
Proof 1
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Shahada means faith in Arabic and is the first and most important pillar of Islam.
In Sanskrit ‘Shraddhaa’ means faith. The fact that the word for the first and most important pillar of Islam is derived from the Sanskrit
word is simple proof that the pre-Islamic Arabs knew Sanskrit and were followers of the Vedic religion but were very much degraded.
Proof 2
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Descendant of the Kurus
Prophet Muhammad was from the Qurayshi (Kureshi) tribe
The Kurueshi signifies a descendant from the Indian Kuru dynasty that once ruled many parts of the World, including the Middle East
regions before the Mahabharat war (until about 5000 years ago). The war was between the Kurus and the Pandavas and the Kurus were
defeated which ended their rule. This Kurus are mentioned in the Bhagavad-Gita.
Proof 3
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
The crescent moon is a symbol of Lord Shiva
The crescent moon is the symbol of Islam
Lord Shiva has a crescent moon on his head.
Proof 4
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Mekkah is the holiest place for the Muslims.
Makkheshvar is another name for Lord Shiva. The word Makkah was derived from Makkeshvar. A place where Makkeshvar (Lord Shiva) is
Proof 5
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Those who follow Lord Shiva are called Shaivites.
Proof 6
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Shiva Lingam
Al Hajar Al Aswad (Black Stone)
It is by chance that a stone of the same color and shape that is found in most Vedic Temples is also in the Kaba?
The black stone is called a Shiva Lingam and it represents Lord Shiva.
Proof 7
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
In Sanskrit ‘Namas’ means ‘bow down’. The Muslims perform Namaz five times a day and this entails a specific Yoga posture. The
Muslims are against Yoga, but they do it five times a day. How strange.
Proof 8
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
In Sanskrit ‘Rama-dhyana’ means ‘to meditate on Lord Ram’. He is an incarnation of Lord Krishna who appeared in Tetra-yuga, around 1.7
million years ago. The Muslims are unconsciously worshiping Lord Ram by fasting during Ramadan, which is certainly good. But the
Islamic adulteration from Vedic is that they end the fast by killing animals. Thus the killing loses the benefits gained from fasting.
Proof 9
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
The Kaba is called the sacred house of God by the Muslims.
In Sanskrit ‘Garbha’ means the sanctuary of a Temple. A Temple is basically the house of God. The Kaba was known as Garbha before
Islam. A Vedic Temple with 360 deities, the main one being the reclining form of Lord Visnu in the center surrounded by other deities
including Lord Shiva in the form of a Shiva Lingam, a black stone. The Shiva Lingam (black stone) can be found in many Vedic Temples
around the World today. It's not a coincidence that a stone of the same color and shape is in the Kaba and many Vedic Temples. It's
because the Kaba was once a Vedic Temple. Muhammad's uncles and grandfather were hereditary priests of the Kaba Temple. Muhammad
destroyed all the deities except the Shiva Lingam, because his family members were Shaivites, they believed in Lord Shiva. Today there
are Muslims called Shiites and this name originates from the Vedic name Shaivites (meaning followers of Lord Shiva).
Lord Shiva has a crescent moon on his head, which can be seen today in many Vedic Temples, and this is also the symbol of Islam. The
Muslims bow down to the black stone in the Kaba when they pray, they are bowing down to Lord Shiva, but in complete ignorance of Lord
Shiva. Based on the Koran 35.10, Allah is situated in one place above the heavens in the sky and he is not present everywhere (not
omnipresent). But the Muslims call the Kaba, the house of God which is strange because Allah is not there, only Lord Shiva is there. Lord
Shiva is an expansion of Lord Krishna.
Proof 10
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
The word Islam is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Isa’ and ‘Alayam’.
In Sanskrit ‘Isa’ means God, and ‘Alayam’ means place. The Temple is the place where God is present, and Lord Shiva was the God for
Muhammad’s family members. His grandfather and uncles were the priests of the Kaba Temple. Thus Muhammad dedicated the name of
his newly created religion to the Kaba Temple by naming it ‘The Place of God’ which also means ‘The Temple of God’, Islam.
Proof 11
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
In Arabic Tawaf means circumambulation of Kaba.
The Hindus circumambulate the deities in Temples. The Muslims only circumambulate the Kaba and no other building in the World. Why?
For the same reason as the Hindus, the Kaba is a Vedic Temple. Before Islam, it had many deities including Lord Visnu and Lord Shiva.
Today the Kaba only has the deity of Lord Shiva in the form of the Shiva Lingam. The Muslims are very much against image worship, but
they bow down five times a day to the black stone in the Kaba, and circumambulate it when they visit Saudi Arabia.
Proof 12
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Top secret
Inside the Kaba
The Muslims will say they believe in the truth, yet they completely ignore the Vedic origin of Islam, even though there is clear proof as
described in this document and elsewhere. The non-Muslims are not allowed near the Kaba and only a selected few Muslims are allowed
inside the Kaba. What is inside the Kaba is kept top secret. The reason is that if people were to see the inside of the Kaba, they would
very much doubt Islam.
What is inside the Kaba?
There are verses from the Bhagavad-Gita in Sanskrit etched on the walls
Image of Lord Krishna as a baby with Yoshoda
Image of a bird, most likely Garuda (a devotee of Lord Visnu)
There was much more evidence but Muhammad and his followers destroyed most of it. We will not know the truth unless a non-Muslim is
allowed to enter the Kaba and speak freely. The Muslims will not allow this because they have something to hide?
Proof 13
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Deity worship
Bowing down to the black stone
The Muslims are very much against image worship, but the grandfather and uncles of Muhammad were engaged in making Temple deities
and were the hereditary priests of the Kaba Temple, which housed 360 images.
The Muslims bow down five times a day facing Mecca, which means they are bowing down to the black stone inside the Kaba, an idol for
the Muslims. This is image worship, which was performed by Muhammad and his family members for generations.
