Circulation Procedures - Missouri Evergreen Libraries

Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
CIRCULATION GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................3
THE PATRON RECORD IN EVERGREEN .............................................................................4
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Action Buttons........................................................................................................................................ 5
Alerts and Messages ............................................................................................................................... 6
PATRON REGISTRATION ........................................................................................................9
Patron Search.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Existing Accounts................................................................................................................................... 9
Scenic Regional Library Accounts .................................................................................................................. 9
MO Evergreen Accounts ............................................................................................................................... 11
Eligibility and Card Types.................................................................................................................... 12
Reciprocal Library Systems .......................................................................................................................... 12
Identity and Address Verification ................................................................................................................. 13
New Patron Registration....................................................................................................................... 14
Library Card Application .............................................................................................................................. 14
Evergreen Staff Client ................................................................................................................................... 15
Address Information ............................................................................................................................... 17
PO Boxes................................................................................................................................................ 18
Replacement Cards ............................................................................................................................... 19
CHECKOUT PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................20
Standard Checkout ............................................................................................................................... 20
Checking Out Patron Holds .................................................................................................................. 21
Special Checkout Circumstances ......................................................................................................... 22
Specifying a Different Due Date ................................................................................................................... 22
Checking Out UPIs........................................................................................................................................ 23
Non-Cataloged Items (Pre-Cataloging) ......................................................................................................... 24
Offline Interface ................................................................................................................................... 25
Offline Transactions ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Uploading Offline Transactions .................................................................................................................... 27
Processing Offline Transactions (Branch Managers) .................................................................................... 29
CHECKIN ....................................................................................................................................31
Standard Checkin ................................................................................................................................. 31
Checking in an Item with Damage or Missing Pieces .......................................................................... 31
ROUTING OF MATERIALS.....................................................................................................33
EDITING ITEM ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................34
Missing or Mending ............................................................................................................................. 34
Changing Shelving Location ................................................................................................................ 35
Borrowing Items from Another Branch for Displays ........................................................................... 35
Copy Buckets ....................................................................................................................................... 36
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PATRON HOLDS ........................................................................................................................40
Types of Holds ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Placing Holds from the Patron Record ................................................................................................. 41
Title Holds ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Copy Holds .................................................................................................................................... 43
MetaRecord Holds ......................................................................................................................... 44
Placing Holds from a Catalog Search ................................................................................................... 45
Book Club Collection Holds ................................................................................................................ 46
Cancelling Holds .................................................................................................................................. 48
Suspending and Activating Holds ........................................................................................................ 50
Pulling and Capturing Holds ................................................................................................................ 51
Clearing Expired Holds from the Holds Shelf ..................................................................................... 53
Renewing Through a Patron Account .................................................................................................. 54
The Renew Screen ................................................................................................................................ 54
BILLS ............................................................................................................................................55
Paying Bills .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Voiding a Bill ....................................................................................................................................... 57
Processing Fees .................................................................................................................................... 58
Accepting Money for a Different Missouri Evergreen Library ............................................................ 58
Grocery Bills ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Patron Record Charges (Card Related & Partial Damage) ............................................................ 60
Walk-In Accounts................................................................................................................................. 60
Walk-In Account Charges (Copies, Faxes, & Items for Purchase)................................................ 61
Friends of the Library Membership Dues............................................................................................. 62
DECEASED PATRONS..............................................................................................................62
REFERENCE MATERIALS AND IN-HOUSE USES ............................................................63
APPENDIX B: DAMAGED ITEM AND MISSING PIECES FORMS .................................70
APPENDIX C: ASSESSING DAMAGE AND CHARGES .....................................................71
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
I. Circulation Guidelines
Scenic Regional Library aims to provide its patrons with materials in multiple formats. In
order to provide fair and equitable access to these materials, Scenic Regional Library places
limits on number of checkouts, lending periods, renewals, and bills.
Any individual with a valid Scenic Regional Library card may check out materials. Library
patrons are strongly encouraged to have their own library card with them while in the library.
Staff may also look up a patron’s account if the individual provides valid identification. The
individual must provide qualifying identification information such as birthdate, address, or
email address if the patron does not have a valid ID.
Patrons may checkout out a maximum of 100 total items. Scenic Regional Library items or
items from other Missouri Evergreen libraries may be borrowed for 2 weeks. Items from
outside of Missouri Evergreen may be borrowed, but the lending period will vary based on
the owning library’s policies. Patrons with barred accounts are prohibited from all library
privileges. SRL suspends library privileges of accounts owing $10.00 or more.
Scenic Regional Library is a member of Missouri Evergreen, a consortium of libraries that
share a catalog and Integrated Library System (ILS). With this membership, SRL accepts
library cards from any other member library.
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II. The Patron Record in Evergreen
A. Overview
When you retrieve a patron’s record, a screen with three areas appears:
The patron’s information appears on the left. Action buttons appear along the top of the
patron record. The right side of the patron record will change depending on which action
button is selected. The patron’s name will appear in a box in the top left corner of their
record. The box will be a different color, depending on the status of a patron’s account.
The status will be explained beneath the patron’s name as well. Clicking on the message
in parentheses will take you to the appropriate area of the patron record so that you may
address the issue.
Different colored boxes mean different things in MO Evergreen:
Green – Everything is in order.
Orange – The patron has fines or overdues.
Purple – Patron fines exceed the maximum fine threshold.
Dark Blue – There is an alert message in the patron’s messages.
Yellow – There is an alert on the patron record screen.
Dark Gray – The patron is inactive
Light Gray – The patron’s account is expired.
Red – The patron is barred.
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B. Action Buttons
Along the top of the patron record is a set of action buttons. These buttons allow you to
do a variety of functions within the patron record.
Refresh – This will refresh the patron’s account after changes have been made.
Checkout – This is the button used to check out items to a patron.
Items Out – This displays a list of all items checked out to the patron’s account.
Holds – This displays the list of all items requested by a patron.
Bills – This displays a list of all bills on a patron’s account.
Edit – This button allows you to update a patron’s information.
Messages – This will display all alerts, messages, and notes on a patron’s account.
For more detailed information, see Alerts and Messages.
Other – This dropdown box shows more advanced options in a patron’s account.
Each of these screens, except Checkout and Edit, has an Actions for Selected Items
menu. This menu gives you access to many commands for the highlighted rows or items.
These commands will vary depending on which screen you access.
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Furthermore, each screen, except Edit, has the Column Picker on the far right of the
screen. This button allows you to select specific columns for each screen. The column
choices will vary depending on which screen you access. If a checkmark appears by an
item in the list, that column is displayed on the screen.
Each screen has a Print button as well. Use this button to print off lists of checkouts,
bills, holds, patron information, etc.
C. Alerts and Messages
Staff may apply different messages to a patron’s account. Some are visible to patrons,
while others may prevent patrons from checking out, placing holds, or renewing items.
Alert messages pop up with a red stop sign whenever a patron’s account is opened. These
alerts contain information needed to be seen immediately by staff. This information
should be clear enough for staff who needs to address an issue with the patron. Blocks are
alert messages that restrict a patron from checking out, renewing material, placing
requests, and using library computers.
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To add Alerts or Blocks to a patron’s account, you must be in the Messages screen.
To preserve consistency and clarity, messages, not notes, should be used and should
include all relevant information. Messages in Evergreen automatically record the date
added and branch where the message is added. If a message regards a damaged item,
include the item’s barcode in the message. Staff members must add their initials after the
Example: 3001234567, LIQUID DAMAGE, DJB
Follow the instructions below to add messages to an account.
Adding Messages
1. Select Apply Standing Penalty/Message under Staff-Generated Penalties/Messages.
2. Select Alert or Block in the pop up window.
3. Type in an appropriate alert message. The message should explain the issue clearly
and concisely.
4. Click the Apply button.
5. Click the Refresh Action Button to view the alert as it would appear when retrieving
a patron’s account.
Many alerts are removed automatically by the Evergreen Staff Client. Long Overdue
alerts disappear after the items in question are returned. Damaged or Lost Item alerts
disappear after fines have been paid.
After an issue has been resolved, and the message is no longer relevant, it will be
necessary to remove the alert.
Removing/Archiving Messages
1. From the Messages screen, select the Alert that needs to be removed or archived.
2. Under the Actions for these Penalties/Messages menu, select Remove
Penalty/Message or Archive Penalty/Message.
3. Removing the alert takes it off of the patron’s account completely.
4. Archiving the alert deactivates the alert, but keeps it on the patron’s account.
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All archived messages, blocking or otherwise, can be retrieved by clicking Retrieve
Archived Penalties on the lower half of the Messages screen.
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III. Patron Registration
A. Patron Search
Before registering a patron for a library card, ensure that the individual does not already
have an account with SRL or another Missouri Evergreen library. Follow these steps:
1. Click on the Patron Search button at the top or Search for Patron by Name in
the Circulation and Patrons column.
