NURK 304 – Spring 16 l Texas A&M University

NURK 304 – Spring 16
Texas A&M University-Central Texas
NURK 304 Nursing Research
Instructor: Lee Ogburn-Russell, PhD, RN
Office: On line
Phone: 512-864-5090
Office Hours: By appointment
Mode of Instruction and course access:
This course is a web-based course taught online through the TAMUCT Blackboard
Learn system ( You will use the Blackboard username
and password communicated to you separately to logon to this system.
Student-instructor interaction:
Emails and messages within Blackboard are checked daily. Students may expect a
response within 24 to 48 hours. Office hours may also include synchronous online
student’s learning and serving as a resource person to guide the student in the learning
process. Other teaching strategies include online assignments, online discussion
boards, a scholarly paper, and quizzes.
Emergency Warning System for Texas A&M University – Central Texas
UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M University-Central
Texas the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via
email and text message. By enrolling in UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass
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NURK 304 – Spring 16
Course Overview and Description
This introductory nursing research course focuses on improving nursing practice based
on evidence discovered in the research process. Methods of data collection and analysis, and
the interpretation and use of study findings will be evaluated. The importance of scientific
integrity and maintaining ethical standards are highlighted.
Course Objective:
For the Registered Nurse to be able to develop a practical evidence based practice that
can be used to improve patient care in a local setting.
2.1 Student Learning Outcomes
1. State the significance of research to evidence-based nursing practice.
2. Apply critiquing criteria to the evaluation of literature reviews in selected
research studies
3. Explain the difference among types of systematic reviews: integrative review,
meta-analysis, and meta-synthesis.
4. Explain the ways in which theory is used in nursing research.
5. Describe common research methods used in nursing.
6. Examine legal and ethical issues in nursing research.
7. Examine strategies and tools for developing an evidence-based practice.
8. Discuss the differences between a research question and a clinical question
in relation to evidence-based practice.
9. Identify areas of quality improvement in your practice setting.
2.2 Competency Goals Statements from The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for
Professional Nursing Practice, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice
Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values
Required Reading and Textbooks:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). Washington D.C: American Psychological Association.
ISBN – 1557987912
NURK 304 – Spring 16
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Haber, J. (2013). Nursing Research: Methods and critical
appraisal for evidence-based practice. (8th ed.). St. Louis MO, Elsevier/Evolve.
ISBN: 9780323100861
LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., Berry, C. & Yost J.. (2013). Study Guide for Nursing
Research : Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. (8th ed.).
St. Louis, MO, Elsevier/Evolve. ISBN: 9780323226431
Course Requirements:
Discussion Board entry of Experience in Nursing Research. (no grade). Chapter
1 Discussion (100 points).
Associated student learning outcomes:
State the significance of research to evidence-based practice.
Chapter 2 Discussion(100 points ).
Associated student learning outcomes:
State significance of research to evidence-based practice.
Chapter 3 Discussion (100 points)
Associated student learning outcomes:
Apply critiquing criteria to the evaluation of literature reviews in selected
research studies.
Chapter 4 Discussion (100 points)
Associated student learning outcomes:
Explain the ways in which theory is used in nursing research.
Chapter 5 Discussion (100 points)
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Chapter 6 and 7 Discussion(100 points ).
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Examine legal and ethical issues in nursing research.
Chapter 8 Discussion (100 points).
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Chapters 9 & 10, Discussion, (100 points).Experimental, quasiexperimental, and non-experimental designs.
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Chapters 11 & 12,Discussions (100 points-50 for each chapter
Associated student learning outcomes:
Explain the difference among types of systematic reviews: integrative
review, meta-analysis, and meta-syntheses.
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Chapters 13 & 14, Discussion (100 points-50 for each Chapter
Associated student learning outcomes:
Examine legal and ethical issues in nursing research.
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Chapters15 & 16, Discussion (100 points-50 for each Chapter Discussion)
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods used in nursing.
Chapters 17 & 18, Discussion (100 points)
Associated student learning outcomes:
Describe common research methods in nursing.
Examine strategies and tools for developing an evidence-based practice
Chapters19 & 20, Discussion (200 points).
Associated student learning outcomes:
Examine strategies and tools for developing an evidence-based practice.
