentaţiilor de urbanizm 2) No 52 1,2,3, 4 i) Other, specify_____ 1) Yes 2) No Name__ 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No *See list in the Annex 3.6. Achievements in addressing issues related to urbanization and internal migration. Among the issues related to urbanization and internal migration that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ?????? ICPD issues regarding urbanization and internal migration relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 3.5 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators d) Barriers ???? ??? ??? ???? 3.7. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding urbanization and internal migration that the country considers priority for public policy for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Issues regarding internal migration and urbanisation relevant to the national context that should be the focus for the next five (5) to ten years (10) a) Asigurarea implementării cu succes a PPP b) Dezvoltarea domeniului construcţiilor in scopul creării noilor locuri de munca c) Urbanizarea şi contribuirea la dezvoltarea economică a ţarii prin extinderea noilor zone construite, industriale şi locative d) e) f) Dezvoltarea producerii de materiale de construcţie autohtone cu grad inalt de calitatea internaţională Contribuirea la dezvoltarea industriei de prelucrare a materiei agricole Dezvoltatera turismului, prin crearea şi modernizarea punctelor de atracţii turistice 3.8. Are there any legal or practical restrictions on the movement of people within the country, including the need for a work permit, proof of identity, and proof of employment or legal address at the place of destination, based on HIV status, or, in the cases of women the need to be authorized by the husband or a legal guardian/tutor? 1) Yes, legal 2) Yes, practical 3) Yes, legal and practical (List the kind of restriction(s):_________________________) (List the kind of restriction(s):_________________________) (List the kind of restriction(s):_________________________) 53 4) No 3.9. Has the country conducted an assessment/ situation analysis on internal migration and/or urbanisation at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No At the national level only, cite the report(s) ________________________ At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 3.10. Has the country conducted an assessment/ situation analysis on internally displaced persons and/or refugees in the last five (5) years? 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No Initial assessment to address post-crisis/disaster population displacements Internally displaced persons profiling exercise Surveys conducted covering refugee populations None of the above (if no, skip to 3.12) 3.11. If YES, describe the key actions taken to protect and assist refugees and displaced persons based on the above assessments/situation analyses. 3.12. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of urbanisation and internal migration over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Expert Group 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Migrant Networks 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other,specify____ (3) Name of the Governm ent unit which partnered with the CSO MDRC 54 (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training ????? b) 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Migrant Networks 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other,specify____ c) 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Migrant Networks 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other,specify____ 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 3.13. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of urbanisation and internal migration over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. ????? (1) Name private sector partner a) b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 55 3.14. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of urbanization and internal migration over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. ???? (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a)n/a (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation (3) Type of international cooperation 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North 1) North-South 2) South-South 3) Triangular 4) North-North b)??? c)??? 56 (4) Activities conducted SECTION 4. (CHAPTER X) INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Carolina Mişcoi, Main specialist Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): International Cooperation and European Integration Department Ministry of Internal Affairs E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: +373 22 255-325 Fax(es): +373 22 22-63-21 Mobile: +373 68521707 Interview date(s): 08.10.2012 4.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing international migration and development that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 4.3) 4.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing international migration and development a) Strategia naţionala în domeniul migraţiei şi azilului (2011-2020) (Government Decision nr. 655 din 08.09.2011 ) b) Planul de acţiuni pentru anii 2011-2015 privind implementarea Strategiei naţionale în domeniul migraţiei şi azilului (2011-2020) (Government Decision Nr. 1009 din 26.12.2011) b) Planului de acţiuni privind stimularea reîntoarcerii lucrătorilor migranţi (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 57 (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* Ministry of Interior People seeking employmen t opportunitie s (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2011-2020 2011-2015 Minsitry of Economy Migrant workers 2008 moldoveni de peste hotare (Government Decision Nr. 1133 din 09.10.2008) Programul naţional de 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Migrant workers 2011 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented ??? Migrant workers 2008 f)Legea privind regimul străinilor în Republica Moldova (Nr. 200 din 16.07.2010) 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented ???? Foreigners, migrant workers 2010 g) Legea privind integrarea străinilor în Republica Moldova (Nr. 274 din 27.12.2011) 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented ??? Foreigners, migrant workers 2011 d) implementare a planului de acţiuni RM - UE în domeniul liberalizării regimului de vize (Government Decision Nr.122 din 04.03.2011) e) Legea cu privire la migraţia de muncă (Nr. 180 din 10.07.2008) *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 4.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding international migration and development? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 4.5) 4.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) (2) Other institutional entities addressing international migration and development Year of establishment a) Bureau for migration and asylum under Ministry of Interior 2006 b)Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family c)Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration d) Национальная Комиссия по Регулированию Миграционных процессах e) Ministerul Tehnologiei Informaţiei şi Comunicaţiilor 2009 ??? 2006 4.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding international migration and development in the national context during the last five years 58 a) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ICPD issues regarding international migration and development Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? Was budget allocated to this issue? Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? What is the current level of implementation of these measures?* 1) Yes Addressing the root causes of migration so migration is by choice not necessity 1) Yes Name: Law Nr. 180, Law Nr.200 2) No 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next issue) Describe: Legea nr. 200 din 16.07.2010 privind regimul străinilor în RM a fost elaborată în baza Directivelor UE și stabilește un cadru juridic cu privire la libera circulaţie şi imigrarea cetăţenilor străini pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, asigurării unui mecanism complet, uniform şi continuu de reglementare a regimului străinilor pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova, aplicării unei proceduri uniforme de documentare a străinilor. 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes b) Protecting migrants against human rights abuses, racism, ethnocentrism and xenophobia 1) Yes Name: Law Nr. 180, Law Nr.200, Convention 97,93,181 Planul național de acțiuni în domeniul drepturilor omului pentru anii 2011-2014 aprobat prin Hotărîrea Parlamentului nr. 90 din 12.05.2011 2) No (Go to the next issue) 59 1) Yes 2) No Describe: În anul 2011 BMA a elaborat și au fost adoptate de Parlament Legile cu privire la ratificarea Convenţiei ONU privind statutul apatrizilor și Convenției ONU privind reducerea cazurilor de apatridie - acțiuni ce țin de asigurarea accesului imediat al persoanei reţinute la servicii juridice calificate. 1,2,3, 4 2) No c) Taking gender and age into account in formulating immigration policies d) Addressing the factors that contribute to forced internal displacement ???? e) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Strengthening support for international activities to protect and assist refugees and displaced persons 2) No Combat trafficking and/or smuggling of migrants 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Name: Legea nr.270 din 18.12.2008 privind azilul în RM, Legea nr.274 din 27.12.2011 privind integrarea străinilor în RM_ f) Describe___ 1) Yes 2) No ???? (Go to the next issue) Describe: A fost ratificată Convenția privind statutul refugiatului din 1951. - Legea privind azilul stabileşte statutul juridic al străinilor şi al apatrizilor, al beneficiarilor unei forme de protecţie în Republica Moldova, precum şi procedura de acordare, încetare şi anulare a protecţiei - Legea nr.274 din 27.12.2011 privind integrarea străinilor în RM reglementează procesul şi modalităţile de facilitare a integrării străinilor în Republica Moldova 1,2,3, 4????? 2) No 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes Name_: Planul naţional de prevenire şi combatere a traficului de fiinţe umane pentru anii 20122013 (HG nr.559 din 31.07.2012) 2) No (Go to the next issue) 60 1) Yes 2) No - acţiuni de prevenire; 1,2,3, 4 -asistenţa şi protecţia socială a VTFU şi martorilor; - investigarea şi urmărirea în justiţie a traficanţilor 2) No g) Facilitate the flow and use of remittances to support development ???? h) Strengthening of dialogue and cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) Improving disaggregated data on international migration (including forced migration) taking age, sex and other equity and vulnerability variables into account 1) Yes 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes Describe: Signing snd implementation of the Name: Bilateral agreements with France, Italy, Israel, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus 2) No i) 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next issue) Bilateral agreements with France, Italy, Israel, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes Name: -разработка Расширенного миграционного профиля” 2) No 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next issue) - была создана рабочая группа по вопросам разработки расширенного миграционного профиля” 1,2,3, 4 2) No a) Other, specify_____ 1) Yes 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 2) No Describe___ 1,2,3, 4 2) No *See list in the Annex 4.6. Achievements in addressing issues related to international migration and development. Among the issues related to international migration and development that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding international migration and development relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in Заключениe двусторонних соглашений в области трудовой миграции Semnarea acordurilor cu privire la readmisia persoanelor aflate în situaţie de şedere ilegală. 61 question 4.5 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) Реализуется пилотные проекты по: - легальному трудоустройству -Возможность возвращения и воссоединения в стране - Бизнес-развитие "PARE 1 +1" Acordul dintre UE şi Republica Moldova privind readmisia persoanelor aflate în situaţie de şedere ilegală semnat la 10.10.2007 la Bruxelles. De asemenea, relevăm că MAI a semnat acorduri de readmisie cu Comunitatea Europeană (27 state – membre), Confederația Elvețiană, Norvegia, Serbia, Muntenegru, Bosnia și Herțegovina, Macedonia, state, care reprezintă principalele puncte de destinaţie ale migranţilor moldoveni c) Facilitators d) Barriers Предложение по трудоустроисту- конкурентоспособной рабочей силы, знанияязыка, культуры, привлекательная зарплата În baza acordurilor de readmisie semnate cu statele terțe, cetățenii moldoveni sunt readmiși în țară fără careva impedimente. Нежелание государств назначения заключать соглашения _ 4.7. On a scale of 1-4, indicate to what extent the following international migration priorities are addressed in the current national context (1) (2) International migration priorities Level of priority (1=low; 2=somewhat low 3=somewhat high; 4=high) Sending countries a) Address the root causes of migration and make remaining in one's country a viable option for all people. 1 2 3 4 b) Facilitate inflows of remittances by sound economic policies and adequate banking facilities. 