2. Make sure that the box next to Include inactive patrons? is checked.
3. Make sure that the dropdown box Limit results to patrons in is set to Missouri
4. Type in the individual’s last name and first initial. This is important as it will
return different spelling variations and possible duplicate accounts.
5. Click the Search button at the bottom of the page. Verify possible duplicates by
comparing birthdates.
B. Existing Accounts
Scenic Regional Library Accounts
If a patron has an existing SRL account and needs a replacement card, a new one may
be issued for $1.00. Please see Replacement Cards for more information. If a patron
owes money to the library, the account must be below $10.00 before a patron can use
a new card (see Billing for payment procedures).
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If it is discovered that a patron has multiple active accounts, all accounts should be
merged into the current account. To merge multiple records, follow the instructions
1. Open each account in a different tab in Evergreen.
2. On the account that is currently in use, click on the Other action button at the top
of the account. From that dropdown menu, select Group Member Details.
3. On the Group Members screen, select Move Another Patron to This Patron
Group from the Choose an Action menu at the top right of the screen.
4. A window will pop up asking for a patron barcode. Enter the barcode number of
the patron whose account you wish to merge with the current account. Both
patron accounts should appear in a new window.
5. Click on the Move button to move the patron on the right into the Patron Group of
the patron on the left. A second patron will be listed in the Group Members
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6. Select both patrons in the Group Members screen, and select Merge Selected
Patrons from the Choose an Action menu. Both patron accounts should appear
in a new window.
7. Be sure to select the current, active account in the new window by clicking the
Lead Record? radio button.
8. Click the Merge button to merge the patron accounts. All account information
will be merged into the current, active account.
MO Evergreen Accounts
Any individual having a card with another MO Evergreen library that is not in good
standing may not get a Scenic Regional Library card until the account’s issues have
been resolved.
If a patron owes money to another Evergreen library, they must pay the amount owed
to the billing library before they can receive a Scenic Regional Library card. Scenic
Regional Library will accept their payment. SRL staff are not able to access the
patron’s ME bills, so it is impossible for SRL staff to apply payment. However, SRL
staff should write out a receipt and give it to the patron. Send the payment, a copy of
the receipt, and an explanation of the payment to the business office. The explanation
must include the patron’s name, account number, and home library information. If the
patron pays by check, the check should be made payable to his home library. A phone
call to the patron’s home library should be made to insure that the fine is taken off of
the patron’s record before the patron visits another library and is asked to pay the fine
again. The business manager will forward payment to the patron’s home library.
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C. Eligibility and Card Types
If the patron does not have an existing SRL or MO Evergreen account, you must
determine the type of card for which they are eligible based on residence and other
criteria. Verify that the patron’s address is within the SRL district by comparing it to
neighboring library district maps or searching the address on a map service (Google
Maps, Mapquest, etc.). In rare cases, it may be necessary to verify a patron’s location by
calling a county office.
Resident cards are free and may be issued to patrons who live within the Scenic Regional
Library district. Anyone living in Franklin, Gasconade, and Warren Counties and within
the 1965 city limits of the city of Sullivan is eligible for a Scenic card.
Reciprocal Borrower cards are free and may be issued to patrons who live inside a
library district with which Scenic Regional Library has a reciprocal borrowing
agreement. Individuals living outside of the city limits of Sullivan but inside Crawford
County may get a free Scenic card as a reciprocal borrower.
Reciprocal Library Systems
Washington Public Library
East Central College
Heartland Regional Library System (Maries and Miller Counties)
Missouri River Regional Library (Cole and Osage Counties)
Ozark Regional Library (Crawford, Iron, Madison, and Ste. Genevieve Counties)
Temporary cards are free and may be issued to those who are living in the district or
living with someone in the district temporarily.
Some examples include:
teachers who work inside of the SRL district but live outside of the SRL district
a child, aged 16 or older, staying with grandparents for the summer
Mormon missionaries
a riverboat captain staying in town during an off-season
This is not an all-inclusive list. If unsure about an individual’s status, staff may contact
the Branch Manager or Assistant Director to determine eligibility.
Non-Resident cards are $25.00 per year and may be issued to patrons who do not meet
any of the above criteria but still wish to have a Scenic Regional Library card.
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Staff Member cards are free and may only be issued to employees of Scenic Regional
Homebound cards are free and may only be issued to patrons who are restricted to their
home or care facility due to health reasons and have filled out the required paperwork to
be eligible.
Outreach cards are free and may only be issued to Bookmobile patrons. These cards
have an extended checkout period of 42 days (6 weeks). Because of the Bookmobile’s
visit schedule, it is necessary to have a longer checkout period for these patrons.
Institution cards are free and may only be issued to facilities within the SRL district. For
example, daycares or assisted living centers would qualify for these cards. Checkout
periods are set at 4 weeks.
Individuals must provide proof of identity and proof of address in order to receive a
Scenic Regional Library card. Patrons may bring a Missouri Driver or Non-Driver
License to verify both identity and address. Alternatively, patrons may present one form
from each of the below categories:
Photo ID
 Passport
 Out of State Driver’s License
 Federal or Military ID
 Company Photo ID Badge
 Student/School ID
 Bank printed check with current address or bank statement
 Mail received at the current address
 Recent Utility Bill
 Local Election Mailing
Individuals under the age of 16 are not eligible for a Scenic Regional Library card
without a parent or legal guardian present. The parent or legal guardian must provide
proof of identity and address. They must also provide proof of guardianship if not the
child’s parent. The parent should initial the child’s library card after the child signs
the card.
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D. New Patron Registration
Library Card Application
Physical library card applications are used when registering new patrons at outreach
functions. After eligibility and proof of identification/address has been verified, enter
the patron’s information onto the Library Card Application.
1. The staff member should fill in all required
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name
Parent/Guardian Name – if under 16
Mailing Address – PO Boxes will go here
Street Address – physical, residence address
Phone 1
Phone 2 – optional
Date of Birth, Email Address
2. Ask the patron if they would like to be
subscribed to SRL’s email newsletter.
3. Ask how they would like to be notified for reserved items. Record the carrier if
they wish to be notified by text message.
4. Have the patron verify that the information is correct and sign the form.
5. Check for photo ID and address verification and check their respective boxes.
6. Select the issuing branch and the patron type from the choices given.
7. Write the barcode number, date, and initial the Library Card Application.
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Evergreen Staff Client
Scenic Regional Library uses a paperless library card application process. All
information is entered in the Patron Registration screen. The patron signs the card for
himself and initials the card for his children next to the child’s signature.
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Complete the following fields in their entirety:
Barcode – scan a new library card to populate this field
OPAC/Staff Client User Name – this will automatically populate to match the Barcode
Password – Enter the patron’s birthday the same way it is entered in the Date of Birth field.
Use slashes. No extra zeros need to be added. Example: 12/3/1967
Verify Password – must be identical to the Password field
First Name
Middle Name – This field is important for verification purposes. When possible, supply a
full middle name.
Last Name
Suffix – Enter JR, SR, III, IV, etc. here
Date of Birth –Use slashes. No extra zeros need to be added. Example: 12/3/1967
Juvenile – Check this box if the patron is under 16
Primary Identification Type – Select Driver’s License or Other from the drop down box. If
Other is selected, make sure that the identification used is listed under Eligibility.
Primary Identification – If Other is selected above, describe the type used
Parent/Guardian – Enter the name of the person registering the child.
Email Address – This is optional but encouraged
Daytime/Evening/Other Phone – fill out at least one of these fields. At least one phone
number is required for contact purposes, unless the patron has no phone.
Home Library – select the library that is closest to the patron’s residence.
Main (Profile) Permission Group – designates the patron type and affects borrowing
privileges. Select the proper group based on eligibility from the drop-down menu.
Privilege Expiration Date – this automatically populates after a patron profile has been
selected. If registering a patron for a temporary card, staff will need to change the expiration
date to the date the patron expects to leave the SRL district or until the end of the school year
if the patron is a teacher who lives outside of our district. This field must be updated yearly
when a patron’s card expires.
Internet Access Level – Select Filtered if the patron is under 18 years old
Default Hold Pickup Location – Select the branch where the patron will be conducting their
library business. This is typically the branch at which they register for their SRL card. This
field must be completed even if the pickup library is the same as the home library.
Default Phone Number – This field is required
Default SMS/Text Number – optional, but encouraged for holds notification. Enter the
phone number with no dashes.
Default SMS/Text Carrier – if an SMS/Text number is entered, you must select a carrier in
order for notifications to be delivered successfully.
Hold Notification Format – This field defaults to Phone and Email being checked. Check
only what will be used for notifications. More than one method may be selected.
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Address Information
Addresses should be entered into Evergreen according to USPS guidelines:
UNION MO 63084
When entering addresses, use ALL CAPS and no punctuation. Always verify addresses
are correct according to USPS standards. Always verify the patron’s address through the
USPS Website:!input.action.