The Muslims will say they don't bow down to the black stone as God but it helps them to direct their prayers in one direction to Allah. This
is actually in complete ignorance, because based on the Koran 35.10, Allah is situated above the heavens in the sky. So why don't they
bow down to the sky in one direction towards Allah? Why do they need Mecca? The Arabs were followers of the Vedic religion before
Islam and it was not possible for the founder of Islam to change all their Vedic habits.
Islam forbids freedom of speech and thought and the result of this is complete ignorance and thus the Muslims cannot understand that
God is a real person with a form who is omnipresent and thus he is also present in the deities in Vedic Temples around the World. The
forefathers of all Muslims were followers of the Vedic religion and thus they were deity worshippers like Muhammad’s family members
and Muhammad himself who also bowed down to Lord Shiva in the form of the Shiva Lingam, the black stone.
It’s very evil for anyone to think that their forefathers went to hell just because they followed a different religion.
Proof 14
Vedic Origination of Arabic:
Devotional service unto Lord Krishna for warriors
To the Muslims, Jihad means fighting for God.
This is yet another important proof which clearly shows that the knowledge in the Koran originates from the Vedic scriptures, but its
adulterated Vedic knowledge. Jihad is very important for the Muslims, but they forget that the concept of fighting for God originates from
the Bhagavad-Gita. The Mahabharat war which took place 5000 years ago in India was between Arjuna and his followers and on the other
side was his cousin brother called Durodhan and his followers. Basically there was a land dispute between the two parties. Lord Krishna
asked both parties to resolve their disputes peacefully, but Durodhan refused and declared war on Arjuna and his followers. Both went to
Lord Krishna for help in the war. Only a few people knew Lord Krishna was God, most thought He was some great yogi. Being God, He
agreed to help both parties as both approached Him for help. This is yet another proof that Lord Krishna is God, He helps even the bad
guys, and simply because they approached Him. Lord Krishna is most merciful to all. The Koran repeatedly states that God is most
merciful, and Lord Krishna repeatedly proves it. Durodhan asked Lord Krishna for His army which He had since He was a prince. Although
Lord Krishna was the almighty Himself, He was the playing the role of a prince and thus like all princes/kings, He had an army. Arjuna
knew Lord Krishna was God and he just asked Him to be his advisor and thus He became the advisor and chariot driver for Arjuna. On the
battle field, Arjuna was overwhelmed with compassion for the soldiers on both sides. He did not want to injury or kill anyone. This is the
quality of a pure devotee of God. Lord Krishna instructed the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna and gives him spiritual realization. To make him
realize that since he is a soldier, it's his duty to fight when war is declared, we are all souls and not these bodies and the soul is eternal
and cannot be destroyed. Since the other side wanted war, Arjuna would have to fight regardless. A righteous warrior can serve God
simply by doing his duty of fighting and thinking of Lord Krishna. If a soldier dies in war, then he will go to the heavenly planets and if he
wins then he will rule the kingdom.
"O Partha, happy are the ksatriyas to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the doors of the heavenly
planets. If, however, you do not perform your religious duty of fighting, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and
thus lose your reputation as a fighter. (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 2.33-34)
Ksatriya means a warrior in the military of a Kingdom/government.
"O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly
kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination and fight." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 2.37)
The above is the reason why the Muslims are not afraid of dying in battle, it's because they believe they will go to heaven if they die
fighting for God, but they forget that its Lord Krishna who gave this advice first and thus they should accept Him as the one true God.
Also Lord Krishna is asking a person (Arjuna) who is in the military to fight against others who are also in the military, and not nonmilitary personnel.
"Therefore, Arjuna you should always think of Me in the form of Krsna and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting.
With your activites dedicted to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt." (Lord Krishna,
Bhagavad-Gita 8.7)
“Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to
Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.34)
The Muslims always shout "God is Great" and mention God in every conversation, especially when they are fighting, but they forget that
it's Lord Krishna who first gave this advice of thinking of God always, and thus they should always think of Lord Krishna and thank Him
for everything.
Based on the Vedic scriptures (Bhagavad-Gita, Parasara Smrti, and others):
a. A religious warrior is a non-aggressor person in the military of a kingdom/government who fights on the orders of his King/Prime
Minister for the protection of women, children, land, and law and order.
b. An irreligious warrior is a non-military person who picks up a gun/bomb and goes on a killing spree. Killing women, children, and men
in the name of God. Or aggressor warriors or warriors who take women captive.
It's very important to understand that only a religious warrior can be considered as engaged in devotional service unto God (Lord
Krishna) when fighting and NOT irreligious warriors. The irreligious warriors are called terrorists in today's language.
Concept of God and God
Allah is a concept of God who is great and most merciful, and Lord Krishna is the person God who proved that He is the greatest and most
merciful. If someone said Mr x is the greatest cricketer and someone else proves that Mr Tendulkar is the greatest cricketer based on his
career scores. Only the most foolish will not realize that Mr x, is Mr Tendulkar.
The Bhagavad-Gita teaches that all living beings including the Muslims are brothers and sisters and Lord Krishna is very eager for all His
children to go back to the spiritual creation where everyone lives eternally in the same body that is most beautiful, with no old age, no
disease, no misery, and no fighting.
"It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seedgiving father." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4)
Muhammad created a new religion by taking the knowledge from the Vedic scriptures, adulterated the teachings, created a new God and
made him invisible so no one can ask any questions about him, packaged the religion differently, and gave it a new label of 'Islam'.
Those who have some intelligence and are pious will realize this truth and follow the original eternal religion (Sanatan-Dharma)
established by the eternal and proven God (Lord Krishna) and will follow the eternal Vedic scriptures.
There are more than 810,000 verses in the Vedic scriptures and this knowledge comes from Lord Krishna, which were written down more
than 5000 years ago. There are only 6236 verses in the Koran which was written less than 1400 years ago and all the truths in the Koran
can be found in greater details in the Vedic scriptures.
“The whole cosmic order is under Me. By My will it is manifested again and again, and by My will it is annihilated at the end.” (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.8)
“I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My
devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8)
“Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being--moving or unmoving--that can exist without Me.”
