BL3_JesusGPG_PPtext - Child Evangelism Fellowship

Jesus: God of Power and Glory
Lesson 3 – Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd
Lesson Overview
John 6; Mark 6:30-44
Memory KJV – “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.”
6:9-11 ESV – “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.”
The unsaved child will believe that Jesus is the Savior
and trust Him for salvation.
Jesus came to make a way for you to have eternal life
Word Up! Jesus is the Savior!
MT for Saved
Trust your Heavenly Father for everything.
Interaction with children
The disciples were taught an important lesson through the storm.
Jesus is always in control and He is to be trusted.
Some basic concepts covered:
1. Apologetics: Why I believe Jesus is God.
2. God: Provider. God provides for my needs.
3. Prayer: God gave an example of prayer.
4. Jesus: Reason for coming. Jesus came to save me.
- Mark verses to be read from your Bible (the ones in blue)
- Practice hand motions for Teaching to Saved
- Timeline & Map (in GNC starter resource pack) addition Capernaum
- Skits sheet (see BL3_JesusGPG_Skits)
- pita bread
- a basket or bag and something to represent fish
(Skit) Have you ever been excited to see a famous person?
Jesus and the disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee to rest. (Mk 6:30-34)
Thousands of people followed them. (John 6:1-4)
Jesus taught the people because He cared for them.
The disciples told Jesus it was late and the people were hungry. (Jn 6:5-9)
Jesus told them to give the people something to eat. (Mk. 6:35-38)
Jesus wanted the disciples to learn to trust Him.
Trust your Heavenly Father for everything. (2 Samuel 22:31)
Jesus thanked God for the food and told the disciples to hand it out.(Jn.6:10-13)
There was enough food for everyone to eat until full. (Mk.6:39-44)
There were enough leftovers to fill 12 baskets.
Jesus could do this miracle because He is God. (Psalm 147:5)
Over 5000 people ate the food Jesus gave them.
The people wanted Jesus to be king and fix all their problems. (Jn 6:22-29)
Sin is the most terrible problem in the world. (Romans 5:12)
Jesus knew it wasn’t God’s plan for Him to rule then, so they went away.
The crowd searched for Jesus
Jesus told them amazing things about Himself to help them understand
that He was the One who could give them what they really needed – a
way to have eternal life. (Romans 5:6)
R. The people didn’t want to hear and many stopped following. (Jn. 6:38-41)
S. Jesus asked the 12 disciples if they would stop following too. (Jn. 6:66-67)
Peter believed that Jesus came to give eternal life. (John 6:68-69)
A. CHALLENGE: The disciples still had a lot to learn about Jesus, but they
were beginning to realize that Jesus didn’t just come to feed people.
They were starting to realize they could trust him for everything…
B. INVITATION: starting with eternal life. Do you believe that Jesus, God
the Son, is the Savior who gave His life to take the punishment for your
sin and give eternal life? (John 3:15)
Lesson 3 – Jesus Feeds a Huge Crowd
1► Introductory Skit1
Person 1: Wow! There He is!
Person 2: Where? Where? I want to see Him!
Person 1: Over there! Wow! This is so cool!
Person 2: I see Him too! I can’t believe this is happening! We’re actually
going to see Him! Do you think He’ll say anything?
Person 1: I sure hope so! I’ve heard so much about Him. It’s so exciting to
finally see Him in person!
Wave your hand if you have ever been excited to see a famous or
important person. (Allow response.)2 2► Many people in Israel wanted to
see a man whom they heard could do miracles. What is a miracle? Say it with
me… 3► something only God can do. Let’s do the sign for the person they
wanted to see. (Sign “Jesus” with the children.)
Jesus was so amazing that many people wanted to see Him, but Jesus
and His disciples had been very busy and they were tired. Can you pretend to
be tired? (Do with children.) They needed to rest but so many people were
coming and going they couldn’t rest or even eat.
Jesus knew His disciples needed some rest so He told them to come
with Him. 4► They crossed the Sea of Galilee (show on the Bible Map) and
went up the mountain to find a quiet place far from any city. Do you think
they were alone? Thumbs up if you think they were alone and thumbs down
if they weren’t. (Allow response.) 5► Thumbs down is right -- thousands of
people followed them. They were still not able to rest. Think about how that
would make you feel if you were very tired.
Instead of being angry or annoyed because the people wouldn’t let Him
rest, Jesus cared for the people. He knew they needed help so He began
teaching them. He taught for a long time. (Point to “Jesus teaches with
power” on the Time Line.)