Complete the following fields in their entirety. Note that the city and county are fields
that will be automatically populated but will need to be changed to all caps.
Type – Ensure that MAILING is displayed in this field
Postal Code
Street (1)
Street (2) – use this field for apartment/unit/suite numbers
If a patron does not have a PO Box, click the Save button. Patrons cannot use library
services until the information is saved in the Evergreen system.
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PO Boxes
If a patron uses a PO Box to receive mail, use their PO Box as the MAILING address. A
residence address is still required to have a Scenic Regional Library card. Individuals in
the Safe At Home program are not required to provide a residence address, but are
required to provide documentation of their involvement in the program.
To enter the residence address, follow these steps:
1. Click New Address to enter their physical address.
2. Do not click either the Mailing or Billing radial buttons.
3. In the Type field, replace MAILING with PHYSICAL.
4. Complete the rest of the address fields in their entirety.
5. After completing the registration form, click on the Save button. Patrons cannot use
library services until the information is saved in the Evergreen system.
If you are registering multiple individuals from the same household, you may click
Save & Clone. A new blank form will appear, but the address and phone number will
be pre-populated with the same information.
After the patron’s account has been successfully entered into the Evergreen Staff Client,
have the patron sign their name on their new library card. Children may sign their own
cards and the parent registering them should also initial the card.
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E. Replacement Cards
If a patron has lost his or her Scenic Regional Library card, staff may issue a replacement
card. There is a fee of $1.00 for this service.
To assign a patron a new card, follow these instructions:
1. Verify the patron’s identity with a Photo ID.
2. Click on the Patron Search button at the top or Search for Patron by Name in the
Circulation and Patrons column.
3. Make sure that the box next to Include inactive patrons? is checked.
4. Make sure that the dropdown box Limit results to patrons in is set to Missouri
5. Perform a search for the patron by using their last name and first initial.
6. Double click on the correct patron or click the Retrieve Patron button.
7. Click the Edit button.
8. Click the Replace Barcode button.
9. Scan a new library card into the Barcode and OPAC fields. Enter the patron’s
birthdate as the password. Use slashes. No extra zeros need to be added. Example:
10. Ask if the patron’s address and contact information is the same as shown on the
11. Make any necessary changes to the patron’s address, including changing it to ALL
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12. Update their expiration date by clicking the Update Expire Date button. This will
change their expiration date to one year from today’s date.
13. When finished updating the patron’s account, click the Save button and have the
patron sign their new card.
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IV. Checkout Procedures
After retrieving a patron’s account whether by scanning a library card or searching for the
record, an alert may appear. These alerts may need to be addressed before a patron may
checkout. Clicking on the message below a patron’s name will take you to the appropriate
area of the patron’s account so that you may address the issue. More information about alerts
and notes can be found in Alerts and Messages.
A. Standard Checkout
Using the Check Out area in Evergreen, scan the patron’s library card. If a patron cannot
present a Scenic Regional Library card, staff may also look up the patron’s record with a
valid ID. The left side of the checkout screen will display the patron’s information,
including contact information and account status.
Always check items for damaged before checking them out to the patron. Ensure that
audio-visual materials have all pieces in the item.
Check out the item by scanning the item barcode in the barcode field. After scanning the
item, the barcode, due date, and title will appear at the top of the checkout list. Always
watch the screen to make sure the ILS is capturing the data from the item barcode. The
barcode scanner will beep even when information isn’t captured.
When all items are checked out, click the Done button at the bottom of the screen. This
will print a receipt for the patron.
B. Checking Out Patron Holds
Available holds may be checked out by the patron requesting the item or by a member of
the patron’s family. The family member must be able to verify identifying information in
order to check out the requested item. An item that has come in as a hold will have a label
or receipt with it. Use the patron barcode on that receipt to check out the item. This will
clear the hold from the patron’s account.
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To view a patron’s holds, click the Holds button on the action button menu. The numbers
under the Holds button show the number of items ready for pick up/the number of holds
not yet filled. In the example below, the patron has 1 item on reserve, and 0 are available.
C. Special Checkout Circumstances
1. Specifying a Different Due Date
Due dates may be extended in the case of book clubs, outreach, and if a patron
notifies staff that they will be on vacation. To change the due date for book clubs,
follow these instructions:
1. On the Check Out screen, check the Specific Due Date box.
2. Type in the due date or select it by using the calendar button at the top of the
checkout list.
3. Scan the book club item’s barcode
4. If the patron has more items to check out that are not book club items, uncheck
the Specific Due Date box.
5. Continue the checkout.
6. When all items are checked out, click the Done button at the bottom of the screen.
This will print a receipt for the patron.
Book club items should have their due date set to the day after the book club meets
(e.g. if the book club meets on June 25th, the due date should be set at June 26th).
Items used for daycares and other outreach visits should have their due dates set to 4
If a patron notifies staff that they will be on vacation, staff may set the due date of
their items to the day after they come back, but no longer than 4 weeks.
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2. Checking Out UPIs
Unprocessed items (UPIs) are items that are not cataloged but may still be checked
out. Scenic Regional Library’s UPIs include donated paperback books and back
issues of magazines. These items do not appear on a patron’s record, but will print out
on the checkout receipt. These items all have the same barcode number.
From the Check Out screen, click the dropdown box beside the barcode field to
select the correct type of UPI.
selecting the correct UPI type, the field will read “Non-cataloged.” Click the Submit
button. A window will appear asking for the number of non-cataloged items. Type the
number of UPIs in the box provided and click OK.
The UPI will then appear on the checkout list, and the Check Out dropdown box will
revert to reading Barcode. When UPIs are returned, those items will remain at the
branch to which they are returned.
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3. Non-Cataloged Items (Pre-Cataloging)
Some items may cause an alert to appear because they were mis-scanned or not
In order to verify that the item was not mis-scanned, click the Cancel button and scan
the item a second time. When this alert pops up a second time, click the PreCataloged button to assign information to the item. This will bring up another
window in which to record the information.
Fill out the title, author, and ISBN (if found) of the item. The ISBN is the
International Standard Book Number, and is found on the back of the title page with
other publication information. Select the Circ Modifier (Books, CD, DVD, etc.), and
click Check Out. When the pre-cataloged item is returned and checked in, an alert
will display instructing staff to route the item to Cataloging at Headquarters.
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D. Offline Interface
1. Offline Transactions
In the event that the internet is down or unavailable, some parts of MO Evergreen are
still available. In offline sessions, items may still be checked out to patrons. Patrons
must have their library card with them. During offline sessions, there is no way to
verify accounts, so the following tasks are not possible: Renew, Patron Registration,
Checking out pre-cataloged items, Check-in.
To enter offline mode, follow these instructions:
1. Open the Evergreen Staff Client
2. Under Offline Use, click Standalone Interface. You do not need to enter a
username or password.
3. This will bring up a bright pink screen with a menu of buttons at the top.
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To checkout items from the Evergreen Standalone Interface, follow these
1. Click the Check Out button at the top. This opens the Standalone Check Out
2. Verify that the date in the top left corner is correct.
3. Scan the patron’s barcode in the first box. Patrons must have their library card
with them in order to check out. Do not check the Check barcode? box.
4. The item due date defaults to 2 weeks from the date at the top. Verify that this
date is correct.
5. Scan each item’s barcode in the barcode box. Do not check the Check barcode?
6. As each item is scanned, its barcode and due date will be displayed on the right
7. To check out a magazine or UPI, select Magazine or Paperback Book from the
dropdown box below the barcode box. Enter the number of UPIs or magazines to
be checked out in the pop-up box and click OK.
8. Check the Print Receipt? box.
9. Click the Save these transactions button.
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2. Uploading Offline Transactions
Once the internet connection has been restored and before any materials are checked
in, offline transactions need to be uploaded as soon as possible. To upload and
process these transactions, follow these instructions:
Create an Offline Session (Branch Managers Only)
Log into MO Evergreen with the branch’s administrative username and password.
Open the Offline Transactions screen by selecting Offline Transaction
Management from the Admin (-) menu in the top right corner of the screen.
In the upper Offline Sessions section, click Create to create a new session. A
window will pop-up where you will need to enter a name for the session. Be sure to
include the date and reason (Internet Down 2015-05-22), and click OK.
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From the Offline Sessions section, select the session you just created. An Uploaded
Transactions screen will appear in the bottom of the screen. This area will be empty
at first.
Once the session has been created, the Branch Manager will inform branch staff of its
creation and its name. All offline transactions will then need to be uploaded to that
session from each workstation.
Uploading Workstation Transactions to a Created Session (Branch Staff)
Log into MO Evergreen with the branch’s regular username and password.
Open the Offline Transactions screen by selecting Offline Transaction
Management from the Admin (-) menu in the top right corner of the screen. There
may be more than one session listed. Select the appropriate session, and click the
Upload button at the top right of the Offline Sessions screen. This will upload all
offline transactions from the workstation to the selected session.
