8th grade Quarter 1 Agenda and Handout - Science - Miami

Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Office of Academics and Transformation
Department of Mathematics and Science
Science Content and Pacing Middle Transitioning to Q2 – 8th Grade
Facilitator: Dane Jaber
8:30 – 8:45
8:45 – 10:00
Inquiry-based Life and Space Sciences Content Q2
 Infusing Common Core (C-E-R), NGSS and the 5Es
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 11:30
Inquiry-based Life and Space Sciences Content Q1 continued
 Infusing Common Core (CIS), NGSS and the 5Es
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 1:30
Pre-planning with the Pacing Guide and Technology Integration
 Learning Village
 NBC Learn
 Gizmos
 Florida Achieves
1:30 – 2:30
Lab Rotations
2:30 – 3:30
Developing a 5E Lesson
 Brainstorming and topic selection
 Infusion of Common Core State Standards in Math and
Language Arts
Follow up: (Due Friday, 10/11/13)
1. 5E Lesson plan based on content and strategies learned in the pd. It must
include reference to Common Core standards.
Assignment must be uploaded onto designated site. (EdModo Code: 8si76s)
What Does Good Science Instruction Look Like?
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: P: Physical Science; N: Nature of Science
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
SC.8.P.8.7 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also
known as atomic theory) by recognizing that atoms are the
smallest unit of an element and are composed of subatomic particles (electrons surrounding a nucleus
containing protons and neutrons). Assessed as
SC.8.P.8.5 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic
Application of Skills & Concepts)
SC.8.P.8.1 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also
known as atomic theory) by using models to explain the
motion of particles in solids, liquids, and gases.
Assessed as SC.8.P.8.5 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2:
Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
Scientific Models and Systems
1. Model
2. System*
a. Input*
b. Process*
c. Output*
d. Feedback*
10 days
09-24-13 to 10-07-13
5 days
09-24-13 to 10-07-13
Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Ch. 2.2 - 2.3,
Explain that scientific explanations are
7.1, and 9.4
based on empirical evidence, logical
Vocabulary: matter, chemistry, substance, element, atom, chemical
reasoning, predictions, and modeling.
Identify the benefits and/or limitations of bond, molecule, compound, chemical formula, mixture Atomic mass,
periodic table, nucleus, proton, atomic number, neutron, electron,
the use of scientific models.
energy level, isotope, mass number
Explain the difference between and
identify various examples of Theory and Technology:
1. Pearson: My science online, My Planet Diary; Pearson Interactive
Scientific Theories
Art Scientific Theory
Explain why theories may be modified but
1. Scientific Theory
2. Gizmo: Temperature and Particle Motion, Bohr Model of
rarely discarded.
2. Scientific Law
Hydrogen, Bohr Model: Introduction, Electron Configuration,
Distinguish among protons, neutrons, and
3. ETO Focus Lesson (Theories
Element Builder
and Laws)
Explain that atoms are the smallest unit of 3. Brainpop: Atoms, Periodic Table of Elements, Atomic Model,
4. BBC Bitesize: The Particle Model, Atoms and Elements,
an element and are composed of
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
C. Describing Matter
5. CPALMS :The Periodic Table & Bonding
SC.8.N.1.4 Explain how hypotheses are valuable if they
Describe how the atomic theory was
lead to further investigations, even if they turn out not to be
Strategies: Pre-assessment, KWL, Lab inquiry, cooperative group
a. Atoms
supported by the data. Assessed as SC.8.N.1.1
strategies, re-teaching, 5 E model, CRISS, demonstrations
b. Molecules
Describe the modern model of the atom.
(Cognitive Complexity: Level 1: Recall
o ELL: TX - ELL Support
Discuss the molecular differences
Big Idea 3: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and
Types of Mixtures
o Enrichment: TX- L3
between the different states of matter
4. ETO Focus Lesson (Mixtures
o SPED: TX- L1
SC.8.N.3.2 Explain why theories may be modified but are
and Solutions)
Assessment: Formal/Authentic-Oral assessments, free form or
rarely discarded. Assessed as SC.7.N.3.1 (Cognitive
D. Atoms
Distinguish among atomic number, mass concept maps
Complexity: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex
1. Atomic Theory
Formative Assessments : Is It a Theory V3, Is It a Model V4, Is it
number, and atomic mass.
