action plan - itslearning

Higher Education
Action Plan 2014-15
Higher Education provision
Prepared by:
When and how will progress and effectiveness of this plan be monitored?
How will you ensure that the people responsible for actions are properly briefed as to
When and how will the impact of this plan be evaluated?
Action(S) – How and who is
Review the purpose of the College
HE Strategy and Curriculum groupsdevelop a document which outlines
the remit of the groups and explains
reporting lines. DK/RP
What will be achieved?
(SMART success criteria)
Clear roles and
responsibilities for
programme monitoring and
review are applied
systematically and
operated consistently
Ensure that the responsibility of
Senior Management Team
Committees (e.g. planning, quality
etc) for HE is made explicit within
group remits and that HE is included
as a standard item for committee
agendas. LH
Strategic oversight of the
higher education provision
is the responsibility of the
senior management team.
HE is now a standing item on the
SMT and Standards Meetings
Introduce a revised annual
monitoring process specific to HE
which involves the development of
HE programme monitoring reports
and an institutional HE annual
monitoring document. DK
Deliberate steps are taken
to use the outcomes of
programme monitoring and
review processes for
enhancement purposes
HE Self-Evaluation process
calendar completed. DK/RP
RP shared the process with the
Strategy group on November 14th
What needs to be improved
1.Clarify the respective roles
and responsibilities of its
deliberative and executive
structures in the strategic
oversight of its processes
and outcomes in the
management and quality
enhancement of its higher
education provision (A1, B7,
B8, Enhancement)
This Action Plan will be referred to on a monthly basis and action points
reviewed and signed off by the Assistant Principal where appropriate
HE Strategy and the HE Curriculum group will be held each half term to
ensure effective dissemination of action required in order to raise
standards. Through holding these meetings the HE lead and the head of
quality will ask staff to report progress and completion of action.
This action plan will be evaluated through annual Self-assessment process.
to monitor
Report on all actions progress
and impact
Review One (October)
Reporting structure and remits
clarified and completed.
2.Develop internal
procedures to ensure new
programmes designed by the
College align to appropriate
Subject Benchmark
Statements and other
relevant external reference
points (A1, A2)
3.Implement appropriate
annual monitoring and action
planning processes for
higher education provision
(A4, B8)
4.Clearly define and
articulate higher education
assessment policies and
procedures (A6)
Share subject benchmarks
statements the QAA framework for
higher education qualifications with
all staff so they are familiar with
them and able to align current and
future programmes with them RP
Introduce a validation procedure for
internal approval of programme
specifications to ensure that all
documentation meets required
standards (overseen by Strategy
An appropriate annual
monitoring and action
planning process is in
Update HE assessment
policies/guidelines DK/RP
Issue HE assessment
policy/guidelines to all HE staff.
Deliver CPD for all HE teaching
teams on the new policy.
The higher education
assessment policies and
procedures are clearly
articulated to all staff
Write a HE procedure for learners re
recruitment, selection and admission
with a section which outlines the
appeals process. LG/NIM
Recruitment, selection and
admission policies and
procedures adhere to the
principles of fair admission
HE Self-Assessment process
calendar completed. DK/RP
RP shared the process with
Strategy group 14/11/14
Deliver CPD for all HE teaching
teams on the new process.
Subject Benchmarks for each
course and the QAA framework for
higher education qualifications
were circulated and discussed at
the HE strategy group and all PMs
were asked to share with the
academic staff
New Review of HE Programme
Specification form produced.
 PM’s to complete in
 RP to review HE PSF
forms at Strategy group in
January Meeting
5.Develop a procedure for
handling appeals about
recruitment, selection and
admission of students (B2)
Introduce a revised annual
monitoring process specific to HE
which involves the development of
HE programme monitoring reports
and an institutional HE annual
monitoring document. The process
will be overseen by the HE Strategy
Group and reported to SMT and
College Governors by established
reporting lines.
The college is maintaining
the threshold academic
standards set for its awards
in accordance with the
frameworks for higher
educations and applicable
subject benchmark
RP to deliver the new process to
the HE curriculum group on
New assessment policy for the
college (including HE assessment
policies) completed.
RP to review assessment policy
RP shared with HE Strategy group
RP to share assessment policy
with HE curriculum group 21/11/14
Not yet achieved
6.Take steps to ensure there
is higher education student
representation at all levels
within the organisation and
that all student
representatives receive
appropriate training and
support for their role (B5)
7.Ensure that the internal
processes and procedures
for managing academic
standards and assuring
quality are clearly articulated
and available to staff,
students and external
stakeholders (C)
Deliver CPD for all HE teaching
teams on the new policy.
Establish the HE student Rep
framework NIM/TM/LPO Team
Things to keep in mindtraining/whether student rep
system should differ from the FE
system etc.
Consider HE Student Governor
Give HE learners rep training
(possibly on-line)
Add a new section to the College
website which outlines key
information for the general public in
line with section C expectations.
Develop a Student Intranet site with
key policy documents.
Develop standardised programme
information for HE learners (e.g.
programme handbook templates).
Deliver targeted CPD for staff
regarding HE process and
procedures and develop a HE staff
Development of a HE Strategy
which outlines long term
development goals for enhancement
of learning opportunities.- targets to
be monitored by the strategy group.
Introduction of an annual monitoring
process, linked to QAA expectations
at a programme and institutional
level- development of annual action
plans that will ensure systematic
identification, integration and
dissemination of quality
improvement. DK/RP
8.Develop a strategic
approach to the
enhancement of learning
opportunities which ensures
the identification, integration
and dissemination of
enhancement initiatives in a
systematic and planned
manner across all of the
College’s higher education
provision (Enhancement)
The college take deliberate
steps to engage all
students, individually and
collectively, as partners in
the assurance and
enhancement of their
educational experience
HE student rep meeting is planned
for December 2014
The college produces
information for their
intended audiences about
the learning opportunities
they offer that is fit for
purpose, accessible and
Standardised programme
Handbook template issued to
Programme Leaders.
RP to review handbooks at HE
Curriculum Meeting in January
The college has clear
procedures in place to
systematically improve the
quality of provision and the
ways in which students
learning is supported
Its Learning common room set up
for learners.
AA – to check content of website
and compare with other HE
LH to write the HE strategy and
share at the HE strategy group in
HE Self-Assessment process
calendar completed. DK/RP
RP shared the process with
Strategy group 14/11/14
Development of HE CPD strategy
aimed at enhancing learning
£1500 set aside on the College
Training & Development Calendar
for HE Specific training.
RP and LH to decide on training
Caroline Street to add HE training
development needs to
Performance reviews to capture
training needs for the training and
development plan.
Improved engagement with student
Nim and Tracey to feedback
Continued engagement in regional
networks to identify good practice in
HE and FE and identify
opportunities for collaboration.
RP and HOQ to attend HE/FE