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When the transactions have finished uploading, select the offline session. The value
in the Upload Count column should have increased by 1, and the workstation should
now be listed in the Uploaded Transactions section.
Repeat the above instructions at each workstation. When all offline transactions have
been uploaded from all workstations, let the Branch Manager know.
3. Processing Offline Transactions (Branch Managers Only)
Log into MO Evergreen with the branch’s administrative username and password.
Open the Offline Transactions screen by selecting Offline Transaction
Management from the Admin (-) menu in the top right corner of the screen.
Select the appropriate session and verify that all workstations have uploaded their
transactions to the session. All workstations will be listed in the bottom section of the
screen. Click the Process button to process the uploaded transactions.
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Depending on the number of offline transactions, this process could take some time.
Click Refresh to see the updated status of the processing step. Processing is complete
when the Processing? column shows Completed.
The number in the Transactions Processed column lists how many items were
checked out.
When processing has completed, exceptions, if they occur, will be listed on the lower
half of the screen. To see the exceptions, the name of the offline session must be
highlighted. Exceptions will occur if there was a mis-scanned patron barcode, a misscanned item barcode, or an open circulation restriction (e.g. an item was checked out
that was never checked in). Staff should examine each exception and take necessary
Common Exception Messages
Indicates the item barcode was misscanned/mis-typed.
Indicates the patron’s library barcode was
Indicates an item was checked out that had
never been checked in.
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V. Checkin
When an item is returned, always check for damage or missing pieces, and then check the
item in. Checking in an item will remove the item from a patron’s account, make holds for
the item available, and initiate routing of the item to another branch or library.
Follow the instructions below to check in items that have no damage or missing pieces.
A. Standard Checkin
To check in items belonging to Scenic Regional Library or other MO Evergreen libraries,
follow these instructions:
1. Open the Check In screen in the Evergreen Staff Client by clicking the Check In
button at the top or selecting Check In Items in the Circulation and Patrons
2. Scan each item’s barcode in the barcode field at the top of the screen.
3. Watch the screen to make sure the data is captured. The barcode scanner will beep
even when the data isn’t captured.
4. If the item needs to be sent to another branch or library to be returned or to fill a hold,
staff will be prompted by a pop-up window. This window will have further
instructions on what to do with the item.
5. If an item needs to be sent to another SRL branch, do not print a receipt.
6. If the item is staying at your branch to fill a hold, going to HQ, or going to another
ME library, print a receipt.
B. Checking in an Item with Damage or Missing Pieces
If a Scenic Regional Library item is damaged or has missing pieces, check in the item
and charge the patron accordingly. To determine whether or not a patron should be
charged for damage, refer to Appendix C: Assessing Damage and Charges.
1. Open the Check In screen in the Evergreen Staff Client by clicking the Check In
button at the top or selecting Check In Items in the Circulation and Patrons
2. Scan the item’s barcode in the barcode field at the top of the screen.
3. Once the item shows up in the check in list, right click on the damaged item.
4. Select Mark Item Damaged or Mark Item as Missing Pieces, whichever applies.
5. Marking an item as Missing Pieces will check the item out to the previous patron.
Call the patron and ask for the missing piece to be returned, and fill out the Missing
Pieces Form to keep with the item.
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6. Marking an item as Damaged will bring up a screen asking you to verify the item is
damaged. Click OK.
7. Another dialog box will pop up asking if you want to charge the previous patron and
if you want to edit the amount charged.
8. Complete the SRL Damaged Item Form and give the item and the form to the branch
If an item not belonging to Scenic Regional Library is damaged, check in the item and
send it to the owning library with a note explaining the damage. Since all MO Evergreen
libraries do not share the same billing policies, it is important to send these items to the
owning library so they may determine the charge. Add a message in the patron’s record
including the title and barcode number, the nature of the damage, and the name of the
owning library so that when the lending library notifies SRL of the fine for the damage,
there will be a record of the problem.
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VI. Routing of Materials
To ensure that patrons have access to all of the library’s materials, Scenic Regional Library
uses courier services to transfer items between SRL branches and other libraries, both within
and outside of Missouri Evergreen. Each branch has a code designating its branch for quick
and easy labeling. Scenic Regional Library also shares the courier with Washington Public
Library and the Gerald Volunteer Free Library. Branch code designations are as follows:
BK –
HR –
NH –
OW –
PC –
SC –
SN –
UN –
WC –
WR –
New Haven
St. Clair
Wright City
Warren County
HQ – Administration
WA – Washington Public Library
GE – Gerald Volunteer Library
ME – Missouri Evergreen Libraries
Use these designations when transferring items to other branches and libraries. Any item that
needs to be returned to a non-Evergreen library needs to be routed to Headquarters for
subsequent routing. Items to fill hold requests and for reshelving are delivered to each Scenic
Regional Library branch according to the schedule below:
All Branches, WA
All Branches, WA
All Branches, WA
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Editing Item Attributes
An item’s attributes may be edited from the Item Status screen. If an item is missing or needs
mending, branches can change an item’s status. If an item needs to be changed from a New
Book shelving location to Fiction or Non-Fiction, branches can change an item’s
location/collection. If an item is needed for a display, branches can change an item’s
circulation library. These are the only instances when a branch needs to change an item’s
A. Missing or Mending
From the Item Status screen, scan an item or type its barcode into the Barcode box.
Select Edit Item Attributes from the Actions for Selected Items menu.
In the Copy Editor screen, click on Status under Identification.
From the dropdown box, select Mending or Missing, and click Apply.
Click Modify Copies at the bottom of the screen. The window will automatically
close after updating the item attribute.
Items may also be marked missing by choosing Mark Item Missing from the Actions
for Selected Items menu on the Item Status screen.
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B. Changing Shelving Location
The shelving location of items needs to be changed when they are removed from six
months hold protection, put on display, or removed from a display. To change an item’s
shelving location, follow the instructions below:
From the Item Status screen, scan an item or type its barcode into the Barcode box.
Select Edit Item Attributes from the Actions for Selected Items menu.
In the Copy Editor screen, click on Location/Collection under Location.
From the dropdown box, select the proper shelving location, and click Apply.
Click Modify Copies at the bottom of the screen. The window will automatically
close after updating the item attribute.
C. Borrowing Items from Another Branch for Displays
Creating displays that change frequently is a good way to highlight items in a branch’s
collection and change the appearance of a branch. Displays may consist of materials that
share a common subject, theme, or loose association. Branches may borrow materials
from other Scenic Regional Library branches to place on display. New materials, those
that are under the 6-month age protection, may not be borrowed from other branches.
When borrowing items from other branches, the circulating library will need to be
changed so that the items return to the branch where the items are displayed.
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To change an item’s circulating library, follow the instructions below:
Perform a search for the desired item, and click on the title.
Copy the barcode number of a copy showing Available.
Click Item Status on the top menu.
Paste the barcode number in the Barcode box and click the Submit button.
Select Edit Item Attributes from the Actions for Selected Items menu.
In the Copy Editor screen, click on Circulation Library under Location.
From the dropdown box, select the branch where the item will be displayed, and click
8. Click Modify Copies at the bottom of the screen. The window will automatically
close after updating the item attribute.
After changing the item’s circulation library, place a hold on the item. It should arrive at
your branch within a few days. Repeat these steps for other items you wish to request for
a branch display. When it is time to take down the branch display, repeat these steps to
change the circulation library back to match the owning branch. Always check the sticker
inside the front cover to verify the owning branch.
D. Copy Buckets
Copy buckets can be used to change the status of multiple items at one time, as long as it
is the same change for all items in the copy bucket. Copy buckets allow for groups of
items to be saved together so that it is easier to change the status of the items without
needing to scan each item individually. When creating a branch display, branch staff can
create a copy bucket that includes all of the desired items. Then, staff can change the
shelving location of all items in the bucket.
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To access the Copy Bucket area of MO Evergreen, choose Copy Buckets on the main
portal page or from the Edit menu.
To create a Copy Bucket and add items to it, follow the instructions below:
1. Click on the New Bucket button in the middle of the Copy Buckets screen.
2. When the dialog box pops up, name your new copy bucket and click OK.
3. Scan the barcodes of the items whose statuses need to be changed into the Barcode
box at the top of the Pending Copies section. You may also type the individual
barcodes and click the Submit button.
4. Click the Add All button at the bottom of the Pending Copies section once all items
have been scanned.
The scanned barcodes should display in the Bucket View section at the bottom of the
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To change the status of all of the items in the Copy Bucket, follow the instructions below:
1. In the Bucket View section, click on the Edit Item Attributes button at the bottom
of the screen.
2. From the Copy Editor screen, staff may change item status, shelving location, and
circulation library. This change will be made to all items in the copy bucket.
3. Select the appropriate choice from the appropriate dropdown box, and click Apply.
4. Click Modify Copies at the bottom of the screen. The window will automatically
close after updating the item attribute.
