Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Department of Telecommunications ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTING ISO : 9001 in General Administration (GA) Branch of Department of Telecommunications 1. List of Management committee for implementing ISO 9001 in General Administration (GA) Branch Management Committee for Implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Ministry/Department : S.No. Name Designation Committee Status 1. S.C. Sharma DDG (C&A) Chairman 2. S.L. Negi Director (P&A) Secretary 3. S.E. Rizwi US (T) Management Representative 4. J.P. Gautam SO (G-I) Member 5. H.S. Chawla SO (G-II) Member 6. N.K. Tomar SO (CR) Member 7. O.P. Chanchal Assistant, G-I Member 2. Scope for ISO 9001 Name of the Department/Ministry Deptt. of Telecom, Ministry of C&IT Scope for ISO 9001 of General To provide transparent, Administration Branch responsive, high quality and timebound logistic support/ services to the officials of Department of telecom so as to optimize their output. To provide in a 1 transparent, responsive, high quality and timebound manner an interphase with the service providers to engage their services. List Sections/Divisions/functions to be covered General Administration – I General Administration – II Central Registry 3. Organizational Structure of General Administration AS(T) ↓ DDG (C&A) ↓ Director (P&A) ↓ US(T) ↓ ↓ SO(G-I) ↓ SO(G-II) 2 ↓ SO(CR) 4. Vision and Mission Vision To equip the Department to provide transparent, reliable, time bound and high quality housekeeping services using modern and innovative technologies, to the officials of the department. Mission To prepare and finalize Users Manual to provide high quality housekeeping services in a time bound manner. 3 5. List of processes with designations (a) List of process Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name of Process/Procedures Process owner Inventory and maintenance of all General I Section, office equipment Headed by Section Officer & US (T) as Branch Officer. Inventory of all unserviceable items/ ” equipment & disposal thereof (Furniture, equipments & other miscellaneous items except Electrical & IT articles) Inventory of stationery and related ” items Inventory and maintenance of office ” furniture Inventory and maintenance of office ” accommodation. Procurement of office furniture ” Procurement of Stationery items ” Procurement of Office Automation ” Engagement and monitoring of ” private house keeping Agency Settlement of bills for housekeeping ” and other services Setting up of office service unit ” Engagement of a private agency to ” provide daily wagers. Preparation of identity cards and ” visitors cards Major/minor repairs of office ” building/premises including renovation of specific rooms/area Preparation of CGHS cards General II Section, Headed by Section Officer & US (T) as 4 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Branch Officer. Compilation of instructions/orders ” on reimbursement of medical bills Organizing logistics for meeting/ ” conferences Examination and settlement of ” medical reimbursement bills Processing and award of ” scholarships and book awards Issue of parking labels for ” office/private vehicles. Financial assistance/sanction for ” purchase of gifts/mementos for retiring officials Sanction of financial assistance for ” sports/ welfare activities. Upkeep, updation and maintenance Library Section, of office library Headed by Section Officer (G-II) as additional charge in absence of ALIO being vacant and US (T) as Branch Officer. Purchase of books/periodicals for the ” library and inventory thereof including weeding out of books/periodicals Modernization of Central Registry CR Section, Headed by Section Officer & US (T) as Branch Officer. Inventory of Govt. vehicles, their ” maintenance and settlement of bills Engagement of private transport ” agency for providing DLY taxis to officials and settlement of their monthly bills 5 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Protocol functions in the Department Protocol Unit under including purchase of air tickets, etc. General- II Section and US (T) as Branch Officer. Publication of advertisements ” through DAVP and settlement of bills Publication of classified ” advertisements directly and settlement of bills Publicity campaigns and preparation ” of publicity material Organizing press conferences and ” facilitating officials to participate therein Policy issues on publicity and ” printing Printing of DoT’s publications, ” manuals, letter heads and other stationery items Engagement of agencies for printing ” assignments Settlement of bills pertaining to ” printing and publication 6 (b) Details of processes with designation- Ministry/Department : Department of Telecom, Ministry of C&IT Process Description Inventory and maintenance of all office equipment Sequence of activities Sl. No. Activity/steps in the process In respect of item No. (1-5) 1. Opening of an inventory register 2. Posting of relevant article wise heads/sub–heads for specifications of the equipment 3. Stock taking exercise to be taken and entries to be made in the stock register, including year wise indexing on the items concerned 4. Review/vetting of entries 5. Periodic survey for upkeep and maintenance 6. Earmarking the obsolete/unserviceable items for disposal 7. Constitution of Standing Committee for unserviceable items 8. Submission of the report by the Committee and action for disposal to be undertaken 9. Action for disposal of the unserviceable office equipment by calling of tenders/auction 10. Fixation of date of tender/auction and final award of contract 11. Responsibility head SO SO SO SO SO / US (T) SO DDG (C&A) US (T) SO US (T) Receipt of the sale proceeds and its SO deposition in the exchequer. 7 12. vii) In respect of Item No. 6 & 7 (Procurement of Furniture items & Stationery items) A. Procurement by way of Limited Tender. i) To seek administrative AS (T) for furniture approval consisting of approval for items TEC/ Bid Document. DDG (C&A) for stationery items ii) Fixing of the requisite dates for US (T) tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). iii) Issue of the NITs to different SO firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. iv) Opening & evaluation of the SO / TEC bids. v) Approval of the competent AS (T) for furniture authority for financial concurrence. items DDG (C&A) for stationery items vi) Award for execution to L1 SO / US (T) bidder. vii) Posting of details of finalization SO of the tender on the website. viii) ii) B. Procurement by way of calling quotations (LPC)i) To seek administrative AS (T) for furniture approval consisting of approval for items Local Purchase Committee. DDG (C&A) for stationery items ii) Fixing of the requisite dates to call US (T) the quotations. iii) Issue of the letters to different SO / US (T) firms to call the quotations. iv) Opening & evaluation of the SO / LPC quotations. 8 v) Approval of the competent AS (T) for furniture authority for financial concurrence. items DDG (C&A) for stationery items vi) Award for execution to L1 SO / US (T) bidder. C. Procurement without calling for quotations i) Approval of the competent AS (T) for furniture authority. items US (T)/ Dir (P&A)/ DDG (C&A) for stationery items ii) Award of work orders. SO /US (T) 13 D. Procurement by way of Single Sourcei) Approval of the IFD giving suitable reasons/ necessity for procurement and then approval of the competent authority. ii) Award of work orders. In respect of Item No. 8 (Procurement of Office Automation- Photocopiers, Fax, MFDs, LCD TV, Air- Purifiers etc.) A. By way of DGS&D Rate Contracti) Approval of the competent authority. IFD then approval of AS (T) for furniture items DDG (C&A) for Stationery items SO DDG (C&A) B. Procurement by way of Limited Tender. i) To seek administrative DDG (C&A) approval consisting of approval for TEC/ Bid Document. 9 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Fixing of the requisite dates for tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). Issue of the NITs to different firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. Opening & evaluation of the bids. Approval of the competent authority for financial concurrence. Award for execution to L1 bidder. Posting of details of finalization of the tender on the website. C. Procurement by way of calling quotations (LPC)i) To seek administrative approval consisting of approval for Local Purchase Committee vii) Fixing of the requisite dates to call the quotations. viii) Issue of the letter to different firms to call the quotations. ix) Opening & evaluation of the quotations. x) Approval of the competent authority for financial concurrence. xi) Award for execution to L1 bidder. 