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Wayne Co High School
TEACHER: Tara Whitteker
Email Address:
Web Page:
Cell phone:
Teacher Support and
ROOM: 318
Help sessions are available after school until 4:00. Please contact me to ensure I am available.
My planning period is 1st block.
Introduction to Digital Technology is the foundational course for Web & Digital Communications, Programming,
Advanced Programming, Information Support & Services, and Network Systems pathways.
This course is designed for high school students to understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world as it impacts
their personal life, society, and the business world. Exposure to foundational knowledge in hardware, software,
programming, web design, IT support, and networks are all taught in a computer lab with hands-on activities and
project-focused tasks. Students will not only understand the concepts, but apply their knowledge to situations and
defend their actions/decisions/choices through the knowledge and skills acquired in this course.
Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the
skills required by business and industry.
Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral
components of both the employability skills standards and content standards for this course.
Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the digital
world. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the impact of
effective presentation skills are taught in this course as a foundational knowledge to prepare students to be college and
career ready. The knowledge and skills taught in this course build upon each other to form a comprehensive
introduction to digital world.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Digital Technology is a course that is appropriate for all high school students. The prerequisite for this course is advisor approval.
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
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Course Standards
IT-IDT – 1 Demonstrate employability skills required
by business and industry
IT-IDT - 2 Explore, research, and present findings on
positions and career paths in technology
and the impact of technology on chosen
career area.
Demonstrate effective professional
communication skills (oral, written, and
digital) and practices that enable positive
customer relationships.
Identify, describe, evaluate, select and use
appropriate technology.
1. FBLA – leadership development, community
service, and employability skills
2. Online safety and digital citizenship
3. Emerging and future technology
4. Hardware and software
5. Problem solving, flowcharting and algorithms
6. Visual programming
7. Employability Skills
8. Information Technology Careers: Programming,
Gaming, and Software Development
9. FBLA – entrepreneurship development,
competitive events, professional communication
10. Operating systems
11. Customer relationships
12. Networking basics
13. Online resources
14. Web design
15. Ethics, legal issues, and cyber security
16. Information Technology Careers: Network
Systems, Information Support & Services, and Web
& Digital Communications, Computer Forensics
Understand, communicate, and adapt to a
digital world.
Explore and explain the basic components
of computer networks.
Use computational thinking procedures to
analyze and solve problems.
Create and organize webpages through the
use of a variety of web programming
design tools.
Design, develop, test and implement
programs using visual programming.
Describe, analyze, develop and follow
policies for managing ethical and legal
issues in the business world and in a
technology-based society.
Explore how related student organizations
are integral parts of career and technology
education courses through leadership
development, school and community
service projects, entrepreneurship
development, and competitive events.
Published Materials
Duckett, HTML & CSS: Design and Build
Websites. Wiley, 2011
Introduction to Computers and Information
Technology, Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011
Software: Alice, Scratch, Microsoft Office 2010
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
Instructional Supplies
3-ring binder, paper, pen or pencil, headphones
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Classwork & Homework
Projects/Unit Tests
Final Exam
Grade Weights
Final Exam
Grading Scale
90 and above
80 – 89
74 – 79
60 – 69
59 or below
Expectations for Academic Success
1) Complete daily classwork assignments
2) Participate in class discussions and ask questions
3) Participate constructively as a team member
4) Problem solve and accept challenges
5) Challenge yourself to continuously improve
Additional Requirements/Resources
Acceptable Computer Use Policy
Tutoring Available
The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
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Sign up for the Wayne County School System Infinite Campus Portal!
Campus Portal is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student
information: class schedule, assignments, grades, attendance, discipline, immunizations, fines and fees, and
report cards. High school students and parents have access to additional features, including their transcript.
Teachers and administrations can send messages to parents and students through the Portal.
Campus Portal is a means to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of
communication with parents and students.
Parents of current students and all students are eligible to activate a Campus Portal account.
All students automatically have an account to see only their student information, but not their siblings. Their
user name is their student number (They often call this their “lunch number.”), and their password is their
initials of their first and last names and their date of birth, written as MMDDYY. For example, Joe Smith,
who was born March 23, 1999, would have a log in of js032399. Any student can obtain their student number
by asking one of their teachers or the computer operator or receptionist at their school. Students will be
required to change their password when they log in.
Parents need an activation key to set up an account. This will enable them to see information about all the
children in their family. Complete directions and links on the sign-up process are found on our directions page
at Parents can also reach this page by going to
our web page and clicking on the Parents link. There will be a link for information and a link for the log in
page for the Parent/Student portal.
The steps for a parent to sign up are:
1) Obtain a key by going to
You will have to enter the social security number and the birth date of one of your children. You will then see
a separate key for your and your spouse. Choose which key you want to use (Each parent can have their own
account or can use the same account.). Keep this page open to use in step 2.
2) The next step is to enter the key on this page:
You can copy and paste the various segments of the key into the cells here.
3) After you enter the key, you will be required to create a user name and password. The password must be at
least 8 characters long and include at least one number or symbol.
4) The last step is to go to the log in page and log in to the portal. The log in page is:
Please tear off this last page of the syllabus and return to instructor! Complete front
and back. Student will not have internet access until page (front and back) is fully
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
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Wayne County High School
Business and Computer Science Department
This contract is made between Tara Whitteker (Instructor) and __________________.
Please read and initial beside each item listed below:
1. I understand that I do not have permission to “hack” the computer or network system. This
includes exploring the hard drive (C:), the Internet, anything unauthorized on the network,
setting passwords, overwriting security or any other activity that I have not been “given
rights” to do. _____
2. I understand that I am bound to the school rules that include the Internet
Safety/Computer Acceptable User Policy as stated in the student handbook. _______
3. I understand that I will be issued a WCHS login username and password which will allow me
to use student computers around the school. I FULLY understand that I am responsible for
keeping my username and password confidential. ALL computer activity will be monitored
and can be traced. I understand that I will be held accountable for ALL computer activity
performed under my login username AND files saved to any accessible location. ______
4. I understand that the instructor or a substitute has the right to question my actions and
can terminate my Internet access rights at any time. _______
5. I understand that I am NOT allowed to download music, files or games. Also, I understand
that I am not allowed to bring personal disks/CDs and use or download anything without
permission. ______
6. I understand that any property, equipment, software, operating systems, or consumables
altered or damaged due to negligence or malicious intent will result in disciplinary action as
provided in the WCHS student handbook. Perpetrators of this type of offense will be
required to reimburse the school for the replacement cost of the new purchase associated
with the damage and/or will be required to pay technology specialist’s hourly rate for
replacements/repairs. ______
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
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I have read and understand the requirements and rules for Introduction to Digital
Student’s Signature ___________________________
Parent’s Signature ___________________________
Parent’s e-mail address_________________________
Parent’s daytime phone number___________________
Syllabus, Introduction to Digital Technology, 2013-14
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