For copy buckets that are created for displays, staff should only need to change the
circulation library. Once the branch display has been taken down, staff will need to
retrieve the copy bucket and change the circulation library of each item back to its
owning branch. This must be done for each item individually outside of the Copy
Buckets portal. Otherwise, all items in the copy bucket will have their shelving location,
circulation library, and/or status changed to be the same, and this may not be the case.
After the each item’s status has been changed, the item(s) can be checked in. The item(s)
will automatically be routed to its original circulation library and/or shelving location.
To retrieve a copy bucket, follow the instructions below:
1. To access the Copy Bucket area of MO Evergreen, choose Copy Buckets on the
main portal page or from the Edit menu.
2. In the Bucket View section, click on the dropdown menu button at the top of the
3. Find the appropriate copy bucket, and select it. The Bucket View section should
update with all items in that copy bucket.
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To change each individual item’s status, shelving location, and/or circulation library,
follow the appropriate instructions in this section. When you have no further need for a
copy bucket, delete it. Click on the Delete Bucket button next to the New Bucket button.
A window will pop up verifying that you want to delete the bucket. After clicking OK,
the bucket and all of its items will disappear. This does not delete the items from the
catalog; it merely deletes them listed in the specific copy bucket.
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VIII. Patron Holds
Missouri Evergreen fills hold requests in queue order within Scenic Regional Library.
Requested items may come from another Scenic Regional Library branch or another
Missouri Evergreen library.
Requested items will show up on a holds pull list. Staff will pull these items from the shelves
and then capture them in Evergreen. Capturing an item either makes it available or routes it
to another branch or Missouri Evergreen library.
A. Types of Holds
Multiple types of holds may be placed on items. The chart below describes the different
types of holds that can be placed in Evergreen.
Title Hold
Used when a patron wants the first available
copy of a title in a certain format.
Copy Hold
Used only when a specific copy/barcode is
needed. These holds are used when
requesting multiple copies of a title for a
book club, when the cataloging of an item
needs to be changed, or when you have
verified by phone that a specific copy is
available to fill a hold.
Used when a patron wants a specific part of
an item, typically a DVD set.
Parts Hold
Hold (M)
Used to pull the item from a larger pool of
records than available with a title hold or
when a patron will accept multiple formats.
Click on Place Hold.
Patrons or staff
may place these
In the detailed record,
Only staff may
click Place Hold next
place these
to the particular holding holds
by the barcode number.
Click on Place Hold.
On the confirmation
screen, select the
correct part from the
dropdown menu.
With formats grouped,
click Place Hold, and
choose the format(s)
the patron wants.
Patrons or staff
may place these
Patrons or staff
may place these
MetaRecord Holds can only be placed if the Group Formats and Editions box is
checked on a search. It is directly below the basic search bar or at the bottom of the
advanced search screen:
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There are two ways to place holds in the Evergreen staff client. Staff may place holds
through a catalog search or from the patron record. SRL’s preferred method is through
the patron record. In this way, staff can see exceptions on a patron account before the
hold is placed.
B. Placing Holds From the Patron Record
Title Holds
To place a title hold for a patron directly from their record, choose the Holds action
button at the top of the patron record. On the left of the holds screen, choose the Place
Hold button.
This will display a catalog search screen in the window. To place a hold for a patron from
the catalog screen, first perform a search for the desired item using a basic or advanced
search. By using the advanced search, staff can customize the search in multiple ways.
Item Type is the most helpful when performing a search, but other options may be
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After performing a search, click on the green Place Hold button to place a title hold on
the item.
After clicking Place Hold, a confirmation screen will appear. The patron’s barcode
should appear in the first box, and you will need to enter their pickup location. You will
also need to select how the patron wants to be notified when their requested item arrives.
If an item has multiple parts or discs, select the desired part or disc from the dropdown
box. Once all settings have been selected, click the Submit button. If a patron wants
more than one specific part or disc, staff will need to click the Go Back button, select the
other part or disc, and click the Submit button again. Once the hold has been placed, a
new item search can be started by clicking the Continue link.
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Copy Holds
If there is a specific copy or barcode of an item needed by staff, you can place a copy
hold through this screen, too. This should only be used in rare circumstances: for
example, if an item is needed because of a cataloging error.
After performing a search, click on the title of the item in the catalog. This will bring up a
detailed item screen. From here, click Copy hold in the Holdable? column.
After clicking Copy hold, the confirmation screen will appear again. Select the pickup
location and how the patron wants to be notified when their requested item arrives. Click
the Submit button.
Once the hold has been placed, a new item search can be started by clicking the
Continue link.
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MetaRecord Holds
When there are multiple records for the same item, or if a patron wants a title but it does
not matter in what format, use a MetaRecord hold. For example, if a patron wants a copy
of The Lincoln Lawyer, but they will take it as a book or audiobook, use a MetaRecord
hold. This will place one hold for the patron, and the first available item in any of the
records with the selected formats will be reserved for the patron.
When performing a search, make sure the Group Formats and Editions check box is
After performing the search, click Place Hold for the desired item. A confirmation screen
will then appear with a list of item formats. Select one or more formats (hold down the
shift key to select multiple formats), the pickup location and how the patron wants to be
notified when their requested item arrives.
Click the Submit button to place the
hold. Once the hold has been placed, a
new item search can be started by
clicking the Continue link.
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C. Placing Holds from a Catalog Search
Patrons and staff may place items on hold through the library’s catalog as well. To place
a hold for a patron from the catalog, first perform a search for the desired item. Clicking
on the green Place Hold button will place a title hold on an item.
After clicking Place Hold, a confirmation screen will appear. On this screen, you will
need to enter the patron’s barcode and select the pickup location. You will also need to
select how the patron wants to be notified when their requested item arrives.
If an item has multiple parts or discs, select the desired part or disc from the dropdown
box. Once all settings have been selected, click the Submit button. If a patron wants
more than one specific part or disc, staff will need to click the Go Back button, select the
other part or disc, and click the Submit button again.
Once the hold has been placed, a new item search can be started by clicking the
Continue link.
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D. Book Club Collection Holds
Scenic Regional Library has a special collection of book club titles housed at
administration. This collection has 10 to 15 copies of the same title and is intended to be
used as a kit by book clubs throughout the Missouri Evergreen community.
Book Club kits come in special barcoded bags. When a title is wanted, place a hold on
the book club kit BAG, not on the individual books. The individual books will be on the
record for that title, but are not holdable and will not be visible to patrons on the OPAC.
When the kit arrives, the individual books need to be checked out. Book club kits will
circulate for 8 weeks instead of 4 weeks to give time for travel between libraries.
To see if a book club title is available, search the library catalog using the Staff Client:
1. Search for book club kits using search type Title. Only one record will show up.
2. Click on the Book club kits record.
3. Select View Holds from the Actions for this Record menu:
4. Make sure the Filter box is not checked. In the call number column, find the title of
the book you need to request. Then, look at the activation date column to see if the
kit is available. The highlighted kit will not be available between 5/10/2016 and
7/10/2016 because of the 8-week checkout period.
5. To return to the catalog search results, click the Search Results button. You may
place a hold from that screen.
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To place a hold on a book club kit title, follow the instructions below:
1. Search for book club kits using search type Title. Only one record will show up.
2. Click on that record. The title and author of each book will be listed in the call
number column. The number of books in each kit will be listed underneath.
3. Place a Copy Hold on the kit with the desired title.
To check out the book club kit, follow the instructions below:
1. Check the book club kit in. Do not check in individual books.
2. Check the book club kit bag out to the person who is responsible for the book club’s
books. This may be a staff person of the leader of the book club.
3. When book club members come in to get their books, check out individual books to
each member. Change the due date to the date of the next book club meeting.
When all book club books are returned, they need to be checked in and sent back to HQ
or another library that requested the kit.
1. Check each book in as it is returned. Since the individual books are not holdable, no
holds will be triggered.
2. Put the books bag into the book club kit bag. Do not put them in delivery bags.
3. When all books are back into the kit’s bag, check the kit bag in.
4. Since the book club kit bag is holdable, it may be routed to another library instead of
5. Put the book club kit bag in the delivery.
6. If you have not received all of the books back by the time the kit is due back, call
HQ to see if you should hold the kit at the branch until all of the books are
returned or send the kit to its next destination.
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E. Cancelling Holds
Cancelling holds can be done through the patron record. Display a patron’s holds by
clicking the Holds action button.
1. Select the hold the patron wishes to cancel
2. Select Cancel Hold from the Actions for Selected Holds menu. This option will
appear very far down the list.
3. When the pop-up window appears, choose a reason from the dropdown menu. A
reason is not required, but it may be helpful in the future to add a note. For example,
if a patron requested the Large Print version of a book but received the regular print
version, add a note in this window. Be sure to add your initials in the text box.
