Course Evaluation A mark of 50% is required to pass this course. If your mark falls below 60% at any time during the course your parents will receive a phone call about your progress. Policies Assignments 1. Assignments must be handed in to the teacher in the classroom, during regular class time. It is not acceptable to deliver it to another teacher, nor handing it into the staff-room. Such assignments will not be marked. 2. When the teacher assigns a due date for an assignment you as the student are expected to honor that date. Excuses like “I forgot it at home” or “my printer was not working” or “my computer crashed” are not acceptable. In the event that the latter does occur, the assignment will still be accepted provided that it is saved on a USB key or on some dropbox account. When a due date is set, students will have 5 days (not including weekends) from that date to hand in their assignment. However, the student will lose 5% each day up to 25% on the assignment. On the fifth day, the teacher will hand back the corrected assignments to the class and late assignments will not be accepted on or after this date. Sun Mon Due Date Tues Wed Thurs Fri -5% -10% -15% -20% Sat -25% If you know that a certain due date will not be achieved by any of your efforts, please set up an appointment to talk with your teacher, before the date the assignment is due, so that a more appropriate due date can be arranged without consequence. If you choose this option you must complete a contract provided by your teacher and you must submit the contract to me on the due date instead of the assignment. The completed assignment will then be submitted to your teacher on the day that you determine on the contract. If you do not honor the contract then you will receive a mark of 0. 3. If plagiarism (copying from a source without referencing it) is suspected the student will be confronted by the teacher and if plagiarism is confirmed then the student will receive a mark of zero. Copying another students’ work is also considered plagiarism and both students will receive a mark of zero. Tests 4. If you miss a test due to absence for any reason, you should expect to write it on YOUR FIRST DAY BACK. When you return from your absence you should provide the teacher with a note from your parents explaining why you were away with their signature. Your parents MUST also leave the teacher a voice mail message at (905) 420 – 7166 ext. 4268. If this note is not provided and the phone call is not made, you will receive a mark of zero. Every effort should be made to be present for scheduled test dates. If you know you will be away on the day of a scheduled test (i.e. school trip, event, prescheduled doctor’s appointment, then you must provide a signed document from your parent/teacher that clearly states the reason for your absence on the day of the religion test. This signed document should be delivered to me at least 3 days before the test date so that a more appropriate test day can be arranged - you may have to write your test before school, after school the next day so that you do not miss any more valuable class time. 5. Cheating is unacceptable. If any student is caught cheating, then he/she will receive a mark of zero on the test and your parents will be contacted. Suspensions If a student misses an evaluation or assessment date as a result of a suspension the consequences will be discussed with your parents and administration. Absences If you are ill, please have your parent or guardian contact the school office, indicating the reason for your absence. During and after any absence, it is your responsibility to: Keep up or catch up on missed notes Find out about pending assignments or tests (these along with their due dates will be located on the front board and on the St. Mary website) Be prepared to write any missed test or quiz on the first day back and provide the teacher with a note as to why you were away In order to be prepared for class after any absence, you should have the phone numbers of at least TWO RELIABLE classmates. If anyone tells you that “nothing happened in class today” don’t believe them. Something always happens in class. My contact is: NAME NUMBER ____________________________ ____________________________ If the number of absences you accumulate during the course exceed more than 5 without valid reason, then your parents will receive a phone call. If at any time your absences exceed more than 7, without appropriate reason, the office will be contacted. Punctuality Always be on time for class. If you are late for a valid reason (ex. talking to or helping another teacher, guidance/office appointment) then you should bring a note signed by a teacher/office personnel explaining why you were late for class. If there is no valid reason for arriving to class late then you will have to accept the consequences. If the number of lates accumulated exceeds 3 during this course then you will have a chance to make up for them by engaging in some classroom clean up before school or after school for 10 minutes. If the number of lates accumulated exceeds 7 during this course then your parents will be notified and so will the office. If you do arrive late, you will most likely find the door locked. While you wait for me to open the door, please take the time to fill out the punctuality form located on the outside of the door. Place it on the desk at the front of the room just behind the door when you enter. Textbooks At the beginning of the course you will be provided a textbook with a number. At the end of the course you must return the textbook that was given to you at the beginning of the course. In other words, return the same number textbook that was issued to you. Any other textbook is considered unacceptable. If the textbook issued to you at the beginning of the term is not returned then you will have to pay for it or accept the consequences. Safety Rules You are required to exhibit responsible, safe behavior in the class. NO FOOD is allowed in the classroom at any time. There are several people with allergies in our classroom and your food item may cause them to experience a severe anaphylactic reaction. If you are caught eating food in class the teacher will take your food from you and will throw it into the garbage. A bottle of water is permitted. Acts of vandalism are also not permitted. If you are caught vandalizing anything in the classroom, including the desks (ie. writing on them) you will have to clean all the desks in the room after school. Uniform Please attend class in full uniform as soon as you walk in through the door. If the teacher needs to remind you to be in full and proper uniform, then the item of clothing that is breaking uniform rules (shoes, jacket, sweater, hat etc.) will be taken from you and given to the office for safe keeping. Remember to keep your second layer of clothing (ex. St. Mary pullover, sweater, and vest) on as you walk from one class to the next. Jackets or any other sweaters that do not have the St. Mary logo on them should remain inside your lockers from the beginning of the day to the end of the day. Do not bring these items to class because they will be taken form you and given to the office for 3:00 pick up at the end of the day. Homework Homework checks will occur periodically and your teacher will not necessarily tell you when they will occur. ALWAYS BRING YOUR NOTEBOOK TO CLASS. If you do not complete your homework your mark will suffer. Homework is assigned to help you; it is NOT your enemy. Hall-passes These hall-passes are located at the back of your agenda. If you have a need to visit the lavatory during class time DO NOT ask the teacher for permission while she is teaching. Wait for the lesson to be completed then you may ask for permission. If the teacher begins to recognize a pattern or becomes concerned with the number of times you visit the bathroom, your bathroom privileges will be restricted. If you have a medical condition, please get a note signed by your doctor and deliver a copy to the office and to your teachers. Electronic Devices……….. There is a new board policy which outlines the use of electronic devices within the school. Please visit the board website for the full document at There are 2 very important aspects about this document to keep in mind….. a. Students are expected to use devices responsibly, and only with the permission and direction of teachers or other staff members. If you choose to use your electronic device irresponsibly or without your teacher’s permission (i.e. using it while the teacher is teaching) it will be taken from you and you will be able to retrieve your device at the end of the day. You will only be allowed to use your electronic device if your parents sign the appropriate waiver form. b. Ultimately, students are responsible for lost, stolen and damage personal electronic devices. This portion of the policy still holds true even if the device was lost or damaged while it was confiscated by a staff member! Teacher Website – Stay Updated! You may view important due dates and download certain assignments and notes from St. Mary website using the following simple steps: a. Go to the St. Mary website – b. Click on the “students” tab c. Scroll down on click on “teacher websites” d. Look for and click on “Minardi” under the religion subject heading e. Then click on your course – Grade 12 Religion You are responsible for checking this website every day. I will post homework and assignments and test dates on the website. If you lose any of your notes you may download some of them form this website because I will not photocopy anymore for you. EXTRA HELP As soon as you feel as if you do not understand the material presented to you in class, PLEASE do not hesitate to make an appointment with the teacher ASAP. Appointments may be scheduled anytime after 3:00 pm or on your spare (provided the teacher is not preoccupied with extra-curricular events or staff meetings).