CHOOSING A TOPIC AND DEVELOPING A STRATEGY SPEECH110 C.ShoreFall 2015 East San Gabriel Valley, ROP 1 Learning Objectives 6.1: State when it is appropriate for you to choose the topic of your speech and when the choice is beyond your control. 6.2: Identify the characteristics of a good topic. 6.3: Proceed through the steps involved in choosing a good topic. 6.4: Define strategic plan and explain the steps for developing and implementing one. 6.5: Formulate statements of the specific purpose and thesis of your speech and illustrate how these statements will influence other strategic decisions. 6.6: Analyze your thesis statement to figure out which issues you need to discuss and which ideas need support. 2 6.1: Topics Elements of a topic may include: – Commitment to a cause – Reputation – Occasion For this class – All topics must relate to the 2016 Presidential Elections on Nov. 3, 2015 3 6.2: What Makes a Good Topic? Importance to the speaker Interest to the audience Worthy of listeners’ time Appropriateness of scope Appropriateness for oral delivery Appropriateness to the rhetorical situation 4 6.3: How to Choose a Good Topic Conduct a personal inventory – What issues do I care about? – Which of my experiences might be generalizable? – Which of my interests overlap with those of the audience? Brainstorm – Use categories or topoi to start Narrow the topic – Move from most general ideas and make more specific 5 6.4: Developing a Strategic Plan Identifying the Purpose – Providing new information/perspective – Agenda setting – Creating positive/negative feelings – Strengthening commitment – Weakening commitment – Conversion – Inducing a specific action 6 6.4: Developing a Strategic Plan Identifying the Constraints – Constraints arise from: Audiences in general Your specific audience Your ethos as a speaker Nature of your topic The rhetorical situation Identifying the Opportunities – Information advantage – Audience analysis 7 6.4: Developing a Strategic Plan Selecting the Means – How will you. . . Lead the audience? Structure the speech? Use language techniques? Present the speech? 8 6.5: Developing the Purpose Statement and the Thesis Statement The Purpose Statement – General purpose: Ex.--To inform, (persuade or entertain) – Specific purpose: Ex.--To inform students of cheating on campus The Thesis Statement – Ex.: Far more students cheat than most of us think. 9 6.6: Analyzing the Thesis Statement Identifying the issues – Determine what the speech must cover – Direct your research – Possibly modify your thesis 10 6.6: More on Thesis Statements Hemingway – The six word novel “For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” Characters: A woman and the man who got her pregnant. Setting: newspaper ad Plot: Obviously, the woman became pregnant. She began preparing for the baby's arrival, which is evident from the fact that she bought or was given some new baby shoes. Conflict: The fact that the baby shoes were never used indicates that the baby died either before or during birth — quite a conflict for a young mother-to-be. Theme: The theme of this story is dealing with loss — specifically the loss of a child. Are the baby shoes kept as a reminder of the loss or in hope of having another child? Are they destroyed in a fit of anguished rage? No; they are put up for sale, giving us a glimpse of how the characters are dealing with the loss as well as some of the considerations that went into the decision to sell the shoes. 6.6: Identify the thesis Katy Perry: Firework – ry/firework.html Taylor Swift: Blank Space – Hozier: Take me to church – takemetochurch.html Take Away 6.1: State when it is appropriate for you to choose the topic of your speech and when the choice is beyond your control. – * 6.2: Identify the characteristics of a good topic. – * 6.3: Proceed through the steps involved in choosing a good topic. – * 13 Take Away 6.4: Define strategic plan and explain the steps for developing and implementing one. – * 6.5: Formulate statements of the specific purpose and thesis of your speech and illustrate how these statements will influence other strategic decisions. – * 6.6: Analyze your thesis statement to figure out which issues you need to discuss and which ideas need support. – * 14