Subject Week Day Date Time 1st Tuesday 9-3-1431 8-10 2nd Introducing Research & Its Use in Nursing Practice An Introduction to Nursing research *What is Nursing Research ? *The importance of research in nursing * Role of nurses in research Sources of evidence for nursing practice *tradition and authority. *trial and error. *assembled information. *disciplined research. Purposes of Nursing Research Wednesday 10-3-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL Tuesday 16-3-1431 8-10 Comprehending Key Concepts in Qualitative & Quantitative Research * The buildind blocks of research: Reading Assignment Chapter 1 Chapter 2 1-the places and Faces and of research 2-phenomena,concepts and constructs. 3-Theries,Models ,Framework 4- variables 5- Conceptual & Operational Definitions 6- Data 7- relationships. 8- Logical Reasoning. *Critical challenges of conducting research: 1- Reliability,Validity and Trustworthiness 2- Bias 3- Resrarch control 4- Randomness and Reflexivity 5- Generalizability and Transferability. Wednesday 17-3-1431 23-3-1431 3rd Tuesday 10-11 TUTORIAL Understanding the Research Process in Qualitative & Quantitative Studies *Major Classes of Quantitative : -----experimental and nonexperimental studies *Major Steps in A Quantitative Study: The conceptual phase. The design and planning phase. The empirical phase. The analytic phase. Chapter 3 Wednesday 4th 24-3-1431 1 0-11 Tuesday 30-3-1431 8-9 Tuesday 30-3-1431 9-10 The dissemination phase. TUTORIAL QUIZ (I) Scrutinizing Research Problems,Resrearch Questions,&Hypotheses: Chapter 6 Research problems and research questions * Basic Terms relating to Research problems * Sources of Research Problems. Communicating the research problem ,purpose and questions *Prpblem statements. * Statement of Purpose. * Research Questions. Research Hypotheses in Quantitative research: * Function of hypotheses in quantitative research * Characteristics of testable hypotheses *Wording hypotheses * Hypothesis testing and proof Wednesday 5th 1-4-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL Finding &Reviewing Studies in the literature Tuesday 7-4-1431 8-10 Chapter 7&8 Purposes and uses of literature reviews * Research and literature reviews * Nonresearcg and literature reviews Locating relevant literature for a research review: * Electronic literature searches *The CINAHL database Preparing writing reviews of research evidence * Writing a literature review Examining the Conceptual/theoratical Basis of a Study * Theories * Models *Framework Wednesday 8-4-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL 6th Tuesday 14-41431 8-10 Scrutinizing Quantitative Research Design Chapter 9 *Experimental,Quasiexperimantal,&Nonexperiment al Designs : 1-Experiments *Characteristics of experiments *Advantages & Disadvantages of experiments 2-Quasi-Experiments *Advatages &disadvantages of Quasi-Experiments 3-Nonexperimental Studies *Types of nonexpermental studies *Advatages &disadvantages of onexpermental research Techniques of Research Control =Controlling Intrinsic Factors Methods of controlling subject characteristics *randomization *Homogeneity *Matching. *Statistical control. Wednesday 7th Tuesday 15-4-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL 21-4-1431 8-10 MID-TERM EXAM 2 2-4-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL Wednesday Chapter 10 Understanding Qualitative research design The Design of Qualitative studies *characteristics of Qualitative research design *Phases in Qualitative * Qualitative design features 28-4-1431 8-10 Tuesday 8th Examinig Samping plans 1-Basic Sampling Concepts * Populations *Samples & Sampling * Strata Chapter 12 2-Sampling Designs in Quantitative research --Nonprobability Sampling * Conveninience &Snowball Sampling *Qutota Sampling * Purposive Sampling -- Probability Sampling *Simple random sampling *Stratified random sampling *Cluster sampling *Systematic sampling --Sample size in Quantitive Studies *Types of Qualitative Sampling *Convenience &snowball sampling *Purposive Sampling *Theoretical Sampling *Sample Size in Qualitative Studies th 10 Wednesday 29-4-1431 Tuesday 31-5-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL )اجازةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة(األسبوع التاسع Chapter 13 8-10 *Scrutinizing Data Collection Methods *Major Type of data for Nursing Studies *Self - Report Methods 1-Qualitative Self-Report Techniques 2-Quantitve Self-Report Techniques *Question Form *Instrument Construction *Interviews versus questionnaires *Scales 3-Observational Methods *Quantitative Observational Methods *Categories &checklists *Rating Scales *Observational Sampling 4-Biophsiologic Measures Wednesday 31-5-1431 10-11 TUTORIAL 11th Tuesday 20-5-1431 Wednesday 21-5-1431 27-5-1431 12th 8-10 10-11 Evaluating Measurements&Data Quality *Measurement &the Assessment of Quantitative data *Measurement *Reliability *Validity Chapter 14 TUTORIAL QUIZ (II) 8-9 Tuesday 9-10 Wednesday 28-5-1431 10-11 Analyzing Quantitative Data *Nominal measurment *Ordinal mesurment *Interval mesurment *Ratio mesurment *Frequency Distribuations *Central Tendency *Variability *bivariate Descriptive statistics *contingency Tables *correlation * Hypothesis Testing *Level of significance TUTORIAL Chapter 15 Tuesday 4-6-1431 8-10 13th Wednesday 5-6-1431 10-11 Reviewing the Ethical Aspects of a Nursing study *Codes of Ethics *Ethical Dilemmas in cinducting Research * Ethical Principles for Protection Study Participants *Beneficence *The right to protection form exploitation *Respect for Human Dignity *The right to self-Determination * the right to full disclosure * Justice * the right to fair treatment *the right to privacy *Risk /Benefit Assessments *Informed Consent *Confidentiality Procedures *Debriefings & Referrals *Treatment of Vulnerable Groups * Institutional Review boards & External Reviews *Ethical Issues in Using Animals in Research *Resrarch Misconduct TUTORIAL Chapter 5