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.39)
“But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire
universe.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.42)
Some of the differences between the original Vedic teachings and Islam (Adulterated Vedic teachings)
Muhammad created a new religion by taking the knowledge from the Vedic scriptures, adulterated the teachings, created a new God and
made him invisible so no one can ask any questions about him, packaged the religion differently, and gave it a new label of 'Islam'. Those
who have some intelligence and are pious will realize this truth and follow the original eternal religion (Sanatan-Dharma) established by
the eternal God (Lord Krishna) and will follow the eternal Vedic scriptures. There are more than 810,000 verses in the Vedic scriptures and
this knowledge comes from Lord Krishna, which were written down more than 5000 years ago. There are only 6236 verses in the Koran
which was written less than 1400 years ago and all the truths in the Koran can be found in greater details in the Vedic scriptures.
1 Circumambulate deities/Temples 7 times clockwise
The first teaching from the Bhagavad-Gita is that we are the
eternal soul and not dust (the body)
We are eternal, belief in reincarnation
ISLAM (Adharma)
Circumambulate Kaba 7 times anti-clockwise
We are dust (the body) and the soul is not eternal
We are not eternal, we never existed before this dust (the body)
and this is the only life (no reincarnation)
God is visible with a human like form, Lord Krishna
God is invisible, no form
No circumcision
Circumcision is a must
God is great and thus sends unlimited Prophets
God is great but only has one Prophet
Based on the Vedic scriptures, the universe is 155.522 trillion
years old, even according to the scientists the universe is at least
15 billion years old. It's foolish to think that God created his
religion billions of years after creation (1400 years ago). It's
foolish to think that God has only sent one Prophet in the billions
of years since creation.
The simple definition of a Muslim is one who follows the Koran
and since the Koran did not exist before 1400 years ago. There
were no Muslims before 1400 years ago.
The truth is that God established his religion called SanatanDharma (the Eternal Religion) at creation, 155.522 trillion years
ago. Lord Krishna has been known as God for this same time
period. The teachings of Lord Krishna (God) were manifested at
creation and these are known as the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas
were manifested at creation.
"..You are maintainer of the eternal religion. You are the eternal
Supreme Person.." (Arjuna to Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita
Lord Krishna is the only person eternally known as God and
documented in scriptures. In every Kali Yuga, the age of
ignorance and darkness. There are many imposters who claim to
be God but they cannot exhibit the qualities of God. The most
important qualities of God is that He is the most powerful person,
the most beautiful person, and the most merciful. Only Lord
Krishna has exhibited these qualities in full and not just in one
appearance but in millions of appearances.
The Muslims claims that Jesus and others before Islam (prior to
1400 years ago) were Prophets of Islam, but this is a deception
to convert the Christians and others. The life actions and
teachings of Jesus are completely different to the life actions of
the sole Prophet of Islam and its teachings.
The Muslims claim Jesus as a prophet of Islam but they don't
even follow his most important teachings. Jesus declared
himself as the son of God, the Muslims reject this because they
believe God cannot have a son. Jesus preached 'thy shall not
kill'. The Muslims have a history of killing (terrorism). Jesus
preached 'love your neighbors', the Koran considers nonMuslims as unbelievers and thus the Muslims cannot love their
neighbors. The fundamental teaching of Christianity is: "God
said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness." (Genesis
1:26). The Muslims do not accept that God has a form and thus
reject this. Jesus declared himself as the son of God, and he
never mentioned the word 'Allah'. This word 'Allah' is very
important for Muslims and without it there is no Islam. Islam
never existed before 1400 years and thus Jesus, Moses and
others before Muhammad were not the prophets of Islam.
The simple truth is that Muhammad is the only prophet of Islam.
The Vedic followers have never enslaved humans. The Vedic
scriptures DO NOT advocate slavery, adultery, and rape.
There has never been any instances where men or women were
made into slaves by the Vedic followers. This is because the
Vedic followers are following the real God. The result of following
the real God is that one becomes peaceful and full of love for all
living beings.
“He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son
of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes.” (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.31)
In the Mahabharat war, millions of women were widowed, but
not a single woman was taken captive by any side. Not a single
woman was raped or hurt in any way. This is Vedic culture, the
culture created by the real God, Lord Krishna.
If one wants to help women, then they are made into
sisters/daughters and taken care like the other family members.
It is evil to take women captive and especially to use them as sex
slaves. Widowed women cannot marry to ensure she stays loyal
and pure to her husband.
Slavery, adultery, and rape are advocated by the Koran.
“And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those
(captives) whom your right hands possess..” (Koran 4:24)
“O Prophet! We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you
have given their dowers; and those ladies whom your right hands
possess (from the prisoners of war) whom Allah has assigned to
you.” (Koran 33:50)
“And He (Allah) brought those of the People of the Scripture (i.e.,
Banu Qurayza) who supported them (i.e., the Quraysh) down from
their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some (adult
males) ye slew, and ye made captive some (women and children)
“ [Koran 33:26]
The above and other Koranic and Hadith verses prove that the
God of Islam orders women (married women and their
daughters) to be used as sex slaves. This is advocating slavery,
adultery, and rape. Captive means take by force and make into
slave/prisoner. The Prophet took the wives of the people he
killed in war and made some of them into his wives and some he
just had sex with them. The Muslims believe this is
righteousness. For the non-Muslims, it's impossible to
understand how a woman would marry and/or allow her
daughters to have sex with the killer of her husband,
"Muhammad selected Safiyyah because of her beauty, made her
his wife and gave a banquet at the wedding; then he had sex with
Saffiyah at Sa`d-AsSahba..” (Sahih Bukhari 4.52.143)
Safiyyah was only 17 when her husband was killed by the
Prophet (57 at the time), and on the same day, he had sex with
her. This is called righteousness by Islamic standards.
“A dignified woman, Jauniyaa (a princess) was brought to
Muhammad to have sex with him but she was reluctant to give
herself to him; Muhammad was angry and raised his hand to beat
her...” (Sahih Bukhari, 7.63.182)
“That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he
consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and
then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).”
(Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64)
The Prophet lived to 63. The above states that the Prophet
married the 6 year old Aisha when he was 51, and started having
sex with her when she was 9 when he was 54. Despite all this
information which clearly proves that the Prophet was very much
interested in women for enjoyment, the Muslims will say the
Prophet was not lusty. This is the Islamic mentality, denial of the
The Vedic Prophets must follow very high standards of morality.
The Muslims will say their Prophet was the best human being.
The Vedic system is that the Prophets/Gurus must live their own
life responsibly and set good examples for others to follow. This
is called an 'Acharya'.
"The Messenger of God said, 'The only two things I cherish of the
life of this world are women and perfume'" (Tabaqat, volume 1,
page 380)
symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and
friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he
abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime.”
(Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25)
"A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's
demands, the actions of anger and the urges of the tongue, belly
and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the
world." (Nectar of Instruction 1)
The Vedic Prophets/Gurus are free from lust, greed, violence,
hatred, sense enjoyment, and live a simple life. Those who don't
have these qualities are rejected, considered fallen and not fit to
preach religious values to others.
“I have been made victorious with terror” (Founder of Islam,
Bukhari: 4.52. 220)
The Prophet was involved in wars. The Islamic followers of
today are simply following in the footsteps of their Prophet.
The Prophet married more than 20 times after the age of 50 and
to very young girls. He even married and had sex with his
daughter-in-law (Koran 33:37)
The Muslims consider the Islamic Prophet as the perfect man,
and they say he set good examples for others to follow (Koran
33:21 and 3:31).
Animals have a soul and are created for the same reason as
humans, to live. Only in the animal kingdom, one animal is food
for another animal.
Cow killing is completely forbidden by the Vedic scriptures,
because the cows give us milk and thus it's considered a mother
to us. This is higher human consciousness, to appreciate even
the animals.
Animals do have emotions and feel pain, thus to hurt any living
being is a great sin.
"If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or
water, I will accept it." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.26)
Lord Krishna is pleased if one offers him water, a flower, or leaf.
He does not accept the flesh and blood of His own children, all
living beings. Lord Krishna when He appeared 500 years ago in
the form of Lord Caitanya, He stated the following:
“Cow-killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many
thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.”
(Lord Caitanya, Caitanya Caritamrta, Adi-Lila 17.165-167)
Animals have no soul and are created as food for humans.
The Muslims are the biggest killers of cows. They also drink the
milk of cows, but after drinking her milk, they cut her throat and
eat her. This is the Islamic mentality.
"And the Budn (cows, oxen, or camels driven to be offered as
sacrifices by the pilgrims at the sanctuary of Makkah.) We have
made for you as among the Symbols of Allah, therein you have
much good. So mention the Name of Allah over them when they
are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on
their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the beggar who
does not ask (men), and the beggar who asks (men). Thus have
We made them subject to you that you may be grateful." Quran
The World's biggest slaughterhouse is in Makkah, and the
biggest killing spree in the World takes place there during
Islam's holiest festival (Hajj), when millions of cows, goats, and
other animals are slaughtered to please Allah.
The Vedic scriptures are eternal.
The Islamic scriptures, Koran and Hadith are not eternal.
The scriptures like the Bhagavad-Gita has been spoken by Lord
Krishna from his own mouth at least 18,000 times on this planet
so far in the current cycle alone. It has also been spoken in
millions of universes by the same person, Lord Krishna. In the
current cycle, the Vedic knowledge has existed for 155.522
trillion years.
The Koran is not eternal, the message was delivered through an
angel 1400 years ago. It's a one off scripture and it will never
be re-delivered. This is also confirmed by the fact that these are
the last days before the end of the World.
Despite the truth that the Koran was created less than 1400
years ago, the Muslims claim the Koran is eternal. This is the
Islamic mentality.
Brahma was the first living being created by Lord Krishna in the
universe, some 155.522 trillion years ago.
Adam and Eve were the first human created by God, around
6000 years ago.
Lord Brahma creates 14 Manus and their wives in each of his day,
other women, 11 sages (advanced humans), and many demigods
(very powerful humans). The population of humans in the
universe originate from them. Svayambha Manu and Satarupa
were the first ordinary humans created shortly after Lord
"All mankind are the children of Adam" (Hadith)
Based on simple science and common sense, we cannot
all originate from one couple. A white couple cannot create a
black man and a black couple cannot create a white man, and a
black or white couple cannot create a Chinese type person and
vice versa and so on. It's impossible for the many different
types of humans to originate from one couple.
The scientists have proved that it's impossible for the humans in
the World to originate from two people (Adam and Eve). Also
the humans have existed for millions of years and not just 6000
years. The bones of humans dating back to millions of years can
be found in museums around the world.
Free Will. The freedom to practice any belief/religion.
No Free Will. No freedom of religion for non-Muslims.
Lord Krishna gives us free will and those who decide not to
follow Lord Krishna are not sent to hell just because they don't
follow him. This is because Lord Krishna is a mature, responsible,
and loving God. It's the actions taken by people in their life that
determines the position of the soul in the next life and not the
labels on them (Hindu, Muslim, Christian etc..) Thus a good
human being even though not a follower of Sanatan-Dharma will
not be sent to hell, such persons will get a good birth in their
next life. Those who follow Lord Krishna will go back to the
spiritual creation (the kingdom of God) at the end of this life.
Lord Krishna is the father of living beings and thus he takes care
of everyone based on their desires, deserves, and actions taken
Those who don't follow Islam will be sent to the hellfire. The
God of the Koran only wants humans to follow Islam.
“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be
accepted of him; and in the Hereafter, he will be in the ranks of
those who have lost (their selves in the Hellfire).” (Quran 3:85)
“...The only religion in the sight of God is Islam...” (Quran 3:19)
The fact that God is creating the non-Muslims every second is
simple proof that God very much wants the non-Muslims and
other religions to exist and the non-Muslims have existed for
millions of years and the Muslims for only 1400 years and thus
God very much likes the non-Muslims and other religions to
"Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential.
Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do." (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.63)
exist much more than Islam and Muslims. What about the
babies and children of non-Muslims who die, what crime have
they committed for being sent to hellfire?