4. Click Yes, and the hold should disappear from the list on the patron’s record.
At any time, staff may view cancelled holds by clicking the Show Cancelled Holds
button at the top of the screen. This may be helpful if a patron wants to re-request an
expired or cancelled hold. If a hold needs to be restored, it can be un-cancelled. To uncancel a hold, follow the instructions below:
Click Show Cancelled Holds
Highlight the hold you wish to un-cancel.
Select Un-cancel Hold from the Actions for Selected Holds menu.
The item should reappear on their active holds list.
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If a staff person adds a note when cancelling a hold, these notes can be viewed through
this screen, too. To view the cancel cause and notes, follow the instructions below:
1. Click Show Cancelled Holds
2. From the Column Picker, make sure that Cancel Cause and Cancel Note are
checked. This will show two additional columns that include the reason for the
cancellation and any note that a staff person entered when the hold was cancelled.
If staff needs to view these causes and notes again, these columns will need to be selected
every time you enter the Cancelled Holds screen.
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F. Suspending and Activating Holds
If a patron will be on vacation or they are not ready for an item to come in right away,
staff may suspend the patron’s hold. Suspending a hold keeps the item from fulfilling a
patron’s hold until a specific date or indefinitely. This can also be done from the patron’s
record. To suspend a hold indefinitely, follow the instructions below.
1. From the Holds screen of the patron’s record, select the hold that the patron wishes to
2. Select Suspend Hold from the Actions for Selected Holds menu. This option will
appear very far down the list.
3. A pop-up window will appear verifying that you would like to suspend the hold.
Click Yes.
4. The status of the selected hold will change to Suspended on the patron’s record.
To suspend a hold until a specific date, follow the instructions below.
1. From the Holds screen of the patron’s record, select the hold that the patron wishes to
2. Select Edit Activation Date from the Actions for Selected Holds menu. This option
will appear very far down the list.
3. A pop-up window will appear verifying that you would like to modify the hold.
Select the date that you would like to activate the hold. This will be the date that the
item will show up on pull lists again.
4. Click Apply.
5. The status of the selected hold will change to Suspended on the patron’s record.
The process to activate a hold is very similar. Follow the instructions below.
1. From the Holds screen of the patron’s record, select the suspended hold that you wish
to activate.
2. Select Activate Hold from the Actions for Selected Holds menu. This option will
appear very far down the list.
3. A pop-up window will appear verifying that you would like to activate the hold. Click
4. The status of the selected hold will change to Waiting for Copy on the patron’s
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G. Pulling and Capturing Holds
Every item that is requested for a patron appears on the Pull List for Hold Requests
report. This report can be accessed in the Evergreen Staff Client, by selecting Pull List
for Hold Requests in the Circulation and Patrons column or selecting Pull List for
Hold Requests from the Circulation menu at the top.
The resulting list shows items to pull from your shelves to fill holds, both at your library
and at other Missouri Evergreen libraries.
This list will display a maximum of 100 items. The total number of holds on the pull list
is displayed to the right of the Fetch More Holds button. If there are more than 100
holds, click this button. After clicking, you may need to click the Reload button to
display the additional holds.
The list will need to be printed so that staff may pull items from branch shelves to fill
holds. To print the list, click the Simplified Pull List Interface button at the bottom of
this screen. This list should be printed at least once daily, but may be printed more often
based on activity and as time allows.
All of the information that you need will be on the Simplified Pull List. If a column no
longer appears on the list, use these steps to correct the columns. When the Simplified
Pull List screen comes up, right-click on one of the column headings to open the column
picker. In the column picker, select these items to appear on the list:
Shelving Location
Call Number Label
Hold Type
Ignore the Auto Width and Sort Priority columns. When these boxes have been selected,
scroll to the bottom of the list and click Save. This will save the columns for future use.
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Capturing Holds
After printing this list, holds will need to be retrieved from branch shelves and captured
in the Evergreen staff client. To capture a hold, follow the instructions below:
1. Open the Check In screen in the Evergreen staff client.
2. Scan the item’s barcode.
3. If the item has a hold at your branch, print the transit slip and add the item to your
holds shelves.
4. If the item has a hold at another branch, do not print the transit slip. Place the item in
the appropriate delivery bag with the appropriate branch initials.
5. If the item has a hold at a MO Evergreen library or administration, print the transit
slip and place the item in the HQ delivery bag.
Once an item is added to the holds shelf, the patron needs to be notified. For patrons who
choose to be notified by email or text message, the notification is sent by the system
within 1 hour of capturing the hold. For patrons who choose to be notified by telephone,
their chosen phone number appears on the hold slip.
Retargeting Holds
Holds not captured within 24 hours of being placed will automatically retarget to another
item if there is another available item on the record. However, if an item remains on the
pull list for more than 24 hours and your branch’s copy is missing or in poor condition,
change the item’s status to missing or mending through Edit Item Attributes:
1. If an item is missing or in poor condition, type its barcode number from the pull list
into the Barcode box from the Item Status screen.
2. Select Edit Item Attributes from the Actions for Selected Items menu.
3. In the Copy Editor screen, click on Status under Identification.
4. From the dropdown box, select Mending or Missing, and click Apply.
5. Click Modify Copies at the bottom of the screen. The window will automatically
close after updating the item attribute.
After changing the item’s status, perform a catalog search for another copy of the item.
Place the item on hold for the patron and choose the correct pickup location. If no other
copy is available, contact the patron’s home library so that they may decide if an ILL
should be requested.
Return to the Pull List for Holds screen, find the item that was marked missing or
mending, and cancel the hold. This will ensure that the patron receives their requested
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H. Clearing Expired Holds from the Hold Shelf
When items have been on the holds shelf for ten days but not picked up, they are
considered expired. These items will need to be removed and either placed back on the
branch shelves or placed in delivery bags for holds or reshelving. To determine where
these items go, staff will need to view the Browse Holds Shelf report in the Evergreen
staff client.
To access the report, select Browse Holds Shelf from the Circulation menu at the top of
the screen. This will bring up the list of all holds currently on your branch’s shelf. Do not
use the “Clear Holds Shelf” option. To view expired holds, check the box beside View
Clearable Holds.
Use this list to retrieve the expiring holds from the holds shelf. If there are any items that
cannot be found, those items must be made missing. Only after all items are found or
made missing, click the Clear these Holds button. Expired holds may also be canceled
individually by highlighting the hold(s) and choosing Cancel Hold from the Actions for
Selected Holds menu. All of these items must now be scanned through the Check In
screen in order to trigger the next hold or transit slip, if needed. As each item is scanned,
it will need to be placed into the appropriate delivery bag or reshelved.
If the status of an item on the Holds Shelf is Wrong Shelf, it means that the patron has
chosen a different pick up location. Scan the item in the Check In screen to set the transit
to the new pick up location.
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IX. Renewals
All materials except DVDs may be renewed twice. DVDs may be renewed only once. An
item may only be renewed if there are no hold requests for it. Staff may renew items one of
two ways: through a patron’s account, or through the Renew screen.
A. Renewing Through a Patron Account
This method is ideal if a patron needs to renew items that they do not have with them. It
is also the easiest way to renew multiple items on a patron’s account. To renew items
through a patron’s account, follow these instructions:
1. From a patron’s account, click on the Items Out action button. This will display all
current checkouts.
2. Determine which item needs to be renewed, and select that item.
3. If a patron requests that multiple items be renewed, select multiple items by holding
down the Shift key and clicking all of the desired items.
4. Click on the Actions for Selected Items menu and select Renew. If the item or items
are eligible for renewal, the due date(s) will update.
5. If a patron requests that all items be renewed, click on the Actions for Selected Items
menu and select Renew All. The due date will update for all items eligible for
B. The Renew Screen
This method is ideal if a patron has items to renew and they have the items with them. To
renew items though the Renew screen, follow these instructions:
1. Access the Renew screen by clicking on the Circulation menu at the top of the
Evergreen Staff Client, and selecting Renew Items. This will display the Renew
screen; it will have an orange banner at the top of the screen.
2. Scan each item’s barcode in the barcode field.
3. If the item or items are eligible for renewal, the due date(s) will update.
If an item cannot be renewed, a window will popup explaining the reason. If an item
cannot be renewed, do not force the action.
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X. Bills
Scenic Regional Library assesses bills for lost items, damaged items, replacement cards, and
out-of-district fees. Bills for lost and damaged items are called circulation bills. They are
automatically generated by the ILS. Bill for replacement cards, nonresident fees, copies, and
fax service are called grocery bills. They are manually entered by staff.
Refunds are not issued. If patrons find lost materials after paying for them, patrons should
keep the item(s) for their own use.
To access a patron’s bills, go to the patron record and click on the Bills action button.
Under Current Bills, the top left area gives a summary of the patron’s account. The top right
area allows you to enter payment information for bills:
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
A. Paying Bills
No special procedure needs to be followed when accepting money for an item belonging
to a library other than SRL.