2. Atomic Models
Matter V1
LACC.68.WHST.1 Text Types and Purposes
Distinguish atoms, compounds and
3. Composition
LACC.68.WHST.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts,
mixtures from each other.
4. Arrangement and motion of
1. TX LabZone: Ch. 2 - Working with Models (Quick Lab);Selecting
including the narration of historical events, scientific
subatomic particles
Models (Lab)
procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
5. Attraction and repulsion between
2. TX LabZone Quick Lab: Ch. 7 - Modeling Atoms and Molecules;
LACC.68.WHST.3 Research to Build and Present
subatomic particles
Modeling Particles; Ch. 9 - Visualizing an Electron Cloud; How Far
6. ETO Focus Lesson (Atoms)
Away is the Electron?
LACC.68.WHST.3.9 Draw evidence from informational
3. Atomic Musical Chairs
texts to support analysis reflection, and research.
4. Making Atoms Come to Life; Not So "Bohr"-ing Atoms
Fair Game Benchmarks :
5. Atomic Mass; Atomic Model Construction
SC.6.N.2.2, SC.7.N.1.4, and SC.7.N.3.1
Related Program: Science Fair
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: P: Physical Science
TOPIC V: Atoms and the Periodic Table
13 days
10-08-13 to 10-24-13
6.5 days
10-08-13 to 10-24-13
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
E. Periodic Table
 Describe the history of the Periodic Table. Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Ch. 9.1, pg.324-327, pg.332-334, 9.4
SC.8.P.8.6 Recognize that elements are grouped in the periodic
1. Elements
Vocabulary: Atomic mass, periodic Table, nucleus, proton, atomic number, neutron,
 Identify the name, symbol, and atomic
table according to similarities of their properties. Assessed as
a. Atomic Number
electron, chemical symbol, period, group, metal, luster, malleable, ductile, thermal
number, and atomic mass of common
SC.8.P.8.5 (Cognitive Complexity:: Level 1:Recall)
b. Atomic Mass
conductivity, electrical conductivity, reactivity, corrosion, alkali metal, alkaline earth metal,
elements from the periodic table.
SC.8.P.8.7 Explore the scientific theory of atoms (also known as
c. Chemical Symbol
 Distinguish among protons, neutrons, and transition metal, nonmetal, diatomic molecule, halogen, noble gas, metalloid, energy level,
atomic theory) by recognizing that atoms are the smallest unit of
2. Groups
isotope, mass number
electrons. (Items referring to subatomic
an element and are composed of sub-atomic particles (electrons
a. Metals
particles will only assess protons, neutrons, Technology: Pearson: My science online
i. Physical Properties
1. Gizmo: Electron Configuration, Element Builder, Ionic Bonds, Covalent Bonds
surrounding a nucleus containing protons and neutrons).
and electrons)
ii. Chemical
Assessed as SC.8.P.8.5 Cognitive Complexity:: Level 1:Recall)
 Describe how the periodic table is arranged 2. Brainpop: Atoms, Periodic Table of Elements, Metals, Atomic Model, Crystals,
3. BBC Bitesize: The Particle Model, Atoms and Elements,
as groups (columns) and periods (rows).
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
iii. Classification
4. Periodic Table I
SC.8.N.1.1 Define a problem from the eighth grade curriculum
b. Nonmetals
5. Periodic Table of Elements
the elements 1–57 and 72–89)
using appropriate reference materials to support scientific
i. Physical Properties  Compare and contrast the properties of
6. CPALMS :The Periodic Table & Bonding
understanding, plan and carry out scientific investigations of
ii. Chemical
Strategies: Pre-assessment, KWL, Lab inquiry, cooperative group strategies, reelements based on their families and
various types, such as systematic observations or experiments,
teaching, 5 E model, CRISS, demonstrations
identify variables, collect and organize data, interpret data in
iii. Classification
periodic table according to similarities of o ELL:
charts, tables, and graphics, analyze information, make
c. Metalloids
their properties)
o Enrichment
predictions, and defend conclusions. AA (Cognitive Complexity:
3. Families
 Explain that atoms are the smallest unit of o SPED:
Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
4. ETO Focus Lesson
an element and are composed of
SC.8.N.1.4 Explain how hypotheses are valuable if they lead to
Assessment: Oral , free form or concept maps, Interim
(The Periodic Table)
subatomic particles.
further investigations, even if they turn out not to be supported by
Formative Assessments : Is It a Theory.(V3) Doing Science (V3); Is it a Model? (V4)
 Summarize the physical and chemical
the data. Assessed as SC.8.N.1.1 Cognitive Complexity:: Level
F. Atomic Models
properties of metals and nonmetals.
