thrash scornful Definition: adj. expressing extreme contempt 0 Timothy answered scornfully, “Dere, look, mahn, look ... ” harassment Definition: n. the act of tormenting by persistent attacks and criticism 0 In all dis harassment wid d’shark, I did forget. lurch Definition: v. move abruptly 0 In another few minutes, the raft lurched and I knew it had grounded. fetch Definition: v. go or come after and bring or take back 0 Timothy said, “’Ere, young bahss, on my shoulders an’ I’ll fetch you to dlan’.” discouraged Definition: adj. made less hopeful or enthusiastic 0 He could tell I was discouraged because we had come to the island and there were no people on it. realize Definition: v. be fully aware or cognizant of 0 Realizing that I was alone on the beach I became frightened. terror Definition: n. an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety 0 Something brushed against my arm, and I yelled out in terror. navigation Definition: n. the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place 0 Several small islands tucked up inside great banks of coral that made navigation dangerous was what I finally decided on. frond Definition: n. compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad 0 He was making a hut of dried palm fronds. smolder Definition: v. burn slowly and without a flame 0 We’d always keep a small fire smoldering up by the hut and if an airplane came near, he’d take a piece of burning wood from our small fire to ignite the big one. impatient Definition: adj. restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition 0 His voice now impatient, he said, “Say somethin’ wid d’rock, wid many rock; eeevery rock be sayin somethin'. . ." anguish Definition: n. extreme distress of body or mind 0 There was a silence until Timothy broke it with anguish. stubborn Definition: adj. tenaciously unwilling to yield 0 He was just too stubborn, or too proud, to admit it. murmur Definition: n. speak softly or indistinctly 0 He kept murmuring, “Ah-huh, ah-huh,” as if making sure I was spelling it correctly. arrange Definition: v. put into a proper or systematic order 0 Then he happily arranged the rocks on the sand, following my lines. superior Definition: adj. of or characteristic of high rank or importance 0 I felt superior to Timothy that day, but I let him play his little game, pretending not to know that he really couldn’t spell. tutor Definition: v. give individual instruction 0 I’d been tutored in Dutch the first year in Willemstad so I could attend the regular school. trough Definition: n. a long narrow shallow receptacle 0 He had taken more boards from the top of the raft and had made a large trough that would catch the rain. miserable Definition: adj. characterized by physical suffering 0 Stew Cat was huddled in a miserable ball over in a corner, Timothy said, not enjoying it at all. catchment Definition: n. the collection of rainfall 0 Example squall Definition: n. sudden violent winds, often accompanied by precipitation 0 The squall wind was in the tops of the palms and I could imagine how they looked in the night sky, thrashing against each other high over our little cay. rancid Definition: adj. having a rank smell or taste 0 Big, fat green coconuts. When we’d landed, there were a few dried ones on the ground, but the meat in them was not very tasty. In a fresher one, there was still some milk, but it was rancid. pompano Definition: n. an ocean fish with a flat body and a forked tail 0 example submerged Definition: adj. beneath the surface of the water 0 There were submerged coral reefs and great shelves. conniving Definition: adj. acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end 0 "B’gettin’ his own self a Hazard, mebbe, mebbe,” he answered, but there was something conniving in his voice. d’jumbi Definition: n. the evil spirit of a dead person 0 Maybe the cat is “d’jumbi”. convince Definition: v. make realize the truth or validity of something 0 It was no good trying to convince him that jumbi did not exist, nor was there any way to find Stew Cat if Timothy had hidden him. stranded Definition: adj. cut off or left behind 0 Maybe I was stranded on a tiny, forgotten island in the Caribbean with a madman. tether Definition: v. tie with a rope 0 I knew that if I kept going that way, I’d touch or fall over the length of life-line rope that tethered the raft. kin Definition: n. related by blood 0 The skate is kin to the deadly sea ray, but this one was as shocked as I was and swam off to deep water. mumble Definition: v. talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice 0 It must have been about ten o'clock when Timothy began to mumble and laugh. regain Definition: v. get or find back; recover the use of 0 He never really regained his strength. malaria Definition: a disease transmitted by mosquitoes causing people to intermittently get high fevers 0 I had to think a moment to understand what he was talking about. Fever! Malaria! I reached over to touch him. His forehead was burning hot.