Above Lord Krishna is giving Arjuna and us, free will. These are
the statements from a mature, responsible, and loving person
who is in full control and does not need to bully or instill terror
into the hearts of anyone. Lord Krishna has appeared at least
18,000 times in his original form and millions of times in other
forms and each time he proved he was the only God. Just five
hundred years ago, he appeared again as Lord Caitanya who
proved he was God and stated that Lord Krishna is the only God
and only he should be worshipped. One of the greatest followers
of Lord Caitanya was a Muslim, Haridas, and he preached that
Allah and Krishna are one.
The Muslims will demand to practice their religion freely
everywhere in the world, but they will not give non-Muslims, the
same rights. This is their wicked nature. In Saudi Arabia and at
least 50 other countries, there is no freedom of religion, nor
equal rights for non-Muslims. The Muslims plan to make the
whole world Islamic.
Anyone with some common sense and who believes in the truth
will see that the compiler of the Koran is like a school bully
trying to control everyone but cannot. Why did the Koran come
so late, why didn't the God of the Koran send it earlier and
before other scriptures like the Vedic scriptures (155.522 trillion
years old) and the Bible (2000 years old)?
The Muslims will say Allah is testing us and that's why he
creates the non-Muslims. Who need to pass the test by following
Islam to go to heaven. Well, why is he testing us, why didn't he
test the zillions of humans who lived for millions of years before
Islam, before 1400 years ago? The Muslims cannot answer this
question. Also it's impossible for Islam to exist beyond this
planet because Muhammad is the only prophet of Islam and he
only appeared on this tiny planet. Allah cannot test anyone
beyond this planet, does this mean they all go to hell for not
knowing Islam/Allah?
The Muslims are not allowed to question anything that is done or
stated by the Prophet and the Koran. The reason for this is that,
they will lose faith in Islam if they did. When a Muslim loses faith
in Islam, he becomes an apostate and Allah wants apostates
beheaded even before the infidels (non-Muslims).
“..Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah's Messenger...
Truly such a thing is in Allah's sight an enormity.” (Koran 33:53)
If Muslims were open minded and asked questions, they will for
sure discover the truth and leave Islam, as confirmed by Koran
“Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that
account lost their faith.” [Koran 5:102]
God is present everywhere (omnipresent).
God is not everywhere (not omnipresent).
Lord Krishna is present everywhere, he is present in the heart of
all living beings as the supersoul, next to the individual soul. He
is also present in every atom. It is important to know that God
(Lord Krishna) has a spiritual form and not a material form.
“Every good saying goes up to Him.” (Quran 35:10)
"I am the super soul, situated within the heart of all living
beings..." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.20)
“I exist within everything, and I am therefore the essence of the
atomic constituents of material elements. (Lord Krishna, Srimad
Bhagavatam 11.15.12)
However this does not mean that everything is Lord Krishna
(God) and one can worship anything as God. Absolutely Not. Only
the deity form of Lord Krishna can be worshipped and not any
other form. This is similar to letterboxes which are in every
home. If one wants to post a letter, it has to be placed in the
letterbox of the post office and not in any letterbox.
"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of
Krsna.." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 8.7)
Allah is only present in one place above the seven heavens.
“Do they not realize Allah knows what they hide and what they
expose?” (Quran 2:77)
The Muslims believe that although God is only present in one
place, above the heavens. He knows all that is going on, he sees
and hears everything. This is a Vedic teaching which the Arabs
kept from their previous religion (Vedic), but they adulterated
the Vedic teaching of 'God being present everywhere with a
form' to 'God not being present everywhere and with no form
The main argument Muslims give against God being present
everywhere is that how can God be in stool or filth?
The Bhagavad-Gita answers this question in many ways:
"But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion,
meditating on My transcendental form - to them I carry what
they lack, and I preserve what they have." (Lord Krishna,
Bhagavad-Gita 9.22)
It is clear from the above two verses and many others from the
Bhagavad-Gita, that only a deity of Lord Krishna can be
worshipped as God and not anything.
In September 1995, millions of people around the world
witnessed the Hindu milk miracle in which Vedic deities were
drinking milk offered to them. This is simple proof that the Vedic
deities are divine and not idols. Millions of times the Vedic deities
have proved that God is actually present in them. For those who
are qualified, God can be seen and for those who are not
qualified, God will be invisible.
"But you cannot see Me with your present eyes. Therefore I give
you divine eyes. Behold My mystic opulence!" (Lord Krishna,
Bhagavad-Gita 11.8)
God cannot be seen by our blunt eyes, He can only be seen with
divine vision.
It's not logical, or scientific to think that God is formless, if he
hears and sees. Also it's not logical or scientific to think that God
is only present in one place, but he knows all that is going on
How can God judge us without making any mistakes unless he is
the witness to all our actions in person?
How can God be all knowing unless he is present everywhere?
1. Although Lord Krishna (God) is present everywhere, the
source of everything, and everything is his energy. He is aloof
from all his material creations. He is not affected by his material
creations, this is the inconceivable opulence of Lord Krishna.
This is how great Lord Krishna (God) is.
"And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold
My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living
entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this
cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation."
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.5)
2. The sky is everywhere, but it does not mix with anything. In a
similar way, Lord Krishna is present everywhere but He does not
mix with anything.
"The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything,
although it is all-pervading." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita
3. The air enters into water, mud, stool and other filth, but still
it does not mix with anything. In a similar way, Lord Krishna is
present in water, mud, stool, but He does not mix with them, He
is aloof from them.
4. The sunshine is everywhere but it is not attached to anything.
In a similar way, Lord Krishna is everywhere but He is not
attached to anything.
5. The wind is blowing everywhere but it does not get affected
by the aromas it passes through. In a similar way, Lord Krishna
is everywhere but He is not affected by anything.
How can God see and hear everything, unless he has ears and
eyes (a form)?
Lord Krishna has appeared at least 18,000 times in His original
form (Bhagavad-Gita 4.6) and millions of times in His other
forms (Bhagavad-Gita 4.8) right here on this planet, and each
time He proved He was the one and only God. The God of the
Koran has only appeared once 1400 years ago and that also
invisible and hidden in a cave.