10 US (T) SO SO / LPC DDG (C&A) SO / US (T) SO DDG (C&A) SO / US (T) SO SO / LPC DDG(C&A) SO / US (T) D. Procurement without calling for quotations i) Approval of the competent DDG (C&A) authority. ii) Award of work-orders. SO 14. E. Procurement by way of Single Sourcei) Approval of the IFD giving IFD then approval of suitable reasons/ necessity DDG (C&A) for procurement and then approval of the competent authority. iii) Award of work-orders. SO / US (T) In respect of Item No. 9 (Engagement and monitoring of private housekeeping agency) A. Engagement by way of Open Tender. i) To seek administrative approval of the IFD and competent authority for consisting of approval for TEC/ Bid Document. ii) Fixing of the requisite dates for tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). iii) Issue of the NITs to different firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. iv) Opening & evaluation of the bids. v) Approval of the IFD & competent authority for financial concurrence. vi) Award for execution to L1 11 IFD & AS (T) US (T) SO SO / TEC IFD & AS (T) SO / US (T) vii) 15. 16. 17. bidder. Posting of details of SO finalization of the tender on the website. In respect of Item No. 10 (Settlement of bills for housekeeping and other services) i) Process/scrutinization of the bills. ii) Approval of the competent authority. iii) Issue of the sanction order. In respect of Item No. 11 (Setting up of office service unit) i) Establishment of Help-Desk with necessary logistics (Telephone, Mobile, PC with three outsourced person to function as shift system). In respect of Item No. 12 (Engagement of a private agency to provide daily wagers) SO AS (T) US (T) AS (T)/ IFD A. Engagement by way of Open Tender. i) To seek administrative IFD & AS (T) approval of the IFD and competent authority for consisting of approval for TEC/ Bid Document. ii) Fixing of the requisite US (T) dates for tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). iii) Issue of the NITs to SO different firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. 12 iv) v) vi) vii) 18. Opening & evaluation of the bids. Approval of the IFD & competent authority for financial concurrence. Award for execution to L1 bidder. Posting of details of finalization of the tender on the website. SO/ TEC IFD & AS (T) SO/ US (T) SO In respect of Item No. 13 (Preparation of identity cards & visitors cards) i) ii) Scrutinization of SO/US(T) applications. Obtaining approval of the SO/ US (T)/ Dir competent authority (P&A)/DDG (C&A) iii) 19. Forwarding the application SO to MHA to issue of I-Cards In respect of Item No. 14 (Major/ minor repairs of office building/ premises including renovation of specific rooms/ aera Minor/ Major (Capital Works- Civil/ Electrical) On Payment basis by BSNLi) ii) Forwarding of requisitions SO received to Civil/ Electrical Wing/ Architect, BSNL for preparation of lay-out & design. Approval of the lay-out by DDG (C&A)/ AS (T) the competent authority. 13 iii) iv) v) vi) Issue of the approve lay-out SO to Civil Wing for framing of he estimates. Submission of the estimates AS (T) for the administrative approval upto Rs. 10 lakhs Beyond Rs. 10 lakhs Chairman (TC) Financial concurrence Upto Rs. 10 lakhs Advisor (F) Beyond Rs. 10 lakhs Member (F) Re-imbursement to BSNL of DDG (C&A) the expenses incurred for the works executed as per the approved estimates. Maintenance (Routine whitewash/ SO/ US (T) electrical works, servicing, portable socket plugs provisions etc.) On free of charge basis through BSNL. 20. In respect of Item No. 15 (Preparation of CGHS Cards) i) Scrutinization of applications. ii) Sponsoring of the applications to CGHS directorate for issue of CGHS Cards. iii) Surrender of Cards. iv) Change of the dispensaries. 14 SO US (T) SO US (T) 21. In respect of Item No. 16 (Compilation of instructions/ orders on reimbursement of medical bills i) 22. Preparation & updation of SO guard files on above. In respect of Item No. 17 (Organizing logistics for meeting/ conference) i) Prioritization of the demands based on the availability of the Conference/ Committee Rooms. ii) Intimation of the same to the requisitioner on telephone. iii) Registration of the bookings in the Booking registers. iv) Intimation to SDE (Electrical) for operation of Audio- Visual equipments, AC etc. during the meetings. v) Intimation to Manager, Canteen for arrangement of refreshments items through the Canteen available in the canteen and deputing uniformed waiters for catering. vi) Intimation to Caretaker, Sanchar Bhawan for cleaning & over all arrangements for operationalization of the meetings. 