1. TX LabZone Lab: Copper or Carbon? That is the Question; Ch. 2 - Selecting Models
SC.8.N.1.6 Understand that scientific investigations involve the
2. TX LabZone Quick Lab: Ch. 2 - Working with Models; Ch. 7 - Modeling Atoms and
 Describe how metals and nonmetals are
collection of relevant empirical evidence, the use of logical
Molecules; Modeling Particles; Ch. 9 - Visualizing an Electron Cloud; How Far Away
classified according to the periodic table.
3. Rutherford
reasoning, and the application of imagination in devising
is the Electron? Ch. 9-Classifying; Using the Periodic Table; Expanding the Periodic
 Distinguish among metals, nonmetals, and
hypotheses, predictions, explanations and models to make sense
Table; Finding Metals; Carbon – A Nonmetal; Finding Nonmetals; Ch. 10 - Element
5.Electron Cloud
of the collected evidence. Assessed as SC.6.N.2.2 (Cognitive
 Identify elements as metals, nonmetals, or
Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
3. Atomic Musical Chairs
G. Interim Assessment
4. The Science Spot - Chemistry Lesson Plans
 Describe how atomic theory developed.
Big Idea 3: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and
5. Making Atoms Come to Life; Not So "Bohr"-ing Atoms; Atomic Mass; Atomic Model
Construction; Mapping Out the Periodic Table
SC.8.N.3.2 Explain why theories may be modified but are rarely
6. The Periodic Table
discarded. Assessed as SC.7.N.3.1 ((Cognitive Complexity:
7. The Periodic Table of Elements Lesson Plans
See Learning Goals p. 4 and 5
Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning)
8. ACS Chemistry for Life
Related Program: Science Fair
BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: P: Physical Science; N: Nature of Science
TOPIC VI: Chemical Properties and Changes of Matter
10 Days
10-28-13 to 11-12-13
5 Days
10-28-13 to 11-12-13
Big Idea 8: Properties of Matter
A. Compounds
Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Sections
 Explain that elements are
SC.8.P.8.5 Recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that
1. Ionic
grouped in the periodic table 10.2( pages 365-369), 10.3, 12.1, and page 425
their atoms combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that
2. Covalent
Vocabulary: Valence electron, electron dot diagram, crystal, acid, indicator, base,
according to similarities of
make up all of the living and nonliving things that we encounter. AA
3. Acids
neutralization, salt, pH, pH scale, physical change, chemical change, reactant,
their properties. .( Items
(Cognitive Complexity: Level 1: Recall
4. Bases
product, Law of Conservation of Mass, exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction,
referring to elements are
SC.8.P.8.6 Recognize that elements are grouped in the periodic table
5. Salts
limited to the elements 1–57 temperature
according to similarities of their properties. Assessed as SC.8.P.8.5
ETO Focus
and 72–89)
(Cognitive Complexity Level 1: Recall
 Explain why certain atoms 1. Pearson: My science online, My Planet Diary; Pearson Interactive Art Ions form
SC.8.P.8.8 Identify basic examples of and compare and classify the
Compounds, Physical and Chemical
bond while others do not.
properties of compounds, including acids, bases, and salts. Assessed as
2. Gizmo: pH Analysis, pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator, Temperature and Particle
 Describe how elements
SC.8. P.8.5 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & B. Chemical Changes
combine in a multitude of ways Motion, Freezing Point of Salt Water
1. Indicators
3. Brainpop: Ions, Chemical Bonds, Acids and Bases, pH Scale, Conservation of Mass,
to produce compounds that
2. Examples
Big Idea 9: Changes in Matter
make up all living and nonliving Compounds and Mixtures, Body Chemistry (subscription is required for access)
3. Temperature
4. BBC Bitesize: Atoms and Elements, Acids and Bases, Acids, bases, and metals, pH
SC.8.P.9.1 Explore the Law of Conservation of Mass by demonstrating
Experiment, Making Ammonia, Ions in Solution
and concluding that mass is conserved when substances undergo
 Explain the pH scale.