1 2 3 4 c) 1 2 3 4 d) Facilitating exchange of information on migration policies e) Facilitate the reintegration of migrants 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 f) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Make provisions for voluntary repatriation and safe return of migrants, including forced migrants Creating mechanisms for promoting diaspora investments and contributions to the communities of origin Receiving countries g) Ensure the same treatment to documented migrants and members of their family accorded to nationals with regard to basic human rights h) Protect women and children who migrate as family members from abuse and denial of their human rights. 62 i) Work towards integration of family reunification into national legislation Prevent racist and xenophobic actions and policies. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 k) Prevent the exploitation of undocumented migrants and protect their basic human rights l) Prevent international trafficking in migrants; and protect them against racism, ethnocentrism and xenophobia. m) Making potential migrants aware of the legal conditions for entry, stay and employment in host countries n) Facilitate the integration of migrants, including forced migrants o) Preventing discrimination of migrants on the basis of age, sex, race, HIV status, religion or disability All countries 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 p) Engaging in bilateral or multilateral negotiations on, inter alia, readmission agreements that protect the basic human rights of undocumented migrants in accordance with relevant international instruments. q) Strengthen support for international activities to protect and assist refugees and displaced persons. ??? 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 r) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 j) s) Provide access to health services, including sexual and reproductive health services, to migrants, IDPs and Refugees. ??? Support the data gathering and monitoring of stocks and flows of migrants 4.8. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding international migration and development that the country considers priority for public policy for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Issues regarding international migration and development that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five to ten years a) Укрепление диалога со странами назначения, а также заключениe соглашений в области трудовой миграции и социальной защиты b) продвижение схем в области трудовой миграции круговой / сезоннoй c) разработка и реализация программ по возвращению и реинтеграции мигрантов d) e) 4.9. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on international migration and development at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 63 - At the national level only, cite the report(s) Расширенный миграционный 1) Yes профили” 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No - “Картографирование молдавской диаспоры” - ”Преодоление негативных эффектов миграции на несовершеннолетних и семьи, оставшиеся в стране” At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 4.10. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of international migration and development over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) ???? b)??? c)???? 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO ??? ??? ??? (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d ??? 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ ??? ??? 4.11. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of international migration and development over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. 64 (1) Name private sector partner (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector a)??? (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ b)???? c)??? 4.12. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of international migration and development over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) International Labour Organization (ILO) (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (3) Type of international cooperation (4) Activities conducted 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify ?>???Poriectul? Acitvitatile? Bugetul? Migration (OIM) Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Interior 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify National Referral Mechanism??? c) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Minsitry of Interior, Ministry of Labour and 1) Financial 2) Technical ???? Proiectul? b) International Organization for 65 Social Protection 66 3) Other, specify Activitatile? Bugetul SECTION 5: FAMILY, WELLBEING OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES (CHAPTER V) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): 5.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 5.3) 5.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing the needs the family and the wellbeing of individuals (2) Type (3) Status a) National Strategic Program on Demographic Security of the Republic of Moldova 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented b) 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented c) d) e) (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2011-2025 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 5.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 5.5) 67 5.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies) and the year of establishment. (1) Other institutional entities addressing the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals a) Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family b) Parliamentary "Committee on Social Protection, Health and Family c) National Commission for Population and Development d) e) (2) Year of establishment 2005 1991 2007 5.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals in the national context during the last five (5) years. (1) ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals a) Increasing efforts to ensure health, education and welfare services function collaboratively and effectively b) Facilitating compatibility between labor force participation and parental responsibilities c) Providing financial and (2) Was this issue addressed in any existing policy/programme/strategy or through an institutional entity? If yes, in which one(s)? 1) Yes Regulation mechanism of crosssectorial collaboration and social care to prevent and reduce child mortality and infant mortality among children under 5 years at home, approved by Government Decision of 22.12.2010 nr.1182 1) Yes Law nr.289-XV of 22.07.2004 on the allowances for temporary labor incapacity and other social insurance benefits. 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? (4) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? (5) In your assessment, and based on most concrete evidence at your disposal and that you may be aware of, how would you rate the overall progress of implementation of the measures adopted on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows: 1-deficient 2-behind schedule 3-on schedule 4-ahead of schedule 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - implementing intersectoral cooperation mechanism is through coordination of the structures responsible at central, district / municipal, local levels and Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia, dealing with health and social protection of family and children, and other relevant partners. 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - establishing by law the right for those who are insured and are on parental leave to get monthly child allowance after birth and before the age of 3 years. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 68 1) Yes Describe___ social protection schemes to single parent families d) Developing the capacity to monitor the impact of policies on the wellbeing of families e) Providing effective assistance to families and the individuals within them who are affected by specific problems 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes a) Law 133 of 13.06.2008 on social assistance b) Government Decision no.1478 of 15.11.2002 on allowances for families with children f) Preventing children’s abuse and neglect and provide assistance to children victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment, including orphans 1) Yes The draft guidelines on inter-sectorial cooperation mechanism for monitoring assistance to child victims and potential victims of abuse, neglect, exploitation, trafficking 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 69 1) Yes Describe___ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes - providing a minimum guaranteed monthly income for poor families, by earmarking social assistance established after the assessment of the average monthly income of each family and of the need for social assistance. - providing allowances for families with children are the main economic support from the state. They are given in the form of one-time or periodic payments to families for child birth, care and maintenance, depending on age and family’s average income. 1) Yes In September 2011 a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Orhei Leova District Council, National Center for Child Abuse Prevention and Information Centre and the Child Rights in Moldova was concluded in order to ensure cooperation between the relevant institutions and to g) Assisting families caring for family members with disabilities, and family members living with HIV h) Ensuring good quality early childhood care and education for working families, including extended day programs i) Supporting and assisting vulnerable families (very poor, victims of humanitarian crisis, drought, etc.) Supporting educational programmes concerning parental roles, parental skills and child development k) Other, 1) Yes Law no.499-XV of 14.07.1999 on State Social Allowances for certain categories of citizens 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No implement during 2011 - 2013 intersectoral cooperation mechanism for the prevention, identification, notification, referral, assistance, monitoring and recording of child victims and potential victims of violence, abuse , exploitation and neglect. 1) Yes - providing social benefits for families with children with disabilities in accordance with the severity of child’s disability degree; - providing allowances to people that take care of a child with first disability degree. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) j) 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 70 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes Describe___ specify_______ 2) No 2) No 5.6. Achievements in addressing issues related to the needs of families and the wellbeing of individuals. Among the issues related to the needs of families and the wellbeing of individuals that are most relevant in the national context, briefly list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 5.5 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators* d) Barriers* Increasing efforts to ensure health, education and welfare services function collaboratively and effectively In order to implement the Regulation on cross-sectoral mechanism and social care to prevent and reduce child mortality and children aged up to 5 years at home, approved by Government Decision no. 1182 of 22 December 2010, the order of the Minister of Health and Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family no. 205/250 of 21 March 2011 "on the fulfillment of the Government Decision no. 1182 of 22 December 2010 "was approved. Subsequently, an Action Plan, Implementation Guideline, a Regulation for inter-sectoral cooperation and composition of national inter-ministerial coordination council was adopted. To successfully promote inter-sectoral cooperation mechanism at the level of municipalities / district plans, Joint Councils for management of the implementation of activities of the municipal / district plants to prevent home deaths of children under 5 years from vulnerable families, were set up. In 2011, these councils tackled the problems of home deaths of children under 5 years from vulnerable groups, highlighting all the health and social problems faced by the family. All the necessary measures in these cases were undertaken. Thus, in 2011, community social workers, family doctors / nurses family through active interaction with community members in the country, identified, assessed and put on record 10,153 children aged up to 5 years from risky families, including 5599 children under the age of 1. After assessing the situation, evaluating the needs of children and highlighting the difficulties faced by the family, multidisciplinary teams made up of social workers, medical employees and other partners (as appropriate), worked out personalized action plans for each family, aimed at solving the identified social and medical problems. Some of these cases were addressed by the social services available. Out of all the children under age of 5, who died in 2011, 420 children were aged under 1 year (against 470 children in 2010), infant mortality accounted for 10.6 ‰ (in 2010 it made 11.7 ‰). In 2011, the number of deceased children under 1 year decreased by 56 infants, compared with 2010 (476 children). Also the number of children under 1 year who died at home, decreased by about one third, their share being 14.5% (61 children) compared with year 2010, when their share made 19.5% (93 children). (Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) 1, 2, 4. 