15 SO SO SO SO SO SO vii) 23. Arrangement of eatables SO from outside as per the requisition by the senior officers & the units. In respect of Item No. 18(Examination and settlement of medical reimbursement billsPermission for diagnostic tests and procedures & settlement & reimbursement of bills thereofi) ii) iii) iv) 24. Upto the limit Rs. 2,000/Rs. 2,000/- to Rs. 10,000/Above Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 2 lakhs Beyond Rs. 2 lakhs In respect of Item No. 19 (Processing and award of scholarships and book awards) i) Issue of notification inviting applications for award of scholarship. ii) Scrutiny of the applications. iii) Submission of the proposal for approval of the competent authority. iv) Circulation of the list of the awardees in the DoT (HQ) and in the field units (By post & by publication on the website). v) Disbursement of scholarships, grants etc to the awardees. 16 US (T) Director (P&A) DDG (C&A) DDG Member (F) (C&A)/ US (T) & Officers Welfare SO AS (T) & Chairman Telecom Staff Welfare Board SO Treasurer, Telecom Staff Welfare Board 25. In respect of Item No. 20 (Issue of parking labels for office/ private vehicles) i) ii) iii) 26. Proposal for making of SO parking labels. Approval of the proposal. DDG (C&A) Scrutiny of the requisitions SO and issue of the parking level. In respect of Item No. 21 (Financial assistance/ sanction for purchase of gifts/ mementos for retiring officials)i) 27. Proposal for procurement of SO the gifts/ mementos. ii) Approval of the proposal. AS (T) & Chairman Telecom Staff Welfare Board iii) Making arrangements for SO provisions of the gifts/ mementos to the retiring officials. In respect of Item No. 22 (Sanction of financial assistance for sports/ welfare activities) i) Proposal for extending SO financial assistance from the welfare fund for participation fee in sporting activities and holding of health camps, International Women’s Day & other national important celebrations and excursion trips etc. and disbursement 17 ii) iii) 28. 29. of ex-gratia amount. Approval of the proposal. Disbursement of approved amount. above AS (T) & Chairman Telecom Staff Welfare Board the Treasurer, Telecom Staff Welfare Board In respect of Item No. 23 (Upkeep, updation and maintenance of office library) i) Maintenance of yearly LIO/ ALIO accession of books. ii) Updation of issue/ receipt of LIO/ ALIO books & periodicals. iii) Assignment of cataloging LIO/ ALIO works through outsourced based. In respect of Item No. 24 (Purchase of books/ periodicals for the library and inventory thereof including weeding out of books/ periodicals) i) ii) iii) iv) Planning/ purchase of Hindi, English & regional languages based on the recommendations of the Library Committee & OL norms. Processing of the bills pertaining to purchase of the books/ periodicals. Review & purchase of magazines/ periodicals based on the popular demands. Processings of bills of newspapers reimbursement to officers of the level of 18 LIO/ ALIO (Presently being looked after by SO (G-II) ” ” ” v) 30. DDG & above. Physical verification of the library. In respect of 25(Modernization Registry) ” Item No. of Central i) 31. Providing necessary DDG (C&A) logistics, computer, software, franking machines & modular 19urniture etc. In respect of Item No. 26 & 27 (Inventory of Govt. vehicles, their maintenance and settlement of bills and Engagement of private transport agency for providing DLY taxies to officials and settlement of their monthly bills) Staff Carsi) Procurement of staff cars (at Member DGS&D R/C) Chairman (TC) ii) iii) iv) Inventory of vehicles Periodical maintenance Settlement of bills (F)/ SO SO DDG (C&A) DLY TaxiesBy way of Open Tender. i) To seek administrative IFD & DDG (C&A) approval of the IFD and competent authority for consisting of approval for TEC/ Bid Document. ii) Fixing of the requisite US (T) 19 32. dates for tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). iii) Issue of the NITs to different firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. iv) Opening & evaluation of the bids. v) Approval of the IFD & competent authority for financial concurrence. vi) Award for execution to L1 bidder. vii) Posting of details of finalization of the tender on the website. viii) Review of periodical performance of the vendor in association with the users. In respect of Item No. 28 (Protocol function in the Department including purchase of air tickets etc.) Section Officer Section Officer/ TEC Chairman (TC) Section Officer/ US (T) Section Officer