4. Similarities and  Compare, contrast, and classify 5. CPALMS : Chemical Change Investigations, Cooking in the Chemistry Kitchen
physical and chemical changes.
Differences to
Assessed as SC.8.P.9.2 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 3:Strategic
the properties of compounds,
Strategies: Pre-assessment, KWL, Lab inquiry, cooperative group strategies, reThinking& Complex Reasoning
including acids, bases.
SC.8.P.9.2 Differentiate between physical changes and chemical
 Classify changes in matter as teaching, 5 E model, CRISS, demonstrations
5. Conservation of
o ELL: TX - ELL Support
chemical or physical.
AA Also assesses SC.8.P.9.1 and SC.8.P.9.3.
 Compare and contrast physical o Enrichment: TX- L3
(Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts
and chemical changes.
o SPED: TX- L1
SC.8.P.9.3 Investigate and describe how temperature influences
Assessment: Formal/Authentic; Oral assessment, free form or concept map
chemical changes.
Formative Assessments :
Assessed as SC.8.P.9.2 (Cognitive Complexity:) Level 3:Strategic
See Learning Goals p. 4 - 8
The Rusty Nails (V1), Is it Made of Molecules? (V1), Burning Paper (V4), Nails in a Jar
Thinking& Complex Reasoning
(V4), Salt Crystals (V4)
Big Idea 2 The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
SC.8.N.2.2 Discuss what characterizes science and its methods.
1. TX LabZone Quick Lab: Ch. 10 –Sharing Electrons; Ph One Home; Ch. 12 -Observing
(Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts
change; Is Matter Conserved?
LACC.68.RST.1 Key Ideas and Details
2. Chemical Change in a Bag (Grade 7 EL)
LACC.68.RST.1.3 Follow precisely a multistep procedure when
3. Other SMILE Program Chemistry Index ; Acids and Bases Lesson Plans; Acid-Base Tea
carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing
Party (Demo); Conservation of Matter and Balancing Chemical Equations; .ACS
technical tasks.
Chemistry for Life; Bonding
Related Program: Science Fair
What are some ways that you can have students conceptualize the size of an atom?
How does the model building activity compare to other you have seen or tried?
What elements of the model building activity will lead to greater understanding?
What elements of model building activity would you improve? How?
Developing models of atoms
Each group will construct models of atoms of 2 different elements.
The sum of the atomic numbers of the atoms must equal 29.
Parts of the model must be labeled.
A summary of how your model was developed.
Number of
The number of each
subatomic particle is
accurate for to the
elements chosen in
both models with 3 or
errors or subatomic
parties are missing.
Placement of
subatomic particles is
partially accurate and
some labels are
The number of
each subatomic
particle is accurate
for to the elements
chosen in both
models with 3 or
more errors.
Placement of
subatomic particles
is mostly accurate
and few labels are
Placement of
particles with
Summary of
development of
Ease of
A description of the
model is provided.
The number of
each subatomic
particle is
accurate for to the
elements chosen
in both models
with 1 or 2 errors.
All types of
particles are
accurately placed,
but few labels are
A description of the
A description of
model is provided
the model is
with little
provided with
reasoning of the
detailed analysis
of how the model
was constructed.
The analysis has
minor mistakes.
Layout of both
models is
consistent. Labels
are present but
difficult to
Layout of both
Layout of both
models is inconsistent
models is
consistent. Labels are
consistent. Labels
present but difficult
are present but
to understand.
difficult to
The design of the
models makes it
difficult to gather
70-80 = A; 55-65 = B; 45-60 = C; 40-50 = D; Under 40 = F
The number of
each subatomic
particle is accurate
for the elements
chosen in both
All types of
subatomic particles
are accurately
placed and labeled.
A description of the
model is provided
with detailed and
accurate analysis of
how the model was
Layout of both
models is
consistent. Labels
are clear and easily
How can models of atoms help us understand matter?
Conclusion Writing - Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
• Students should support their own written claims with
appropriate justification.
• Science education should help prepare students for this
complex inquiry practice where students seek and provide
evidence and reasons for ideas or claims (Driver, Newton and
Osborne, 2000).