9. *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals relevant to the national context e) f) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 5.5 above) Achievements (cite the reports) Facilitating compatibility between labor force participation and parental responsibilities Under the provisions of the State Budget Law for 2011 no. 52 of 31 March 2011, the state social insurance budget law for 2011 no. 54 of 31 March 2011 and the Law nr.289-XV of 22 July 2004 on allowances for temporary disability and other social insurance benefits, in line with the Government Decision no. 432 of 15.06.2011, starting with January 1, 2011 allowances for families with children were raised. According to data provided by the National Social Insurance, the expenses for payment of 71 allowances for families with children increased by 24.5 percent for those insured, compared to 2010 and by 15 percent for uninsured people. According to data provided by the National Social Insurance Center, out of the total number of beneficiaries of one-time childbirth allowance, about 67.89% (26,349 beneficiaries) are uninsured. However, starting from 1 January 2011 monthly allowances for child care until the age of 1.5 years for uninsured persons were increased by 50 lei, standing at 300 lei. The average amount of monthly child allowance until the age of 3 years also increased. In 2011 it made 768.64 lei, against 675.27 lei in 2010 and 478.92 in 2009. At the same time, the number of beneficiaries of monthly child allowance until the age of 3 years also increased compared to 2010, while the number of beneficiaries of monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1.5 years is decreasing compared to 2010. (Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) g) Facilitators* h) Barriers* 1, 2, 4. 9. *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals relevant to the national context i) j) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 5.5 above) Achievements (cite the reports) k) Facilitators* l) Barriers* Providing effective assistance to families and the individuals within them who are affected by specific problems Social aid is granted under the Law on social assistance no. 133-XVI of 13 June 2008, which aims at providing a minimum guaranteed monthly income to disadvantaged families by offering them social support, established in accordance with the average monthly income of the family and with its need to receive social assistance. Social support has been designed as a basic program of the Government to support poor people, in the context of Government’s strife to eradicate poverty. At present it has two basic components - social aid and assistance for the cold season. The social assistance is granted by determining financial eligibility and allowance amount using the income gap. The amount of the allowance represents the difference between the minimum guaranteed monthly income and the monthly income of a family. This figure is assessed on the basis of the family structure, in order to ensure that every family enjoys a minimum level of welfare, allowing a variation between family size and composition. The selection of beneficiaries is based on socio-economic situation of the family, using welfare criteria and eligibility for people of working age. According to the Regulation on the calculation and payment of social aid, approved under Government Decision no. 1167 of 16 October 2008, the holder of social support or, if applicable, of assistance for the cold season, is the applicant and his/her family is the beneficiary. The study carried out by independent analytical center "Expert Grup" shows that this allowance is the most efficient in combating poverty, 62% of beneficiaries are placed in the bottom decile and 21% in decile II. Calculations performed in this study show that 85% of the money allocated in social allowances are earmarked to the poorest households (in deciles I and II). According to the Ministry of Economy, the implementation of the new welfare system was one of the main factors that had significant impact on the evolution of poverty, especially in rural areas. Thus, in 2010 the poverty rate in Moldova showed decreasing trends, the share of poor people was 21.9%, by 4.4% less against 2009. At the same time, after the negative evolution in rural poverty rates registered during years 2007-2009, a decrease of 6% in poverty rate was recorded in 2010. Thus, the share of poor people made 30.3%. Benefits obtained in 2011 due to the implementation of the social allowances system were also praised by the experts of the International Monetary Fund. The shift from the old system of nominative compensations to the social assistance system was described by them as one of the most important structural reforms implemented by the Government, with significant impact on vulnerable groups of the population. They also recommended that the transition process in parallel with capacity building in the field and adequate access to social assistance should be sped up. In 2011, about 80,000 needy families benefitted from social allowances (compared to 60,107 families in 2010 and to 33,232 families in 2009). Note that about 80% of beneficiary families (especially those in rural areas) had at least one child. The average amount of allowances for families with children was over 800 lei. In other cases the average amount of the allowances was about 680 lei in 2011. The total amount of funds for social allowances stood in 2009 at 114 million lei, in 2010 at 283.7 million lei and in 2011 at 330.1 million lei. The social support helps reduce poverty through money transfers to households and significantly backs people in the education and health fields (food, education and health, these are the main directions in the use of social support), and therefore contributes to long-term economic growth and poverty reduction. (Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) 1, 2, 4. 9. 72 *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals relevant to the national context m) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 5.5 above) n) Achievements (cite the reports) Providing effective assistance to families and the individuals within them who are affected by specific problems Under Government Decision on Allowances for families with children no.1478 of 15 November 2002, families with children enjoy the following types of benefits: a) single childbirth allowance; b) monthly child allowance until the age of 3 years, for insured persons, c) monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1.5 years for uninsured. Annually an increase in the amount of those benefits. In 2012, the sum of allowances at childbirth were: 2300 lei - the birth of the first child and 2600 lei - the birth of each following child (both for insured and for uninsured persons) monthly child allowance until the age 3 years, 30% of insured people is the established quota, pursuant to Article 7 of Law no. 289-XV of 22 July 2004 on Allowances for temporary labor disability and other social insurance benefits, but not less than 300 lei in monthly child care allowance until the age of 1.5 years, for uninsured persons – 300 lei. (Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) 1, 2, 4. 9. o) Facilitators* p) Barriers* ICPD issues regarding the needs of the family and the wellbeing of individuals relevant to the national context q) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 5.5 above) r) Achievements (cite the reports) s) t) Assisting families caring for family members with disabilities, and family members living with HIV State social allowances are monthly sums from the state budget paid through the state social insurance budget to people that do not meet the conditions for the right to social security pension. Among the beneficiaries of social allowances are the following categories of children: - Disabled children aged up to 18 years with degree I, II, III; - Children who have lost their breadwinner (shall be persons under the age of 18, in case of students from secondary and higher education institutions, excluding part-time education until graduation from that institution, but only till the age 23 years); - People who take care of a disabled child under 18, with the severity degree I. The average amount of state social allowances for disabled children aged up to 18 years increased from 259.74 lei in 2009 to 277.35 lei in 2011. (Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) 1, 2, 4. 9. Facilitators* Barriers* *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 5.7. Does the country provide special support (monetary or in kind) through social protection programmes/schemes to disadvantaged families and individuals? (1) (2) Targeted groups* Name of social protection programme/scheme a) Allowances for temporary labor incapacity and other social security benefits 2 (3) Monetary support 1) Yes 73 2) No (4) In kind support 1) Yes 2) No b) material aid from the Republican Fund and local funds 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16 6, 7 1, 6, 7, 2 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No c) State social allowances for certain categories of citizens 1) Yes d) social assistance 1) Yes e) allowance for families with children 1) Yes f) 1) Yes g) 1) Yes h) 1) Yes i) 1) Yes j) 1) Yes l) 1) Yes m) 1) Yes *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No for social support 5.8. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding the family and the wellbeing of individuals that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding the family and the wellbeing of individuals that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) To promote active policies to increase birth rates and to support motherhood by the systematic increase of allowances for families with children To prevent separation of children from their homes or (re) integration of children into their biological families or extended families through social services. To improve mechanisms for establishing entitlement to social benefits for families with children at risk and children in need To improve the quality of social services provided to families with children and children at risk To establish legal and procedural mechanisms for inter-sectoral coordination with direct or indirect impact on families b) c) d) e) 5.9. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on the family, its needs and composition / structure at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) Quantitative Study "Addressing the negative effects of migration on child and family left behind" 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No At the sub national level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At both the national and at the sub national level, cite the report(s) __________ 5.10. Name up to three (3) civil society organizations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of the family and the wellbeing of individuals over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Partnerships 1) National NGO (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Ministry of Labor, (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d 1) Service Delivery 74 for every child 2) International NGO 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ Social Protection and Family b) LUMOS Foundation in Moldova 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family c) 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 5.11. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of the family and the well-being of individuals over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a) b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 75 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilization 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 5.12. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of the needs of the family and wellbeing of individuals over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation (3) Type of international cooperation (4) Activities conducted 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ a) b) c) SECTION 6 : REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (CHAPTERVII) AND HEALTH, MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY (CHAPTER VIII) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): 76 6.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 6.4) 6.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted b) National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted c) National Health Policy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted a) National Strategy on Reproductive Health d) National Youth Strategy e) National Programme on Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2006-2015 Ministry Health of 2, 4, 5, 6, 16, 99* Ministry Health of 2011-2015 Ministry Health of 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 99 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 99 Government 5 2009-2013 Government 3, 4, 5, 99 2007-2015 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2007-2021 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2)Implemented *general population 6.3. If YES, indicate whether the national policy, programme and or strategy addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights include the following HIV prevention, treatment, care and support issues? HIV prevention, treatment, care and support issues a) VCT within family planning b) BCC on HIV within SRH services Yes Yes No No c) PMTCT within maternal health services d) HIV treatment for people living with HIV Yes No Yes Yes No No e) STI and HIV prevention services 77 6.4. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights? 1) Yes 2) No (If no, skip to 6.6) 6.5. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies). (1) (2) Other institutional entities addressing sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights a) Ministry of Health b) Parliamentary Committee on Social protection, Health care and Family c) National Centre of Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics d) Center for Human Rights of Moldova e) National Commission for Population and Development f) National Coordination Council for National HIV/AIDS/STI Prophylaxis and Control and TB control Programmes g) Governmental Commission for Gender Equality Year of establishment 1991 1991 2003 1998 2007 2005 2006 6.6. Addressing ICPD issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the national context during the last five (5) years (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ICPD issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights Was this issue included in any policy/programm e/strategy or addressed through an existing institutional arrangement? If yes, in which one(s)? Was budget allocated to this issue? Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? In your assessment, and based on most concrete evidence at your disposal and that you may be aware of, how would you rate the overall progress of implementation of the measures adopted on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows: 1-deficient 2-behind schedule 3-on schedule 4-ahead of schedule a) Increasing women’s accessibility to information and counselling on 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health 1) Yes -ensuring optimal conditions for the couples and individuals to accomplish their reproductive function, including achieve the ideal – “each pregnancy has to be wanted and planned”; -decreasing the role of abortion as a birth control method by providing modern 1) Yes 2) No 78 1 2 3 4 contraceptive methods; -increasing the level of the population’s knowledge on advantages and benefits of the family planning; -increasing the access to and affordability of qualified family planning and reproductive health services; -enhancing the active and aware participation of women, men and youth in regarding reproductive options decision-making; 1) Yes -ensuring optimal conditions for the couples and individuals to accomplish their reproductive function, including achieve the ideal – “each pregnancy has to be wanted and planned”; -decreasing the role of abortion as a birth control method by providing modern contraceptive methods; -increasing the level of the population’s knowledge on advantages and benefits of the family planning; -increasing the access to and affordability of qualified family planning and reproductive health services; -enhancing the active and aware participation of women, men and youth in regarding reproductive options decision-making; sexual and reproductive health b) Increasing women’s access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, regardless of marital status and age Increasing indigenous people’s and cultural minorities’ access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, regardless of marital status and age, including access to contraception d) Increasing access of persons with disability to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, regardless of marital status and age, including access to contraception e) Increasing men’s access to sexual and 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health 1) Yes 2) No 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 c) 2) Yes 1) Yes United Program of Compulsory Health Insurance 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes -increasing men’s level of knowledge on family planning and reproductive health protection; 1) Yes 2) No 79 reproductive health information, counselling, and services f) Provision of adequate food and nutrition to pregnant women (including nutrition supplementatio n) g) Referrals to essential and comprehensive emergency obstetric care (EmOC) h) Access to antenatal care i) Increasing access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents Providing social protection and medical support for adolescent pregnant women k) Increasing access to STI/HIV prevention, treatment and care services for vulnerable population -increasing men’s access to qualified family planning and reproductive health services; -encouraging the active participation of men in family planning decision-making. 1) Yes National Programme to Eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorders; National Program for reducing the diseases caused by deficiency of iron and folic acid 1) Yes Qualitative Perinatal Care Promotion Program; National Program “Moldovan Village” United Program of Compulsory Health Insurance 1) Yes Qualitative Perinatal Care Promotion Program; National Program “Moldovan Village” United Program of Compulsory Health Insurance 1) Yes National Youth Strategy; National Strategy on Reproductive Health 1) Yes -Drafting normative and institutional framework for realization of flour fortification with iron and folic acid - Free distribution to pregnant women of folic acid, iron and iodine medicines 1) Yes 2) No 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - Regionalization of perinatal services; - Universal access to perinatal services 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - Universal access to antenatal services 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes -informing and educating teenagers in sexual and reproductive health, in order to develop responsible and healthy habits and behaviors; -providing teenagers with free access to youthfriendly health services, with no discrimination, in order to fulfill their reproductive needs taking into consideration the right to privacy, confidentiality and informed consent; -reducing pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted infections rate among teenagers and youth. 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - pregnant women are insured by Government 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1 2 3 4 j) 1) Yes Law on mandatory health insurance 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health; National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI 80 l) groups and populations at risk Increasing access to voluntary and confidential HIV testing m) Eliminating mother-tochild transmission of HIV and treatment for improving the life expectancy of HIVpositive mothers n) Integration of SRH and HIV services 1) Yes National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI; Law on HIV/AIDS prevention and control 1) Yes -Developing a network of 67 centers for VCT (one VCT service is placed within YFHC). 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Moldova has achieved excellent results in reducing the rate of PMTCT of HIV from 10% in 2004 to 1.7% in 2008. But the benchmark (below 1.0%) was not achieved. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1) Yes National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health; National Programme on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STI 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes STI counselling is not integrated into family planning services at primary health care level, as well as in VCT centers 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes -improving the legal framework in the field of early diagnosis of breast cancer; -development and approval of the National Program on fighting oncological diseases; -increasing the access of population to breast cancer diagnosis and prophylaxis services; -training the health services providers in early diagnosis of breast cancer; -developing the modern concept of information and education of population in breast cancer; -promoting the primary and secondary prophylaxis of female genital cancer through mass media; -publishing brochures and hand-outs on early diagnosis of breast cancer methods; -involving large sections of people in actively fighting breast cancer. 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes -improving normative framework in the field of abortion; -developing national clinical protocols for abortion; 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes -improving the legal framework in the field of early diagnosis of cervical cancer; -development and approval of the National Program on fighting oncological diseases; 1 2 3 4 o) Breast cancer screening and treatment 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health p) Prevention and management of the consequences of unsafe abortion 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health; United Program of Compulsory Health Insurance; Order of MoH No. 647/2010 on safe abortion q) Cervical cancer screening and treatment 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health 81 -increasing the access of population to genital cancer diagnosis and prophylaxis services; - cytological screening to trace out pre-cancer processes and cervical cancer; -training the health services providers in early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancer; -training obstetricians-gynecologists and midwifes from rural places in correct collection of smears from the cervix and cervical canal for the cytological investigation; -developing the modern concept of information and education of population in genital cancer; -promoting the primary and secondary prophylaxis of female genital cancer through mass media; -publishing brochures and hand-outs on early diagnosis of cervical cancer methods; -involving large sections of people in actively fighting cervical cancer. r) s) Access to safe abortion services to the extent of the law Other , specify______ 1) Yes National Strategy on Reproductive Health; United Program of Compulsory Health Insurance; Order of MoH No. 647/2010 on safe abortion 1) Yes 2) No Name__ 1) Yes -improving the quality of pregnancy termination services by implementing the costefficient technologies recommended by WHO and integrate them with other reproductive health services; -increasing the access of population to safe pregnancy termination services; 1) Yes 1) Yes Describe___ 1) Yes 2) No 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2) No 6.7. Achievements in addressing issues related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. Among the issues related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights that are most relevant in the national context, briefly list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in Access to antenatal care question 6.6 above) b) Achievements (cite Coverage of 78% of pregnant women with mandatory antenatal health services the reports) (Annual Health Statistics, 2011). c) Facilitators* d) Barriers* 4 99 - 78% coverage with antenatal care before 12 weeks of pregnancy is a low one. Ministry of Health and NHIC established a performance indicator related to antenatal care. Still prognosis a not so well. The main reason to not get antenatal care before 12 82 weeks of pregnancy is that a significant number of birth age women are working abroad and do not have any access to antenatal care. They are coming in country for getting birth and did not benefited at all by antenatal care or only some interventions but not all package of services. ICPD issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights relevant to the national context e) Name of the issue (mentioned in Breast cancer screening and treatment question 6.6 above) f) Achievements (cite Increasing proportion of women detected at early stage invasive breast cancer (stages the reports) I and II), from 57% (2005) to 61% (2009) (Mid-term Evaluation Report of National Strategy on Reproductive Health 2006-2015, 2011). g) Facilitators* h) Barriers* 1,3,4, 11, 19 ICPD issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights relevant to the national context i) Name of the issue (mentioned in Eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV question 6.6 above) j) Achievements (cite Reducing the rate of PMTCT of HIV from 10% (2004) to 1,7% (2008) (Mid-term the reports) Evaluation Report of National Strategy on Reproductive Health 2006-2015, 2011). 1,2,4 k) Facilitators* l) Barriers* *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 6.8. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) Breast cancer screening and treatment b) Cervical cancer screening and treatment c) Safe abortion d) Increasing women’s access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services e) Integration of SRH and STI services 6.9. Have the following accountability mechanisms been used to address peoples’ claims on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights? Response Accountability mechanisms 83 a) Judiciary b) National Human Rights Institutions c) Parliamentary commissions d) Administrative mechanisms of protection e) 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Other, specify ________ 6.10. If YES to 6.9, explain what issues have been dealt with and what different kinds of remedies have they provided? (if no to 6.9, skip to 6.11) In the Republic of Moldova there is not an official statistics regarding claims on health care services, including sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. Based on data from MoH, National Center for Forensic Medicine, Center for Human Rights of Moldova the most common issues that have been analyzed are forced sterilization, non-provision of health services to pregnant women, etc. 6.11. Has the country conducted an assessment/ situation analysis on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s): - Mid-term Evaluation Report of National Strategy on Reproductive Health 2006-2015 (2011) - Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice among pregnant women and medical staff (2008) - National Report on Monitoring the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS (2008) - HIV/AIDS related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of General Population (15-64) (2010) - HIV/AIDS related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Youth Aged (15-64) (2010) 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 6.12. Has the country conducted an assessment of unmet needs for family planning at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) ________________________ At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ At the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s): - Report on the assessment of RH services in the Republic