The Hope video: Discussion

The Promised One & the Ministry of Jesus Christ
Today we move our focus from the Old Testament to the New Testament
Do you remember some of the stories described in the Old Testament
that point to Jesus? (I added an extra one.)
 The first promise of a Deliverer to Adam and Eve: your descendant
will defeat satan / the devil and sin. (Genesis 3:15)
 Gods promise to Abraham: I will bless you and in your seed
(descendant) I will bless all nations (Genesis 12: 3)
 Gods promise to king David: your son will be My son, He will be king
forever! (II Samuel 7, II Chronicles 17)
 Substitute sacrifices: the animal for Adam and Eve, the ram for Isaac,
the passover lamb for the firstborn,…
 Joseph was treated like Jesus was treated
• Humble beginnings, but high expectations (through the dreams!)
• He was not welcome, he was sold, they wanted to kill him
• He was falsely accused; he became the most important
everywehere he came
• He was, although, forgiving to those who wronged him.
the Promised One
The Hope, chapter 8 online in English or in Chinese or
in Chinese with English subtitles on DVD
The birth of the promised deliverer
At the time of Jesus’ birth Israel was controlled by the Roman empire
under Caesar Augustus. Jesus was born in approximately 4 B.C.
What is the meaning of Jesus’ name? (Matthew 1: 21)
Jesus had very humble beginnings (“…(Mary)… laid him in a manger,
because there was no place for him in the inn” – Luke 2:7)
Jesus was born from a human mother, Mary. But she was pregnant
from the Holy Spirit. Later it is confirmed that
– Jesus is True God: John 1:1,14; John 20:28; Philippians 2: 5,6
– Jesus is True Man: Luke 2:7, 40; Romans 1:3; 9:5 (ancestry);
John 4: 6 (tired) ; Luke 8:23 (sleep) ; John 11:35 (cry)
– Jesus is sinless 1 Peter 2:22, 3:18; Hebrews 4:15, 7:26
Jesus as a child
Satan tried to destroy God’s plan by killing the Bethlehem babies
What did God do to protect Jesus? (Matthew 2: 13-15)
The baptism of Jesus
John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for Jesus.
Why did John baptize? (Mark 1: 1-5)
What happened to Jesus at his baptism? (Mark 1: 9-11)
The temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4: 1-11)
How was Jesus tempted, just as we are – but without sin?
How did Satan try to destroy God’s plan?
Discuss the spiritual warfare that is going between the Kingdom of
God and Kingdom of Satan.
Read from Luke
1:30-33 (“annunciation”)
2:29-32 (Simeon)
3:21-22 (Jesus’ baptism)
1:68-75 (Zacharias’ worship);
2:46-49 (Jesus at age 12)
the life / ministry of Jesus Christ
The Hope, chapter 9 online in English or in Chinese or
in Chinese with English subtitles on DVD
• Jesus faced Satan’s challenge in the wilderness before He began
His public ministry. Satan tempted Jesus, trying to gain power over
Him and destroy God’s plan (Matthew 4:1-11). Throughout Jesus’
ministry we see the conflict between the Kingdom of God and the
kingdom of Satan.
• This is in line with earlier attempts of Satan to destroy God’s plan
– Satan’s rebellion, the temptation in the Garden of Eden
– Pharaoh’s attempt to kill all the male babies of the Hebrews
– Herod’s killing of the children at the time of Jesus’ birth
• Jesus went around in public. But he invested most of his time in 12
“disciples”. What kind of people did Jesus call as followers / friends?
• Common, ordinary people, most of them fishermen
• What were the disciples being prepared for?
• - to be fishers of men (Matthew 4:19
• - to be witnesses (Acts 1:8)
• - to make other disciples (Matthew 28:18-20)
In what ways did Jesus show His compassion and power?
healed the sick - Luke 4:38-40
cast out demons - Luke 4:33-36
miraculously fed the hungry - Luke 9:12-17
raised the dead - Luke 7:12-15
forgave sins - Luke 5:20
calmed storms – Mark 4
Read LUKE 4:31-44
What was the central theme of Jesus’ teaching? (Mark 1:14-15)
the Kingdom of God, God’s rule.
Jesus declared that the reign of God had come in Him (Jesus).
Read LUKE 6:27-38 (if time allows: also 6:21-26)
What does it mean to “love your enemy”? Do you have experience with
loving in this sense?
What if someone borrows something from you. Do you want it back?
Did you ever give things away, regularly? Did you like it? Did you
receive anything back in return? (vs 38)
Which part of Jesus’ sayings is the hardest for you, which one the
Jesus, the fulfillment of 4000 years of prophesy
What prophecies did Jesus fulfill?
(in Old Testament)
Jesus fulfilled
(in New Testament)
1. Virgin birth
Isaiah 7:14
Matthew 1:22-23
2. Birth place Bethlehem
Micah 5:2
Mathew 2:1-6
3. The seed of Abraham
Genesis 12:2-3
Galatians 3:16
4. Of the tribe of Judah
Genesis 49:10
Luke 3:23; 33-34
5. Of the house of David
II Samuel 7:14
Matthew 1:1
6. Anointed by the Holy Spirit for ministry
Isaiah 11:2
Luke 3:21-22; 4:14
7. Messiah would heal the sick
Isaiah 35:5-6
Matthew 9:35; 11:4-5
8. Messiah would suffer and die for our sins
Isaiah 53:2-12
All gospels
What were the responses people had toward Jesus? And
what did the people in Jesus’ day expect or want from
Him? (Matthew 16: 13-16; John 6: 15; 60-66).
some thought he was John the Baptist
some thought he was one of the prophets raised from the dead
some believed he was the deliverer, some did not believe
some wanted to make him King
Jesus offends the religious leaders
How did the religious leaders respond to Jesus?
• A few believed He was from God - John 3:1-2
• Many wanted to kill him - Luke 19:47
What special authority did Jesus claim to have?
– to forgive sins - Luke 5:18-24
– to be the Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-5
What angered the religious leaders so much about Jesus?
– Jesus claimed:
I am (God) before Abraham was born - John 8:58-59
– Healing the sick in combination with forgiving of sins - Luke 6:11
What significance does this story of Jesus have for us today?