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
by Ward Dean, MD
Mention strontium to most people, and they will almost always think of strontium-90, a highly dangerous,
radioactive component of nuclear fallout produced during atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the
1950s. As a result of above-ground nuclear testing, radioactive strontium spread throughout the
environment and contaminated dairy products and other foods, and subsequently accumulated in the
bones of both children and adults.
The media made us well aware that strontium-90 could cause our bones to become radioactive, causing
cancer or some other horrible disease as a result. So, in the minds of many, strontium is a poison to be
avoided, just like other toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum.
However, stable strontium - meaning nonradioactive - is nontoxic, even when administered in large doses
for prolonged periods. It also appears to be one of the most effective substances yet found for the
prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions. Furthermore, repeatedly
administering stable strontium can even gradually eliminate radioactive strontium from the body. The
stable form slowly replaces the radioactive form in bone, and radioactive strontium is excreted in the
Strontium is element number 38 of the periodic table of elements. It was discovered in 1808 and was
named after Strontium, a town in Scotland. Strontium is one of the most abundant elements on earth,
comprising about 0.04 percent of the earth's crust. At a concentration of 400 parts per million, there is
more strontium in the earth's crust than carbon. Strontium is also the most abundant trace element in
seawater, at a concentration of 8.1 parts per million. The human body contains about 320 mg of
strontium, nearly all of which is in bone and connective tissue.
Strontium is in row IIa of the periodic table, just below calcium. Like calcium, strontium has two positive
charges in its ionic form. Because of its chemical similarity to calcium, strontium can replace calcium to
some extent in various biochemical processes in the body, including replacing a small proportion of the
calcium in calcified tissues such as bones and teeth. Strontium in these tissues provides additional
strength to these tissues. Strontium also appears to draw extra calcium into bones. When rats or guinea
pigs are fed increased amounts of strontium, their bones and teeth became thicker and stronger.
Strontium has been safely used as a medicinal substance for more than a hundred years. It was first
listed in the British journal Pharma-copoiea in 1884. Subsequently, strontium was used therapeutically in
the United States and Europe. For decades in the first half of the twentieth century, strontium salts were
administered in dosages of 200 to 400 mg/day without toxic effects.
Strontium and Osteoporosis
Strontium tends to accumulate in bone - especially where active remodeling is taking place. In 1959,
researchers at the Mayo Clinic investigated the effect of strontium in 32 individuals suffering from
osteoporosis. Each patient received 1.7 grams of strontium per day as strontium lactate. Eighty-four
percent of the patients reported marked relief of bone pain, and the remaining 16 percent experienced
moderate improvement. No significant side effects were seen, even with prolonged (up to three years)
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
administration of strontium. X-rays taken at the beginning and end of the study showed “probable”
increased bone mass in 78 percent of the cases. This is not surprising, considering the symptomatic
improvement reported by the patients. Unfortunately, measurement of bone mass in 1959 was pretty
crude, leading the researchers to qualify their interpretation of the X-rays. Sophisticated tests such as CT
scanning as used today were not available at the time this study was conducted.
Nevertheless, because of the “strontium scare” of the 1950s, little follow-up was conducted until nearly 30
years later. In 1986, scientists administered 0.27 percent strontium to mice in their drinking water. This
resulted in an increased rate of bone formation and decreased rate of bone resorption. In another study,
rats given extra strontium showed increased bone formation and greater bone density than rats fed a
control diet. These reports suggested that the amount of strontium we ingest may reduce our risk of
developing osteoporosis, and that strontium may play a role in the prevention of osteoporosis.
In 1985, Dr. Stanley C. Skoryna of McGill University in Montreal conducted a small-scale study that
pointed to a potential role for strontium in the treatment of humans. Three men and three women with
osteoporosis were each given 600 to 700 mg/day of strontium in the form of strontium carbonate. Bone
biopsies were taken in each patient from the hip bone, before and after six months of treatment with
strontium. Biopsy samples showed a 172 percent increase in the rate of bone formation after strontium
therapy, with no change in bone resorption. The patients receiving strontium remarked that the pains in
their bones had diminished and their ability to move around had improved.
