Ecosan – some examples of multiple use of household wastewater Adriaan Mels, Okke Braadbaart, Jules van Lier and Grietje Zeeman Lettinga Associates Foundation for Environmental Protection & Resource Conservation Outline SWITCH A bit of history on excreta reuse The constraints nowadays What are the recyclable components Examples (Jordan, Beijing, Lima, Sweden, Netherlands) Multiple use of municipal wastewater Linear flow of conventional systems Circular flow of Ecological Sanitation Otterpohl, 2000 SWITCH – Ecological sanitation Adoption and performance of established (demo) projects Fate and removal of micro pollutants Nutrient demand around a number of mega-cities Innovative transport systems Technical standards Adoption and performance Drivers (and barriers) Performance (technology selection tool) Public health and environmental protection Resources (re)use Technical performance Financial performance User aspects (acceptance, noise, smell, vermin, O&M) Robustness Row of toilets in Ephesus, Turkey, from 1st Century Feces and urine collection in Netherlands for agricultural use (1850-1950s) Uit: De Prijs van Poep, NOVIB Separate collection and use of flows Black water: handle with municipal organic waste Urine Urine: use as fertilizer Grey water: local treatment and use for toilet flush, laundry, car wash, irrigation Distribution of nutrients Nitrogen (13 g / Phosphorous (2 g / 9% 21% 11% 53% Urine 26% 80% Feces Grey water Volume = 1.4 l per day per person on average Potassium (4 g / 10% 20% Distribution of wastewater flows Volumes (l / cap. per day) 1.5 34.8 Total 127 l / cap per day (The Netherlands) 91.3 Grey water Toilet flush Black water (urine and feces) Grey water (2/3 of total wastewater) is relatively clean and can be treated locally Evolution of global water use Global depletion of P reserves ‘Available' phosphorus reserves (%) 100 2% growth 80 2.5% growth 3% growth 60 40 20 apatite 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 year Source: Driver et al. (2001) World population not served with improved sanitation Source: Huber Technology Examples of multiple use approaches Urine re-use in agriculture (Sweden, Peru) Grey water reuse for toilet flushing and landscaping (Beijing, Netherlands) Urine sorting toilets Anno 1900 Anno 2005 Palsternackan Stockholm (constructed 1995): 51 appartementen, 160 bewoners (urine separation) Collection and storage system Urine use in agriculture Urine is stored for 6 months (to remove remaining pathogens) and is directly used in agriculture PERU OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of Peru CAPITAL: Lima AREA: 1,285,215 km2 COASTLINE: 2,414 km ESTIMATED 2005 POPULATION: 27,925,628 Residual water Latrine AREA 1 - CENCA • A pilot project with 55 dry ecological toilets in two human settlements (slums) at the East of Lima, called Los Topacios of Nievería and Casa Huerta la Campiña of Cajamarquilla AREA 1 - CENCA No-mix toilet Wetlands for grey water Composting chambers AREA 2 - ALTERNATIVA • A pilot project in Ciudad Nuevo Pachacutec in Ventanilla with the construction of: - 17 water reservoirs of 1500 m3 - 837 public water taps - 140 ecological toilets + green gardens + rabbits AREA 2 - ALTERNATIVA No-mix toilet Fat Keeper Wetland Baño Ecológico Sistema de tratamiento Men urinal Sistema de riego Green garden Rabbits Why area matters for system performance CENCA ALTERNATIVA House property Inheritance Donation from government Middle income (Soles/month) 340 530 NGO involvement after project finished Yes No Inhabitants selected sanitation technology Yes No Inhabitants designed their toilet Yes No Inhabitants paid for the toilet Yes (only the 40%) No Tap water Yes No Toilets close to each other Yes No Inhabitants manage the system Yes No Users identified with the system Yes No Separate collection and treatment of grey water Brown water 70 - 100 l /cap. per day Evt. urine Grey water Rain water Grey water treatment and reuse in Drielanden, Groningen Constructed wetland Urban wasterscape Population (in millions) Beijing, a rapidly growing city 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Time Source: Bureau of Statistic of Beijing Municipality … and a very water scarce city Current water availability is < 300 m3 per capita per year Severe overexploitation groundwater The shortfall between water supply and demand is estimated to be around 1.8 billion cubic