Matthew 9:35 - 10:4 An Army of Ordinary People (Part 1) Preparation


Matthew 9:35 - 10:4

An Army of

Ordinary People

(Part 1)

Preparation for the Work

Three essential components:

Observation of reality

Compassion because of that reality

Intercession on behalf of those in need

This is Gods' work

He is The Lord of the harvest

Removing any of these 3 parts is deficient

People God Uses

There were 12 Disciples / Apostles

They were with Jesus for most of His ministry

They were the core group

They weren't the only ones He sent out (Luke 10:1)

Their job (Mark 3:14 & 15)

Who were they?

Simon (Peter)

Very vocal

Jesus called him "rock"

Son of John / Jonah

Brother to Andrew

Married and lived with his Mother-in-law for a while

His wife travelled with him (1 Cor. 9:5)

Fisherman from Bethsaida

Part of the closest group to Jesus (with James & John)

Simon (Peter)

Preached the Gospel on more recorded occasions than anyone else

Often said the wrong thing!

Made mistakes (Matt. 16:23)

"Get behind me Satan / Stumbling block / things of man not of God"

Promised never to disown Jesus / die for Jesus

Denied Jesus

Jesus made a beeline for him after the resurrection


Andrew (Peter's brother)

Introduced his brother to Jesus

Former disciple of John the Baptist

Lived with Peter and his wife for a while

Brought the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus

He didn't quite grasp what Jesus would do and apologized for bringing the food (John 6:8 & 9)

James & John (Brothers)

Sons of Zebedee and Salome

Fishermen in Galilee (partners with Simon & Andrew)

With Jesus and Peter for:

Raising of Jairus' daughter (Mark 5:37)

The transfiguration (Matt. 17:1)

In the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:37)

James & John (Brothers)

Luke 9:51-54 = they wanted to call down fire to destroy a whole village who didn't welcome Jesus

Mark 9:38 = John complained about a man who was "not one of us" doing the work of God

If someone belongs to God, they are "one of us"

They asked to sit at Jesus left and right! (Matt. also records a time when their mom asked for them!)

Mark 10:35-45 They thought THEY had what it takes!

James & John (Brothers)

Sons of Thunder before Pentecost became Apostle of love after Pentecost

5 books of the Bible

Acts 12:2 = James was the first disciple martyred


One of Jesus' first disciples

Former disciple of John the Baptist

Brought Nathaniel to Jesus (John 1:43-51)

Was tested by Jesus about how to feed the 5,000

He responded by checking on how much money was needed! (John 6:7)

He had no real sense of the miraculous

Theological explanations are one thing

An expectation of spiritual reality is another

Also asked Jesus to show him the Father (John 14:7 & 8)


His name is all the lists of disciples but nothing else mentioned

He might be Nathaniel who Philip brought to Jesus

He asked "can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"

Then proclaimed that Jesus is the King of Israel (John 1:45-


Nathaniel is only mentioned again after the resurrection as one of the disciples Jesus appears to (John 21:2)

It might or might not be him, but it's a strong possibility

To be continued...