Recently, interest in strontium has been rekindled by a number of studies using the strontium salt of
ranelic acid (strontium ranelate). A large multi-center trial known as the strontium ranelate (SR) for
treatment of osteoporosis (STRATOS) trial was designed to investigate the efficacy and safety of different
doses of strontium in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Another study included 353 osteoporotic women with at least one previous vertebral fracture and low
bone density. Patients received placebo or strontium in doses of 170, 340 or 680 mg/day for two years.
The scientists evaluated vertebral and hip bone mineral density (BMD) using dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry (DXA). Vertebral BMD increased in a dose-dependent manner.
Also, there was a significant reduction in the number of patients with new vertebral fractures in the
second year of the group receiving the 680 mg/day dose. In the 680 mg/day group, there was also a
significant positive change in markers of bone metabolism. The authors concluded that the 680 mg/day
dose offered the best combination of efficacy and safety, and stated without equivocation that strontium
ranelate therapy increased vertebral BMD and reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures.
A much larger trial by the same research team included 1,649 osteoporotic postmenopausal women.
These subjects received 2 g/day of strontium ranelate (providing 680 mg strontium) or placebo for three
years. Calcium and vitamin D supplements were also given to both groups before and during the study. In
addition to suffering fewer fractures, patients in the strontium group noted a risk reduction of 49 percent in
the first year of treatment and 41 percent during the three-year study period. Patients in the strontium
group increased lumbar bone mineral density by an average of 14.4 percent and femoral neck BMD an
average of 8.3 percent. The authors concluded that “treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis with
strontium ranelate leads to early and sustained reductions in the risk of vertebral fractures.”
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Strontium and Cavities
Strontium also has been shown to reduce the incidence of cavities. In a 10-year study, the United States
Navy Dental Service examined the teeth of about 270,000 naval recruits. Of those, only 360 were found
to be completely free of cavities. Curiously, 10 percent of those 360 individuals came from a small area
around Rossburg, Ohio, where the water contains unusually high concentrations of strontium.
Epidemiologic studies have shown that strontium concentrations of 6 to 10 mg/liter in the water supply are
associated with a reduced incidence of cavities. Administering these levels of strontium also reduced the
incidence of cavities in animal studies.
Strontium in doses up to 1.7 g/day appears to offer a safe, effective and inexpensive approach to
preventing and reversing osteoporosis and may be of benefit in patients with osteoarthritis as well as
possibly helping to prevent dental cavities. Doses of 680 mg/day appear to be the optimum dose,
although lower doses are clinically effective.
Dr. J.Y. Reginster (2002), one of the principal strontium researchers, cautions that co-administration of
strontium with calcium appears to impair strontium absorption, “so I recommend that strontium be taken
on an empty stomach, and that it especially not be taken with other multi-minerals that usually include
calcium.” Although the more recent studies used strontium ranelate, earlier studies used other salts of
strontium, including strontium carbonate, strontium lactate, and strontium gluconate. It appears that the
active ingredient is strontium, and whatever salt of strontium used is less important than the amount of
strontium consumed.
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Benchmarks: Carefully select text that aligns with State Standards/Benchmarks
Title of Text/Article:
NGSSS for Science
Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Comprehensive Science 3 (2002100)
SC.8.P.8.5 Recognize that there are a finite number of elements and that their atoms combine in a
multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that we
encounter. AA
Also Assesses
SC.8.P.8.6 Recognize that elements are grouped in the periodic table according to similarities of their
Content Integration
Comprehensive Science 3 (2002100)
The student will be able to
 Describe how the periodic table is arranged as groups (columns) and periods (rows).
 Describe how atoms combine in a multitude of way to produce compounds that make up
all living and non-living things
CCSS ELA & Literacy
in History/Social
Studies, Science, and
Technical Subjects
LACC.68.RST.1.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts,
attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
LACC.68.WHST.3.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and
MACC.K12.MP.1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MACC.K12.MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MACC.K12.MP.3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
MACC.K12.MP.7: Look for and make use of structure.
MACC.K12.MP.8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Teacher Notes:
o Text or article (of sufficient complexity to promote high-level thinking)
o Sticky notes (for opening “hook question, question generation, written responses, etc.)
o Markers, rubrics (for Text-Based Discussion, Student Written Responses, Question Generation, etc.)
o Student copies of worksheets (for Written Responses, Direct Note-Taking, and Question Generation).
o Number paragraphs of selected text/article for ease of locating text evidence during discussions.
o Develop and display Final/Complex Text-Based Question at the beginning of the lesson to
communicate upfront for students the lesson’s final question and learning outcome.
o Text-marking: Develop and display a code system appropriate for the CIS text to use in text-marking.