To pay bills on a patron’s account:
Choose either Cash or Check from the payment type dropdown menu.
Enter the amount of the payment in the Payment Received box.
Make sure that the Annotate Payment checkbox is checked.
Click Apply Payment! to record the payment to the patron’s account.
After applying the payment, a screen will pop up asking for an annotation. Staff must
enter their initials in this box. The branch and date will automatically be added to the
6. Click OK. If any change is owed to the patron, the amount will show at the bottom of
the screen.
If the patron wants to pay for a specific item in the list of bills, make sure that the specific
bill is the only one checked. Uncheck all the other bills in the list, and then apply
payment. Failure to check only one item in the list will cause the payment to be applied to
the first item in the list, no matter what the amount of the bill is or what the amount of the
payment is.
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B. Voiding a Bill
Sometimes, staff may need to void a bill on a patron’s account. In order to do so, bring up
the patron’s account, and go to the Bills screen. Highlight the bill in the patron’s list of
bills and select Full Details from the Actions for Selected Transactions menu:
This will bring up the full details screen. On this screen, highlight the bill that needs to be
voided in the Bills section, and click the Void selected billings button:
After the bill has been voided, add an explanatory message to the patron’s account.
Example: patron claims book Accused 3004707640 was damaged when she checked it
out – fine forgiven – dd
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C. Processing Fees
Some MO Evergreen libraries charge a processing fee when an item is lost or damaged.
Scenic Regional Library does not ask patrons to pay this fee; patrons pay only for the
item. Follow the instructions for Voiding a Bill to void the processing fee:
1. Highlight the bill in the patron’s list of bills.
2. Select Full Details from the Actions for Selected Transactions menu.
3. On the full details screen, two bills will appear in the center of the screen under the Bills
heading. One will have a billing type of Processing Fee, and another will have a billing
type of Lost or Damaged.
4. Highlight the Processing Fee bill.
5. Click the Void selected billings button.
6. After the processing fee has been voided, add an explanatory message to the patron’s
Example: 10 processing fee for lost item voided – The Velveteen Rabbit owned by
PBPL – dd
D. Accepting Money for a Different Missouri Evergreen library
Patrons may make payment for money owed to a different ME library at any SRL branch.
SRL staff are not able to access the patron’s ME bills, so it is impossible for SRL staff to
apply payment. However, SRL staff should write out a receipt and give it to the patron.
Send the payment, a copy of the receipt, and an explanation of the payment to the
business office. The explanation must include the patron’s name, account number, and
home library information. If the patron pays by check, the check should be made payable
to his home library. A phone call to the patron’s home library should be made to insure
that the fine is taken off of the patron’s record before the patron visits another library and
is asked to pay the fine again.
The business manager will forward payment to the patron’s home library.
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E. Grocery Bills
Grocery bills are bills that are not automatically generated by the ILS. These charges
include replacement library cards, non-resident fees, and partial damages, etc. Grocery
bills must be manually billed and entered to a patron’s record. These are added from the
Bills screen in the patron record.
To add a grocery bill to a patron’s record, follow the instructions below:
1. Click the Bill Patron button to create a grocery bill on the patron’s record.
2. In the Create Bill screen, select the appropriate bill from the Billing Type dropdown
3. Enter the amount to bill the patron in the Amount box. See Patron Record Charges
for appropriate charges.
4. Enter your initials, and a bill explanation if necessary, in the Note box.
5. Click the Submit this Bill button to bill the patron.
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When selecting Nonresident fee or Replacement library card, the Amount field will
automatically populate. All other billing types require staff to enter the amount of the bill.
When selecting Partial Damage as the billing type, enter the appropriate charge in the
Amount field (see the chart below), and an explanation in the Note field.
Example: liner notes missing, CDM Joni Mitchell Greatest Hits 300XXXXXXX - dd
The Misc billing type should never be used unless in the rare occasion that the branch
manager agrees that it is the only option. In this case, a detailed explanation needs to be
entered in the Note field.
Patron Record Charges
Scenic Regional Library charges the following amounts for items that must be manually
entered in a specific patron’s record as grocery bills:
Card-Related Charges
Non-resident Fee
Replacement Library Card
Partial Damage Charges
Broken DVD/CD case
Lost DVD/CD case
Lost/damaged AV insert or liner notes $1.00
Lost disc in a multidisc set
Broken disc in a multidisc set
Lost disc attached to a book
Broken disc attached to a book
F. Walk-In Accounts
All Scenic Regional Library branches use a Walk-In account to bill and accept payment
for incidental items such as copies, faxes, book bags, coffee mugs, and flash drives. The
Walk-In account is a patron account with the patron last name of Walkin and first name
of the branch, for example, Walkin, Warrenton.
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To bill and accept payment for incidental items using the Walk-In account, follow the
instructions below:
1. Search for and open your branch’s Walk-In account.
For example: Walkin, Warrenton.
2. From the Bills screen on the patron record, click on Bill Patron to add a grocery bill
to the branch’s Walk-In account.
3. In the Create Bill screen, select the appropriate bill from the Billing Type dropdown
box. For the Walk-In account, only select Copies, Fax, Mug, Book Bag, Flash Drive,
or Donation.
4. Enter the amount to bill the patron in the Amount box. See Walk-In Account
Charges for appropriate charges.
5. Enter your initials, and a bill explanation if necessary, in the Note box.
6. Click the Submit this Bill button to bill the branch’s Walk-In account.
Accept the patron’s payment by paying bills on the branch Walk-In account:
7. Choose either Cash or Check from the payment type dropdown menu.
8. Enter the amount of the payment in the Payment Received box.
9. Make sure that the Annotate Payment checkbox is checked.
10. Click Apply Payment! to record the payment to the patron’s account.
11. After applying the payment, a screen will pop up asking for an annotation. Staff must
enter their initials in this box. The branch and date will automatically be added to the
12. Click OK. If any change is owed to the patron, the amount will show at the bottom of
the screen.
If the patron insists that the library keep the change, add another grocery bill on the
Walk-In account as a donation. Then pay the newly created bill with the change.
Walk-In Account Charges
Scenic Regional Library charges the following amounts for incidental items that must be
manually entered in the branch Walk-In account as grocery bills:
Copies, Prints, & Faxes
Copy/Computer Print
$0.15 (per page)
$1.00 (per page)
Items for Purchase
Book Bag
Coffee Mug
Flash Drive
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
G. Friends of the Library Membership Dues
Membership dues for any branch Friends of the Library groups are not entered in
Missouri Evergreen. If a patron wishes to pay their Friends of the Library dues, accept
the payment, place it in an envelope with the patron’s name, and give it to the branch
manager. It will be sent in with the branch’s weekly cash report.
XI. Deceased Patrons
If the branch is informed that a patron has passed away, branch staff needs to make the
patron record inactive. Branch staff should never delete patron accounts because circulation
statistics will be deleted with them.
To inactivate a patron’s account, follow these instructions:
1. Click on the Patron Search button at the top or Search for Patron by Name in the
Circulation and Patrons column.
2. Make sure that the box next to Include inactive patrons? is checked
3. Make sure that the dropdown box Limit results to patrons in is set to Missouri
4. Perform a search for the patron by using their last name and first initial
5. Double click on the correct patron or click the Retrieve Patron button.
6. Click the Edit action button.
7. Scroll down through the patron’s information to the Privilege Expiration Date.
8. Under the date will be a check box labeled Active.
9. Uncheck this box to inactivate the patron.
10. Click Save.
11. Add an explanatory message on the deceased patron’s account after it has been
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Reference Materials and In-House Uses
Scenic Regional Library maintains a reference collection comprising of both print materials
and online resources. Patrons may use reference materials from a different branch. If a patron
wishes to do so, staff need to call the branch where the reference item is located, and have
that branch’s staff pull the reference item from the shelf. Once staff has pulled the item from
the shelf, they should fill out a Reference Loan Strap and send the item to the branch where
it is needed.
When patrons use print materials at the branches, branch staff needs to record in-house uses
in order to record circulation statistics for reference items. To record an in-house use, follow
these instructions:
1. Access the Record In-House Use screen by clicking on the Circulation menu at the top
of the Evergreen Staff Client, and selecting Record In-House Use. Pressing F6 on the
keyboard is a shortcut to access the screen, too. This will display the In-House screen; it
will have a purple banner at the top of the screen.
2. Scan each reference item’s barcode in the barcode field.
3. This will record an in-house use and display the status of the item (available, lost, etc.)
Recording in-house use should also be used when picking up stray items throughout the
branch. This screen will inform staff of the item’s status, and staff should perform the proper
task depending on that status (e.g. if an item is missing, the staff member should check in the
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Each screen in Evergreen will have Actions for Selected Items and/or Columns to display.
Below are descriptions of those actions, if applicable, and required column headings.
Checkout on the Patron Record Screen
Check Out does not have any Actions for Selected Items.