meters by 2010 Wastewater reuse planning Figure 1. Wastewater reuse planning for the Beijing central region (source: Jia et al., 2005) Wastewater reuse planning Current situation of wastewater reclamation systems in urban Beijing (note: this does not include wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation and industrial reuse: four centralized wastewater treatment plants for reclamation with total treatment capacity of 255,000 m3/day. 300 - 400 decentralized wastewater reclamation systems with treatment capacity of 50,000 – 60,000 m3/day source: Water Saving Office,2006 ‘Management regulation on the construction of wastewater reclamation facilities in Beijing’ (1987) In this regulation the Beijing Municipal Government issued that: hotels with construction areas exceeding 20,000 m2 and all public buildings with construction areas exceeding 30,000 m2 should build a decentralized reclamation facility. As of 2001 also new residential areas exceeding 50,000 m2 fall under this regulation Five cases presented (of 9 investigated) Beiluchun Residential Area Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing Normal University Xin Bei Wei Hotel BOBO Garden House Residential Area Technologies and capacities Item Beijing Jiaotong University Beiluchun Residential area Beijing Normal University Xin Bei Wei Hotel Established in Influent source 1993 Grey wastewater 2001 Mixed wastewater Activated sludge 1999 Mixed wastewater Aerated Ceramic Filter Activated sludge 2002 Grey wastewater Contact oxidation + disinfection Maximal reclamation capacity (m3/day) 200 640 720 120 1,200 Average reclamation (m3/day) 150 600 400 80 3001 Main treatment technology 1 Another 700 m3 per day are treated and than discharged to the sewer system BOBO Garden House Residential area 2003 Mixed wastewater Contact oxidation + Activated sludge Beijing Rainbow Hotel (max. 120 m3 / day) Flocculater adding machine Disinfector Reclaimed water Wastewater Grid Bumpertank tank Buffer Biological contact oxidation reactor Erect sedimentation tank Machine filtration tank Reclaimed water storage tank Harvesting mixed wastewater Black water 150- 250 l / capita per day Grey water Rain water Centralised wastewater harvesting Use of mixed wastewater in the Efteling, The Netherlands Situated in relatively dry area Restrictions on use of ground water Uses approximately 550.000 m3/year municipal effluent Aim: irrigation of golf courts and supply of water systems of the park Case Study: Jordan Irrigated agriculture accounts for almost 65% of all current water use Irrigated agriculture water demand is expected to increase only slightly: 1998 863*106 m3 2020 890*106 m3 Generation of reclaimed wastewater is expected to increase drastically: 2001 73*106 m3 2020 265*106 m3 “It is mandatory that all treatment plant projects must include a fully designed and feasible reuse scheme” Conveyance sewer (40 km) to Desert-WSP system As Samra WSP Conveyance pipeline (40 km) Amman (170.000 m3 sewage/day) Overview 200 ha Pond System at “Khirbet As Samra” in Jordan Effluent use for agricultural irrigation “Khirbet As Samra” Waste Water Stabilisation Ponds Actual situation: System loaded with 2 x design flow: HRT = 20 days Current problems - Effluent BOD: 150-200 mg/l - Little pathogen removal - Odour problems - High gas production in anaerobic ponds -Up to 15% of incoming wastewater evaporates - Concomitant salt increase Research: Implementing anaerobic treatment before ponds screens grit chamber high-rate anaerobic treatment Raw sewage Existing stabilisation ponds Treated effluent Sludge sludge drying beds Anaerobic treatment followed by stabilization ponds Cavalcanti et al. (2003) show that at an HRT of 10 days a removal of 99.99% of E-coli is achieved (i.e. compliance with WHO standards for unrestricted irrigation) Post treatment in pond systems, Bucaramanga, Colombia Advantage: Combines storage and treatment Relatively cheap when land is available DMW CORPORATION, Japan UASB Results “Sewage treatment” Results two-stage pilot trials Middle East (Jordan): COD Removal: BOD Removal: SS Removal: Pathogen Removal: - Coliforms: - Helminth eggs: up to 80% up to 85% up to 80% 70 - 90% up to 100% Potential CH4 production in Amman (at 170.000 m3 sewage/day): 17,500 m3/day 2 – 2.5 MW Thanks for your attention Lettinga Associates Foundation for Environmental Protection & Resource Conservation