6► Listen to what God’s Word tells us happened next. (Read Mark
6:35-37. 3) Jesus had told the disciples to give the people something to eat.
Perhaps the disciples quickly talked together to figure out how to do this.
Let’s imagine what they might have said.
Jesus: God of Power and Glory L.3
7► Disciples Skit (standing with boy who is holding his lunch)
Disciple 1: Look at all these people! There are at least 5,000 men here plus
lots of women and children. How are we supposed to feed all of them?
Disciple 2: They don’t have food and we don’t have food to give them. All
we have are five loaves of bread and two fish that a boy brought with him.4
Disciple 1: Well we can’t buy food for them, that’s for sure! Even if
someone worked hard for 200 days they wouldn’t earn enough money to feed
all these people!
Disciple 2: Even if we did have enough money, there is nowhere for us to
buy that much food! Let’s tell Jesus this is impossible!
8► Jesus already knew this was impossible for the disciples. He already
had a plan to provide for the people. He was going to use a young boy and
the little he had to provide what the people and the disciples needed.
9►If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, trust your
Heavenly Father for everything5 you need. Maybe you need to
know how you can serve Jesus. You might think you have little to offer.
Maybe you know just a little of the Bible that you could share with someone
else. Perhaps you have only a little time you could use to help someone in
need. Maybe you have just a little talent God might use to encourage
someone. 10► Jesus isn’t looking for people who have lots to offer. He just
wants people who are willing to trust Him and let Him use what they have.
Let’s read what He says, (read Psalm 37:3a together from the screen).
11►You also have some fives and twos you could give to the Lord!
►You have two hands with five fingers each, two eyes, two ears, two lips,
two feet with five toes each. Let’s think about what Jesus could do with these
fives and twos if you let Him use them. (Either let some older children give
ideas of things they can use their fives and twos for or you give some specific
examples.) 12► Trust your Heavenly Father for everything you need to
serve Him.
13► Jesus wanted to teach the disciples to trust Him for everything. He
had a plan! He thanked God for the five loaves of bread and 2 fish and began
to divide it up for the people.
Show me with your fingers how much food they started with. (Allow
response.) Show me with your fingers how many people you think that
would feed. (Allow response.) It certainly wasn’t enough to feed this huge,
hungry crowd! But Jesus told the disciples to give the food to the people.6
Most text and PP visuals © 2015 Child Evangelism Fellowship® Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. 2
14► They gave food to thousands of people but the food didn’t run out!
They continued to pass out food while everyone ate until they were full!
Then Jesus told the disciples to gather the leftovers. There was enough
leftover food to fill 12 baskets!
15► Jesus did a miracle! He could do this because He is God and He
has the same great power as God the Father.
16►The Bible says, (read Psalm 147:5). God is so great that we can’t
even measure or understand how powerful and wise He is! Can you
flex your muscles and show me how strong you are? (Do with children.) God
is stronger than we can imagine. That’s why God is able to do things we
can’t explain. God made you and loves you so much. He has given you the
Bible so you can know Him and enjoy being with Him forever. God’s home
is perfect just like He is, and He wants you to be there with Him. God is so
great no one else can completely understand or measure how wise and
powerful He is.
17► Jesus showed God’s great power when He fed the crowd!
The huge crowd couldn’t explain how Jesus did this miracle but over
5,000 people had seen it and eaten the food He gave them. The people
believed Jesus had great power! They wanted Him to do more things for
18► They thought if Jesus could feed all of them, He could also fix all
the problems in their country. They wanted to force Jesus to be their king.
They wanted to be saved from the problems in their country, but Jesus had
come to save them from their biggest problem of all—their sin.
19►Sin is thinking, saying or doing things your way instead of God’s
way. Making up stories to make yourself look good or complaining
about not getting your own way are sins. Planning to get even with someone
else is a sin—even if they were mean to you first. Can someone point to the
Time Line and show us when sin entered the world? (Choose a child and
help him find “Sin enters God’s world” on the Time Line.) ►Ever since the
very first people sinned, all people have been born wanting to sin against
God. (Read Romans 5:12.) ►Sin is a huge problem because it keeps you
from having a relationship with God. It keeps you from ever knowing the
goodness of a friendship with God. God wants you to know how terrible your
sin is and that He is the only one who can save you. Sin is the most terrible
problem in the world!
20► The people weren’t focused on their problem of sin. Instead they
thought Jesus should fix the problems with their country.