From the column picker, select the following column headings for Check Out:
Due Date
Items Out (Patron Record)
Below are the relevant Items Out actions for Scenic Regional Library:
Copy to Clipboard – This action displays a window with clickable text. Clicking on
the text will copy that information for use in other screens (e.g. clicking on the
barcode number will copy it so that it may be pasted into the Item Status screen).
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This
opens a new tab.
Show Item Details – This action will open the item in the Item Status screen where
you can view more details about the item and circulation history.
Show Last Few Circulations – This action will display the last few patrons who
checked out the item. This opens a new tab.
Edit Due Date – Use this to change the due date without renewing an item. An
example of possible use: After check out, a patron asks if he may have the item
longer since he will be out of town when the item is due.
Mark Lost (by Patron) – This action will mark an item lost without having to leave
the screen.
Renew – This action renews the highlighted item as long as there are no holds on it
and it has not reached its renewal limit.
Renew All – This action renews all items checked out to the patron as long as there
are no holds on the items and they have not reached their renewal limit(s).
Renew with Specific Due Date – Use this to set a due date other than the
standard. Again, an example of when to use this feature is if someone calls while
on vacation to renew an item.
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From the column picker, select the following column headings for the top section of Items
Out. To save the configuration, choose Save Columns from Actions for Selected Items.
Call Number
Checkout or Renew Library
Circulation Library
Due Date
Remaining Renewals
From the column picker, select the following column headings for the bottom section of
Items Out. This is the Other/Special Circulations field where Long Overdue and Lost
items appear.
Checkin Date
Call Number
Check Out Date
Checkout or Renew Library
Circulation Library
Holds (Patron Record)
Below are the relevant Holds actions for Scenic Regional Library:
Copy to Clipboard – This action displays a window with clickable text. Clicking on
the text will copy that information for use in other screens (e.g. clicking on the
barcode number will copy it so that it may be pasted into the Item Status screen).
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This
opens a new tab.
Show Holds on Bib – This action opens the bib record hold screen to display all
holds on the record.
Show Item Details – This action will open the item in the Item Status screen where
you can view more details about the item and circulation history.
Show Last Few Circulations – This action will display the last few patrons who
checked out the item. This opens a new tab.
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Edit Pickup Library – This action will allow staff to change the branch or library
where the patron will pick up the hold.
Edit Phone Number, Mobile/Text Carrier, Mobile/Text Number – These actions
allow staff to change contact information for the patron for the selected hold.
Set Email Notification – This action allows email to be designated as the
notification method for the selected hold.
Edit Activation Date – This action allows staff to choose a date for the hold to
become active. Patrons may not want an item to arrive while they will be out of
town or before they have finished what they are currently reading.
Activate/Suspend Hold – These actions allow staff to suspend a hold indefinitely or
make it active again. Suspending a hold keeps it from being filled.
Mark Item Damaged – This action will mark an item damaged without having to
leave the screen.
Mark Item Missing– This action will mark the requested item as Missing.
Find Another Target – After marking an item damaged or missing, staff may
retarget the hold (if another copy is available) so that the patron’s hold can be
Cancel Hold – This action removes the hold from a patron’s account.
Un-cancel Hold – This action will place a hold on an item whose hold was
previously canceled. The request date will be the same as the original request date/
From the column picker, select the following column headings for the top section of Holds:
Available On
Capture Date
Current Copy
Last Notify Time
Pickup Library
Request Date
Bills (Patron Record)
Below are the relevant Bills actions for Scenic Regional Library:
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This
opens a new tab.
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Show Item Details – This action will open the item so that you can view more details
about the item and circulation history.
Full Details – This action displays all details regarding the selected item. From here
you will be able to view processing fees and void a bill.
From the column picker, select the following column headings for Bills:
Balance Owed
Bill #
Total Billed
Total Paid
Payment Pending
Messages (Patron Record)
Below are the relevant Actions for These Penalties/Messages for Scenic Regional Library:
Remove Penalty/Message – Removes the selected message, alert, or note.
Modify Penalty/Message – This action allows staff to edit a message, alert, or note.
Archive Penalty/Message – This action archives a message, alert, or note. When an
item is archived, it will no longer display at checkout, but it will remain on the
patron’s account.
From the column picker, select the following column headings for Messages:
Applied On
Below are the relevant Check In actions for Scenic Regional Library:
Copy to Clipboard – This action displays a window with clickable text. Clicking on the
text will copy that information for use in other screens (e.g. clicking on the barcode
number will copy it so that it may be pasted into the Item Status screen).
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This opens
a new tab.
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Show Item Details – This action will open the item in the Item Status screen where you
can view more details about the item and circulation history.
Show Last Few Circulations – This action will display the last few patrons who checked
out the item. This opens a new tab.
Retrieve Last Patron who circulated item – This action displays the patron record of
the previous patron to check out the item.
Mark Item Damaged – This action will mark an item damaged without having to leave
the Check In screen.
Mark Item as Missing Pieces – This action will mark an item as having missing pieces,
if the item is not returned with all parts.
From the column picker, select the following column headings for Check In:
Alert Message
Checkin Date
Due Date
Family Name
Owning Library
Route To
Item Status
Below are the relevant Item Status Actions for Selected Items for Scenic Regional Library:
Copy to Clipboard – This action displays a window with clickable text. Clicking on the
text will copy that information for use in other screens.
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This opens
a new tab.
Show Holds on Bib – This action will allow you to see the number of holds on the
Show Item Details – This action will open the item so that you can view more details
including circulation history. You may also see this information by clicking the Alternate
View button.
Show Last Few Circulations – This action will display the last few patrons who checked
out the item. This opens a new tab.
Request Item – This action allows you to place a copy hold on the item.
Edit Item Attributes – This action allows you to change shelving location and item
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Scenic Regional Library Circulation Procedures
Mark Item Damaged – This action will mark an item damaged and ask if you want to
charge the last patron the full amount for the item.
Mark Item Missing– This action will mark an item as missing.
Abort Transits – This action allows you to stop an item from being routed to a different
SRL branch or to another library. The item will think that it is already home and you will
be able to edit its attributes. Checking in the item again will reset the transit so that the
item will go back to the owning library.
Below are the relevant Item Status Actions for Catalogers for Scenic Regional Library. You
may use these actions even though you are not a cataloger:
Copy to Clipboard – This action displays a window with clickable text. Clicking on the
text will copy that information for use in other screens.
Show in Catalog – This action will open the item as it appears in the catalog. This opens
a new tab.
Show Holds on Bib – This action will allow you to see the number of holds on the
Show Item Details – This action will open the item so that you can view more details
including circulation history. You may also see this information by clicking the Alternate
View button.
Show Last Few Circulations – This action will display the last few patrons who checked
out the item. This opens a new tab.
Edit Item Attributes – This action allows you to change shelving location and item
Delete Items – This action allows you to remove an item from the catalog.
Mark Item Damaged – This action will mark an item damaged and ask if you want to
charge the last patron the full amount for the item.
Mark Item Missing– This action will mark an item as missing.
From the column picker, select the following column headings for Item Status:
Alert Message
Call Number
Due Date
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Damaged Item Form
Fill out this form entirely, and attach it to the
damaged item. Notify the patron of the damage,
and keep the item and form for 3 months or until
the patron pays, whichever comes first.
After the patron pays, give the damaged item form
to your supervisor.
Missing Pieces Form
Fill out this form entirely, and attach it to the item
with missing pieces. Notify the patron of the
missing pieces, and mark the item as Missing
Pieces in Evergreen. This will check the item back
out to the patron.
After the patron pays, give the missing pieces form
to your supervisor.
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Scenic Regional Library charges the following amounts for damages that must be manually
entered in a specific patron’s record as grocery bills:
Partial Damage Charges
Broken DVD/CD case
Lost DVD/CD case
Lost/damaged AV insert or liner notes $1.00
Lost disc in a multidisc set
Broken disc in a multidisc set
Lost disc attached to a book
Broken disc attached to a book
If a patron loses an item, or if an item is too badly damaged to circulate, charge the patron full
price for the item.
No replacement copies are accepted. SRL only accepts payment for damaged or lost items.
There are no partial damage charges for books. Fines are only accrued when the book is removed
from circulation. Damage from normal use is exempt. Examples include: broken spine, missing
barcode, ripped mylar book jacket cover, one torn or stained page, ripped juvenile hanging bag.
Examples for which full price will be charged
Exterior of book is in good condition but there are red juice stains on several interior
Book is wet when returned (other than random raindrops on exterior).
Several pages look like they have been wet at some time — no longer flat; perhaps
Any chew marks.
Paperback book that has been mangled and no longer lies flat or has a missing cover.
Crayon/pen scribbles; underlining; highlighting.
Stains on more than one page.
o Any stain that obscures print.
o Any book that has pages stuck together by whatever-it-is.
Books returned that smell really bad.
More than one page torn or missing. One page can be repaired/replaced.
Book cover disfigured with glue or tape.
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