of Moldova (2007) - Quality standards of youth friendly health services in the Republic of Moldova (2009) 4) No (if no, skip to 6.14) 6.13. If YES either/both 6.11 and/or 6.12, explain what priorities were identified: Strengthening policies on RH services; Improving the management of health care facilities providing RH services; Improving access to RH services among social-vulnerable population; 84 Improving quality of RH services 6.14. Has the country promulgated and/or enforced national laws responding to the following ICPD priority areas related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights? (1) ICPD Priority area (2) (3) Enforcement Promulgation a) National law protecting the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health 1) Yes Law on health care (1995) Law on Reproductive Health Protection and Family Planning (2001) 1) Yes 2) No b) Access to safe abortion 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Law on Reproductive Health Protection and Family Planning (2001) c) d) e) Non-discrimination in access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, including HIV services 1) Yes Protection against coercion, including forced sterilization, forced marriage, etc. 1) Yes Protecting the rights of people living with HIV 1) Yes Law on health care (1995) Law on Reproductive Health Protection and Family Planning (2001) Law on HIV/AIDS prevention and control (2007) Law on health care (1995) Law on Reproductive Health Protection and Family Planning (2001) Law on health care (1995) Law on HIV/AIDS prevention and control (2007) 6.15. Indicate which of the following sexual and reproductive health services are currently being offered through the primary health care system in the public sector. Service Response Contraceptive Services a. Counseling 1) Yes 2) No b. Information 1) Yes 2) No c. Access to at least 3 contraceptive methods 1) Yes 2) No d. Access to emergency contraception 1) Yes 2) No e. Access to male condoms 1) Yes 2) No f. Access to female condoms 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Maternity Care g. Information about maternity care, including delivery with a skilled attendant h. Prenatal care i. Essential obstetric care 1) Yes 2) No j. Emergency obstetric care 1) Yes 2) No k. Post-natal care including contraceptive services. 1) Yes 2) No 85 l. Infertility Services (including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and referral) 1) Yes 2) No m. Safe abortion to the extent of the law 1) Yes 2) No n. Post-abortion counseling 1) Yes 2) No o. Post abortion care 1) Yes 2) No Sexually Transmitted Infections p. Prevention 1) Yes 2) No q. Detection/testing 1) Yes 2) No r. Treatment and care 1) Yes 2) No Prevention 1) Yes 2) No t. Voluntary counseling and testing 1) Yes 2) No u. Treatment 1) Yes 2) No v. Care and support 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No aa. Treatment and care 1) Yes 2) No bb. HPV vaccination 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No dd. Prevention 1) Yes 2) No ee. Detection 1) Yes 2) No ff. Referral for treatment 1) Yes 2) No gg. Reintegration for women who undergo fistula repairs 1) Yes 2) No Adolescent sexual and reproductive health, including HIV hh. Information and counseling 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No HIV s. w. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission and treatment for improving the life expectancy of HIV-positive mothers x. Contraceptives services for people living with HIV Reproductive cancers: (including breast, cervical and prostate) y. Prevention z. Detection/testing cc. Services to detect and treat the consequences of sexual violence Obstetric fistula services ii. Services (including access to contraceptives) jj. Adolescent and youth friendly comprehensive SRH services (that are confidential, private and affordable by adolescents and youth) Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting kk. Prevention ll. Treatment and care mm. Other (specify) ___________________________ 6.16. Indicate the existence and availability of the following to address sexual and reproductive health as an integral part of primary health care system Strategies/actions Response a) Standards for SRH service delivery, including maternity care, family planning 1) Yes 86 2) No and STIs/HIV b) Guidelines for SRH service delivery, including maternity care, family planning and STIs/HIV 1) Yes 2) No c) Existence of an SRH costed package integrated into primary health care provision 1) Yes 2) No d) Referral mechanisms for SRH services 1) Yes 2) No e) Health information system disaggregated by age 1) Yes 2) No f) Health information system disaggregated by sex 1) Yes 2) No g) Health personnel trained in SRH, including midwifery skills 1) Yes 2) No h) Health personnel trained in HIV/AIDS counselling 1) Yes 2) No i) Health personnel trained in reproductive rights 1) Yes 2) No j) Health personnel trained in GBV screening (including FGM/C) 1) Yes 2) No k) Mechanisms to monitor quality of SRH service delivery 1) Yes 2) No l) Health personnel trained in elimination of stigma and discrimination towards key populations, including young people, people living with HIV, sex workers and clients, men having sex with men, transgender people and people who use drugs 1) Yes 2) No m) Mechanisms to guarantee participation of community-based organizations 1) Yes 2) No n) Standards, guidelines and training for health care providers on informed contraceptive choice and provision of non-coercive services 1) Yes 2) No o) Quality standards of YFHS (basic and extended package) 1) Yes 2) No 6.17. Does the national essential medicine list include the full range of sexual and reproductive health medicines defined by WHO? 1) Yes 2) No 6.18. Are there special sexual and reproductive health programmes and initiatives, including those related to HIV, to reach the below listed groups? Response Group a) Adolescents and youth 1) Yes 2) No b) Extremely poor 1) Yes 2) No c) Indigenous people 1) Yes 2) No d) Ethnic minorities 1) Yes 2) No e) Documented migrants 1) Yes 2) No f) Undocumented migrants 1) Yes 2) No g) IDPs 1) Yes 2) No h) Refugees 1) Yes 2) No i) People living with HIV 1) Yes 2) No j) Key populations at higher risk of HIV 1) Yes 2) No k) Persons with disabilities 1) Yes 2) No l) Older persons 1) Yes 2) No m) Other, specify *See type of service provided in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 87 Type of service provided* 6.19. Which of the following strategies are being used under the current national policy/programme on sexual and reproductive health to reduce financial barriers to services? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Strategies Cross-subsidization Government taxation (tobacco, alcohol) Targeted pro-poor subsidies Social marketing Community-based services Peer outreach Demand creation (e.g. conditional cash transfers) National health insurance Community insurance schemes Free services at point of care (namely YFHS) Universal free care Other (specify) Response 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 6.20. Does the country have specific programmes to ensure the access of adolescents and youth to sexual and reproductive health information and services that warrant and respect privacy, confidentiality and informed consent? 1) Yes Name of the programme: - National Strategy on Reproductive Health; - Youth Friendly Health Services Conception - National Programme on Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle 2) No (if no, skip to question 6.22) 6.21. If YES, in which of the following areas? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Area Contraceptives Sexual violence/sexual exploitation STIs, including HIV Gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices Respect, tolerance and non-discrimination of sexual minorities Intimate partner violence Safer sex Other, specify Response 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 6.22. Does the country have any official legislation and/or regulation to promote ethical standards in research design in the area of sexual and reproductive health? 1) Yes Law on patient rights and responsibilities (2005), Law on health care (1995), Ethical Committee on research under MoH 88 2) No 6.23. Is the geographic distribution of emergency obstetric care facilities adequate*? 1) Yes 2) No * Adequate: All subnational areas have at least five emergency obstetric care facilities (including at least one comprehensive facility) for every 500 000 population 6.24. What mechanisms does the country have in place to ensure implementation of policies and programmes to monitor maternal morbidity and mortality? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Monitoring mechanisms National health information system Direct obstetric case fatality rate monitoring Mandatory notification of maternal deaths Routine maternal death reports at the national level Routine data collection on obstetric fistula (indicators collected in national health information system) Routine data collection on post-partum care Public independent inquiries (by National Human Rights Institutions, Parliamentary Commissions, Commissions on Women, etc) Policy and budget monitoring surveys (PETS, QSDS, CSCs, social audits, etc) Other, specify___________________________________ Response 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 6.25. Does the national health strategy/plan include training curricula for health care workers to prevent and treat/manage obstetric fistula? 1) Yes 2) No 6.26. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of sexual reproductive health and reproductive rights over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Association 1) National NGO (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Ministry of 89 (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d 1) Service Delivery of Perinatal Medicine b) Family Planning Society c) Association Health for Youth 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ Health 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ Ministry of Health 6.27. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a) Medical Centre “Extramed” (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector National Health Insurance Company b) Medical Centre “Modus Vivendi” National Health Insurance Company c) National Health Insurance Company Medical Centre “Galaxia” (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 90 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 6.28 Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) Switzerland, SDC (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation Ministry of Health b) Japan, JICA Ministry of Health c) Ministry of Health USA, USAID (3) Type of international cooperation (4) Activities conducted 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 6.29. On a scale from 1-4, indicate the level of priority of the following ICPD issues regarding HIV in national programming (1) (2) ICPD issues regarding HIV Level of priority 1-4 (1= low; 2=somewhat low; 3=somewhat high; 4= high) a) Protection and promotion of the human rights of individuals: 1) People living with HIV 2) Key populations at higher risk* 3) Adolescents and youth 4) HIV orphans 5) People with disabilities, 6) Racial, religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities 7) Indigenous people 8) Prisoners and other detained persons, 9) Migrants/ un-documented migrants / mobile populations 10) Refugees 11) Internally displaced persons b) Voluntary and confidential HIV testing and counselling 91 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 3 4 c) Increase of female condom access and use 1 2 3 4 d) Increase of male condom access and use 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 e) Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and improving the life expectancy of HIV-positive women f) Provision of antiretroviral therapy for adults g) Provision of antiretroviral therapy for children in paediatric formulation h) HIV prevention services, primary healthcare services and other health services, provide non-judgemental, nonstigmatizing and relevant services for people living with HIV, key populations at higher risk and young people i) Provision of services for the comprehensive management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) j) Access to user-friendly prevention, treatment, care and support services for key populations at higher risk k) Management of TB/HIV co-infection l) Outreach to key populations at higher risk m) Support community-led organizations of key populations at higher risk of HIV, young people, people living with HIV 1 2 3 4 and people affected by HIV are partners in HIV programming n) Prevention of stigma and discrimination towards people 1 2 3 4 living with HIV and people affected by HIV through awareness raising *categories to include ; : sex workers and clients, men who have sex with men, transgender people and people who use drugs 6.30. Name up to three civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of HIV over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Center for Health Policies and Studies 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Networks of people living with HIV 4) Academic/ research (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 7) Design, planning, implementation and 92 centers 9) Other b) Soros Foundation specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Netowrks of people living with HIV 4) Academic/ research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National c) League of People Living with HIV of Republic of Moldova monitoring of HIV programmes 9) Other specify____ Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Ministry of Justice 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 7) Design, planning, implementation and monitoring of HIV programmes 9) Other specify____ Ministry of Health 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 7) Design, planning, implementation and monitoring of HIV programmes 9) Other specify____ Ministry of Health 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 7) Design, planning, implementation and monitoring of HIV programmes 9) Other specify____ 2) International NGO 3) Networks of people living with HIV 4) Academic/ research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National d) Union of organizations active in harm reduction NGO Ministry of Justice NGO 2) International NGO 3) Networks of people living with HIV 4) Academic/ research centers 9) Other, specify____ 6.31. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of HIV over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 93 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ b) c) 6.32. Which of the following areas on health, morbidity and mortality are considered priorities in the country’s national health policy framework or strategy? (1) (2) Area Response a) Prevention of maternal mortality 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No b) Prevention of maternal morbidity c) STIs d) HIV e) Prevention/elimination of gender-based violence f) Child mortality g) Immunization h) Malaria i) Tuberculosis j) Communicable diseases k) Non-communicable diseases l) Neglected tropical diseases m) Nutrition 94 (3) Targeted group(s)* 2, 99 (go to next issue) (go to next issue) 4, 5, 99 (go to next issue) 4, 5, 16, 99 (go to next issue) (go to next issue) 2, 99 (go to next issue) 2, 3, 99 (go to next issue) (go to next issue) 99 (go to next issue) 99 (go to next issue) 99 (go to next issue) (go to next issue) 2, 3, 99 (go to next issue) n) Obesity o) Mental health p) Other, specify 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes (go to next issue) (go to next issue) *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 95 SECTION 7. GENDER EQUALITY, EQUITY AND EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN (CHAPTER IV) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s): Veaceslav Albina, consultant DPAEGPV Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s):Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family (MLSPF) E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: +373 22 26 93 50 Mobile: +373 69852402 Fax(es): Interview date(s): 08.10.2012 7.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing gender equality, equity and empowerment of women that are currently being implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 7.3) 7.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing gender equality, equity and empowerment of women a) National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 (2) Type 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy (3) Status 1)Drafted 2)Under Implementation (4) Main responsibl e institution MLSPF (5) Targeted population groups* Women/men ;boys and girls (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2010/2015 Approved on 2009 by Government Decision No. 933 of 31.12.2009 b) Law on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Under Implementation MLSPF Women/men ;boys and girls Without revisions Approved on 9.02.2006 by Parliament Decision No.5- XVI of 9.02. 2006 Revisions operated: LP109 of 04.06.10, MO131134/30.07.10 96 art.443; LP107-XVI of 16.05.08, MO107109/20.06.08 art.417 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy c) d) e) 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented 1)Drafted 2)Implemented *See targeted population groups list in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women? 7.3. 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 7.5) 7.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies). (1) (2) Other institutional entities addressing gender equality, equity and empowerment of women Year of establishment a) Government Commission for Equality between Women and Men 2006 (established by Government Decision No.350 of 07.04.2006) 2009 (established by Government Decision No. 691 of 17.11.2009) b) Department of Equal Opportunities and Prevention of Violence under MLSPF c) Gender Focal Point in every line ministry and other central public administration units d) Coordination Working Groups on Gender Equality (comprising MLSPF, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense ) 2006 (established by Law No. 5 XVI of 09.02.2006) Starting with 2010 e) 7.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women in the national context during the last five (5) years 97 (1) (2) ICPD issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women Was this issue included in any policy/programme/str ategy or addressed through an existing institutional arrangement? If yes, in which one(s)? (4) (5) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this issue? What is the current level of implementation of measures?* (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? a) Increasing women’s participation in the formal and informal economy 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes Name: National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 2) No issue) (Go to the next 1) Yes Name: 1) Yes 2) No - Promotion of “non-traditional” professions (the ones that are predominantly male or female specific) for men and women on the labour market in order to improve the gender segregation of employment opportunities; - Encouraging women’s participation in the labour market by reducing the gender discrimination, unemployment rate among women 1,2,3, 4 2) No b) Increasing women’s representation in political processes and public life National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015; Law on Ensuring Equal Opportunities 98 1) Yes Describe: 1) Yes 2) No - Carrying out research and studies on women’s representation in 1,2,3, 4 for Women and Men 2) No issue) (Go to the next different decision- making functions, incuding identification of obstacles and suggestions/strat egies for overcoming them; -Monitoring the respect of the provisions of the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men , as well as the level of balanced participation of men and women in the political decision-making positions; - Collecting, analysis and distribution of gender disaggregated data on the level of participation of men and women in the decision-making bodies (appointed or elected), including in the management of the political and administrative institutions and in the SCOs. 2) No 99 1) Yes c) Ending gender based violence Describe: 1) Yes Name: National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 ; Law on Prevention and Combating of Domestic Violence (No. 45 of 01.03.2007) 2) No issue) (Go to the next 100 1) Yes 2) No - Carry out a study on the prevalence, causes and the consequences of different forms of violence againt women and girls, which could serve as a baisis for comprehensive interventions and focused on the victims at the local and national levels; - Implementation of the awareness campaigns (e.g.16 days against Violence) for the public at large in order to raise awareness on the issues of violence against women, girls and boys, trafficking and other human rights violations; - Development and delivering of special services for the victims of trafficking, with primary focus on women and girls. 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes d) Improving the collection, analysis, dissemination and use of sex and age disaggregated data Describe: 1) Yes Name: National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 2) No issue) 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next 101 - Continuous improvement of the labour market automated information system through gender lens ; -Implementation of online data base on the demand and supply of employment opportunities, including through gender lens; - Carry out an analysis of the beneficiaries of maternity and paternity leaves though the gender lens; -- Carrying out research and studies on women’s representation in different decision- making functions, incuding identification of obstacles and suggestions/strat egies for overcoming them; - Carry out a research on the time use of men 1,2,3, 4 and women in the family environment, including in the families affected by the labour migration phenomenon 2) No 1) Yes e) Collection and analysis of data on the social and economic staus of women Describe: - Realizarea studiului 1) Yes Name: National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 2) No issue) 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next situaţional al statutului femeii pe piaţa muncii la nivel rural - Actualizarea continuă a sistemului informaţional automatizat unic al pieţei muncii, prin prisma dimensiunii de gen - Realizarea analizei beneficiarilor de concedii de îngrijire a copiilor (paternitate) prin prisma de gen 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes f) Ending child marriage/forced marriage Describe: 1) Yes Articolul 14. Vîrsta matrimonială. Name: Vîrsta matrimonială minimă este de 18 ani. Codul Familiei al Republicii Moldova Articolul 11, 14. 2) No issue) 1) Yes 2) No (Go to the next Articolul 11. Condiţiile de încheiere a căsătoriei Pentru încheierea căsătoriei este necesar consimţămîntul reciproc, neviciat, exprimat personal şi necondiţionat, al bărbatului şi femeii care se căsătoresc, precum şi atingerea de către ei a vîrstei matrimoniale. 2) No 102 1,2,3, 4 1) Yes g) Preventing trafficking and smuggling in persons, particularly girls and women Describe: 1) Yes Name: prevenire şi combatere a traficului de fiinţe umane pentru anii 2012-2013 (HG nr.559 din 31.07.2012) Strategia Sistemului Național de Referire HG cu privire la cu privire la aprobarea Planului naţional de actiuni pentru prevenirea și combaterea traficului de ființe umane pentru anii 2012-2013 1) Yes 2) No 1,2,3, 4 - acţiuni de prevenire; Legea cu privire la prevenirea și combaterea Traficului de ființe umane Nr. 241, din 20.10.2005. 2) No issue) - Dezvoltarea serviciilor pentru victimele violenţei (inclusiv trafic de fiinţe umane), în special femei şi fete - Integrarea modulului privind dimensiunea de gen în cursurile de instruire pentru echipele multidisciplinare privind prevenirea şi combaterea traficului de fiinţe umane, violenţei în familie - Susţinerea metodologică acordată pentru trei centre ce acordă servicii victimelor violenţei în familie/traficului de fiinţe umane -asistenţa şi protecţia socială a VTFU şi martorilor; (Go to the next - investigarea şi urmărirea în justiţie a traficanţilor h) Improving the welfare of the girl child, especially with regards to health, nutrition and education i) Improving the situation of and addressing the needs of rural women 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Name: Describe: National Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 1) Yes 2) No 2) No issue) (Go to the next 1) Yes Name: 1) Yes 2) No National 103 Direcţionarea prestaţiilor sociale către segmentele vulnerabile ale populaţiei luînd în considerare veniturile acesteia, şi aspectele de gen 1,2,3, 4 2) No 1) Yes Describe: - Asigurarea 1,2,3, 4 disponibilităţii, acceptabilităţii şi utilizării mijloacelor moderne de control al fertilităţii de către femei şi bărbaţi, în special în zonele rurale, cu scopul eliminării cazurilor de avort ca mijloc de control al fertilităţii - Promovarea proiectelor investiţionale, acordarea consultaţiilor financiare şi organizarea cursurilor de instruire şi reprofilare în zonele rurale şi urbane, precum şi promovarea recomandărilor pentru susţinerea antreprenoriatului în rîndul femeilor în documentele relevante Programme on Ensuring Gender Equality during 2010-2015 2) No issue) (Go to the next 2) No 1) Yes j) Engaging men and boys to promote male participation, equal sharing of responsibilities such as care work Describe: 1) Yes Name Progarmul national de asigurarea egalitatii de gen 2) No issue) (Go to the next 1) Yes Name 2) No issue (Go to the next 1) Yes 2) No - Organizarea campaniilor de informare la nivel naţional şi local pentru promovarea taţilormodel în contextul asigurării responsabilităţilor egale între părinţi în cadrul familiei 1,2,3, 4 2) No k) Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting L) Other, specify Integrarea dimensiunii egalităţii de gen în politicile educaţionale şi în procesul educaţional 1) Yes 1) Yes Name: Programului naţional de asigurare a egalităţii de gen pe anii 2010-2015 2) No 104 Describe: 1) Yes 2) No - Revizuirea curriculum-ului naţional din perspectiva dimensiunii de gen - Reflectarea 1,2,3, 4 dimensiunii de gen în conţinutul manualelor şcolare - Integrarea perspectivei de gen în programele de formare iniţială şi continuă a profesorilor în contextul drepturilor omului - Asigurarea accesului fetelor şi băieţilor la diferite servicii şi privilegii, inclusiv granturi şi burse de studii pe bază de egalitate 2) No 7.6. Achievements in addressing issues related to gender equality, equity and empowerment of women. Among the issues related to gender equality, equity and empowerment of women that are most relevant in the national context, list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 7.5 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) 1. Ликвидация насилия по признаку пола - Dezvoltarea multidisciplinare serviciilor pentru subiecții violenței în familie. Deschiderea a 7 Centre pentru victimele violenței în familie precum și a unui Centru de reabilitare pentru agresorii familiali (partial finantate de Guvern). Începînd cu anul 2009, au început să fie planificați și alocați bani din bugetul de stat pentru întreținerea centrelor respective. În anul 2008 a intrat în vigoare legea nr 45 prin care s-a instituit ordonanța de protecție - - 105 - * Raportul periodic patru-cinci combinat asupra implementării