Those who are intelligent, open minded, and seriously searching
for the truth will accept Lord Krishna as the one and only God.
6. Another argument the Muslims have against God being
present everywhere is that if God were everywhere and in
everything then people could worship other people or
themselves. This is answered on the left from the Bhagavad-Gita
verses 8.7, 9.22 and many other verses from the Vedic
scriptures. Lord Krishna states to only worship him in his form
and not any other form. Thus people cannot worship people nor
can people worship themselves. The main point is that we have
to follow what is authorized. Thus follow the instructions of Lord
Krishna (God) as prescribed in the Bhagavad-Gita.
Lord Krishna (God) is present everywhere, but only His deity
can be worshipped as God and not anything else.
Someone who is present everywhere is greater than someone
who is only present in one place. Thus one who believes God is
great has to accept that Lord Krishna is the only God, who is
present everywhere.
Islam is a recently created man made religion based on taking
the knowledge from the scriptures which existed before Islam,
mainly the Vedic scriptures and adulterating it based on the
creativity and understanding of the founder, thus man made
ideologies. Most of its teachings are adulterated Vedic
teachings, and some of its teachings are based on what the
founder could create/imagine. Because man cannot be present
everywhere, the founder of Islam also thought God cannot be
present everywhere too and thus the Islamic teaching that God
is not present everywhere. The founder also thought that
because no man is great and man has a form, thus he made God
invisible (formless), because God is great and thus has to be
opposite to man who has form.
14 Equal Rights and Justice for all living beings.
No equal Rights and no Justice for non-Muslims.
All living beings are brothers and sisters.
Only the Muslims are brothers and sisters.
In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna speaks for all living beings
and not just Indians. The word 'Hindu' cannot be found in any
Vedic scripture in its original language, Sanskrit. This is because
Lord Krishna is the God of all living beings.
take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends. They
are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their
friendship shall become one of their numbers. Allah does not guide
the wrong-doers." (Quran 5.51)
"It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunte,
are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am
the seed-giving father." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4)
Lord Krishna is the father of all living beings and thus there is
justice for all living beings through the law of Karma. If a human
kills even an insignificant animal, he will have to take birth in the
same animal species and be killed in the same way. An eye for an
eye, justice for all living beings. The followers of the BhagavadGita are pure vegetarians because they have the higher
consciousness and see the animals as brothers and sisters and
not food.
"The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal
vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog
and a dog-eater [outcaste]." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 5.18)
Those who have real knowledge see all living beings as the
creation of God and thus have respect for all living beings and
sees all living beings with equal vision.
"One who is not envious but is a kind friend to all living entities,
who does not think himself a proprietor and is free from false ego,
who is equal in both happiness and distress, who is tolerant,
always satisfied, self-controlled, and engaged in devotional
service with determination, his mind and intelligence fixed on Mesuch a devotee of Mine is very dear to Me." (Lord Krishna,
Bhagavad-Gita 12.13-14)
In this verse the compiler of the Koran forbids Muslims from
becoming friends with the Christians and Jews. This verse proves
that the compiler of the Koran is clearly not in control, because
he doesn't like the non-Muslims, but they exist and he cannot
stop the creation of non-Muslims.
"Fight those who do not believe in Allah, until they pay the tax in
acknowledgement of superiority and they are in a state of
subjection." (Quran 9.29)
Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim
populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the
TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence
AND as a means of converting the non-Muslims to Islam.
"Remember Thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I
am with you: give firmness to the believers, I will instill terror into
the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and
smite all their finger tips of them." (Quran 8.12)
The Koran is based on Muslims vs. non-Muslims. This is simple
proof that the compiler of the Koran is not in control, because he
objects to the existence of non-Muslims who have always existed
and will always exist. The non-Muslims are eternal, the Muslims
are not eternal because they have only existed for 1400 years
The above are the words of a real God. He is loving, caring, and
responsible towards all living beings.
The Muslims want freedom of religion everywhere in the World,
but they don't give the same rights to non-Muslims in countries
where they have become dominant, like Saudi Arabia. This is the
wicked nature of Muslims. The non-Muslims do not have equal
rights nor can they practice their religion in public, nor can they
build Temples/Churches freely in many countries where the
Muslims are dominant.
The Muslims see animals as just food, no justice for them too.
15 Karma
No Karma
Life is an intelligent design, nothing happens by chance. This is
the law of Karma. For every action, there will be a reaction. We
have always existed and we will always exist, we are eternal.
The Muslims don't believe in Karma and they believe this is the
first life and we never existed before this life. They have no idea
why people are born in different situations.
People are born in different situations, like born in certain
countries, born in rich/poor families, born healthy/diseased and
so on. This is based on how the person behaved in his last life.
There is variety of species to satisfy the variety of desires and the
result of variety of actions. For example, the reason why there are
lions and tigers is because this provides the perfect body/life for
those who want to eat meat. There are pigs, because there are
those who like to eat anything and everything.
"The living entity in the material world carries his different
conceptions of life from one body to another as the air carries
aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take
another. The living entity, thus taking another gross body, obtains
a certain type of ear, eye, tongue, nose and sense of touch, which
are grouped about the mind. He thus enjoys a particular set of
sense objects." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.8-9)
Those humans who like to eat flesh, are aggressive, and have no
knowledge of God have developed an animalistic mentality, and at
Why are some born with cancer?
Why are some born rich?
Why some live for one day and die and some live to 100?
Why some are ugly and some are good looking?
Why some are male and some female?
Why some are born in Sudan and some in USA?
Why is there variety of species?
When is the day of judgment?
Why does God create us in the first place?
The Koran cannot answer any of the above and many other
questions. This is because only God can answer these questions
and he does in the Bhagavad-Gita. Lord Krishna is the one and
only God.
"Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them
with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunte, but they do
so in a wrong way. I am the only enjoyer and master of all
sacrifices. Therefore, those who do not recognize My true
death this consciousness will carry the soul to the animal
kingdom. Those humans who like to expose themselves naked to
others will get a tree body so they can stand naked, exposed to
all. There are 8.4 million species of living being bodies available
for the soul to reside in and realize their desires and deserves.
