Jesus, The Son of God

Jesus, The Son of God
A Chronological and
Geographical Study of
the Life of Christ
Part V
Chronological and geographical
Jesus’ first general tour of Galilee:
Jesus travels to Nazareth from Samaria. He preaches in
the synagogue pronouncing His deity (Lk. 4:16-21).
Jesus travels to Cana of Galilee and heals the
Nobleman’s son (Jn. 4:43-54).
To Capernaum (Lk. 4:31-32).
To the Sea of Galilee (5:1).
Jesus calls James (the sixth apostle) to follow Him (Matt.
The six disciples now following Jesus are Peter, James,
John, Philip, Nathaniel and Andrew.
Why so much time in Galilee?
Matthew 4:24
Jesus spent approximately two thirds of His time preaching in
Matthew quotes Isaiah the prophet regarding the matter (Matt. 4:1516).
Mark simply records Jesus’ Galilean ministry as a matter of historical
Luke states, “And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into
Galilee; and there went out a fame of him through all the region
round about” (Luke 4:14).
Jesus may have been avoiding the growing hostility in Judea.
The fact that eleven of the twelve disciples were from Galilee. Judas
was the one from Judea which may say something about the over all
interest in the coming of the Messiah.
The Galilean ministry:
A Time of Controversy
Jesus under the magnifying glass of scrutiny
(Mark 2:1-28).
Matthew makes the 8th disciple.
A brief break in the Galilean Ministry (Jn.
Jesus returns to Capernaum and heals a
man on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6) (tension
Two momentum’s building:
The fame of Jesus is growing. Knowledge of
the miracles performed were spread by eye
The Mounting hatred on the part of the scribes
and Pharisees. Jesus “stole the show” from
these hypocrites. On one occasion, Jesus said,
“Woe unto you Pharisees! For ye love the chief
seats in the synagogues, and the salutations in
the marketplaces.”
The Sermon on the Mount
Jesus selects the remaining 12 disciples
(Mark 3:13-19).
Matthew records the sermon (5-7).
Mark does not mention the sermon
Luke records the sermon immediately after
choosing the 12 disciples.
John does not record the sermon.
The Sermon on the Mount
All three of the synoptic writers agree that Jesus
had retired to the mountains after the Sabbath
All three record the massive following of Jesus at
this time (cf. Matt. 5:1).
R. C. Foster said of the sermon, “it is the greatest
statement ever made on the general subject of
religion and morals… the sermon presents the
highest ideas of living the world has ever
received, in the most beautiful language ever
A brief outline of the Sermon on the
One man has said, “the greatest of all sins is to
be conscious of none.” (cf. Lev. 11:44; I Pet.
The Sermon on the Mount challenges its readers
to evaluate one’s current conduct.
Precision of holiness is demanded in the sermon
(Matt. 5:21-22, 27-28).
“Jesus emphasized the inner life, making the
thought and intent to do evil as sinful as the deed
itself” (Foster 467).
Back to Capernaum:
A demonstration of understanding and faith in the
authority of Jesus (Luke 7:1-10).
Jesus travels to Nain of Galilee (Lk. 7:11-17).
Apparently, while in Nain, Jesus is invited to eat
in the home of a Pharisee (Lk. 7:36-50).
Geography Review:
Conclusion and review:
Jesus completes the first of three general
tours of Galilee.
Growing hostility is mounting.
The fame of the Lord is spreading.
The day of His sacrifice grows closer.