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Case Study Analysis
First in Show Pet Foods, Inc.
Jason Osguthorpe
Situational Analysis
In January 2009, First in Show Pet Foods Inc. met with representatives from
Marketing Momentum Unlimited to discuss details on a strategy to introduce their
primary brand Show Circuit to a wider consumer market.
The plan is to take Show Circuit an already established premium dog food in the
dog show market and move it into the home market. There are several question
needed to be answered before initiating this plan.
Product: How big should a case be and in what volume should the product
be sold?
Price: What should the suggested retail price be for a case of Show Circuit
brand dog food?
Promotion: How should Show Circuit brand dog food be advertised? Who
should the target market be?
Place: Where should Show Circuit brand dog food be sold?
There are four major trends within the dog food industry that give credit to First in
Show Pet Foods Inc. desires to extend their market.
Increased dog Ownership, There are currently 65million dog owners in the
US and this number is continuing to grow.
Pets are being view more like members of the family. As a result owners are
spending more money on the products and services. The annual amount
spent each year on vet bills, dog toys, dog medications, clothing, accessories,
and furniture has exceeded $20 billion.
Premium and Super Premium Dog Foods are becoming more popular.
Owners have started to look for All Natural Dog Foods
CENTRAL Core of Difficulty
First in Show Pet Foods Inc. core problem will be getting consumers aware of their
product. Show Circuit is not sold in the pet aisle, it is frozen and therefore has to be
sold in the refrigerated section of a store. Pet owners who might be potential buyers
may never even see it.
Company Goal
First in Show Pet Foods Inc.’s goal is to bring to pet owner’s attention their product.
To show that it’s product is the best dog food you could give your furry family
member. Last it wants to take advantage of an untapped market in frozen dog food.
Create an advertisement campaign to get consumers aware of Show Circuit dog
food. Use TV, print and radio to achieve this. Secondly create fliers or banners that
can be placed in stores to grab attention to customers.
Monitor any data you can on who is buying your product. Possibly give a coupon
away to consumers who sign up for it using their email. Could even have a “refer a
friend” get a coupon to gain more word of mouth advertisement.
Primary Audience
Initial primary audience will be singles and couples in in the age group of 21-54.
Target more at those with income above $25,000.
Define the Problem
There are three problems. First is brand and product recognition. The second
problem is that they will have to convince consumers that their dog food is worth
the extra efferent as it is frozen and that it is worth the freezer space. Third is that
of pricing. If they charge to much they won’t be able to break into the market.
Causes and Effects
Show Circuit is a known brand in the dog show market. It has some success there
but is still relatively new. There is little to no knowledge of it in outside market.
The consumers in the dog show market are competing and there for willing to pay
more for their dogs food. It is unknown how much outside consumers will be willing
to pay. As such it is a somewhat risky venture branching out.
List of Alternative Solutions or Courses
Primetime television advertising of First in Show Pet Food, Inc. products will
encourage brand awareness and purchases. Another television commercial option is
to advertise on specialty shows concerning dogs, such as the famous Westminster
Kennel Club Dog Show.
Another possibility is to both gather data on who is buying and generate repeat
business is to provide a flyer that give information on how to sign up for a coupon
and other information about their products.
A referral program could also be implemented. A referral program where if you get
your friends to sign up then you both receive a coupon.
Compare, Choose and Implement
I would not choose to advertise in newspapers. Readership is down and less of the
target audience read them. I would use TV as my primary tool for gaining brand
I would send out coupons in the mail, or maybe give out keywords during the TV
commercial that gives you money off of your purchase. I would also try to encourage
customers to sign up to an email service. During the process have them take a small
survey(under 5 min) to learn more about them. This will give you a better idea on
how to market and for whom.