Discuss the differences between a research question and a clinical
question in relation to evidence-based practice.
Chapter 21, Discussion (100 points).
Associated student learning outcomes:
Identify areas of quality improvement in your practice setting.
Exams: # 1 over chapters 1-4, # 2 over chapters 5-10, and final exam over
chapters 11-21. (100 points each exam)
Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion-Must earn a grade of “C” or higher to pass the
5.1 Assignments
5.2 Exams
Total: 100%
F=59 or below
6.0 Posting of Grades:
All student grades will be posted on the Blackboard Grade book. Students should monitor their
grading status often and report to the instructor any discrepancies. Quiz and exam grades taken
through Blackboard are posted upon successful submission. Faculty graded assignments and
discussion posts will be posted within 72 hours after the due date and time.
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Technology Requirements
This course will use the new TAMU-CT Blackboard Learn learning management system
for class communications, content distribution, and assessments.
Logon to to access the course.
Username: Your Tarleton email address (the complete email address,
Initial password: Your DuckTrax ID (UID)
For this course, you will need reliable and frequent access to a computer and to the
Internet. You will also need a headset with a microphone or speakers and a microphone
to be able to listen to online resources and conduct other activities in the course. If you
do not have frequent and reliable access to a computer with Internet connection, please
consider dropping this course or contact Carolyn Prosise (, 254519-5487) to discuss your situation.
Blackboard supports the most common operating systems:
PC: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Mac: Mac OS 10.6 “Snow
Leopard®”, Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard®”, Mac OS 10.4 “Tiger®”
Check browser and computer compatibility by following the “Browser Check” link on the
TAMU-CT Blackboard logon page. ( This is a CRITICAL
step as these settings are important for when you take an exam or submit an
Upon logging on to Blackboard Learn, you will see a link to Blackboard Student
Orientation under My Courses tab. Click on that link and study the materials in this
orientation course. The new Blackboard is a brand-new interface and you will have to
come up to speed with it really quickly. This orientation course will help you get there.
There is also a link to Blackboard Help from inside the course on the left-hand menubar.
The first week of the course includes activities and assignments that will help you get up
to speed with navigation, sending and receiving messages and discussion posts, and
submitting an assignment. Your ability to function within the Blackboard system will
facilitate your success in this course.
Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement – make sure
your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance of deadlines.
Technology Support
For technological or computer issues, students should contact the TAMU-CT Blackboard
Support Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
Support Portal:
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Online chat (through the support portal at:
Phone: (855)-661-7965
For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Complete Course Outline
NURK 304 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Course Schedule – Spring 16
Week 1
Integrating Research,
Week 2
PICO Question
Week 3
Using Nursing
Week 4
Week 5
Theory in Nursing
Qualitative Research
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Appraising Qualitative
Quantitative Research
Part I
Chapters 1-4
DB 1 Tell us your experience with
nursing research &/or your greatest
fear of Nsn. Research. Ch. 1 Activity 4
EBP due 1/26
Ch. 2Assignment. Due 2/2.
Ch. 3 Assignment. Due 2/9
Part II
Chapters 5-7
Ch. 4 Assignment. Due 2/16
Quiz 1 Ch. 1-4 due 2/19 by 11:30 PM
Ch. 5 Assignment. Due 2/23
Ch. 6 and 7 Assignment. Due 3/1
Part III
Chapters 8-18
Ch. 8 Assignment. due by 3/8
Experimental, QuasiExperimental, and Nonexperimental Designs
Spring Break
Week 9
Systematic Reviews,
Quiz 2 Ch. 5-10, due by 3/27
Ch. 11 and 12 Assignments. Due 3/29.
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Ethical Issues and Data
Reliability & Validity
and Data Analysis
Research Findings and
Appraising Quantitative
Tools for Developing
Ch. 13 and 14 Assignments. Due 4/5.
Week 13
and 14
4/18 and
Week 15
Week 16
Quality Improvement
Ch. 9 and 10 Assignment. Due 3/15.
No assignments due.
Ch. 15 and 16 Assignments. Due 4/12.
Ch. 17 and 18 Assignments. Due 4/19.
