The Absolutely Amazing Cell Project Objective

The Absolutely Amazing Cell Project
Objective: You will create a project to demonstrate your mastery about one of the
seven cell types we have learned.
You will pick ONE of these seven cell types:
A. Cells That Connect Body Parts (Fibroblasts and Erythrocytes) (this site includes fat cells, but that is a
different one, don’t include it)
B. Cells That Cover and Line Body Organs (Epithelial)
Cells That Store Nutrients (Fat)
D. Cells That Move Organs and Body Parts (Skeletal and Smooth Muscle)
E. Cells That Gather Information and Control Body Functions (Nerve)
F. Cells of Reproduction (Oocytes and Sperm)
G. Cells That Fight Disease (Macrophages)
You will do this in a creative way that expresses your individuality but still communicates new
information you have researched independently. When you do research on the Internet, you need
to use reliable sources. We have provided a starting place for you to use. Always double-check your
facts from at least two different sources.
You are required to provide information for ALL of the following criteria for your cell:
A. Identify where these cells are found in the body.
B. Define this cell’s primary function (job).
C. Tell how we get more of these cells and if we can replace them.
D. Explain the connections between these cells and cells in other systems in the body.
E. Describe which of the organelles are most important to the function of this type of cell.
F. Identify human activity that affects them. Meaning, report what happens to these cells
depending on
o How much we exercise
o What kind of food we eat
o If we get a disease
o If we use drugs
o If we have a genetic variation
o Environmental conditions
Your teacher is your audience so consider that as you create your presentation. You have three
main ways of meeting the expectations for the project.
Research Paper –
o You must write an introductory paragraph.
o You must write 1 paragraph for each of the six criteria (A-F).
o You must write a conclusion paragraph.
o You must include 1 image, model, or drawing for each of the six criteria (A-F).
o You must include a reference page (see your student handbook for the format) for all
research and any pictures copied from sources.
o You must include your notes page.
PowerPoint Presentation –
o You will write a paper to go with your PowerPoint:
 You must write an introductory paragraph.
 You must write 1 paragraph for each of the six criteria (A-F).
 You must write a conclusion paragraph.
 You must include a reference page (see your student handbook for the format)
for all research and any pictures copied from sources.
 You must include your notes page.
o Your PowerPoint is mostly a picture show.
 You must have an image on every slide.
 You are not allowed to write a complete sentence on any slide.
 You must include 1 slide for each of the six criteria (A-F).
 Each slide must show a new criterion (A-F).
o You must have narration for each slide.
o You must write a storyboard for your iMovie with all your written narration.
o You must have an image on every slide.
o You are not allowed to write a complete sentence on any slide.
o You must include 1 slide for each of the six criteria (A-F).
o Each slide must show a new criterion (A-F).
o You must include your notes page.
o You must include a reference page (see your student handbook for the format) for all
research and any pictures copied from sources.
A. Identify where these cells are found in the body.
B. Define this cell’s primary function (job).
C. Tell how we get more of these cells and if we can replace them.
D. Explain the connections between these cells and cells in other systems in the body.
E. Describe which of the organelles are most important to the function of this type of cell.
F. Identify human activity that affects them. Meaning, report what happens to these cells
depending on
o How much we exercise
o What kind of food we eat
o If we get a disease
o If we use drugs
o If we have a genetic variation
o Environmental conditions
Before you begin your project look at how you can earn points. Check
this often. If any part of the project looks copied, you will receive a
zero for that part. The project is worth 40 points.
Excellent- Goes beyond
the expected; Unique;
Shows depth of
Expected- Has
everything that is
Satisfactory- Has
most of what is
expected and is
mostly complete
Unacceptable- Is
incomplete or has
information or
Where it is
found in the
All of 4, plus information is
interesting and shows depth of
Location is specific and
Location is mentioned but
not specific.
Location is vague. Does
not show
All of 4, plus function is
detailed and shows depth of
Function is specific and
Function is mentioned but
not specific.
Function is vague. Does
not show
Getting More
All of 4, plus process is detailed
and shows depth of
Description of how to replace
or get more of the cell is
Getting or replacing more
cells is mentioned but not
Connection to
other systems
All of 4, plus is specific to
multiple systems individually
and to the body as a whole;
Shows depth of understanding.
Explanation of the connection
of this type of cell to the
other body systems is
complete and accurate.
Connection is general to a
system but does not go into
Getting or replacing
cells is vague and does
not show
Connection is
mentioned but does
not show
Most important
Organelles that are vital to the
function of this cell are
described in detail including an
analysis of their differing
The most important
organelles are described as
well as why they are
important to this cell.
Organelles are described
but their importance is not
Organelles are
mentioned but not
Many human activities that
could affect the function of
this cell are described and
includes an analysis of how to
repair damage.
The activities that affect this
cell are described in detail
with recommendations for
improved function.
Some human activities are
mentioned but are not
Human activities
mentioned but very
Essay follows a logical
hierarchy. Transitional
strategies are used effectively.
Essay is introduced and
concluded strongly. Science
writing is pervasive and strong.
There are no spelling,
grammar, or sentence issues.
Every paragraph follows the
proper format. Formal science
writing is evident.
Most of the paragraphs
follow the proper format.
Essay still seems complete
with formal science writing
Paragraphs are not
developed well and
science writing is not
There are very few grammar
or spelling errors. All
sentences are complete and
make sense.
There are few spelling and
grammar errors. None
detract from the meaning.
All sentences are complete
and make sense.
Images are insightful and
unique. There is a balance of
drawings and pictures.
Citations are obvious.
There is at least one image
per criteria. All images are
cited. Images help deepen
understanding of each
There is a separate reference
page that is alphabetical and in
proper format for images and
There are references that
include all sources in proper
There is at least one image
per criteria. Most of the
images are cited. Most of
the images help deepen the
understanding of the
The reference page refers
to websites or book titles
but does not follow proper
There are numerous
spelling and/or
grammar errors that
detract from the
meaning. Sentences
may be incomplete.
There are images
missing and there are
few or no citations.
Images are general.
The reference page is
limited or missing.