Select a small text segment and preplan corresponding coding example(s) to model the text-marking
process for students.
o Directed Note-taking: Develop a graphic organizer with headings appropriate for the CIS text. Select a
small text segment and preplan corresponding note(s) to model the note-taking process.
o Question Generation: Select a small text segment and preplan a corresponding question(s) to model
the Question Generation process for students.
o Any audio visuals, specimens, and/or samples to enhance lesson.
o Add additional efferent discussion sessions, as needed.
o The C.I.S. Model can last 3 days or longer. (Short texts can take less time; long texts, more time)
o Schedule a C.I.S .lesson periodically (approximately every 3-4 weeks).
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
* * * CIS Step 1 * * *
Hook Question: How can chemistry keep you healthy?
Individual responses
Predictive Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question
How can an understanding of the periodic table help cure diseases?
Vocabulary Instruction
Academic or Discipline Specific
Word Part
Academic or Discipline Specific
Word Part
or Context
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
* * * CIS Step 1 * * *
Tasks: Teacher asks hook question to launch opening discussion, reads aloud to students while
students mark text, students read the text and participate in directed note-taking.
Purpose: To bring world relevance to text reading, establish a purpose for reading, model fluent
reading, provide opportunities for students to become interactive with the text, and think critically
about information in the text.
Vocabulary Instruction
Visual Hook: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis by Ward Dean, MD
Direct students to locate words introduced in the text by paragraph number.
Model for students how to derive word meaning(s) from word parts (prefix, root, suffix) and/or
context. Record meanings of word parts and words on chart paper.
Variations for Vocabulary Instruction:
o record meanings of word parts and words in word study guide, journal writing, graphic
organizers, etc.
o post word parts, words, and their meanings on a vocabulary word wall; refer to word wall
during reading, discussions, and writing throughout CIS lesson and subsequent lessons.
Reading #1
– this section of text shows a characteristic of strontium
– this section of text shows an application of strontium
– this section of text shows a danger associated with strontium
– this section of text shows a benefit of using strontium
Model for students by reading the text aloud and coding a portion of the text. Students follow
along and mark their copy. Students proceed to code the rest of the text independently.
Students share text markings with table group or partner.
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Reading #2
Directed Note-Taking
Guiding Question: Using evidence from the text and video clip, What are some positive and
negative consequences of strontium to solve real world problems?
Check relevant categories below
First Draft Written Response to Essential Question
Using evidence from the text, how can an understanding of the periodic table help cure
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
Reading #2
Directed Note-Taking - Record notes containing the most important information relevant to the guiding
Guiding Question: Using evidence from the text and video clip, What are some positive and
negative consequences of strontium to solve real world problems?
Visual Hook: Four days after the Chernobyl Accident, Experts Try to Assess Cause – NBC Learn
Present a guiding question to direct students thinking while taking notes. Teacher models
note-taking using an example statement from the text, then selecting the category or
categories that support the statement. Students complete note-taking collaboratively or
Conduct small- and whole-group efferent discussion. Ask groups to come to consensus on
which category is the most impactful according to the support from the text.
First Draft Written Response to Essential Question
Using evidence from the text, how can an understanding of the periodic table help cure
Ask students to complete the second Written Response.
Variations for this Written Response: Sticky notes quick writes, collaborative partners, written
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
* * * CIS Step 2 * * *
Reading #3
Check relevant categories below
Question Generation
* * * CIS Step 3 * * *
Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question
According to the text and extended text discussion, how can an understanding of the periodic
table help cure diseases?
CIS: Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis
The Final Written Response will be used as an assessment for student learning.
The Final Written Response can be used as an assessment for student learning, aligning to
FCAT Item Specifications.
* * * CIS Step 2 * * *
Tasks: Teacher models the generation of a complex question based on a section of text, relating to
a broad perspective or issue. Students record the questions, and then students re-read the text to
generate their own questions.
Purpose: To provide students with a demonstration of question generation and the opportunity for
them to interact with the text by generating questions to further deepen their comprehension.
Reading #3
Teacher models re-reading a portion of the text and generates one or two questions.