Convenţiei cu privire la eliminarea tuturor formelor de discriminare faţă de femei în Republica Moldova * Rapoartele de Monitorizare a Realizării Planului de Acțiuni Pentru Implementarea Programului Național de Asigurare a Egalității de gen pe anii 2010-2015 (anii 2010 și 2011) disponibile la adresa electronică: Raport 2011 - Raport 2010 c) Facilitators d) Barriers - Susținerea organizațiilor internaționale - Insuficiența alocațiilor bugetare Implicarea insuficientă a societății civile și comunității Вопросы МКНР в отношении равенства мужчин и женщин и наделения женщин более широкими правами в национальном контексте 2. Предотвращение контрабанды и торговли людьми, особенно e) Название вопроса женщинами и девочками (упоминается в вопросе7.5 выше) f) Достижения Extinderea SNR: Sistemul Național de Referire a fost extins la nivelul tuturor (укажите отчеты) raionelor (32 raioane + 2 Municipii). Începînd cu anul 2011 a început extinderea la nivel comunitar. RAPORT de monitorizare a procesului de implementare a Strategiei Sistemului naţional de referire pentru protecţia şi asistenţa victimelor şi potenţialelor victime ale traficului de fiinţe umane pe perioada anului 2011. g) Способствующие факторы* h) Барьеры* Existența unui parteneriat strîns cu OIM, care acordă un suport semnificativ implementării Strategii Sistemului Național de Referire - Fluctuația cadrelor din cadrul Direcțiilor/Secțiilor de Asistență Socială. Insuficiența alocațiilor bugetare Вопросы МКНР в отношении равенства мужчин и женщин и наделения женщин более широкими правами в национальном контексте i) Название вопроса 3. Улучшение сбора, распространения и использования данных, (упоминается в дезагрегированных по полу и возрасту вопросе7.5 выше) 106 j) Достижения (укажите отчеты) - Realizarea studiului ”violența față de femei în familie în Republica Moldova 2001” Realizarea de către Biroul Național de Statistică a culegerii ”Femei și bărbați în Republica Moldova”(2004, 2005, 2008, 2012). Au fost elaborat Setului armonizat de indicatori de dezvoltare sensibili la dimensiunea de gen în contextul Programului Naţional de Asigurare a Egalităţii de Gen în Republica Moldova pe anii 2010-2015. A fost elaborate raportul analitic Femei şi bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii în Republica Moldova (2008) A fost elaborată Analiza Condiţiile de creare şi dezvoltare a întreprinderilor: analiză prin prisma de gen (2009) * Rapoartele de Monitorizare a Realizării Planului de Acțiuni Pentru Implementarea Programului Național de Asigurare a Egalității de gen pe anii 2010-2015 (anii 2010 și 2011) disponibile la adresa electronică: Raport 2011 - Raport 2010 k) Способствующие факторы* l) Барьеры* - Susținerea donatorilor internaționali (UNDP, UNIFEM, UN Women,) - Insuficiența de date pentru elaborarea politicilor 7.7. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five to ten years? Cite up to five issues. Issues regarding gender equality, equity and empowerment of women relevant to the national context that should be the focus for the next five to ten years a) b) c) d) e) Prevention and combating gedner based violence Prevention and combating trafficking in human beings Participation of women in decision –making process Elimination of the gender-based stereotypes and other gender-based forms of discrimination Enhancing the entrepreneurial skills of women in the rural areas (Abilitarea economică a femeilor în special din mediul rural) 7.8. What monitoring mechanisms are in place in the country to ensure the implementation of policies and programmes promoting gender equality, equity and empowerment of women and addressing gender based violence? (1) (2) Gender equality, equity and empowerment of women (including Mechanisms 107 a) National commissions on women (Governmental Committee on Gender Equality) b) National human rights institutions (Centre for Human RightsOmbudsman) c) Parliamentary commissions (Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations) d) Social accountability mechanisms and/or administrative mechanisms e) Gender statistics dissemination and publications/gender statistics integrated into management information systems f) Conducting periodic population-based surveys g) Other mechanisms, specify_________ gender-based violence) 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 7.9. Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on gender equality, equity and empowerment of women at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) ___ Rapoarte de monitorizare a implementării Planului de Acțiuni al PNAEG pe anii 2010 și 2011. 2) Yes At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ 3) Yes At both the national and at the subnational level, cite the report(s) __________ 4) No 7.10. Has the country promulgated and/or enforced national laws responding to the following ICPD priority areas related to gender equality, equity and the empowerment of women? (1) ICPD Priority area a) Women’s property rights, including right to own, buy, and sell properties or other assets equally with men (2) Promulgation 1) Yes Name Prevederile a, b, c, d nu sunt relevante pentru Republica Moldova, or Articolul 16 al Constituției Republicii Moldova prevede egalitatea cetățenilor în fața legii indiferent de de gen: (3) Enforcement 1) Yes 2) No (2) Toţi cetăţenii Republicii Moldova sînt egali în faţa legii şi a autorităţilor publice, fără deosebire de rasă, naţionalitate, origine etnică, limbă, religie, sex, opinie, apartenenţă politică, avere sau de origine socială. ) b) Access to financial services, including credit and negotiation of contracts in 2) No 1) Yes Name_______ *Nu este relevant pentru Republica Moldova, accesul la credite și alte 108 1) Yes 2) No woman’s own name c) Legal equal rights for women to inheritance d) Protection of women’s property through harmonized laws on marriage, divorce, succession and inheritance e) Provision against gender discrimination at work (in hiring, wages, benefits, etc.) servicii financiare este egal indiferent de sex. 2) No 1) Yes Name_______ Articolul 1500 Codul Civil. Moştenitorii legali (1) În cazul succesiunii legale, moştenitori cu drept de cotă egală sînt: a) de clasa I – descendenţii (fiii şi fiicele celui ce a lăsat moştenirea, la fel şi cei născuţi vii după decesul lui, precum şi cei înfiaţi), soţul supravieţuitor şi ascendenţii privilegiaţi (părinţii, înfietorii) celui ce a lăsat moştenirea; b) de clasa a II-a – colateralii privilegiaţi (fraţii şi surorile) şi ascendenţii ordinari (bunicii, atît din partea tatălui, cît şi din partea mamei) ai celui ce a lăsat moştenirea; c) de clasa a III-a – colateralii ordinari (unchii şi mătuşile) ai celui ce a lăsat moştenirea. (2) Ascendenţii ordinari culeg moştenirea în ordinea proximităţii (apropierii) gradului de rudenie cu cel ce a lăsat moştenirea, respectiv bunicii îi înlătură pe străbunici etc., indiferent de sex şi linie. 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Name_______ 1) Yes Name: Legea Nr. 5, din 09.02.2006 cu privire la asigurarea egalităţii de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi Codul Muncii Legea Nr. 121 din 25.05.2012 cu privire la asigurarea egalităţii f) Provision against sexual harassment 2) No 1) Yes Name: Legea Nr. 5, din 09.02.2006 cu privire la asigurarea egalităţii de şanse între femei şi bărbaţi 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No ??? 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Codul Muncii g) Measures against trafficking and smuggling of persons, particularly women and girls 2) No 1) Yes Name: Legea privind prevenirea și combaterea traficului de ființe umane nr.241 – XVI din 20.10.2005. Hotărîrea Parlamentului privind aprobarea Strategiei Sistemului Național 109 de referire pentru protecția și asistența victimelor și a potențialelor victime ale traficului de ființe umane pe anii 20092011, nr.257 –XVI din 05.12.2008. HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 559 din 31.07.2012 cu privire la aprobarea Planului naţional de prevenire şi combatere a traficului de fiinţe umane pentru anii 2012-2013, modificarea şi completarea unei hotărîri de Guvern h) Provision for paid maternity leave 2) No 1) Yes Name: Labour Code ( Art. 124) 1) Yes 2) No ???? 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes Name: Codul Penal al Republicii Moldova Art. 171, al. 2, b2) 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes Name: Penal Code (art?) 1) Yes 2) No 2) No 1) Yes Name: Codul Familiei al Republicii Moldova (art.74) 1) Yes 2) No n) Provision regarding minimum legal age at marriage for females of less than 18 2) No 1) Yes Name: Codul Familiei al Republicii Moldova (capitolul 3, art.14 (1)) 1) Yes 2) No o) Criminalization of sexual exploitation of young people, 2) No 1) Yes Name: Penal Code (art.165, art. 206 1) Yes 2) No i) Provision for paid paternity leave j) Criminalization of rape and other forms of sexual exploitation 2) No 1) Yes Name: Labour Code ( Art. 124) 2) No 1) Yes Name: Codul Penal al Republicii Moldova, art. 165, Capitolul IV Infracțiunile privind viața sexuală k) Criminalization of marital rape l) Criminalization of intimate partner violence m) Ensuring men’s financial support to their children 110 particularly girls trafic de copii, 220 proxenetism) p) Preventing the use of children in pornography q) Protecting the girl child against harmful practices, including FGM/C r) Day-care centres /facilities for breast-feeding mothers (public sector) s) Day-care centres /facilities breast-feeding mothers (private sector) t) Discourage polygamy 2) No 1) Yes Name: Penal Code (art.208(1) ● În cadrul Centrului pentru combaterea traficului de persoane a MAI a fost creată secţia de combatere a traficului prin internet 2) No 1) Yes Name_______ 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Name_______ 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Name_______ 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No Name_______ 1) Yes 2) No 7.11. On a scale of 1-4, indicate to what extent the following priorities on gender equality, equity and empowerment of women are addressed in the current national context (1) (2) Priorities on gender equality, equity and empowerment of women a) Increasing women's access to banking and credit Level of priority (1=low; 2=somewhat low 3=somewhat high; 4=high) 1 2 3 4 b) Institutionalizing gender responsive budgeting 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Eliminating discrimination against working women, including pregnant working women Increasing provisions to enable both spouses to take family leave Promoting equal access and control over household resources Increasing participation of men and boys in promoting gender equality and empowerment of women (including prevention of GBV and FGM/C) Promoting policies to encourage involved fatherhood including for care work Addressing skewed sex ratios Promoting grass roots and community-based participation in the implementation of policies/programmes on gender equality Informing communities about the consequences of child marriage and early childbearing 111 7.12. Name up to three civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of gender equality, equity and empowerment of women over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Gender Centru (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Women’s Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d 1. Elaborar ea raportulu i ”Analiza impleme ntării legiii cu privire la asigurare a egalității de șanse între femei și bărbați” 2. Coordon area activitățil or în cadrul desfășură rii Campani ei ”16 zile de activism împotriv aviolențe i în bază de gen.” 3. Participa rea la elaborare a proiectul 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 112 b) Clubul Politic al Femeilor 50/50 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Women’s Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify_Monitoring elections___ 113 ui de lege cu privire la ajustarea legislației naționale la legea nr. 5 și a altor acte normativ e relevante . 1. Organiza rea și desfășura rea seminare lor de instruire pentru femeile candidate la funcții deciziona le inclusiv primari. 2. Participa rea la elaborare a proiectul ui de lege cu privire la ajustarea legislației naționale la legea nr. 5 și a altor acte normativ e relevante . 3. Avizarea actelor normativ e din domeniul egalității de gen c) Centrul de Drept al Femeilor 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Women’s Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1. Participa rea la elaborare a planului de acțiuni pe anii 20132015 al Program ului Național de Asigurar ea Egalității de Gen 20102015 2. Participa rea la elaborare a proiectul ui de lege cu privire la ajustarea legislației naționale la legea nr. 5 și a altor acte normativ e relevante . 3. Avizarea actelor normativ e din domeniul egalității de gen 7.13. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of gender equality, equity and the empowerment of women over 114 the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector a)N/A???? b) c) (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 7.14. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of gender equality, equity and empowerment of women over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a)Un Women și Guvernului Suediei prin intermediul Agenţiei Suedeze de Cooperare Internaţională pentru Dezvoltare, Programul „Abilitarea economică a femeilor prin creşterea oportunităţilor de angajare în câmpul (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation Government of Moldova 115 (3) Type of international cooperation 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify (4) Activities conducted 1) Organizarea și desfășurarea instruirilor pentru unitățile gender din cadrul autorităților muncii în Republica Moldova b) Joint Local Development Integrated Programme Government of Moldova 116 1) Financial 2) Technical 3) Other, specify administrative centrale. 