Parallels between Jesus and Acts

Common thread
Gospels (Christ)
Acts (The Body of Christ)
Initial Sense of place
“The whole Judean countryside and all
the people of Jerusalem” (1:3f)
Waiting and Longing
Israel longing for Deliverance, fulfillment
of Prophet/Isaiah
John Preparing for the Messiah
“he ordered them not to leave
Jerusalem…you will be my witnesses in
Jersulem, in all Judea” (1:4,5,8)
Disciples asked to wait for Promised
Holy Spirit (1:4-5)
Jesus prepares way for the Holy Spirit
Old Testament/Prophets
Jesus life/ministry on earth (1:1f)
1:13- 40 days in the desert
1:3: 40 days of Post resurrection teaching
and miracles
Someone to Prepare the
Old era comes to an end
40 of preparation for the
Kingdom’s plan
Integrity in initial leader
John’s ascetic life and powerful preaching
Baptism of water vs. spirit John Baptized in water, Jesus in Holy
Confirmation/40 days
The voice from heaven and Jesus sent to
Wilderness experience/40 days.
Jesus hears from God at Baptism and sent
to Wilderness experience (40 days)
Under and Given
John “not worthy” to tie his sandals; he is
more powerful than John; yet John had
the authority to baptize; disciples servants
but also given authority to preach/heal.
Jesus’ actions and words, past and
present (1:1ff)
Jesus speaks of John’s water baptism
and of his HS baptism (1:4-5, 8) and
then Pentecost
Jesus was “appearing to them during 40
days” with many convincing miracles.”
Disciples hear orders from God and sent
to wait and pray in Upper room
(it’s about 40 days from Passover to
“It is not for you to know the times or
periods that the Father has set by his
own authority,” yet disciples given
authority to be witnesses. Acts 1
Kingdom of God
1st sermon (Mark 1:15): Kingdom of God
is near
Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom and “is
now the time for it?” Acts. 1
Miracles establish
Healings right away to establish authority
of teaching.
Jesus Appears right away to establish
his authority re: final commands and
Baptism of Spirit
Jordan river at beginning of
Voice comes from heaven in Baptism
Kingdom has come! King is Here! (Mark
First 12 disciples called to Jesus (Mark 1)
Pentecost-Spirit is here! (Acts 2)
Desire to be with Jesus
They drop their nets and follow/go to be
with Jesus
Immediate calling Given
re community and service
Follow me and I will make you fishers of
others (Mark 1:18)
They “drop everything” to wait on the
coming promised Spirit that will keep
Jesus close. Acts 1
Disciples commissioned as witnesses
from Jerusalem to ends of the earth. (1:8)
Heaven in the beginning
New Era Begins
12 Disciples
Jesus goes to Heaven. Acts 1
Judas replaced with Mattaias, 12
restored. (Acts 1:13-26)
Jesus’ resurrection: Luke 24:5f
Jesus’ ascension: 1:10-11
Staying and waiting for the Holy Spirit
and an uncertain future. 1:4,7
Raising of the dead
Peter, Andrew, James, and John leave
their nets to an uncertain future. Mark
Jesus heals by words and even just be
them touching his garments
Lazarus and boy in Luke 5
Preaching to the lost
Jesus preaches to crowds
Acts 2 on (Peter, Stephen, Paul, etc.)
Teaching the disciples
Priority of Repentance
and believe
The unlikely included
Lord’s Supper
Teaching parables, stories, etc
First sermon: Repent and believe
Persecuted during their
ministry/plots on their
Mark 2 onward
Apostle’s teaching Acts 2 on
First sermon: Repent and believe (Peter)
and then continues after that, too.
Gentiles too
Regularly when they met together
(Acts 2)
Acts 3 onward
Tried before Jewish
Matt 26
Peter and John, Paul all had trails
Tried before Roman
Famous Last words
Jesus Matthew 27
Paul (Last 1/3 of the book of Acts)
Into your hands I commit my spirit (Luke
23) and Father forgive them they don’t
know what they are doing.
Mark 7 section
Same: Stephen Acts 7
Two men in robes who
ask: why are you looking
for Jesus…?
Feeling of uncertainty
about the future
Miracles of healing
Breaking away from
Jewish legalism
Poor, sinners, tax collectors, lepers, etc
Last Supper (Luke 23, etc)
Peter/John and Paul heals by words and
even just be them touching his garments
Paul raises E. from the dead (Acts 16?_
Acts 15 decree from church