Part IV
Chapters 19-21
Ch. 19 and 20 Assignment. Due 5/3.
This counts for two weeks
Ch. 21 Assignment. Due 5/10.
Quiz 3 Chapters 11-21 due by 5-14
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Drop Policy
If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the Records Office and
ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop students; this is always the
responsibility of the student. The record’s office will provide a deadline for which the form
must be returned, completed and signed. Once you return the signed form to the records
office and wait 24 hours, you must go into Duck Trax and confirm that you are no longer
enrolled. Should you still be enrolled, FOLLOW-UP with the records office immediately?
You are to attend class until the procedure is complete to avoid penalty for absence.
Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow the procedure, you will receive an F in the
Academic Integrity
Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards of
personal and scholarly conduct. Students found responsible of academic dishonesty are
subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,
cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the
abuse of resource materials. The faculty member is responsible for initiating action for
each case of academic dishonesty and report the incident to the Director of Student
Affairs. More information can be found at
Disability Support Services
Texas A&M University – Central Texas complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. TAMUCT promotes the use
of the Principles of Universal Design to ensure that course design and activities are
accessible to the greatest extent possible. Students who require reasonable
accommodations based on the impact of a disability should contact Gail Johnson,
Disability Support Coordinator at (254) 501-5831 in Student Affairs, Office 114E. The
Disability Support Coordinator is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by
students requesting accommodations, determining eligibility for accommodations,
helping students request and use accommodations, and coordinating accommodations.
Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects
tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing (APA and
MLA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder’s Hall, Room 204, and also
in the Library in the North Building. Visit and click
“Tutoring Support” for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions or if you’re
interested in becoming a tutor, contact Ryan Thompson at 254-519-5796 or by emailing is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to log-in and
receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in
Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus,
and Statistics. Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for any subject on your computer. To access, click on If you have trouble logging in, contact Ryan
Thompson at 254-519-5796 or
NURK 304 – Spring 16
Library Services
Library distance education services aims to make available quality assistance to A&MCentral Texas students seeking information sources remotely by providing digital
reference, online information literacy tutorials, and digital research materials. Much of
the A&M-CT collection is available instantly from home. This includes over half of the
library's book collection, as well as approximately 25,000 electronic journals and 200
online databases. Library Distance Education Services are outlined and accessed at:
Information literacy focuses on research skills which prepare individuals to live and work
in an information-centered society. Librarians will work with students in the development
of critical reasoning, ethical use of information, and the appropriate use of secondary
research techniques. Help may include, but is not limited to: the exploration of
information resources such as library collections, the identification of appropriate
materials, and the execution of effective search strategies. Library Resources are
outlined and accessed at:
Instructor Policies
1. Late work will have up to 10 points per day deducted.
2. Follow instructions carefully, rubrics are available to assure you have mastered the
3. You will need to have your textbook for the first class day.
The Operation of the Online Course and Being an Online Student
Online learning requires students to be very self-disciplined. For this course, Thursday
will be considered the class day. Assignments, discussion assignments, and quizzes will
be posted on or before each Thursday. Assignments will be due by midnight (2400) the
following Tuesday. Points will be taken off for late submissions. Quizzes will be due by
midnight (2400) the following Friday.
Since this is a three semester credit hour course, expect to spend at least three hours a
week on your computer and reading. Study time and time for assignment completion will
be in addition to that time. The course should be accessed on black Board at least 3-4
times a week.
Quizzes for this course are used as “learnings” more than testing knowledge. You will
have an unlimited amount of time to complete, but only one attempt. So, plan ahead,
complete the readings first, and set aside time to complete the quiz.
Be sure to submit assignments, discussions, or any other types of assignments in the
correct place from the menu bar on your left.
16.0 Instructor’s Personal Statement
I welcome you to the program with this course, and applaud you for taking the next step
in your career. I am here to facilitate your learning, so do not hesitate to email or call me for
assistance or 512-864-5090.
NURK 304 – Spring 16
I believe that using nursing research and evidenced based practice are essential parts of
professional nursing practice. It is my goal to take some of the mystery out of nursing research
and help you incorporate nursing research findings into your practice. I will be available to help
you decode those nursing studies.
Lee Ogburn-Russell, PhD, RN