Out of these, 400,000 are human species. Once a soul falls down
from the human species, in most cases it has to go through the 8
million plant and animal species before it gets a human birth
"When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among
those engaged in fruitive activities; and when one dies in the
mode of ignorance, he takes birth in the animal kingdom." (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.15)
transcendental nature fall down." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita
Lord Krishna is full of love for all living beings, including Muslims
and he is eager for the souls in Muslim bodies to also go back to
his abode called Vaikuntha. Where everyone lives in the same
body that is completely beautiful, full of bliss/love, full of
knowledge, eternal, and with no old age, no disease, and no
misery/problems. There is zero hatred, zero violence, and zero
envy ness on the spiritual planets. All that is required is simply to
surrender unto him. The first change that takes place when
someone surrenders unto Lord Krishna is that he stops killing all
together (no meat eating). This alone is simple proof that Lord
Krishna is the real God, full of love for all living beings.
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I
shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear." (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.66)
The Muslims will say the Koran is a miracle and thus it's the word
of God, but as this document proves without a doubt. The
knowledge from the Koran originates from the Vedic scriptures,
which existed long before Islam, but it's mostly adulterated
Vedic knowledge as this document shows in so many ways. The
Vedic scripture were last written down 5000 years ago and have
more than 810,000 verses in them. The Koran was written 1400
years ago and it has 6236 verses. The compiler of the Vedic
scriptures is Lord Krishna and thus the Muslims should give the
credit to Lord Krishna and accept Him as the one and only God.
Also Lord Krishna has appeared more than 18,000 times in His
original form and millions of times in other forms, and each time
He proved He was the one and only God. Just 500 years ago, He
appeared as Lord Caitanya, and He once again proved He was the
only God. Many Muslims became His devotees just by seeing
Him. Islam is spread with the sword, aggression, and deception.
The Vedic religion is spread through truth and love.
All Muslims should give up animal killing, hatred, violence, and
follow the proven and eternally known God, Lord Krishna. The
result will be eternal life in the same body that will be completely
beautiful, full of bliss, full of knowledge, and with no old age, no
disease, and no misery/suffering.
16 The Vedic custom is to address men as 'their name' then the word
'brother' and women as 'their name' then the word 'sister'
The Islamic custom is to address men as 'brother' and then 'their
name', and women as 'sister' and then the word 'sister'.
The Vedic scriptures and Gurus preach to love everyone, including
Sarva Bhavantu Sukhina (May all be happy)
Sarva Santu Niramaya (May all be without disease)
Sarva Bhadrani Pashyantu (May all be safe)
Maa Kaschit Dukha Bhagh Bhavet (May none have misery of any
This is a Vedic prayer which is unique to Sanatan-Dharma (the
Eternal Religion).
"..who is friendly to every living entity, certainly comes to Me. "
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 11.55)
This clearly shows how Islam is basically adulterated Vedic
The Hadith and Koran are full of statements inciting hatred
towards the non-Muslims. This is another proof to show how
Islam is adulterated Vedic teachings. The Vedic scriptures preach
to love others and Islam preaches to hate others (Koran 3.19,
3.85, 5.51, 8.12, 9.12, and many other verses from the Koran and
When a Muslim smiles at you, remember the following hadith:
"(Verily) we smile for some people, while our hearts curse (those
same people)" (Sahih-al-Bukhari, v7, p102)
The Koran states many times that God is most merciful, but it
also instills hatred and violence into its followers. This clearly
shows how the Koran is adulterated teachings of God, because
God does not have double standards. Those who are pious and
"One who is not envious but is a kind friend to all living entities.."
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 12.13-14)
The above are the teachings of someone who is full of love,
someone who truly cares for all living beings, the words of the
true God.
"Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential.
Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do." (Lord
Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.63)
Lord Krishna gives Arjuna and us, free will. We can follow Him or
not, and just because one does not follow Him, it does not mean
one will go to eternal hell. The real God does not force anyone to
follow Him, because being human means free will, which is given
by God Himself. The compiler of the Koran wants to send those
who don't follow him to eternal hell, because the compiler of the
Koran is a man who wants to control others and not the real God
who is in complete control.
Krishna' is the name of God.
'Krishna' means 'the all attractive person'. He has been known in
this universe since its creation, which was 155.522 trillion years
ago. He is also known in millions of other universes. Therefore
Krishna is the one true God who is eternally and universally
known by a name.
are open minded will realize the truth and follow the original
teachings of God, the Vedic scriptures, and follow the only
person who very clearly proved that He is the most merciful with
no double standards, Lord Krishna.
Just one example, anyone who is killed by Lord Krishna or in the
presence of Him, gets immediate liberation, because Lord
Krishna is most merciful. The character God of the Koran, wants
to send people to eternal hell, but Lord Krishna only wants to
send people to eternal life of bliss and love in the spiritual
creation. Everyone gets unlimited chances and not just one, via
unlimited births to know Him (reincarnation).
Allah' is the Arabic term for God and NOT the name of God.
The Koran makes use of the word 'Allah', because the Koran is
primarily addressing the Arabic speaking audience and therefore
the Arabic term for God is used. Moses addressed God in his
language of Hebrew as 'Yahweh'. Abraham , Issac, and Jacob
addressed God as 'El', because this was the term for God in their
The Muslims will claim that before Islam, before 1400 years old,
people were followers of Islam because they worshipped 'Allah'.
This is a deception to convert others. 'Allah' is the term for God
in Arabic and thus it's natural for any Arabic speaking person to
use 'Allah' to address God.
Even the Arab Jews, Christians, and idolaters (Mushrikeen) refer
to God as 'Allah', because this is the term for God in their Arabic
language. It is NOT that the God of the Jews, Christians,
idolaters, and the Muslims is the same. Moses, Abraham, Issac,
Jacob, and Jesus, NEVER addressed God as 'Allah', because this
is the Arabic term for God and they were not Arabic speaking.
