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European Institute for Managing
San Andres de Llavaneras
08392 Barcelona
Tel: 34 792 8152 mobile 667 40 20 71
Admin. 34 93 772 4478 mobile 667 40 20 70
European Institute for Managing Diversity
• Inclusion of all social diversities contribute to sustainable development
• Give support to companies and institutions with the aim of creating climate of trust
that increases corporate results through the inclusion and participation of all its
Human Capital. Creating Work/Life programs to help employees balance
professional and family life
Diversity Management is the new corporate strategy for the new era, it leverages
the most valuable resource of any organisation: its Human Capital.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
From Segmenting to Diversity Inclusion
In the 80´s the large corporations created an irreversable change from:
• segmentation of its Human Resources as a policy to address the minority
• to the development of Diversity Management as an inclusive policy for all
its Human Capital; a strategy to reduce the operating costs and to increase
the efficiency of the organization, and measuring its impact on the bottom
line results; while creating a supportive environment for all its peoples to
achieve Work/Life balance.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Instituto Europeo para la Gestión de la
• Since the early 80´s Ms Casanova has participated in expert groups,
European Union funded project and in monitoring socio-economic trends in
the area of Human Resource strategic management. In 1998 Ms. Casanova
founded the EIMD, in order to meet the needs of US companies in rolling
out their Diversity policies throughout Europe; giving support in the
implementation process of its Corporate Diversity policies in its
subsidiaries across the different European countries ( Member States)
• The EIMD is an NGO
• Its founding members are Domino (Ms. Geraldine Bown ) in the United
Kingdom and the European Institute for Managing Diversity of Scandinavia
(Ms. Margareta Eklund). The IEMD is today present in 24 countries through
its network of local members; companies with expertise in Diversity and
Work/Life policies.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
List of Members
• Austria
• Israel
• Belgium
• Italy
• Baltic countries
• Luxembourg
• Czech Republic
• Netherlands
• Denmark
• Norway
• Dubai
• Poland
• Finland
• Portugal
• France
• Slovak Republic
• Germany
• Spain
• Greece
• Sweden
• Hungary
• Switzerland
• Ireland
• United Kingdom
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Miembros del IEGD
• The member of the EIMD are local companies invited to join the Institute,
and selected on the grounds of their expertise in Human Resources
strategic management, their focus on equal opportunities and their
commitment to Diversity inclusion.
• These are experienced companies, experts in all of the aspects relevant to
Diversity Management, and which provide the local support to the
international corporations for which the EIMD give consultancy service,
training in Diversity Awareness sessions and implementation of Diversity
policies and strategies.
• The local implementation of the different process is done by adapting to the
unique reality of the companies we work with, considering aspects such as
language, culture, business priorities, legislation, environment etc.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
The Managing Diversity policy tends to:
• include all its publics behind corporate objective;
• leverage its Diversities (visible and non-visible)
• achieve maximum efficiency through the productive process;
• improve corporate results and increase profit margins.
...through the inclusion, satisfaction and participation of
ALL its Human Capital
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Diversity and society
Types of Diversity
Visible Diversities
• Create an attitude derived from the
traditions stereotype the person has
toward a group
• Non-visible Diversities
• Major generators of conflicts
• Lack of communication
• Decrease of efficiency
• Responsible of operational and
structural costs
• Reduce creativity and innovation
• Jeopardises corporate sustainability
Diversity Management takes into account visible and invisible differences of all
Human Capital of the organisation.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Diversity Management programmes have a direct impact in costs,
increasing efficiency and corporate results
– reduce absenteeism
– avoids time spent and time lost
– increase team behaviour, efficiency in meetings, cross-cultural relations
– attract best talents
– reduces turnover
– reduces recruiting costs
– increases innovation and creativity
– contributes to company image in order to integrate internal and external publics
leveraging their contribution to corporate results
– increases the efficiency of communications and feed-back in order to involve all
potential contributions from all its diverse publics
– among other always measurable indicators
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
From Division to Diversity
Programs segmented
to focus minorities
Diversity Management
Human Resources
of H.R.
Human Capital
Disabled people
The objective of Managing Diversity is to shift from programs focused on
segmented clusters; to develop inclusion of all diversities
through aligning behind common interests and objectives.
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Training and Conferences
training for responsible of human resources department of the following
Ambulancias 061
Cruz Roja
SGL Casadevall
Ferrocarrils Generalitat de Catalunya
Ferrocarriles Metropolitanos (Metro)
Aigües de Barcelona
Consorci de les Drassanes de Barcelona
Port de Barcelona
Aigües de Sabadell
Ajuntament de Barcelona
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Company projects
Sara Lee Group (Cruz Verde – Legrain, Grupo Sans, Douwe Egberts). Internal autdit to
evaluate the level of implementation of Diversity Policy in the companies.
Motorola. Internationa session for top executives- Managing Diversity for sustainable leadership
Frigoscandia. “Diversity Awareness” project for senior management and employees to start the
implementation process of Diversity policies.