2) Deschiderea Birourilor Comune de Informații și Servicii 3) Suport logistic și material pentru ședințele Comisiei guvernamentale pentru egalitate între femei și bărbați 1. Dezvoltarea capacităţilor autorităţilor publice locale în domeniul planificării, bugetării, implementării, monitorizării şi evaluării iniţiativelor de dezvoltare într-un mod sensibil la dimensiunea de gen şi bazat pe respectarea drepturilor omului 2. Abilitarea comunităţilor rurale şi organizaţiilor societăţii civile din regiunileţintă pentru a participa activ în planificarea, implementarea şi monitorizarea dezvoltării locale, şi pentru a dispune de acces mai bun la servicii şi infrastructură îmbunătăţită. 3. Activităţi de sensibilizare a factorilor de decizie orientate spre consolidarea cadrului instituţional şi implementarea principiilor de dezvoltare locală durabilă, spre dezvoltarea capacităţii pentru formularea şi implementarea politicilor, precum şi pentru prestarea serviciilor de calitate 117 SECTION 8: POPULATION, DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (CHAPTER XI) Name(s) of the primary respondent(s) and position(s):????? Name(s) of institution(s)/department(s): E-mail address(es): Phone number(s) – Landline: Mobile: Fax(es): Interview date(s): 8.1. Does the country have a national policy, programme and/or strategy addressing education issues that is/are currently being drafted or implemented? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 8.3) 8.2. If YES, provide the name, the type, status, the main institution responsible for implementing the policy, programme and/or strategy, the targeted population groups and the implementation timeframe or the year of inception/revision. (1) Name of policy, programme and/or strategy addressing education a) Consolidated Strategy Education Development for b) National Strategy “Education for All” c) Sectoral Strategy for Education Development (2) Type (3) Status 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 2)Implemented (4) Main responsible institution (5) Targeted population groups* Ministry of Education 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 99* 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,14, 99 Ministry of Education 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 118 Ministry of Education (6) Implementation timeframe or year of inception/ revision 2011-2015 2003-2015 2012-2020 d) National Programme “Moldovan Village” e) National Development Strategy “Moldova 2020” f) National Youth Strategy g) National Programme Gender Equality Insurance on h) Programme for the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova i) Strategy on decentralization in education 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted 1) Policy 2) Programme 3) Strategy 1)Drafted Government 3 2005-2015 Government 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,14, 99 2012-2020 Government 5 2009-2013 Government, Local Public Authorities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 2010-2015 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2)Implemented 2)Implemented Ministry of Education, Local Public Authorities Government, Local Public Authorities 2011-2020 * general population 8.3. Has the country established any institutional entities to address issues regarding education? 1) Yes 2) No (if no, skip to 8.5) 8.4. If YES, indicate the name(s) of the institutional entity(ies). (1) (2) Other institutional entities addressing education Year of establishment a) Ministry of Education b) Parliamentary Committee on culture, education, research, youth, sports and massmedia c) National Commission for Population and Development d) Municipal/Rayonal Departments on Education, Youth and Sports (Municpal/Rayonal Council) e) 1991 1991 2007 2003 8.5. Addressing ICPD issues regarding education in the national context during the last five (5) years (1) ICPD issues regarding education (2) Was this issue included in any policy/programme/ strategy or (3) Was budget allocated to this issue? 119 (4) Were concrete implementation measures taken to address this (5) In your assessment, and based on most concrete evidence at your disposal and that you may be addressed through an existing institutional arrangement? If yes, in which one(s)? a) Keeping more girls and adolescents in secondary schools b) Ensuring equal access of girls to education at all levels (primary, secondary and tertiary) c) Improving educational infrastructure, such as separate toilet facilities and adequate transportation d) Facilitating school completion for pregnant girls e) Improving the safety of pupils, especially girls, in and on their way to 1) Yes Law on education (1995) Law on local public administration (2006) Consolidated Strategy for Education Development (2011-2015) National Programme on Gender Equality Insurance (2010-2015) National Strategy “Education for All” (2003-2015) 1) Yes Law on education (1995) Law on local public administration (2006) Consolidated Strategy for Education Development (2011-2015) National Programme on Gender Equality Insurance (2010-2015) National Strategy “Education for All” (2003-2015) 1) Yes National Action Plan for the implementation of structural reforms in the area of education issue? aware of, how would you rate the overall progress of implementation of the measures adopted on a scale of 1 to 4 as follows: 1-deficient 2-behind schedule 3-on schedule 4-ahead of schedule 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - attributing responsibilities for school enrolment to local public authorities (Ist level); - establishment of mandatory education, regardless religion, sex, etc., by law 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - establishing the equal access to education for all at all levels 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes -procurement and rental of school buses 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes Framework-Plan for primary and secondary education 1) Yes 2) No 120 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes - integration of the course “Road safety” into Framework-Plan for primary and secondary education school f) Revising the contents of curricula to make them more gender-sensitive g) Revising the contents of curricula to incorporate population issues, where appropriate h) Promoting non-formal opportunities for education and literacy i) Providing training and employment opportunities to out-ofschool girls and illiterate adults j) Promoting ageappropriate sexuality education and counselling in schools k) Incorporating population and SRH information into the teachers’ training curricula l) Conducting information campaigns on population issues in the context of a national population policy m) Addressing genderbased violence and bullying in schools 1) Yes National Action Plan for the implementation of structural reforms in the area of education 1) Yes 1) Yes Consolidated Strategy for Education Development (2011-2015) National Strategy “Education for All” (2003-2015) Government Decree 1224/2004 on approving the standards for continuous education 1) Yes Consolidated Strategy for Education Development (2011-2015) National Programme on Gender Equality Insurance (2010-2015) National Strategy “Education for All” (2003-2015) 1) Yes Consolidated Strategy for Education Development (2011-2015) National Programme on Gender Equality Insurance (2010-2015) National Strategy “Education for All” (2003-2015) National Youth Strategy 1) Yes 1) Yes Name__ 2) No issue) (Go to the next 1) Yes National Programme on Gender Equality Insurance (2010-2015) 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes - The Curriculum Renewal process takes place over a five-year period 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 121 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1) Yes Describe___ 2) No (Go to the next issue) 1) Yes -realization of the National Initiative “Schools without violence” (2008) n) Incorporating comprehensive sexuality education into young people’s formal education o) Incorporating life planning skills into young people’s formal education p) Incorporating sexual and reproductive health and life planning skills into non-formal education and vocational training for young people q) Reaching out-of-school youth with SRH information and services r) Other, specify______ 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes National Youth Strategy, National Strategy on Reproductive Health 1) Yes 2) No Name__ 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 2) No 1) Yes 1) Yes - developing curricula for the course “Decisions for a healthy lifestyle” 1) Yes 1) Yes -developing a network of YFHS centers 1) Yes Describe___ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2) No 8.6. Achievements in addressing issues related to education. Among the issues related to education that are most relevant in the national context, briefly list achievements (citing reports), and comment on facilitators and barriers. List as many issues as are deemed relevant by copying this table – each table is for one (1) identified issue. ICPD issues regarding education relevant to the national context a) Name of the issue (mentioned in question 8.5 above) b) Achievements (cite the reports) c) Facilitators* d) Barriers* Addressing gender-based violence and bullying in schools Launching of the National Initiative “Schools without violence” (2008). The initiative covered all of 1500 schools and around of 500000 children (UNICEF Moldova Reports). 99* - Support provided by UNICEF 1, 3 *See list of facilitators and barriers in the questionnaire interviewer’s guide 8.7. Considering the national context, what are the most relevant issues regarding education that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years? Cite up to five (5) issues. Issues regarding education that are anticipated to receive further public policy priority for the next five (5) to ten (10) years a) Structural reforms in primary and secondary education 122 b) c) d) e) Promotion of inclusive education Harmonization of the university education to the Bologna Process Ensuring children access to pre-school education Reform of secondary vocational education 8.8 Has the country conducted an assessment/situation analysis on education at the national and/or subnational level in the last five (5) years? IF YES, cite the report(s). 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Yes At the national level only, cite the report(s) ________________________ At the subnational level only, cite the report(s) _____________________ - Assessment of the Consolidated Strategy for Education Development and of the Consolidated Action Plan for Education Sector of Republic of Moldova (2011); - Baseline Survey on Basic Education in the Republic of Moldova from the Perspective of Child-Friendly Schools (2009); - Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress in the Implementation of the « Violence-Free Schools Initiative » (Base-line Survey) (2008); 4) No 8.9 Does the country have a national programme on comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula? 1) Yes, being implemented 2) Yes, not yet implemented 3) No 8.10 (if no, skip to question 8.11) If YES, from what age ___or grade ____? 8.11. Name up to three (3) civil society organisations (CSOs) whom the government has partnered with in the area of education over the past five (5) years. Cite the type of CSO, the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) (2) Name of the CSO Type of CSO a) Educational Centre “Pro Didactica” b) 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research (3) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the CSO Ministry of Education 123 (4) (5) Area of CSO involvement Activitie s conducte d 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation centers 9) Other, specify____ 1) National NGO 2) International NGO 3) Youth Groups 4) Academic/research centers 9) Other, specify____ c) 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 8.12. Name up to three (3) private sector partners with whom the government has partnered with in the area of education over the past five (5) years. Cite the name of the government unit which partnered with it, its area(s) of involvement, and the activities conducted. (1) Name private sector partner a) JVC Orange Moldova b) c) (2) Name of the Government unit which partnered with the private sector Ministry of Education (3) (4) Area of involvement Activities conducted 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Infrastructure development 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 1) Service Delivery 2)Research and Data Collection 3)Advocacy and Policy Formulation 4) Awareness Raising and social mobilisation 5) Monitoring and legal counsel 6) Education and training 9) Other, specify____ 8.13. Name up to three (3) examples where the government has been engaged in international cooperation via the provision or receipt of financial and/or technical assistance in the area of education over the past five (5) years. List the name(s) of the donor 124 country/government unit as well as the name of the recipient country/government unit, the type of international cooperation and the activities conducted. (1) Name of country and government unit providing international cooperation a) USA, USAID (2) Name of the country and government unit receiving international cooperation Ministry of Education b) Switzerland, SDC Ministry of Education c) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, DFID Ministry of Education 125 (3) Type of international cooperation 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ 1) Financial 2) Technical 9) Other, specify___ (4) Activities conducted 126