US (T)/ Dir (P&A) i) 33. On the basis of approved SO (G-II)/ US (T) tour programme of the [through the Balmer requisitioner. & Lawri Implant Cell in the Protocol Section on the 4th floor) In respect of Item No. 29 (Publication of advertisements through DAVP and settlement of bills) i) Processing of requests as SO (G-II)/ US (T) per the guidelines of DAVP. 20 34. In respect of Item No. 30 Member (Publication of classified Chairman (TC) advertisements directly through private agencies at DAVP rates and settlement of bills 35. In respect (Publicity preparation materials) i) 36. of Item No. 31 campaigns and of publicity Through DAVP DDG of the concerned wing & DDG (C&A) In respect of Item No. 32 (Organizing press conferences and facilitating officials to participate therein) i) 37. To provide logistics & US (T) arrangement in association with PIB and concerned wing of DoT. In respect of Item No. 33 (Policy issues on publicity and printing). i) 38. (F), Putting up of the proposal SO with existing instructions for implementations of issue in hand. In respect of Item No. 34 & 35 (Printing of DoT’s publications, manuals, letter heads and other stationery items & Engagement of agencies for printing assignments) A. Procurement by way of Limited Tender. 21 i) To seek administrative approval consisting of approval for TEC/ Bid Document. ii) Fixing of the requisite dates for tender (floatation of the tender, tender opening). iii) Issue of the NITs to different firms as well as posting of the Bid Document on the website. iv) Opening & evaluation of the bids. v) Approval of the competent authority for financial concurrence. vi) Award for execution to L1 bidder. vii) Posting of details of finalization of the tender on the website. B. Procurement by way of calling quotations (LPC)i) To seek administrative approval consisting of approval for Local Purchase Committee ii) Fixing of the requisite dates to call the quotations iii) Issue of the letters to different firms to call the quotations. iv) Opening & evaluation of the quotations. v) Approval of the competent authority for financial concurrence. vi) Award for execution to L1 bidder. 22 DDG (C&A) US (T) SO SO & TEC DDG (C&A) SO SO DDG (C&A) US (T) SO SO/LPC DDG (C&A) SO/ US (T) C. Procurement by way of without calling quotations i) Approval of the competent DDG (C&A) authority. ii) Award of work-orders. SO/ US (T) 39. In respect of Item No. 36 (Settlement of bills pertaining to printing and publication) i) Processing of bills & issue of SO/ US (T) approval 6. List of sequence of interaction of processes (Channel of Submission) GENERAL-1 Section Sl N o. ITEM OF WORK CHANNEL OF LEVEL OF FINAL SUBMISSION DISPOSAL 1. Accommodation for office SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A)/AS(T) in the Dte Building T) 2. Accommodation for staff SO residence -- forwarding of application to Estate office and all work connected thereto. 23 SO 3. Duplicating machines, SO/US(T) Calculating machines, Typewriters, Photocopying machine supply and maintenance there of. Dir(P)/ DDG(C&A) 4. Uniforms, Cycles and SO/US(T) liveries for eligible Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Employeessupply of Dir.(P)/ DDG(C&A) 5. Furniture items including SO/US(T) brief cases-supply and maintenance of Dir(P) 6. Rubber stamps and name SO/US(T) plates Dir(P) 7. Issue of Identity cards Dir.(P)/ DDG(C&A) 8. Civil & Electrical SO/US(T) maintenance issue of administrative approval and expenditure sanction there of. Dir.(P)/ DDG(C&A)/AS(T) 9. Regular Mazdoor- SO Deployment of. US(T) 10 Stationery supply, SO maintenance of stationery, godown and issue of stationery items. US(T) 11 Contingency expenditure SO/US(T) (recurring and non- Dir.(P)/ DDG(C&A)/AS(T) SO/US(T) 24 recurring) viz, crockery, preparations of banners, meeting boards-supply etc. 12 Binding of official records SO/US(T) of DOT HQ. Dir(P)/ DDG(C&A) 13 Disposal of office SO/US(T) sweeping, newspapers and magazines. Dir(P)/ DDG(C&A) 14 S.O.(G-1) designated as SO/US(T) Dy.Security Officer for Sanchar Bhavan. Dir(T)/ DDG(C&A) General – II Section S ITEM OF WORK CHANNEL OF LEVEL SUBMISSION FINAL DISPOSAL N o. 1. Arrangement for refreshment SO/US(T) etc. for different meetings / conferences held in TC(HQ) by Chairman (TC)/ MOS(C )/ MOC DDG(C&A) 2. a) Translation of letters SO received in regional languages b) Settlement of Honoraria SO/US(T)/ thereafter Dir.