FMC. Session on “Corporate Diversity Policy” for senior management to implement Diversity strategies
Lucent Tecnologies. “Diversity Awareness” project to improve the interaction engineers / clients
Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona. Develop Diversity Corporate Policy
Monsanto. Diversity Strategy session for corporate leaders of Europe / Africa region
Air Products. Implementation of corporate Diversity policy in its 13 European operations
Almería Diversa - Regional development for the City Council of Almería
Tarragona Diversa - Regional development for the City Council of Tarragona
TEMPORA - Centre of Resources for Conciliacion ( Work / Life policies)
“La Caixa” - Savings Bank in Spain. Develop Work/Life Corprorate policy
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Products and Services I
– Design and implementation of the Management Diversity policy and adaptation the
international subsidiaries to the headquarters corporate models
– Support to executives throughout the design and implementation process of a
corporate diversity policy in their organisation
– Determine the diversity profile of the company and assessment needs analysis
– Indicators to measure Regional Development through Diversity Inclusion and
Benchmark with other regions
– Indicators to measure impact of corporate Diversity and Conciliation policies and
Benchmark with other companies
Diversity and Work/Life Programmes Design
– Design programmes to create and inclusive climate and Work/Life balance for all
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Products and Services II
– Creation of an internal and external communication plan to increase organisation
visibility and the integration of its publics
– Diversity Awareness session and all personal development training necessary to give
support to the Diversity and Work / Life programmes
Measurement and Evaluation
– Measurement and Evaluation of economic and non-economic results
– Auditing of the climate towards internal publics (employees, collaborate, etc.) and
auditing of the corporate image towards external publics (clients, suppliers,
shareholders, etc.)
European Projects
– Presentations of proposals and develop the European Union co-funded programmes
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Academic courses in Spain
University of Valencia (UV)
Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
ESADE – Business School
Conferences in Bosch i Gimpera, Pompeu Fabra, European University
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
European Projects
“Diversity in Europe”
– LEONARDO da Vinci project. Objectives:
• “a case based report on best practice of Diversity Management in Europe” through illustration of 72
• Contribution to the development of the European network of Diversity management .
• Presentation of the results to the Commission in the Brussels Forum with collaboration of The
European Conference Board
– EQUAL Project of the DGV - “A Model for an inclusive Barcelona”
– Partnership: UGT, Fomento del Trabajo, Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Barcelona Activa, I.E.S.E., European
Institute for Managing Diversity among others
– A Human Resources management quality certification program that included diversity and equality criteria
– Diversity Management Education, University of Valencia
– Socio- professional integration of the disable through art and culture
– Model for the integration of the aging population in the European Union
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
EU Projects
Anti-Discrimination in the EU
– Investigación sobre la situación actual de la implementación de las Directivas del 2000 sobre antidiscriminación por parte de las administraciones locales de los Estados Miembros de la UE – en colaboración
con CSES de UK
Business Case of Diversity in Europe 1
– Investigación sobre las buenas prácticas en Gestión de la Diversidad por parte de las empresas en la UE.en colaboración con Focus Group de UK
Business Case of Diversity 2
– Research program to analyse the situation of diversity and inclusion managemente in 5 strands
– Corporate Community through research addressed to the BETP Panel of companies – quqntitative and
qualiative through interviews to detect best practices
– SMES, research degree of awarness and implementation of diversity and inclusion policies in SMEs in
Europe, their needs and barriers , development of tools in competitive markets.
– Academic world – state of inclusion of Diversity Management in the Academic community worldwide and
specially in Europe – research projects and inclusion of subject in curricula
– Link between diversity and innovation – scientific research and best practice of companies
– Diversity Charters – code of behaviour of companies and institutions to meet the Directives of
Antidiscimination of the Commission of the year 2000. Contribution of Charters
– Symposium and final Congress and Report
Gender Discrimination – Expert groups to analyse gender barriers in the areas of: child care, maternity and
paternity leave, stereotyping, gender violence
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Participation in International conferences as speaker
• The Second Annual Working Woman 500 Congress, Washington 10-12 May, 1999
• The 1999 Work/Family Congress: New Era, New Issues, New York 22-24
September, 1999
• The EFQM Forum 2000 “Managing Diversity: A bridge to excellence”, Istanbul 2728 September, 2000
• Svenka Kommunförbundet “Local Employment Practices”, Malmö, May 31 –
June 1, 2001
• MiL, Conference, year 2001
• Women in the Global Economy - Global Women Association – Washington and
Barcelona - 2002
• 38 Annual Conference of AEDIPE (Association of Human Resource Managers)
“Diversity and Social Responsibility” – Cordoba 2-4 October 2003
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Expert Groups and associations
• European Council of Diversity and Work/Life of the Conference Board
• The Global Forum on Family and Work, US
• International Work/Life Summit, UK
• State of the World Forum - Commission for Globalisation
• Global Summit of Women
• Member of:
Alumni Association of IESE
Association of Managers and Executives
AEDIPE (Association of Human Resource Managers)
The World Business Academy
World Organisation for Future Studies
European Women Management Development Network
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European Institute for
Managing Diversity
Some publications
• Nueva Empresa, Spain “Gestión de la Diversidad: La empresa entre todos”,
December 2000
• Board of The Diversity Journal, US
– Diversity in a changing world
– The New European Union Employment Strategy
– Transnational Diversity Priorities
• Informa AEDIPE, Spain, “Humanización de los resultados corporativos”, April /
June 2001
• Dinero, Spain, “Aprovechar la diversidad se traduce en beneficios
empresariales”, June 2001
• Chapter 20.2 “Gestión de la Diversidad” of the book España 2010: Mercado
Laboral, coordinated by Watson Wyatt and edited by Diaz de Santos
• Selection, Spain - Diversity; generator of creativity and development
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Managing Diversity