The Koran itself confirms that God can be called in any beautiful
"Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye
call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the most beautiful
names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone,
but seek a middle course between." (Koran 17.110)
“The most beautiful names belong to God: so call on Him by them;
but shun such men as use profanity in His names: for what they
do, they will soon be requited." (Koran 7.180)
The above proves that God can be addressed in any beautiful
name. Thus the Muslims claim of 'Allah' as the only God makes
no-sense, because this is not the name of God, it's just an Arabic
term for God. This claim is not supported by the Koran nor by
“Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the Most Beautiful
Names.” (Koran 20:8)
In the above verse, the first part makes no sense and this is
confirmed by the second part. 'Allah' means 'God' in Arabic. To
say 'Allah, there is no God but He' in 100% English would be
'God, there is no God but He'. This makes no sense.
The Muslims will say there are 99 names of Allah. This is another
proof that 'Allah' means 'God' and is not the name of God. It is
interesting to note that the 99 names of Allah are all Arabic
names, and this another proof that Islam is a creation of an
Arabic speaking person. The Arabic language has only existed for
a few thousand years at most and this means nobody recited any
of the names of God based on Islam, before the Arabic language
existed. Also nobody recited the names of God based on Islam
outside Arabia, until the Arabs invaded other nations and spread
their religion. Islam is not eternal, nor universal, and the Islamic
God is limited to Arabic names.
The real God, Lord Krishna has been eternally known on this
planet and is also known in millions of other universes. The Vedic
scriptures are eternal and existing for at least 155.522 trillion
years on this planet. Written in the oldest language on the
planet, Sanskrit, thus the mother of all languages. Lord Krishna
is known by unlimited names, He is NOT bound by the
imagination of one tribe nor one person nor one race.
The Koran is a one off scripture, only delivered/created once, to
be never delivered/created again. The Bhagavad-Gita has
already been spoken more than 18,000 times on this planet by
the same person, Lord Krishna. He has also spoken it in millions
of universes, and He is speaking it right now on a planet in a
universe. This is how great Lord Krishna (God) is.
If an English speaking person were to say " 'God' is the only God,
and there is no other God but 'God'. " This kind of statement
would be considered non-sensical. If an Hindi speaking person
were to say " 'Bhagawan' is the only God and there is no other
God but 'Bhagawan' ". This would be non-sensical , because
'Bhagawan' is just a designation for the Supreme in Hindi, and
not the name of the Supreme. In a similar way, for the Muslims
to say " 'Allah' is the only God, and there is no other God but
'Allah' " is non-sensical.
Lord Krishna (God) is seen and completely known.
God can only be seen and completely known if we follow His
instructions. This is to perform devotional service unto Lord
Based on Islam, God is unseen and completely unknown.
God is unseen and completely unknown to the Muslims and also
the other non-Vedic followers, because they are not engaged in
devotional service unto the real God.
It's very easy to determine if one is following the real God or not.
God can only be described by those who follow Him.
"My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be
understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen
directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My
understanding." (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 11.54)
One does not need to accept/understand all the proofs, if one accepts/understands just one proof then this is sufficient evidence for
accepting the others.
All the above evidence conclusively proves that the ancestors of all Muslims were Hindus and the Islamic traditions originate from the
Vedic traditions. Some Islamic traditions are adulterations of Vedic traditions. If a Muslim should research back through the generations,
he/she will find that his forefathers were indeed Hindus and followers of the Vedic religion. It's very evil for anyone to think that their own
forefathers went to hell or lived in ignorance simply because they followed a different religion.
Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and Sanatan-Dharma [The Eternal Religion] is the eternal religion of the eternal God and the Vedic
scriptures are the unadulterated eternal teachings of God. There are more than 810,000 verses in the main Vedic scriptures, which were
written down 5000 years ago, and less than 12,000 in the main Islamic scriptures which were written down only 1400 years ago. This is
simple proof that all the true knowledge contained in the Islamic scriptures originates from the Vedic scriptures. The Koran was spoken
only once 1400 years ago and it will never be spoken again, whereas the Vedic scriptures like the Bhagavad-Gita has been spoken more
than 18,000 times on this planet and in millions of universes by the same person, Lord Krishna. The Bhagavad-Gita was last spoken 5000
years ago in India and first spoken 155.522 trillion years ago on this planet in the current cycle alone. One will certainly gain a better
understanding of everything and especially God by learning from the eternal Vedic scriptures.
The Muslims can advance further in spirituality by:
Worshipping Lord Shiva in his original human like form, in addition to the black stone form. God is omnipresent and thus God is
present in every Temple and not just the Kaba Temple. The Muslims should go to Vedic Temples and bow down (Namaz) to the deity
of Lord Shiva at least.
Love and be compassionate towards all living beings by giving up hatred and the killing of animals, especially cows.
Being open minded and acceptance of facts.
Learning from the vast Vedic scriptures, the origin of all the truth in the Islamic scriptures.
The Muslims are locked up in the well of Islam and are forbidden to look outside their tiny well. Those who look outside will see that there
is a vast ocean full of water. For those who follow the recently created religions, God will be unknown/invisible and for those who follow
Sanatan-Dharma (The Eternal Religion), God will be completely known.
You have a choice, you can follow Lord Krishna who has appeared millions of times and each time proved He is the only God. Or
you can follow an unseen, unproven, unknown, and invisible God. The choice is yours. You can follow an eternal religion backed
up by millions of Prophets who have appeared over a period of trillions of years on this planet and on others, in this universe
and in others, with scriptures which are eternal. Or you can follow a 1400 year old religion backed by only one person and
which cannot exist beyond this planet, with one off scripture. The choice is yours. You can follow the original teachings from
God, or you can follow the adulterated teachings. The choice is yours.
Click here for a pdf file showing a brief summary of What Is God?
Click here for a pdf file showing how Lord Krishna is the proven God
Click here for a pdf file showing the God of 3 World religions
Click here for a pdf file showing the scriptures of the World religions
Click here for a pdf file showing the Vedic creation chart
Click here for a pdf file showing the Time Structure of the Universe based on the Vedic knowledge
Click here for a pdf file showing how the population of the universe originated
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