RF Pulse Modulation and the Digitally Driven Class C Power Amplifier R. Uang, J. Keyzer, A. Dalvi, Y. Sugiyama, M. Iwamoto, I. Galton and P. Asbeck, UCSD High Speed Devices Group Introduction • Digital RF generation – DSP’s are approaching the microwave regime: • Intel Pentium 4 ALU operates at 4 GHz. – CMOS processes continue to be scaled in size, reducing power and increasing speed. • We can use digital RF to improve modern wireless communication systems by: – Reducing power dissipation using high efficiency power amplifiers. – Using DSP to generate signals such that system can overcome limitations of PA alone. – Developing versatile “mostly-CMOS” transmitters with programmable functionality. High Speed Devices Group Overview • System Overview – RF Digital Pulsewidth Modulation • The Digitally Driven Class C Power Amplifier • Simulations and Experimental Results • Conclusions High Speed Devices Group Future RF Transmitters Present Microwave Transmitter fIF(cos) I DSP Q DAC x + DAC Filter I DSP High Speed Devices Group Digital Upconverter Q fbb=fs/N Filter VGA PA x fo fIF(sin) Future Microwave Transmitter x fclk D-S Pulse Modulator x8 DSP PA Analog filter Concept: Digital D-S RF Pulse Modulation RF t Re Desired RF signal with AM and PM RF pulse modulated waveform D-S RF pulse modulated waveform High Speed Devices Group At e j t e jt Concept: Digital D-S RF Pulse Modulation RF t Re ADS t 1 At e j t e jt (Pulse Wdith) 3 1 RF(t) DS t t 3 4 (Pulse Position) High Speed Devices Group 6 D-S Pulse Modulator Block Diagram Phase Modulation fclk DS Modulator in(t) Envelope Modulation Ain(t) 3 Bit Word Pulse Generator fclk DS Modulator 1.5 Bit Word Digital pulse Position Modulator Digital Pulse Width Modulator 8 fclk 8 fclk High Speed Devices Group RF Output Simulations Single Tone • Single tone: spur level typically below - 55 dBc in desired band. • Delta-Sigma modulator shapes quantization noise away from signal of interest. CDMA (broad band view) CDMA: Linearity Test Meets IS-95 ACPR Specs High Speed Devices Group The Digitally Driven Class C Power Amplifier Vdd RFC Shunt LC Resonator Vin ID RF Pulse Digital Input • • L Vout C Load GaAsFET t Replace modulated sinusoidal input with RF digital pulse modulated signal • Input is digital pulse train with varying pulse width and position • ID assumes pulse shape Desired output is modulated sinusoid High Speed Devices Group t Digitally Driven Class C PA - Analysis Efficiency and Output Power vs. Conduction Angle Imax 0 VD T/4 T/2 T t Vdd Vmin 0 π 2π ωt Power at fundamental (W) 0.5 ID 0.4 Traditional PA Pout Drain Efficiency W T P1 70 0.3 60 50 0.2 40 Drain Efficiency Pout Digitally Driven PA Class C 0.1 I max (Vdd - Vmin ) W V η sinc( )( 1 - min ) T Vdd High Speed Devices Group 90 80 0 Pdc Vdd I max 100 360 315 sin( W ) T @ RLopt Vdd - Vmin I1 270 225 180 135 90 45 Conduction Angle (Degrees) 30 20 10 0 0 Drain Efficiency (%) W < T/2 Simulated PA Performance: RL,opt 3’s 0.30 0.25 0.20 Rlopt for 3’s 0.15 0.10 Drain Efficiency vs. Load Resistance 60 3’s 50 40 30 1’s 20 0.05 0.00 70 Drain Efficiency Power of fundamental (W) Power of fundamental vs. Load Resistance 0.35 1’s 0 10 20 30 40 10 Rlopt for 1’s 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rl 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rl Pattern Rlopt ADS Rlopt Analysis 1’s 49Ω 41Ω 3’s 16Ω 13Ω Rl,opt coincides with max voltage swing at output, max power at fundamental. High Speed Devices Group 0 • • Peak efficiency does not occur at fixed Rl for varying pulse widths. Optimum load occurs before maximum drain efficiency is reached. Experimental Test Setup Conexant CX60061 OC-192 Serializer HP16522A Pattern Generator 16 bits 16:1 1 bit 3.2 Gbps 200 Mbps Matlab Generated Sequences Class C PA under testing Conexant CX60077 Laser Driver Amplified Output Synchronized 200 MHz / 3.2GHz Clocks •Pattern generator outputs looping bit sequence •Serializer multiplexes to high data rate (3.2 Gbps), 900mV signal swing •Laser driver amplifies signal 2x to 2.5V max swing (adjustable) High Speed Devices Group Experimental Results: Pulse Train Prototype Class C PA Drain Efficiency Pattern • • Calculated Simulated 1’s 73% 55% 39% 3’s 59% 63% 74.5% Measured efficiency for 3’s exceeds calculated value. Measured efficiency for 1’s is much less than expected. Switching Mode Drain Efficiency 100 Drain Efficiency vs. Output Power for ideal amplifiers with modulated signals Measured Digitally Driven Class C 80 Class B 60 Class A 40 20 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Pout (Normalized) High Speed Devices Group 0.8 0.9 1 Experimental Results: CDMA Linearity Results to Date Input to PA Output 5dB/div 30 kHz BW “CDMA” signal - OQPSK at 400MHz Po = +17.1 dBm, 22% Drain Efficiency IS-95 ACPR specifications overlaid in red High Speed Devices Group 5dB/div 30 kHz BW Conclusions • A novel Digitally Driven Class C Power Amplifier has been demonstrated using a commercial power GaAsFET. • This new variant of the Class C PA presents many unique challenges in its design and implementation. • RF Digital Pulsewidth Modulation combined with the Digitally Driven Class C Power Amplifier may potentially provide a means for high efficiency, high linearity, easily reconfigured RF and microwave transmitters. High Speed Devices Group Simulated PA Performance: RL,opt 3’s 0.30 including package model 0.25 0.20 Rlopt for 3’s 0.15 70 Drain Efficiency Power of fundamental (W) Power of fundamental vs. Load Resistance 0.35 60 50 0.05 10 0 10 20 30 40 Rlopt for 1’s 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rl 0 1’s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Rl Pattern Rlopt ADS Rlopt Analysis 1’s 49Ω 41Ω 3’s 16Ω 13Ω Rl,opt coincides with max voltage swing at output, max power at fundamental. High Speed Devices Group including package model 30 20 0.00 3’s 40 0.10 1’s Drain Efficiency vs. Load Resistance • • Peak efficiency does not occur at fixed Rl for varying pulse widths. Optimum load occurs before maximum drain efficiency is reached.