(Parl) US(T) 25 DDG(C&A) OF 3. Holding meeting of condolence SO US(T) 4. a) Arrangement for meetings SO SO such as booking of Board Room/ Conference Hall and drinking water arrangement etc. b) Settlement of Credit bills & SO/ US(T)/ DDG(C&A)/ serving of refreshment etc. Dir(Parl) AS(T) 5. CGHS : a) Preparation and issue of SO cards b) Modification in CGHS card SO SO SO US(T) c) Exemption of monthly SO contrib. DDG(C&A) d) Medical reimbursement for SO/ US(T)/ CGHS beneficiaries Dir(Parl.) e) Permission of treatment in - do – CGHS recognised hospitals f) Grant of medical advance do - DDG(C&A) DDG(C&A)/Fin. 7. Welfare : a) Financial assistance from SO(G-II)/ US DDG(C&A)/ Telecom Staff Welfare Fund (T)/ Welfare AS(T) and purchase of Officer. gifts/mementos for retiring Officers/Officials b) Sanction of financial assistance to staff of - do – - do – Telecom Dte. e.g. award of scholarships assistance in the case of prolonged 26 illness/death. c) Clarification cases concerning welfare, staff amenities, - do recreation facility - do - 8. Sports Financial assistance from Telecom Sports Fund for participation in National and International sports meets, diet money, sports kits etc. 27 SO(GDDG(C&A)/ II)/Welfare AS(T)/ Officer / US Secretary (T) (T) / Dir. (Parl) Library Section Sl. No Item of work Channel Submission of Level of disposal final 1. Purchase of books L&IO/ Dir(P) 2. Approval of bills L&IO Dir(P) (Upto Rs 10,000) DDG(C&A) (Above 10,000) 3. Library stationery L&IO/ Dir(P) DDG(C&A) 4. Weeding of books L&IO/ US Dir(P) Rs Central Registry Section : CR Sl ITEM OF WORK No. 1. Suit Notices, SummonsForwarding to Office CHANNEL OF LEVEL SUBMISSION FINAL DISPOSAL SO(CR) Circle 28 US(CR) OF 2. Central Registry and SO(CR) Issue Cell. US(CR) 3. Staff Car Booking etc. SO(CR) 4 a) Staff car US(CR) maintenance & repair b) Settlement of repair SO/US(CR)/ bill/Taxi bills Dir(P) SO(CR) Dir(P) DDG (C&A) c) Settlement of petrol SO/US(CR)/Dir(P) DDG(C&A) bills d) Court cases on SO/US(CR)/ DDG(C&A)/LA above subjects Dir(P) Protocol Cell Sr. Item of work No. Channel of Level of final Submission disposal 1. Tickets, Air India/ Indian Air Protocol Asstt. Dir(P)/ lines/ Private Airlines /US(T) DDG(C&A) 2. Visa /Passport( From MOC to Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) Adviser Level) /US(T) 3. Receiving Seeing of MOS(C )/ Members of of Delegation/ Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) Delegation MOC/ /US(T) Chairman (TC)/ the Commission 29 4. Airport passes Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) /US(T) 5. Drawing of foreign exchange. Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) /US(T) 6. Political clearance from Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) Ministry of External Affairs. /US(T) 7. a) Security arrangements of Protocol Asstt. Dir(P) VIPs for foreign delegation. /US(T) b) Purchasing above. of gifts for Protocol Asstt. Dir(P)/DDG( /US(T) C&A) PP Unit Sl Item of work No Channel of Level Submission final disposal A PUBLICITY 1. Planning, Budgeting and SO/US(T)/Dir. DDG(C&A) executing all paid publicity and (P) public relation jobs. 2. Conducting Publicity SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A) campaigns through P) advertisement, films on publicity and public relations 30 of 3. Advertising /Execution of SO/US(T)/Dir( DDGH(C&A) approved SCRIPT of respective P) Division and DISPLAY of advertisement campaigns through Newspapers and Journal etc through DAVP. 4. Arrangements for Press SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A)/ Conferences. All other P) AS(T) ancillary work relating to Press Conference[Refreshment, Transport & Logistics] 5. Facilitating expeditious SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A) disposal of cases of Newspapers P) payment brought to notice. 6. Release of payment in respect SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A) of orders, designs of the P) advertisement, message, distribution pattern, mode of payment etc. 7. Policy matters regarding SO(G.I)/ publicity & Printing including Dir.(Parl.)/ reference to other concerned Departments/ Ministries. DDG(C&A) B. 8. AS(T) PUBLICATION Printing of DOT’s Publications, SO/US(T) manuals, D.O.envelops, Pads and other stationery items 31 Dir.(Parl.)/ DDG(C&A) 9. Making arrangements for SO/US(T)/Dir. DDG(C&A) printing, planning for eash (P) isssue of the Journal, Production of the House Journal of DOT through various stages. 10 Entering into correspondence SO/US(T) with Authors/ Contributors of House Journal. Dir.