Students continue to review/scan the text and use their recorded notes to generate questions
about information in the text collaboratively or independently.
To conclude question generation, the teacher has students:
 share their questions with the related category whole class and discuss which questions
they have in common, and which questions are most relevant or significant to their
 record/post common and relevant/significant questions to encourage:
o extended efferent text discussion
o students to seek/locate answers in text-reading throughout the remainder of the
chapter/unit focusing on unanswered questions in collaborative inquiry.
* * * CIS Step 3 * * *
Task: Teacher posts a Complex Text-Based question, students discuss answers, and review/revise
answers to the final/Complex Text-Based question based on discussion.
Purpose: To provide opportunities for students to interact with the text and with their peers to:
 identify text information most significant to the final/essential question.
 facilitate complex thinking and deep comprehension of text.
Final Written Response to Complex Text-Based Question
According to the text and extended text discussion, how can an understanding of the periodic
table help cure diseases?
Inquiry Left Side
Potential variables to test:
Method(s) of measuring erosion:
Experimental overview:
Alka-Seltzer Inquiry lab
o Design and conduct a scientific investigation to demonstrate evidence of scientific thinking and/or
problem solving.
o Interpret and analyze data to make predictions and defend conclusions.
o Explain the value of hypotheses, even if they turn out not to be supported by the data.
o Experimentally determine the affect of temperature on chemical changes.
Alka-Seltzer® is an effervescent tablet. Effervescence is a term used to describe the bubbly fizzing that results when you plop
an Alka-Seltzer® tablet into water. As the tablet begins to dissolve in water the following chemical reaction occurs between the
ingredients in the Alka-Seltzer® tablet:
H3C6H8O7 + 3NaHCO3
Citric Acid
Baking Soda
3H2O + 3CO2 + Na3C6H5O7
Carbon Dioxide
Sodium Citrate
Chemical reactions occur as a result of collisions between molecules. The faster the molecules in
the citric acid and baking soda collide with one another, the faster the chemical reaction takes
place and produces water, carbon dioxide and sodium citrate.
Experimental Design Hints:
Title: A clear, scientific way to communicate what you’re changing and what you’re
measuring is to state your title as, "The Effect of ____________on__________." The test variable is written on
the first line above and the outcome variable is written on the second line.
Problem Statement: Use an interrogative word and end the sentence with a question mark. Begin the sentence
with words such as: How many, How often, Where, Will, or What. Avoid Why.
Null Hypothesis: This begins just like the alternate hypothesis. The sentence should be in If ............,
then........... form. After If, you should state the TV, and after the then, you should state that there will be no
significant difference in the results of each test group.
Research Hypothesis: If ____________ (state the conditions of the experiment), then ____________ (state the
predicted measurable results). Do not use pronouns (no I, you, or we) following If in your hypothesis.
Test Variable (TV): This is the condition the experimenter sets up, so it is known before the experiment (I
know the TV before). In middle school, there is usually only one TV. It is also called the independent variable,
the IV.
Number of Tests: State the number of variations of the TV and identify how they are different from one
another. For example, if the TV is "Amount of Calcium Chloride" and 4 different amounts are used, there
would be 4 tests. Then, specify the amount used in each test.
Control Test: This is usually the experimental set up that does not use the TV. Another type of control test is
one in which the experimenter decides to use the normal or usual condition as the control test to serve as a
standard to compare experimental results against. The control is not counted as one of the tests of the TV. In
comparison experiments there may be no control test.
Number of Trials: This is the number of repetitions of one test. You will do the same number of repetitions of
each variety of the TV and also the same number of repetitions of the control test. If you have 4 test groups and
you repeat each test 30 times, you are doing 30 trials. Do not multiply 4 x 30 and state that there were 120 trials.
Outcome Variable(s) (OV): This is the result that you observe, measure and record during the experiment. It’s
also known as the dependent variable, DV. (I don’t know the measurement of the OV before doing the
experiment.) You may have more than one OV.
Controlled Variables or Variables Held Constant: Constants are conditions that you keep the same way
while conducting each variation (test) and the control test. All conditions must be the same in each test except
for the TV in order to conclude that the TV was the cause of any differences in the results. Examples of
Controlled Variables: Same experimenter, same place, time, environmental conditions, same measuring tools,
and same techniques.