Schedule: Strategic Management Accounting Department: GS Semester: Autumn 2015 HP 7,5 Course Director: Peter Beusch e-mail Phone W. Day 36 Mon 150831 Thu 37 38 39 40 Date Time Content Hall Responsible 13-16 E45 Peter Beusch Introduction: Strategic Management Accounting 150901 9-12 E44 Fredrik Lavén Strategy Wed 150902 9-12 C24 Peter Beusch Thu 150903 13-16 CG Fri 150904 9-12 E45 Mon 150907 13-16 Tue 150908 Wed Krister Bredmar Krister Bredmar Corporate Governance & SMA Strategic Performance Management 1 Strategic Performance Management 2 B22 Peter Beusch SMA &Sustainability 1 13-16 E43 Peter Beusch 150909 14-17 E45 V. Elliot & M. Hansson Thu 150910 14-16 CG Peter Beusch Fri 150911 10-12 A41 Fri 150911 13-15 A41 Mon 150914 13-16 E44 Peter Beusch Tue 150915 13-16 E45 Guest Lecturer Thu 150917 9-12 CG Peter Beusch Mon 150921 8-10 B21 Mon 150921 10-12 B21 Mon 150921 13-15 B21 Tue 150922 13-16 C33 Wed 150923 9-11 B21 Peter Beusch Wed 150923 11-13 B21 Peter Beusch Wed 150923 14-16 B21 Peter Beusch Tue 150929 8-13 C22 V. Elliot & M. Hansson V. Elliot & M. Hansson V. Elliot & M. Hansson V. Elliot & M. Hansson V. Elliot & M. Hansson Hannah Larsson SMA & Sustainability 2 Case 1 intro. Value Based Mgm & Cost Mgm, Case 2 intro. Broadening lecture/sem 1: Business solving social problems Case work in lab, half-class Case work in lab, half-class Broadening lecture/sem 2: Actor Based Leadership: Theory Broadening lecture/sem 3: BI & Performance Mgm. Broadening lecture/sem 4 Actor Based Leadership: Practice Seminar Case VBM Group 1 Seminar Case VBM Group 2 Seminar Case VBM Group 3 Self-Leadership Seminar Case Sustainability: Group 3 Seminar Case Sustainability: Group 2 Seminar Case Sustainability: Group 1 Exam 1280 Literature Kaplan & Norton (2008); Langfield-Smith (2008) Porter (1996) Jensen (2001); Rappaport (2006) De Waal (2013) De Waal (2013) Porter & Kramer (2011); Nidumolu et al. (2009) Figge & Hahn, (2013); Gond, et al. (2012) McNair et al. (2001) TED-Talk: Michael Porter (2013) Norreklit et al. (2006) Baars & Kemper (2008) De Waal (2013), Chapter 9 Beusch (2012) Workshop Literature overview Introduction – Strategic Management Accounting (SMA) Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2008). Mastering the management system. Harvard business review, 86(1), 62. Langfield-Smith, K. (2008). Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years? Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 21(2), 204-228. Strategy Required reading Porter, M E (1996) “What is strategy?”, Harvard Business Review, 74:6, pp. 61-78. Optional reading Porter, M E (2008) “The five competitive forces that shape strategy”, Harvard Business Review, 86:1, pp. 78-93 SMA & Corporate Governance Required reading Jensen, M. (2001), Value maximization, stakeholder theory, and the corporate objective function, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 14 (Nr. 3), pp. pp. 8-21. Rappaport, A. (2006), 10 ways to create shareholder value. Harvard Business Review, Sep2006, Vol. 84 Issue 9, pp. 66-77. Optional reading Stewart, B. (2006), The real reason Enron failed, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Vol. 18 (nr. 2), Spring 2006, pp. 116-119 Lazonick, W. & O’Sullivan, M. (2000), Maximizing shareholder value: a new ideology for corporate governance, Economy and Society, Vol. 29 (Nr. 1), pp. 13-35. Shil, N.C. (2008), Accounting for good corporate governance, JOAAG, Vol. 3 (Nr. 1), pp. 22-31 Strategic Performance Management 1 De Waal, A. (2013). Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan. Strategic Performance Management 2 De Waal, A. (2013). Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan. SMA & Sustainability 1 Required reading Nidumolu et al. (2009), Why sustainability is now the key driver of innovation, Harvard Business Review, Sept., 2009, pp.1-10. Porter & Kramer (2011), The big idea - Creating shared value, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2011, pp.62-77. Optional reading Perrini, F. & Tencati, A. (2006), Sustainability and stakeholder management: The need for new corporate performance evaluation and reporting systems, Business Strategy and the Environment, 15, pp. 296308. Epstein, M.J., Buhovac, A.R. and Yuthas K. (2010). Implementing sustainability: the role of leadership and organizational culture. Strategic Finance, April 2010 Hubbard, G. (2009). Measuring organizational Performance: Beyond the Triple Bottom Line, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 18, pp. 177-191 Accenture (2013), The UN Global Compact – Accenture CEO Study on Sustainability 2013 Architects of a Better World, Published: act-accenture%20ceo%20study%20on%20sustainability%202013 (Downloaded: 31st March, 2015) YouTube-link to video: SMA & Sustainability 2 Required reading Figge, F., & Hahn, T. (2013), Value drivers of corporate eco-efficiency: Management accounting information for the efficient use of environmental resources. Management Accounting Research, 24(4), 387400. Gond, J. P., Grubnic, S., Herzig, C., & Moon, J. (2012). Configuring management control systems: Theorizing the integration of strategy and sustainability. Management Accounting Research, 23(3), 205-223. Optional reading Beusch, P., Dilla, B. & Frisk, E. (2015). Management control for sustainability: The development of a fully integrated strategy. Conference paper, Nice, France, Oct. 2015. A4S (2012), Future proofed decision making-Integrating environmental and social factors into strategy, finance and operations, December 2012, Gray, R. (2010), Is accounting for sustainability actually accounting for sustainability…and how would we know? An exploration of narratives of organisations and the plant, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 35, pp. 47-62. Hahn, T., Preuss, L., Pinkse, J., & Figge, F. (2014). Cognitive frames in corporate sustainability: Managerial sensemaking with paradoxical and business case frames. Academy of Management Review, 39(4), 463-487. Mundy, J. (2010). Creating dynamic tensions through a balanced use of management control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 35(5), 499-523. Value Based Management and Cost Management Required reading McNair, C. J., Polutnik, L., & Silvi, R. (2001). Cost management and value creation: the missing link. European Accounting Review, 10(1), 33-50. Optional reading Watts, T., & McNair-Connolly, C. J. (2012). New performance measurement and management control systems. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 13(3), 226-241. Broadening Lecture/Seminar 1: Why business can be good at solving social problems TED-talk: Michael Porter: Why business can be good at solving social problems (Filmed June 201 3 at TEDGlobal 2013 (16 minutes), good_at_solving_social_problems/transcript?language=en Broadening Lecture/Seminar 2: Actor Based Leadership – Theory Nørreklit, L., Nørreklit, H., & Israelsen, P. (2006). The validity of management control topoi: Towards constructivist pragmatism. Management Accounting Research, 17(1), 42-71. Broadening Lecture/Seminar 3: Business Intelligence and Performance Management Baars, H., & Kemper, H. G. (2008). Management support with structured and unstructured data—an integrated business intelligence framework. Information Systems Management, 25(2), 132-148. De Waal (2013), Chapter 9: The strategic performance management information and communications technology architecture. Broadening Lecture/Seminar 4: Actor Based Leadership – Practice Beusch, P. (2012), When the Integration of Management Control Systems Is at Stake - Experience from the Car Industry (Book chapter in Jakobsen, M., Johanson, I. L., & Nørreklit, H. (2011). An Actor's Approach to Management Conceptual framework and company practices. Djøf/Jurist-og Økonomforbundet.