Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Jackson’s Inauguration
Broadening the Franchise
The Dorr Rebellion
Democratic Reforms
The Second Party System
The Spoils System
Limited Nature of Democratic Reform
Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification
Martin Van Buren
States’ Rights Versus National Power
Changing attitudes toward the Indians
Sauk and Fox Indians Defeated
Agrarian Tribes of the South
Removal Act
Cherokee Resistance
Cherokee Removal
Indian Removal
The Seminole War
Alternatives to Removal
Jackson’s Opposition to Concentrated
Nicholas Biddle
Hard and Soft Money
Jackson’s Veto
Removal of Government Deposits
Jackson Victorious
Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge
Birth of the Whig Party
Democrats’ Emphasis on Opportunity
Whigs’ Call for Economical Union
Cultural Issues
Clay’s American System
Election of 1836
Distribution Act
Panic of 1837
Independent Treasury
New Techniques of Political
Whigs Break with Tyler
The Caroline Affair
Aroostook War
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Treaty of Wang Hya
Jackson’s Legacy
Andrew Jackson
Bank War
Daniel Webster
“Five Civilized Tribes”
Indian Territory
John C. Calhoun
John Tyler
Roger B. Taney
Specie Circular
Trail of Tears
Webster-Hayne Debate
William Henry Harrison