(Parl) 11 Procuring photographs SO/US(T)/Dir( AS(T) rearranging design and layout P)/DDG(C&A) 12 Arranging payment of SO/US(T)/Dir( DDG(C&A) honorarium to contributors, P) photographers, artists of the House Journal. 13 Checking bills for printing, SO/US(T) photographic and cartoons and arranging payments through Cash Section Dir.(P) 14 Correspondence with the SO/US(T) printers for entire printing work of DoT (HQ). Dir.(P) 15 Inviting Tenders/quotations for SO/US(T) printing jobs etc. of DoT (HQ). Dir.(P) 16 Installation of UNI./PTI SO/US(T)/SD Scanners for Ministers / E (Elct.) CH(TC) Dir.(P) 32 7. Duties of each identified designations General- I Section Sr. No. 1 2 3 Designati on Assistant (OPC) Assistant (JS) Assistant (JK) Responsibility (i)Procurement of Office Equipments & their maintenance (ii)Procurement of Stationery items (iii)Outsourcing of manpower for housekeeping and attendants (iv)Procurement of Crockery items (i) Reimbursement to the official of DOT towards cost of brief cases and mobiles (ii) Procurement of Fax/ MFDs machines and their maintenance (iii) Procurement of Riso machines and their maintenance (iv) Procurement of distribution of liveries for Gr. D staff members (v) Procurement of Hot Case and their maintenance (vi) Procurement of gift items for Hon’ble Ministers of Communications (i) Matter relating to allotment and cancellation of accommodation by Directorate of Estates and all 33 Form prescribed NA NA NA NA Form-IA/ IB NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 (vii) Assistant (LK) 5 UDC (YS) 6 UDC (MS) matters relating to the same (ii) General Pool accommodation of DoT employees (iii) Report and returns (iv) Physical verification of items supplied by sections (v) Issue of I-Cards for officials of DoT, PSUs and All India Circle employees (vi) Distribution of New Year Calendars, diaries to DoT officials (vii) Security matters (i) Procurement of rubber stamps and name plates for officials of DoT (ii) Disposal of waste papers and raddis (iii) Binding works by approved vendors in the Department (iv) Dry- cleaning works in the Department (v) Procurement of furniture items and their maintenance (i) Distribution of Stationery items and maintenance of the stock (i) Diary and dispatch of dak received in the Section (ii) Procurement of Calculators & Wall Clocks 34 NA NA NA NA NA NA FormIIA/IIB NA NA NA NA FormIIIA/IIIB NA NA General- II Section Sr. No. 01 02 Designation Duties Assistant (H.C.A) (i) Medical reimbursement bills over and above Rs. 10,000/(ii) Court Cases & RTI Cases (iii) Any other miscellaneous works as and when required (iv) Credit Bills (i) Prior permission before tests and treatment under CGHS (ii) Electricity & Water bills of Sanchar Bhawan (iii) Court cases & RTI Cases (iv) Works related to CGHS Cards & AMAs (v) Book Award/ Incentive/ Scholarships (vi) Any other miscellaneous works Assistant (PK) (iv) (vi) 03 UDC (JC) (i) All work related to arrangements of meetings (ii) Arrangements of invigilators to UPSC exams (iii) Work related to printing (iv) Parking labels 35 Form prescribed NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Form- IV NA NA Form- V NA Form- VI (v) Purchase of TV, Cable Connections & their maintenance (vi) Distribution of Independence Day/ Republic Day invitation cards (vii) Any other miscellaneous works NA NA NA CR Section – Sr. No. 01 02 Designation Duties Assistant (S.C.S) (i) All work relating to Pvt. Vehicles i.e. hiring/ deployment/ tendering/ settlement of bills and other related jobs (ii) Audit paras/ court cases and other miscellaneous works UDC (B.P.P) (i) All works relating to Staff Cars i.e deployment/ maintenance/ purchase/ condemnation/ settlement of bills of workshops etc. (ii) Issue of petrol coupons 36 Form prescribed NA NA NA NA 1. List of documents Document No. IA IB IIA IIB IIIA/ IIIB IV Document Title Description Claim for Reimbursement Reimbursement of Briefcase/ Lady Purse Claim for Mobile Reimbursement Handset of Mobile Handset Requisition for Supply of Rubber Stamp Rubber Stamp Requisition for Supply of Name Name Plates Plates Requisition for Supply of Stationery Items/ Stationery Photocopy Papers items/ Photocopy Papers Application for Award of Book Book Award/ Award/ Incentive/ Incentive/ Scholarships Scholarships Responsibility SO SO SO SO SO SO V Arrangements of invigilators to UPSC exams Allocation of SO duties as invigilators to UPSC exams VI Application for Parking Labels Issue of SO Parking Labels 37