Jesus: God of Power and Glory L.3
“Let’s make Him our king!” they said. Say that to your neighbor. (Do
with children.) Jesus knew it was not God’s plan for Him to take over the
government. He and the disciples went away from the people so they
couldn’t try to force Him to be their king. The next day the crowd noticed
Jesus was gone and began searching for Him.
21► They found Jesus in Capernaum (kuh-PURR-nay-um) and hoped
He would continue to feed them. Where did they find Jesus? (Have them say
Capernaum and place it on the Bible Map7.) Jesus knew what they wanted
but He knew what they really needed was to be saved from their sin.
22► Word Up! Jesus is the Savior!8 Jesus told them they were too worried
about getting more food. What they really needed was someone who could
give them everlasting life.
Jesus told them amazing things about Himself to help them understand
that He was the one who could give them what they really needed. (Read
John 6:38.) He was telling them He had come from Heaven to complete
God’s plan to save people. God’s plan wasn’t to make sure they had lots of
food but to make a way for them to have everlasting life! (Read John 6:40.)
Jesus was saying that He is the Son of God, who came to make a way
for them to have eternal life!
23►Jesus came to make a way for you to have eternal life too!
There is no way you can save yourself from sin. Jesus is God and He
is the only way you can be saved. Word Up! Jesus is the Savior! He
bled and died on the cross to take the punishment for your sin. (Read
Romans 5:6.) Because Jesus is God, He never sinned. He had no sin of His
own to be punished for, but He willingly took the punishment for your sin.
Jesus said He had power to save people from sin and give them eternal life.
24► He proved this by coming back to life after He suffered and died for
your sin. Only God’s power could do that! Hundreds of people saw Jesus
alive before He left Earth to return to Heaven. Today Jesus is the King in
Heaven and He has power to save you from sin and give you eternal life with
25► Jesus told the people He had come from Heaven to give eternal
life! But that wasn’t what they wanted to hear. 26► Many of the people
stopped following Jesus that day. Jesus asked the 12 disciples if they were
going to stop following Him too.
Peter said, (read John 6:68-69). Peter believed that Jesus came to give
eternal life. Word Up! Jesus is the Savior!
Most text and PP visuals © 2015 Child Evangelism Fellowship® Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. 3
The disciples still had a lot to learn about Jesus, but they were beginning
to realize that Jesus didn’t just come to feed people. He was showing His
power and glory. Jesus had the power to save them from sin, give them
eternal life, and provide everything else that they needed.
27►If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, trust your Heavenly
Father for everything you need. If you need to know how to serve
Him, remember Jesus isn’t looking for people who have lots to offer. He just
wants people who are willing to let Him use what they have. 28► What are
some fives and twos you can give to Jesus and how? (Let children answer.)
Right now ask Jesus to show you ways you can use what He has given you
this week.
Younger children could pretend to pass out food to those around them. OR You
may want to provide small goldfish crackers and bits of pita bread in wicker baskets
and have some of the children or leaders distribute them to the others. Make the
point that, though these baskets eventually run out of food, the baskets the disciples
held did not.
Cut out from document Jesus: GPG Map Additions in BL folder.
Each time you come to this phrase say Word Up! and have the children shout it.
Cut out the invitation, tape or paperclip it into your Bible at John 3:15, and read it.
29►You can’t serve Jesus until you first trust that Jesus, God the
Son, is the Savior who gave His life to take the punishment for your
sin and give eternal life. The Bible says, (read John 3:15). Eternal
life is life forever with God that begins right now and continues forever—
even after you die! Jesus will give this eternal life to anyone who believes in
Him. Jesus is God’s perfect Son, who took the punishment for your sin. Have
you believed in Jesus as your Savior?
30► Please close your eyes and bow your head while you think about
this. If today you decided to believe on Jesus as your Savior or you want to
talk to someone about this, please show me by standing up. (Acknowledge
responses.) You may all open your eyes. Those of you who stood up may
(designate time and place) so we can talk more about what the Bible says
about believing in Jesus for eternal life.
Link to song He is God: Jesus can do so many amazing things because He is
God. Let’s sing about our amazing God.
Both skits are available under BL3_JesusGPG_Skits
Possibly share briefly a time you were excited about seeing someone important.
Preschoolers can pretend to be hungry.
Show the children a basket or bag with 5 pieces of flat or pita bread and 2 sardines
or at least a piece of bread to help them picture the flat type of bread the boy
probably had. Use your fingers to make 5s and 2s throughout this lesson.
Each time you see these words, have the children say them, doing the hand
Jesus: God of Power and Glory L.3
Most text and PP visuals © 2015 Child Evangelism Fellowship® Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. 4